Dear Black people, White people and all with eyes to see …
Black planned Parenthood Survivors have No Idea the Deep State Satanists have developed Corporate Mercinaries Who’s only JOB is finishing what Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood (Chaired by Bill GatesJr) failed to do.
One would only have to remember Chuck Schumer and all who did the late-term abortion happy-dance in NYC to realize and remember that there is a Cabal on Earth who wanted targeted Blacks trapped on the Democrat plantations nationwide, dead and gone by yesterday.
This reality is why the Jews model NAACP headquarters in Baltimore MD is also called MURDER CAPITAL U.S.A. Hence, free Black Philadelphia is now called Killadelphia and Barack Obama’s Chicago converted to CHIRAQ on Barack Obama’s watch.
While cognitive dissonance gets in the way of such a hard and troubling reality, everyone should know, by now, that Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood was strictly developed for the purpose of murdering targeted Blacks in womb, as she and her fellow purveyors were not shy about their openly stated, Black Euthanasia program that still exists today.
What many fail to realize is Sanger et al could never pull off such a Satanic feat without the help of the, so called, Black Boule.
The Black Boule are hand-select Black shills from Fraternities, Sororities and Other Secret Societies that are otherwise known as the Vangaurd or Gate-keepers.
This implausible REALITY of Blacks helping the hidden handed jeeISH Oligarchs’ who have Usurped America’s Democrat and RINO’ run Cities, is the case WHEREVER a George Soros’ funded/installed DA is in power!!!
Sadly, with the help Black shills like Lightfoot and Foxx, running a Block and providing Murderers protections, (((They))) the hidden handed jewISH OLIGARCHS on charge of our fallen cities will oversee the Murder of as Many sitting duck blacks as they can get away with.
As the Black Boule serve the hidden handed fake Jews for the purpose of probable deniability the Michael Bloomberg’s of our nation will Murder as many hapless Blacks as needed to “justify” taking legal guns away from EVERY AMERICAN, sooner than later…
For the biblically foretold SATANISTS it’s a Win, Win, Win situation…
Bottom line, Rev 2:9 and 3:9 isREAL. #GoogleIt and nothing changes until American SAINTS finally WAKE UP!!!!
Chicago Citezens Begged to Question the Obvious to no Avail in CHIRAQ all During the Celebrated Obama Administration.
Fact about the Demorat’s Status Quo…
Even in the face of Facts, statistics and empirical evidence, they will smile in your face, piss on your heads, and tell you it’s raining.
Call it the charm offence, when a Deep State intity wants us all dead, such as, Bill Gates Sr. , who served proudly as Chairman to Margret Sanger’s, Planned Parenthood.
Still lost on American blacks who remain die-hard Democrats, Sanger is the same woman who sold the Democrat’s KKK arm on the efficacy of black euthanasia, with the help of the first black BOULE shill, W.E.B. DuBois.
DuBois was the charming black figure-head who was used to discredit, Booker T. washingtipn’s Tuskegee plan for post black by calling it an Atlanta Compromise.
After Washington visited the President of the United States in the Whitehouse he was subject to the same caliber of attacs as Kanye West.
Ultimately, Washington was blugened over the head in NYC, home to Rockefeller who facilitated his infamous syphilis studies on unsuspecting Tuskgeegee men.
On the contrary, after spying on the well to do free-blacks who were systematically gentrified out of Philly’s Rittenhouse Section and beyond, DuBois was poised as the head of the jewISH spawned, NAACP.
Yes, the same NAACP headquarted in the lastest Urban Center deemed a Murder Capital of the World, “for” targeted blacks who were being systematically underserved by Deep State celebrated black shill, Elijah Cummings, aka, #goodtrouble.
Simply put, blacks cannot be systematically ahnialated in in America, without the help of key black Overseers.
Case in Point, Hillary Clinton was the Favorite for Philly Sycophant, Mayor Michael Nutter. He opened Philly to the Chicago Police Officer turned Philly Commissioner, Raymond Ramsey, who was personally tasked to install Clinton’s, so called, 21ST Century Justice #REFORM Nationwide
We might only recognize the hand select, BOULE, Overseers when we realize our systematic demise in Docrat run cities is in no way normal.
On the same day the Aurora Illinois mass warehouse shooting occured, Ex Philly Mayor Attended a Gun-Grab Conference in Chicago with Mayor’s he likely made contact with as Chairman to the Conferce of Mayors, a group heavily influenced by George Soros et al.
Once we snap out of our, media manufactured Stockholm syndrome, we may begin to notice, in spite of empirically evidenced outcomes worth marching in organized protests for, our, so called, Democrat “leaders” presiding over all we complain about are quite proud of their works, wherever Planned Parenthood Survivors are Gunned Down in our Democratically Neglected Streets!!!!
