The Body Language Guy does an excellent job of citing certain troubling nuances about Bill Gates, who could be single handedly held responsible for more deaths than any man alive, should the public at large finally wake up.
When listening to the video commentary, as per Rev 2:9 and 3:9, do ask yourselves, who the hell is “we” for whom Bill Gates refers to repeatedly.
Watch as Gates emotes emphatically relative to all of the unsuspecting people he and his hidden handed cabal can make subject to (((their))) highly experimental #mRNA #biowealpons first thrusted upon us as an antidote to Dr. Fouchi’s, gain of function reliant bi products, developed in Wuhan.
Gates etal, deceptively calls mRNA “technology” #vaccines and this conscientious obfuscation occurs repeatedly after Gate’s indicated vaccines are the best way to achieve (((their))) hoped-for, population reduction.
My question is, why is this hyperactive demon-seed allowed to do anything on earth after showing us his demonic hand in conjunction with his evermore brazen WHO?
“Can I get a wiff?” ; “Oh wait, like the Gates victims in India, you can’t stop me!”
While the WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros, seems to have developed a conscience by revealing countries are killing children with COVID19 Vaccine booster shots he says are better suited for elders, President Joe Biden was busy serving up Song and Dance “Nurses” for his celebrity guests in the Whitehouse and hapless children for Biden to sniff on just in time for the Pagan side of Christmas.
My Daughter in law and other wise Nurses who stood strong and courageous amid Covid19’s emergence, thanks to Fouci’s gain of function funding for the Wuhan China lab that released his creation upon the entire globe as planned, are now being systematically culled from hospitals nationwide while Programmable Song and Dance nurses remain.
Before removing my Daughter in a nefarious way they asked her to kindly to resign instead so they would not be held accountable for her wrongful termination. Before that, Jefferson hospital asked her to practically sign away her constitutional right to refuse the forced vaccinations on the grounds of her deeply held religious beliefs. Just last moth Jefferson hospital wanted to justify my Daughter’s removal by conveying Biden’s unlawful misuse of OSHA.
Regardless of Jefferson hospital’s legal stance, my Daughter was advised to stay strong in her beliefs and to ride it out without simply giving up her God given rights, so during her last days Jefferson hospital began to array her ward the way it was in the beginning of the Plandemic.
While heard immunity is illustrated profoundly by all of the brave, terminated nurses, proven therapeutic are also being systematically suppressed with help from the Biden Administration.
The master mind f’ers in charge of Biden’s Whitehouse are now mocking us to demoralize us. They are gleefully illustrating their success in controlling all of America’s hospitals that are keeping only Nurses who’d foolishly go along with the Gates foretold Depopulation PLANS.
Having foolish nurses in Oligarch Usurped hospitals nationwide is a win win for the Rev 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned Satanists who want most of us dead and gone by yesterday!
The first time the relatively mysterious Virus struck our nation crude protocols swept across key states, including nurses being told to wear their PPE masks for seven days strait as they went from patient to patient under the guise that there was a mask shortage.
The same time nurses were mandated to wear coveted PPE masks for days on in during the start of the Covid19 outbreak, a warehouse full of unused masks were discovered in Governor Andrew Cuomo’s New York City.
Furthermore, President Donald J Trump revealed the fact that the OBiden Administration depleted Government held PPE reserves and furthermore, Barack Obama failed to restock what was used in an earlier Swine Flu outbreak that quietly took far more lives than Fouci’s mysterious Covid19.
Now, willing Fouci TRAINED family killers can be arrayed in Oligarch tooled hospitals full of staff willing to do maximum damage in behalf of the usurping Oligarchs who clearly want many dead.
By turning thier critical care Ward into a COVID19 Omicron Ward, Jefferson Hospital seems to be functioning in the exact same way that delivered the first death counts that were attributed to Covid19.
Essentially, Bill Gates’ DEPOPULATION Fever-dreams are now underway unfettered with the help of Governors who have allowed the hidden handed Oligarchs’ to Usurp City and State owned hospitals and University Assets in time for the Cabal’s, Social Impact Bond Revolution, Great Reset, and Build Back Better farce with no one left to stand in their way.