Below is my Post on Facebook … Some say it’s called Rick Rolling, a popular new trend. Some of my fellow blacks were Outright Offended, particularly the Administrator for the Facebook page for which I had joined several years ago.
The entire conversation, posted below got me booted off of, yet, another Philadelphia based Facebook Group Page in a city that is now ground zero for the American Oligarch’s brazen Gentrification and Social Impact Bondage / Takeover paradigms, including their, so called, Free Needles, Legal Prostitution, and Sanctuary City Schemes forwarded with the help of George Soros funded shills and District Attorney, Larry Krasner .
The question for me is… Who Among us can Still Handle the TRUTH in an era of black Overseers who are being converted into Thought Police activated to go against Wrong Speak in the manor that we were all warned in George Orwell’s books, “1984” and “Animal Farm”?
As usual, I have cut and pasted the FB Conversation as it happened in response to my initial post that was first written on the You must be from Old School Philly if… group page with the names partially altered for greater anonymity.
WATCH: Diamond and Silk Speak at President Trump Rally in Green Bay 4 27 19 WATCH: Diamond and Silk Speak at President Trump Rally in Green Bay 4 27 1910
C.D. Vann-King Really? Why give them space?
WTN: C. D. Vann-King, do you suggest we all Be BRAINWASHED enough to Turn off Half our Brains off to REALITY in behalf of the Deep State Usurpers now GENTRIFYING Philly, all while Propping up your Meek Mill’s Bread and Circus Act designed to Lull You All to Sleep??? DO TELL, WHO ELSE DO YOU WISH TO ERASE OUT OF EXISTENCE FOR YOUR TASK MASTERS?

C. D. Vann-King No one cares about them. They are irrelevant.
C. D. Vann-King No more than they care about Ben Carson or the like.
C. D. Vann-King I was talking about the two women. Diamond and What ever
C. D. Vann-King They have free will to make their own choices. As do l…..they’re irrelevant being part of the problem. And l don’t refer to that book crutch. Presumptuous to throw that in the air.
WTN: How are folks you have proven to show so much consternation for in any way Irrelevant? You seem as if you can’t take your Occupied Brain off of them. LOL
C.D. Vann-King – WTN, They weren’t there until it was posted. But they’re out now and you too. Occupied by none of it.
WTN: What is RELEVANT, C. D. Vann-King, is the FACT that the Day Brainwashed Citizens could be made to UnPerson their Fellow Man was PREDICTED decades ago… The purveyors of such BRAINWASHING are capable of Making People Virtually Dissapear Anyone who Will Not Submit to Self Editing, Censorship and GROUP THINK. #1984AllOverAGAIN
H. Mohammed Since the days of Slavery, the Black Race has been vulnerable to Brainwashing and multiplication. Case & point, these 2 birds.🙃
WTN: LOLOL!!!! H. Mohammed, 0 X 0 = 0?

And there it ended. The conversation was abruptly tabled with the removal of my person from the You must be from Old School Philly if… Group page, signaling the a majority of Black Philadelphians cant handle or even know the truth even while they are particularly under siege by profiteering Oligarchs who have beset themselves upon our Nation’s first capital as Gentrifying, Social Disruptive, Revolutionaries.
As beleaguered Philly Blacks clamor to blindly support their double speaking Democrat leaders they will continue to fail to realize their blind support is, indeed, for ALL THAT BLACKS COMPLAIN ABOUT for as long as Geroge Soros is calling the political shots from behind the scenes.
Well paid Philly Thought Leaders are now working Overtime along side the Oligarch’s ANTIFA Goons to ensure that their Fellow Blacks CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH, let alone See or Hear the Truth in Philly.
I have no doubt if Fredrick Douglass or Richard Allen emerged to speak in Philly, once again, they would be Tarred and Feathered in favor of Slave-Masters and the Re-Institution of Slavery.