The sooner we accept basic Facts in the midst of suffering Stockholm Syndrome and Cognitive Dissonance, alike, the sooner we can all break free of the Democrat Plantation and the fraudulent, hand-select, Democrat “leaders” who are hardly worth our hard fought votes in the first place.
Jussie Smollett’s Black Lynching Themed Hoax may not be the only tell-tale sign of Coordinated False Flag Events perpetuated by Democrat Shills of the Deep State. A Scheduled March to the Front Gates of Rahm Emanuel’s Governor’s Mansion for Justice in CHIRAQ, Apparently Warranted this Front Page News THREAT!The Administration that turned Chicago into Chiraq used Chicago Cop, Raymond Ramsey, to Export a real life PURGE of Unarmed Blacks Nationwide under the Auspice of Clinton’s 21st Century Justice ReformDid Richard Boykin and Mark Zuckerburg Use the Murder of Theotis Luckett to Forward the Deep State Oligarchs’ ready UN and NATO Takeover Plans, starting in CHIRAQ?
As with Jussie Smollett, the Hidden Handed Oligarchs who Depend on Black Shills have given our, so called,”Thought Leaders” just Enough Rope to Hang Us With!!!!
It’s how the Bill Ayers Edison School Takeover plan, first forwarded by the Deep State’s post-911 NHS Czar and PA Governor, Tom Ridge, got converted into a “Black Cause”, forwarded by Influential Philly blacks like the world renown, Kenny Gamble, along with the Walton’s of Walmart’s, hand-select, BAEO Puppet- Democrat State Senators, Anthony H.Williams and Dwight Evans.
The Oligarchs who relied on our, so called, Black leaders to deliver our targeted urban schools into the hands of hedge funder Eli Brode and billionaire Bill Gates who stationed his school of the future at the pinnacle of our rapidly gentrified first capital, are the same ones who are Training Us to Take, Every Black, Democratically, Spawned Grievance Out on President Donald J. Trump in order to get away with and continue All that Blacks Complain About!
So if You are feeling repressed and on the verge of being Lynched in America, based on your daily brainwashing sessions delivered by the Deep State’s Fake News cabal, there is truly no one else to blame but your own gullible self and sadly we must all come to terms with the fact that DEMOCRAT BLACK SHILLS were given JUST ENOUGH ROPE by Subversive American Oligarchs to Hang Us All!!!
Below, see the Milwaukee article that served as the impetus for this blog and how the Sound of Philly Music Mogul, Kenny Gamble’s Universal Companies did their “Business” in Milwaukee soon after Democrats sold Philly Schools out to the Hidden Handed Oligarchs and Hedge Funders who Could Not Takeover America’s Schools without the help of hand select and High Profile Black Shills.
Besides the internationally known blacks shills who are featured in the opening picture above with Republican, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, the Deep State / CNN Shill, Al Sharpton, etc., the Democratic PA Congressman, Chaka Fattah and his son Chip Fattah were Federally indicted and found guilty of financial malfeasance after Fattah helped to Deliver Philadelphia Schools into the hands of Oligarch Hedge-funders who supplied them with Just Enough Rope to Hang, both, the father and son with. (Full disclosure: The Fattah’s were close family friends for whom I have known since childhood)
In spite of my many warnings via social media and direct messaging, alike, most of the Democratic sycophants of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were easily swayed to support Bill Ayers and the Deep State Oligarch’s plan to Take Over our Nation’s Schools 100%.
Gullible Blacks who Take No OWNERSHIP are bound to Suffer a Life-Time of being OWNED, Like a Forever Failing, so called, “Leader” Barak Obama.
I would like to believe the clueless and gullible blacks truly had no idea in what manor our youth, and community at large, would come to be “schooled” by the hidden handed Deep State they served, but then I realize the Millions they were paid to get the dirty deeds done, all while ignoring the immediate consequences for which they purported to fight when the Republican, Tom Ridge, was tasked with the same mission.
Besides greedy, I am certain that our, so called, leaders were purposely left as Ignorant as every member of the Captive CNN audience and, sadly, most still have no idea of the Cabal’s disruptive plans and how they were used to bring about the adverse results in the targeted black community that are still in affect and over a century in the making.
Gullible Blacks who Take No OWNERSHIP are bound to Suffer a Life-Time of being OWNED, Like the Forever Failing, so called, “Leader” Barack Obama.
Organizing Useful Idiots and instituting the aims of the Weather Underground via the Terrorist/founder’s paradigms for radicalizing America’s youth, is part and parcel to any nation that is systematically unsettled, slated to be overthrown and systematically turned Socialist, in accordance to the Neo-Bolshevik’s 100 year old playbook.
