The Difference between Descendants of Ham and Shem is why Sir Ronald Cohen’s lackey, Barack Obama Summarily Slaughtered The President of the African Union, effectively restarting the “African” SLAVE Trade!

Just days after reviving Blood-money and further Marching Orders from America’s Oligarch installed Obiden Administration, a knockoff appeal was made to sound similar to Muammar Gaddafi’s.

The Hamite is why Countless Black Americans in Chicago, turned CHIRAQ , are Slaughtered in record numbers each year, beginning on Obama’s watch!
Much like the current “President “ of Satanist toppled Libya, the man groomed by Bill Ayers’ (the infamous Weather Underground TERRORIST, pardoned by President Clinton) was Installed as President of the Divided States of America!

Thanks to the merchants’ (Zionist Globalist) half Hamite CIA Shill, America is practically owned by the Same Israel based Globalist now USING key Africans to Help Subdue my Fellow Blacks, once again!!
The confluence between half-Jew , Jussie Smollet, Kamala Harris’ noose themed race-bating bill, the George Soros installed permissive DA Kim Foxx and MOSSAD Tied Nigerians in Obamas’ Chicago was No Accident, whatsoever, as those who only appear to be us are paid to help keep us in a constant state of deadly Kayos and systematic decline on every Democrat Plantation!

Starting with Queen Nzinga’s post Crusades PARTNERSHIP with the Dum Diversas Declaring (Pre Zionist/Jesuits) Catholic Church and resulting Portuguese Enslavers, who knew the difference between GOD Chosen tribe of Jacob and their willing Hamite cohorts , we must begin to see Every Hamite Partnership w/ merchant class ZIONIST through the lenses of Rev 2:9 and 3:9, as Key!