Our blessed and great founding framers knew well the importance of free speech, truth, and the public square in which truth could be openly disseminated and debated by reasonable citizens who appreciate self governance over paternalism, empirialisim and tyranny.
Likewise, our blessed and great founding framers knew well God’s providence, thus God is the very foundation of our unalienable rights that are set fourth by our founding framers in our largely ignored Declaration of Independence and our American Constitution via established laws expressly designed to hold and protect our unalienable rights.
Sadly, the well coordinated Cabal of Globalist are moving forward in lockstep to reconstitute no less than their Holy Roman Empire under the banners of their Green New Deal, New World Order, Great Reset, Build Back Better and (((their))) Communist China cohorts’ deleveloped Coronavirus and Covid19 Tyranny.
To add insult to the injuries caused after Henry Kissinger’s first COUP (((they))) continue on with paradigms great American leaders of old were able to overt and suppress for as long as the jewISH spawned paradigms could be recognized and openly discussed with great candor.
One great American leader was not an American, yet, his Protestant Reformation is everything America is about and founded upon, as it was the venerable Martin Luther who openly foretold of two evils.
Luther addressed , both, the Holy Roman Empire and “the Jews and Their Lies” in his 95 thesis and self titled book about the scheming and usurous “Jews” who made daily life for his people a living hell on earth, thus the consequent Reform followed by the inevitable Revolutions.
The resulting American experiment is one of biblical proportion, yet, it’s citizenry have been, practically, swallowed up within the hidden handed Zionist’s Post Bolshevic, Marxest based burocracies well after Henry Ford and Boris Brasol warned us all.
Because Ford and Brasol wrote freely about the scheming cabal of encroaching Russian Zionists in Detroit’s Dearborn Press, Americans were gifted with a relative reprieve for decades before Balfour got his dubious declaration from the hapless war-torn Britt’s.
The shrewd, hidden handed Jews not only usurped the Ford motor company after corrupting Henry Ford’s son, they used funds from the Ford company to help fund Hitler too.
Long after WWII was financed by the Rothschild’s, the ever scheming cabal of jewISH “Bankers” managed to fleece the unsuspecting Britt’s of their unclaimed assets in order to spearhead a newly developed scheme hatched by Sir Ronald Cohen and Tony Blair.
Cohen, who announced his Second Bounce of the Ball in his self titled book, is the same man who sold unsuspecting Americans on his ploy to manage all State and Local Pensions.
After, Kissinger arrayed his New World Order cohorts in America and Communist China, alike, George Bush Sr. set out to allow our American Pensions to be mismanaged by Cohen, the so called, father of Venture Capitalism.

Thus, America’s systematically fleeced Pensions were used to build up the well coordinated Cabal’s Silicone Valley assets and Kissinger’s Communist China cohorts alike.
Financing all sides in a potential conflict is a hallmark of the Biblically mentioned fake Jews, who are otherwise known as the Synagog of Satan collectively.
While (((they))) always behave in accordance with biblical text in every nation they have been thrown out of, few American Saints are able to speak such a truth about the coordinated Cabal of fake jews, particularly, in the face of such great powers and principalities amassed among us.
Having been trained never to speak openly of Gates and Fouci Coronavirus feats, making the fake Jews prowess for Poisoning Wells seem like child’s play, God’s Chosen People and Gentiles, alike, are virtually held hostage in every Christan nation on earth, none worse than Australia and Canada.
As we , in America, stand witness to Chuck Schumer’s Six ways til Sunday, Jerry Nadler’s ANTIFA Myth, Adam Schiff’s lies upon lies in Congress, Bolshevic Bernie Progressivism and his waiting Bernie Bros, George Soros’ Open Borders Kayos and Soros funded D.A.s doling out codified lawlessness and free needles in conjunction with highly compromised American Politicians, nationwide, the most homogeneous Cabal on Earth is free to get away with murder which was recently foretold and specified by Bill Gates and Dr Fouci, alike.
Most who will read this post realize that the Nurenberg tried Dr’.s have nothing on Fouci and Gates, yet, making us afraid to say (((their))) names aloud is us giving (((them))) a free pass!!!
After false flag evoking and financing most wars (9/11 withstanding), as always, the devious cabal of hidden handed fake Jews are now using every lesson learned, including all that was gleaned from their project paperclip assets rescued from their Rothchild financed Nasi Germany regime.
Likewise, (((their))) SS trained poster-boy, Soros is all grown up now, thus, his greatest life-work is fully manifest unfettered inside our troubled nations, minus Hungary which had the sense to bann the God damned Satanist for life from his own childhood home!
It is (((they))) who are using science and psudoscience, alike, to overthrow nations, nothing more dubious than their most recent behavioral and brain studies making Propaganda from their Nazi era seem like child’s play.
What is apparent is that key people are able communicate all that is occuring in our troubled nations, yet, the ones with the greatest reach NEVER state the obvious. It’s as if they all fall under the purview of controlled opposition.
Case in point is Newt Gingrich. I have identified Gingrich as controlled opposition from the RINO Republican camp after realizing his Harvard School of Business speech, summarized as “fire all of the Janitors”, was a precursor for the jewISH Oligarchs’ urban school takeovers.
Much like Mitt Romney, Gingrich appeared inside of my Philadelphia amma matter, Shoemaker Jr. High School, along with Al Sharpton and Tom Ridge’s replacement Governor, Tim Corbett, not long after his telling speech.
That Gingrich gave his speech at the Harvard School of Business is significant also, as Sir Ronald Cohen practically owns that usurped institution, along with our compromised Politicians on both sides of the ilse.
Keeping the jewISH Oligarchs’ Brain Science Studies, MIT Game Theory and Behavioral Science prowess in mind, I have no doubt that Gingrich’s awkward smackdown on Disney’s Fox news, was done and orchestrated by the cabal of fake Jews as a precautionary measure.
Essentially, Gingrich was used as a straw-man for the Jews, so called, Conservatives.
Likewise, the cabal of fake Jews manage to paint all who would oppose any of their nation toppling paradigms with a broad brush using their monopolized media platforms built up, in part, by America’s fleeced pensions funds.
(((They))) are actively Branding anyone with a modicum of common sense as a defacto Trumpian conservatives, right wing, or Nazi sympathisers exactly like they did to Governor Newsom’s nemesis, Larry Elder, and to some degree, Niki Manaj, now subjected to the Kanye West treatment in real time.
In short, all we can get over the jewISH Cabal’s many media devices manufactured by their Communist China cohorts is our most astute observers saying “Them” or “They”, but NEVER an Open Discussion about the Conspiritorial Cabal of Deep State FAKE JEWS as per Revelations 2:9 and 3:9!
Besides Henry Kissinger’s second Coup with his Fouci funded Communist China cohorts, We the People are Forbodden from saying George Soros’ name much less discuss Soros’ , so called, Open Societies, his Open Borders Kayos with Pope Francis’ Help or Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution w/ Bernie Bros standing by to “ReEducate” us!
To end all of the Social Impact Bond funded Disruptions now underway in every troubled nation on earth begin by Saying Their Names!
Besides turning shows like Saturday Night Live off, where a Sacrificial Black Shill gets paid to hump a graven image of Christ for jewISH kicks and Giggles, We The People should quickly realize (((they))) need us to forward (((their))) Satanic plans!

(((They))) are mentioned in Rev 2:9 and (((they))) are all in together, toppling our troubled nation from within!
Besides going along with Gate’s depopulation fever-dreams We the People would realize exactly WHO ((( THEY))) are and that (((THEY))) are Not Too Big To Fail!