Arlene Akerman’s only “job” was to systematically implode the public schools she was assigned to disrupt by her hidden handed task-master and deep state Oligarch Hedge Funder, Eli Brode.
While the push to Overthrow our nation is theoretically understood, in that the works of George Soros toppling entire nations is well documented, tying all of the Subversive’s pieces of the dubious puzzle together in America is difficult to do, for as long as there are hungry, greedy, and/or gullible blacks to exploit.
Nutter easily pivoted away from calling Philadephia’s Black Youth A-Holes in time for his next Deep State assignment, calling President Trump an A-hole, as if any of the Problems in Democratic Bastions where Blacks Suffered the most is somehow President Trump’s fault.
Democrat sycophants, who are willing to SACRIFICE themselves and their Black Fellows for causes they are Tasked to support while being either too Ignorant or too greedy to fully understand the deep state’s obscure plans, are the reason our once great cities are brought to Baltimore MD’s Regressive NAACP standards (as seen on “The Wire”) for all TARGETED Urban, Black Americans.
Truth be told, Philadelphia has always served as ground zero for USING such Ignorant, Hopeful, Helpful and Gullible Blacks, as it was W.E.B. DuBois who first served as the model for our systematic demise, via the Hidden Hand jew and the, so called, Talented Tenth dichotomy, for which DuBois diligently slaved until the day he finally woke up.
Besides DuBois’ working partnership with Marget Sanger and the Son of a Planned Parenthood Founder, Bill Gates’, so called, School of the Future that came in along with Bill Ayers’ Edison Schools, Philly is ground zero for many of the Deep State’s experimentation in Black Population and Mind Control.
It was Philadelphia’s Father Divine who was studied and emulated expressly for the establishment of Jim Jones’ Democratically Supported Death Cult and the consequent Murders of countless blacks in CIA owned section of Guyana.
Likewise, It was a University of Pennsylvania Sociology Professor (much like DuBois) , Donald Glasssey, who systematically developed a Cult of his own in Philly, while crediting his Illiterate hand Select Black Shill, John Africa, the so called leader of the infamous M.O.V.E. group with the 300 page Manifesto that started it all
Hillary Clinton’s Grip on Philly was Strong enough to serve as Cover for her many Crimes against America. Her ties to Useful Idiots and Powerful Black Sycophants is astounding considering her open Racial Bias Against Blacks including her own Bastardized Abandoned Black Step-Son.
While spared the bullet, DuBois was allowed to drift off into his Ghanaian exile, but , other Socialist and/or Communist Blacks Shills and so many of their, so-called, Black Radical counterparts were offed or discarded in their prime with no remorse from the hidden handed taskmasters who benefit the most from their socially disruptive acts.
Those who spend their entire careers serving the hidden hand, such as, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, would all come to learn the hard way that Black Shills are 100% Expendable and solely for the purpose of Plausible Deniability in behalf of the the Hidden Handed Deep State for whom they serve.
Even on a “Good Day” Urban Blacks are Notorious for NOT VOTING. This week’s election in Chicago was no exception. Perhaps the Jussie Smollett affair had the intended effect.
There are, indeed, U.N. Championing, Deep State Oligarchs vying to Keep the once great City, where there is a large percentage of blacks, their own. These hidden handed oligarch may have been working to coordinate Smollett’s poorly executed False Flag event from behind the scenes.
The Philadelphia Starbucks incident, complete with Eric Holder waiting in the wings, went down much like other curious Race Bating events in America which are hyped by CNN, and other Media Outlets full of known liars. These events in key Urban Cities are, indeed, under the full control of Oligarchs who are getting far more sloppy without the control of the Federal Government, and their False Flag Events are designed to work concurrently with congressional laws and deep state paradigms, such as, the Chicago anti gun law conference that took place on the same day as the Aurora mass shooting.
We have hints of the deep state collusion in Chicago with the dubious, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker’s anti lynching law, which was forwarded in concert with their Bids to run in 2020’s Presidential election and Smollett’s Chicago run-in hoax with two foreign born Nigerians, first said to be White Trump Supporters adorning deep state maligned MAGA Caps. Had it not been for new leadership over the once compromised FBI, who were first to the scene it would likely have been Business as Usual in Chicago, the head-quarters of Barack Obama and Bill Ayers.
Soon American’s will learn that each American False Flags works part and parcel to an entire network of well coordinated FAKE NEWS outlets and Media Monopolies that now operate, unchallenged, in so many of our, systematically, bankrupt “urban” cities. This NUDGE Science based phenomenon can be examined in hind-site with the Florida School Shooting, where the Child of a CIA operative had and Awaiting National Stage complete with CNN Hosts (and his CNN employed mother) who helped to coordinate National Protests and the ongoing push to turn all of America into one big Gun Free Zone like Chiraq Chicago, where record numbers of Black are Shot with no political or constitutional introversion yearly.
