“This (sic) mainstream media are the Insurrectionists, who stormed the Capitol. Those same Media Insurrectionists are trying to demolish the Constitution of these United State of America on this Independence Day,”
… and the Colluding , Oligarch Owned, Corporations are considered people too… #StatingTheeObvous.
Indeed, there’s much to be gleaned from our Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia perspective, as well as, the Made Man who was Raised up out of Hugh Heftner’s CIA tied brothel and hidden handed Media Empire from the start. #MediaMockingbird101
All we would have to do is #FollowtheMoney to learn who financed the infamous Selma / Civil Rights FALSE FLAG events culminating into all Blacks complain about on the damned Democrat Plantations nationwide. #BernieBros
Hint: Cosby’s fellow comedian, Dick Gregory, also knew his media based financiers all too well.
Bill Cosby, apparently, has nothing more to loose, as he begins his protracted death-bed confessions, but, let’s see how much he is willing to reveal from his insider perspective as a charter member of Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan.
See also, Jay-Z’s label full of bad acts as he is LaVey’s latest media “Installation” as per #SonyRules.
Relative to America’s Media Conglomerates, Cosby is one man who can tell us, for certain, that there’s far more than that which meets the eyes. #ISpy
From the untimely murder/sacrifice of his first born Son, Ennis Cosby, to his public beat-down after Cosby’s thwarted effort to buy NBC, there are many loose ends and lots of d