It was no accident, whatsoever, when over 65 blacks were shot down all in one morning, from 12AM to 7AM , just four days after Blacks had the nerve to Organize an March to the Governor Ralm Emanual’s quarters to protest unanswered Murders of Countless Blacks inside of Chicago’s dubious Gun Free Zones. Likewise, It was no accident that the Black citizens were warned well in advance by the Chicago Times that there would be those who would be “angered” if the blacks there dared to go on with the planned march.
It was no accident that the Protest was Answered with Deadly Force and no accident at all that American Mercenary firms have set up shop in Chicago. While Donald Trump’s victory was an accident in the eyes of the Subversive Deep State it was no accident at all that Chicago was Scheduled to be TAKEN OVER by the U.N. while the Deep State used it’s Shift from Chicago to Chirq under Barack Obama’s Leadership as the primary reason for America’s Lost Sovereignty.
Can you guess who’s who? Who is The Black Political Shill who called for U.N. Introversion? Who is The Targeted Black Youth Shot like a Fish in a Barrel in Chicago’s Gun free Zone? and lastly, Who is The Hidden Handed Oligarch Hoping for a UN Takeover of The United States of America along with his Colluding Cabal, beginning in Chicago Turned “Chirq” on Barack Obama’s Watch?
As a first cousin to a Philadelphia Democrat (A Philadelphia City Councilman) It has become clear to me that it is not necessarily due to Ignorance, laziness, etc, that blacks Don’t Vote, but indeed, Blacks choosing not to vote at all is a direct result of Zero Confidence in the CHRONICALLY COMPROMISED DEMOCRATS who have been in Leadership positions, UNCHALLENGED, for so long,
Imagine… You live in one of the Most Progressive Blacks Cities since the start of the Great Migration for Blacks then at last, a Black Man is elected to the highest Office in the Land selling Hope to everyone. ..
After the election of America’s first White/AFRICAN President posing as a Black American, the Democrat’s abject FAILINGS have been made Epidemically EVIDENT in EVERY Strong-Hold they have been in power in for far too long.
Philadelphia has, indeed, become a Test City for Usurping Oligarchs now in complete control there, but it is also exhibit a in the biggest American crime scene to date and a living testimony in the fact that wherever their are compromised politicians, weather they be Democrat or Republican, the Oligarchs have been able to enter into each American city to rule and control the entire city in the elected official’s stead.
Now, Top Down CONTROL of American Cities is in place and the relative AstroTurf organizing apparatus, such as, the infamous ACORN group, associated with Barack Obama et al and even the Bill Ayers’ styled school system has begun organizing a parallel, tax pilfering bureaucracy complete with Good Squads of Useful Idiots, in place of Democratically controlled government assets that are made Of the People, For the People and By the People. The Top Down Organizing was done by the deep state to ensure no competing Grass Roots Efforts can take political CONTROL of our own cities that are now subject to the non vote consequences. To keep it this way the forging born interlopers are being welcomed in by the droves and the money for America’s much needed Mexican Wall delayed to ensure votes.
Blacks refusing to vote en masse is indeed due to no confidence in our own Politicians. The result is a susceptible and playable angry mob who can be controlled by Oligarch’s installed Sleeper Cells , which are the Anarchists, such as, Antifa.
Thanks to Bill Ayers and Barack Obama’s School Takeover Plan that was first fomented in Chicago, Blacks were more likely to spill out into the streets in Protest, rather than seek any Political Solution to the status quo blacks complained about under Democratic watch, which is the status quo and controlled Kayos the Usurping Oligarchs were able to thrive by.
Upon closer examination we can even see the remnants of the Controlled Kayos Paradigm that was systematically instituted by the former Starbucks CEO, turned presidential contender Howard Schultz . His dubious, #RaceTogether ploy was over three years in the making before the Kennedy School of Business Trained Police Commissioner, two BOULE Black Greeks, One crafty jewISH Novelist and a School Usurping jewISH Realtor Staged the False Flag event which culminated into a new “Job” for Chicago’s, Eric Holder, all while American Whites were (Social Impact) reminded of “Black Privilege” with every Artificial Intelligence populated Starbucks stock story, thereafter.
Olgarch’s New Millitia On Post
From America’s Rubble
After watching the Strategically Sacrificed Starbucks stock price plummet We were all entreated to daily stories about Holder’s mandate to Close Every Starbucks store nationwide, so that supposedly, systemically, Racist Whites could be Trained not to Offend or Systematically Marginalize American Blacks, as if Racism were truly as rampant in America as the Oligarchs want us to believe via the plethora of Monopolized News outlets and their narratives emanating from (Geroge Soros controlled Media Matters and ProPublica) 4Am Memo Talking Points developed by the same Colluding Oligarchs who are busy staging National False Flag Events on the backs of Gullible, Triggered, Blacks and Whites they hoped would be in a Race War by now.
On Obama’s Democratic watch, America’s urban schools were effectively Usurped by Oligarchs, such as, the Philadelphia school district , along with other targeted Urban School districts Nationwide that found themselves Managed by the remotely located hedge funder named Eli Brode
This unassuming black Shill, Arlene Akerman, used her Grandmotherly prowess to Wreak Three School Systems for her boss, the Hedge Funder Eli Brode, from within. Shortly after Robbing Philadelphia Schools of , both, Autonomy and Assets she Sued for Additional Millions as a Parting “Gift” she could not enjoy due to her untimely death shortly thereafter.
With Barack Obama at the helm and Hillary Clinton in place, Eli Brode and a coordinated cabal of American Oligarchs began retooling America’s school systems right along with the gullible minds of unsuspecting students, effectively garnering the Democrats entire cities full of useful idiots from the usurped ground up as per Bill Ayers well crafted plan.
Thanks to Greedy, Gullible Black sycophants like Philadelphia’s Michael Nutter who was willing to make back room deals with the Oligarch’s, such as, Michael Bloomberg, et al, whole cities were Sold Out, as Nutter was placed at the helm of the Conference of Mayor’s a farce to convince other mayors to follow his lead.
The usurping Oligarch’s who planned their Open Cities and Open borders farce managed to build their entire Oligarch Frame Works into key cities after Sir Ronald Cohen effectively Bankrupted City and State Coffers with his dubious Venture Capital Silicone Valley Ploy, followed by Goldman Sachs managed Prime Rate Mortgage Schemes designed expressly to target blacks.
In most Democratically ruled Urban Cities, valuable school buildings and governmental assets were either turned over under the shroud of Obama’s convoluted Pay for Performance schemes to be managed by Goldman Sachs and the Oligarchs under Cohen’s dubious Social Impact Bond schemes. Under Barack Obama’s leadership, at the bequest of Sir Ronald Cohen the former leader of the G8, American cities were outright usurped or sold off to interloping Oligarch Gentrifies at bargain bid prices, all in one fell swoop, garnering Obama the undeserved Nobel Peace prize in exchange.
Due to the Bill Ayers plan developed in Chicago with the help of Obama, Urban Children were relocated out of valuable school assets and consolidated into remaining schools where a new Black Lives Matter Curriculum could be instituted. In the name of school vouchers and choice privatized and quasi privatized schools emerged including Bill Gate’s, experimental, School of the Future and Kipp Schools. Philadelphia began taking applications for new charter schools that amounted to giving street hustlers just enough rope to hang blacks students with.
Teachers were transitioned from workers with tenure and union protected contracts into teach for America temps and debt slaves. Disaffected debt-slaves “invited” to phase Union Teachers out took the place of well paid teachers, all wile unions themselves became (politically) compromised , lending to a systematic child abuse epidemic spearheaded by Obama’s DHS and CPS. While cities were being converted into sanctuary cities for the receipt of unattended children from S. America the unfettered seizures of “separated” American children who were consequently being thrown into a gamut of for profit Foster Care institutions was well under way with no end in sight for as long as Oligarchs could mandate more heads in beds just like the Lazern County for profits prison model or the discovered school to prison pipeline now being restructured to include a more profitable open aired prison system where monitored Wards of the State could be sent to do work for Oligarch Owned Corporations stationed throught our Usurped first Capital. Oligarch owners like the CEO of Comcast and the Owner of the Patriots, alike, helped to build a new prison worker system under the banner of Cohen’s Social Impact Bonds scheme, in concert with Michael Bloomberg’s associated Center for Court Innovation.
See Project Veritas’ New Jersey school unions expose.
To break it down in a nutshell the Taking of America’s schools in concert with the Oligarch’s Monopolization of the Media would facilitate the neccessary News Blackout and the Systematic Brainwashing of American’s Wholesale.
Obama’s “besty’, Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground was the driver of the emerging Social Justice Warrior Curriculum and his school radicalization project was fomented ideologically as a logical conclusion to the Weather Underground founded objectives that tied nicely with the Cabal of Oligarch’s long-standing quest to “Topple the World”.
Your children’s Debt-Slave, Teach for America Teachers and other Shills sourced to stand in for educational professionals also began compromising on education and smudging standardized tests Nationwide. Again, the Oligarchs wanted to Control the entire education system to avoid developing an informed nation of civically astute students, and the Teach for America Debt Slaves told to deliver the dubious C.O.R.E. Curriculum for Brainwashing also smudged standardized tests to avoid being laid off. Ultimately, the Oligarch’s experimental C.O.R.E. Brainwashing ploys, Bill Ayers’ Student Radicalization Plan, and Bill Gate’s School of the Future mandates were to become the American Destabilizing Curriculum Across the land.
After Mayor Nutter managed to Bring the Occupy Wall-street Movement to it’s knees, while allowing George Soros’ to repurposed misguided young ideologist, via the allegorical Anonymous/Guy Fawkes figure head, Eli Brode Minion’s, like Philly’s William Hite , effectively, managed to bury the School to Prison Pipeline which was brought to light by the original Occupy Wall-Street protestors.
Instead of maintaining the outed school to prison pipeline, new paradigms were being developed in Usurped Cities such as, NY, Baltimore and Philly.
Via, Chicago’s own Raymond Ramsey turned Philadelphia’s Police Commissioner, The Oligarchs would entreat every targeted black neighborhood to a Criminal Court with laws that performed exactly like Post Slavery Black Code Laws. William Hite would be placed in charge of running, both, the Juvenile Justice Prison for kids and the entire School system, no doubt, for a seamless transition between the two.
New laws, including an experimental Soda Tax Law were written by Oligarchs remotely including the Bloomberg associated Center for Court Innovation Laws that were written for Bankrupt American Cities, like Philadelphia, with Compromised Police Forces that were deep state Federalized by Hillary Clinton and her , so called, 21st Century Justice Reforms. The laws written by the Oligarchs in NYC, were to be rolled out into every Urban City with high concentrations of Non Voting Blacks, all while Blacks were being Organized into Protesting ANARCHISTS after every False Flag Murder of an Unarmed Black Person.
The same paradigm (Unanswered Urban Kills) perfected in Chicago was being done in targeted cities nationwide all while Barack Obama Encouraged more Black Lives Matter Reactionaries who’s leaders would rail against America and the American Flag, itself, as if it had anything to do with our Systematic Murders by the Black Shill who was busy sending America’s Confiscated Guns from places like Chirq’s Gun Free Zones into S. America for MS13 members who were slated come back into, inviting, Democratically Run Sanctuary Cities to wreak further havoc. The scheme is better known as Obama and Eric Holder’s Fast and Furious gun ploy.
Gullible Blacks who Take No OWNERSHIP are bound to Suffer a Life-Time of being OWNED, Like a Forever Failing, so called, “Leader” Barak Obama.
The Staging of Black Lives Matter by George Soros’ paid Shawn White, and the Useful Idiot/s of the NFL were done so that White Citizens would not lift a finger to complain about the Oligarchs’ systematic Usurpation of Major Cities where high concentrations of duped blacks lived. Nor would the white majority rail against the Un Constitutional Laws being applied only in targeted cities by the Usurping Oligarchs, first and foremost. Instead, others were being invited to invest as Shareholders into America’s new Police State Paradigms all under the auspice of Sir Ronald Cohen’s, Goldman Sachs managed Social Impact Bonds.
Not only was the , so called, Philly Flash Mob Event in Philly staged by the Usurping Oligarch Technocrats after Bill Gates decided to build his School of the future in Philly, False Flag Events were being staged by Police who were Organized into a Federally coordinated corporate militia who’s key members were being trained in Israel.
Once Mayor Michael Nutter gave Hillary Clinton license to to apply her Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform by way of Chicago’s own, Raymond Ramsey, America’s police begin a campaign of Murdering Blacks like Clockwork.
On Barack Obama’s watch, American streets begin to resemble the Movie Purge, where the Government assures all rogue cops that No One Would be Held Accountable during the period of SANCTIONED MURDERs and thereby, Social Justice Warriors were easily Triggered , Activated and Encouraged to Hit the Streets in drives to Protest.
By then Radicalized school Teachers and outside Antifa groups hoped like Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground that malcontents would March in the Streets Weekly until the desired, all hell broke loose in America, e.g
After the dust settled, Chicago blacks and blacks nationwide were left to remember the Fact that there was a President who identified as Black, but not white and that there were lively Concerts by performers now turned anti-Trump activist, such as Jay-z and Beyonce who performed in the White-house and in behalf of Hillary Clinton’s who turnout numbers were abysmal, otherwise.
Under the full leadership of Democrats, Democratically run cities excelled beyond their Corrupt business, as usual, while Chicago, the home of the President of the United States of America morphed into the newly named Chiraq. Likewise there was no shortage of Protesters joining the Ranks of the George Soros funded Black Lives Matters groups being politically organized inside of Democratically run Hell Scapes , where Blacks were being Gunned Down, daily, in America’s newly developed Gun Free zones and in the places where Michael Bloomberg’s associated, Center for Court Innovation was allowed to write Criminal Justice Laws.
Even the Bloomberg Soda tax law was an experiment to see if America’s emerging Oligarchs could, indeed, incite national laws remotely that went from the top of the Deep State down into America’s stolen cities where black voter turnout is chronically low.
Besides, general complacency, we have been lead to believe that blacks have always been, Inherently, Democrats. This notion, effectively, locks Blacks into a paradigm that is absolutely dichotomous to the Civil Rights Activism some have died applying in order to secure our Right to Vote.
Effectively, blacks have been brainwashed to believe that a Republican CHOICE is akin to the third rail and therefore, we are rendered no option but status quo for blacks no matter what.
There’s is One Solution to catapult Blacks Away from the Status Quo we have Complained About for over 30 years, however, to fail to apply the said SOLUTION is akin to Insanity.
Bottom line, It is Crazy to Vote Democrat, but, it indeed GETS FAR CRAZIER NOT VOTING AT ALL.
First and foremost, PLEASE GET WELL SOON Jussie Smollett!
While the OLIGARCH’S Media Monopolies are Social Impact Narrating the Empire Star’s recent Attack in Chiraq as RACIALLY TIED DIRECTLY TO OUR PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP, our Wise Elders, such as W.H.A.T.’s Mary Mason would want you to know that President Donald J. Trump has NEVER BEEN THE ENEMY OF BLACKS!
Wise historians would also want you to know the Definition of False Flags in the era of Fake News (visit my FB group page to learn more) which is what we are, indeed, being subjected to just days after the Oligarch’s ridiculous Attack on an Innocent Christian youth who happened to be adorning his Make America Great Hat while Fighting for Black Aborted Babies in our nation’s capital last Friday.
Sharon Stone, Muhammad Ali, Diana Ross and Doanld Trump (Photo by John Shearer/WireImage for PMK/HBH)
Jesse Jackson, businessman Donald Trump, Fight Promoter Don King and John H. Johnson attend Mike Tyson vs. Michael Spinks Boxing Match on June 27, 1988 at the Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, New Jersey. (Photo by Ron Galella, Ltd./WireImage)
The fact is, PHILLY, our Nation’s first Capital is Under Siege just like Chicago and other Usurped Cities, nationwide, by those who are mentioned in Rev 3:9. America is now in a Revolutionary War and under attack, daily, by Hidden Handed operators of a certain Ilk who are working overtime to destabilize several sovereign nation’s at once using historically developed ploys, such as, False Flags, Color Revolutions, Divide and Conquer Strategies, Useful Idiots, and Usurped Media BRAINWASHING tactics now known as #NUDGE.
The hidden handed Oligarchs first mentioned in a Princeton University expose are the ones who have made Philly, and their U.N. Targeted Stronghold Chicago, into CHARAQ and sanctuary cities, respectively…
Besides the Use of Corporate MERCENARIES in America, (some are headquartered in Chicago) such as, the ones that were swiftly Leveled against over 60 Targeted Blacks in Chicago just four days after Marching on Rahlm Emmanuel’s office, such “ACID’ and Chemical ATTACKS are now indeed, the Mode of Operandi of Certain foreign actors who have been INVITED in to Wreak Havoc EVERYWHERE George Soros et al have Implemented their forced MIGRATION stratagem for systematically destabilizing Whole Nations.
Other possible suspects in a clearly premeditated attack include CIA Assets and or Useful Idiots, such as the Dunce in Florida who curiously hand delivered his Fake Bombs to Key Chicago Politician’s, George Soros, Hillary Clinton, etc. in his newly embellished Trump Support Van with MAGA stickers and alt-right collages made from whole “cloth”.
The envelope said to be delivered to Fox Studio’s just Two Days after the ridiculous claims of Maga Hat Wearing Teens attacking a documented Soro’s Shill, appears to be written by a small child or imbecile that might otherwise be known as a Useful Idiot doing the dirty work of the poorly orchestrated, and ever more brazen, Oligarchs.
Indeed, the NUDGE science based Brainwashing ploy to implicate MAGA hat Wearing President Trump Supporters was forwarded in the Chicago Tribune on January 24th, just five days before the premeditated attack on Smollett, yet, such ORCHESTRATED, STAGED, FALSE FLAG EVENTS remain difficult to prove for as long as Hillary Clinton’s Justice Goons are still running the show.
Until AMERICA Purges the Olgarch’s Rogues from Government and the Fourth Estate all we have to go on is Crowd Shared FACTS and Circumstantial EVIDENCE.
Regarding Circumstantial Evidence, as well as, the hallmarks of the Oligarch’s STAGED False Flag Events, our nation’s Usurped First Capital constitutes a virtual Front Row. It is no secret that TARGETED BLACK COMMUNITIES, such as, Philadelphia, are now being, aggressively, GENTRIFIED block by block by the aforementioned OLIGARCHS who needed Hillary Clinton To Win “yesterday” in order to forward their AMERICAN TAKEOVER Plans, however, their full intent, including the use of the U.N. who were, once, poised to Takeover Chicago, is a tightly held secrete propagated by the Orchestrating Oligarchs who keep their objectives well under wraps by way of their strictest of Chatham House Rules.
Indeed, you’d have to be metaphysically attuned to Biblical prophecy spelled out in Rev 3:9 to overcome Internationally Imposed Fear of Pointing out the actual Deep State Culprits of such Catastrophic Events being Orchestrated in America . Many many folks have already lost their lives for knowing too much. A willingness to be a Modern Day Martyr for God Almighty is what it will take, yet, far too many are shielded by such faith and, thereby, the true armor of God.
Due to Daily BRAINWASHING, I will no doubt be ATTACKED for publishing these FACTs on my Social Media Platforms, yet, Killing the Messenger will only help the ENEMY of our Implausible ENEMY for whom they are craftily pegging yet another high profile attack on. Such cognitive dissonance will not stop the Good Works of President Donald J. Trump anytime soon for as long as he humbles himself before God, but, indeed, TARGETED BLACKS will Continue to be systematically consumed and annihilated as planned.
Be Warned, for as long as the AMERICAN PUBLIC is relatively CLUELESS the oligarch ilk who have Declared their Revolutionary WAR against Our Nation and only home will be Committing Such Brazen False Flag Events Nationwide under the auspice of MAGA Race-Bating.
Their hopes of Fomenting George Soros’ Long Awaited AMERICAN Spring will be done on the backs of Gullible Blacks, first and foremost, IF WE DON’T WAKE UP, and No Matter How Many TARGETED BLACKS, AMERICAN POLICE officers and/or Reputations, THEY HAVE TO KILL in the Process!
(Sir Ronald Cohen’ s Goldman Sachs managed Social Impact Bonds = SLAVERY 2.0!)
And… The STORY/Back-Story Unfolds: Commentary, Suspicions, Propaganda, Fake News and Accountability.
In April 2018 BET Reported, Jussie Smollett “Crafted” a Melody Around his HATRED for President Donald J. Trump… Among other things on Jussie’s curious mind.
A bit of “PREMEDITATION” ??? from Jussie Smollett
January 31st 2019…
Of course, No MAGA narrative is complete without further PUNISHING the Deep State’s auditioned “Thought Leaders” who’d Dare go off the “Plantation” .
Kevin Hart is now being mercilessly maligned not for selling his soul in drag on SNL or dissing Katt Williams who pointed out the Genuine Hard Work it Takes for a Self-Made MAN to make it in the Comedy World, but for his open out-pour of sympathy for Justin Smallett, who is said to have been attacked for his being Gay and Black too.
Until they get Hart back in line, he will certainly get the Treatment Maxine Walker Recommended for All Donald Trump Respecting, American Loving, Patriots, Christian Children, and Kanye West, alike, who would Dare Wear their beloved MAGA hats out in Public.
CHICAGO — “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett has refused to turn over his cellphone to detectives, who are investigating the alleged attack that sent him to the hospital earlier this week, Chicago police said Thursday. The actor declined to share telephone records that could show he was speaking with his manager just as the alleged assault happened early Tuesday morning in Chicago, police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told NBC News. Smollett has told police he was confronted by two men who allegedly hurled racist and homophobic slurs just before they beat him up. They are investigating the case as a possible hate crime. The manager has told police he heard the attackers say, “This is MAGA country,” during the assault, officials said. When police asked Smollett for his cellphone and records to confirm the call, he refused to share them, according to Guglielmi.January 31st, 2019:
While I am usually alone in my assessments that lead me to Develop my Facebook “False Flags and Fake News” group page in 2015, well before Fake News was news”, there are many people growing openly skeptical of recent events, particularly on the heels of Shawn King’s efforts to Race Bate blacks for George Soros, once again by forwarding the narrative claiming a nine year old black Child was Murdered by a White Man just before two Black Assailants Confessed to the crime just days latter.
There’s now no shortage of commentators openly questioning the efficacy of Smullett’s claim. The fact that he refuses to release his cell phone only adds more cracks to the story for people to anaylize just as I have knowing the history of recent False Flags perpetrated by the same ilk now chomping at the bit to forward the RACE BATE NARRATIVE on their Monopolized Media Platforms for full effect .
Predictably, by now, we can see how the FAKE NEWS contingency is working hard to Throw In their Obligatory Jussie Smollett/MAGA “question” into President Trump’s unrelated press conference on the Wall and Making America far Safer among other relative things in our Subversive troubled nation.