On the contrary, these are Strong Black MEN who will NEVER let a White man define them!
Back in da day, if a lilly White confirmed Racist like Joe Biden told a Black Man, “Unless you vote for me you ain’t Black” a Strong Black MAN would have made it necessary for the self avowed Pedophile to run and get a chain, just like Biden did “for” Corn-pop, the baddd dude at the swimming pool that day Bidden was busy letting little “Brown” children rub up the blond hairs on his wet legs in the pool!!!
Instead, we got practically chaired by a fellow Pedo, who thinks himself a God, Charlemagne da god, much like Kamala Harris, did practically nothing in response to the one of the most racist Democrats who is also know as the last Dixiecrat and both did so to preserve their own jobs after Biden’s dismissive, racist and paternalistic words affecting a silent majority of the Black population in America.
Auditioned Black Boule Gatekeepers like the notorious alleged child raper, Charlemagne, or the admitted John Dopeing Stripper Whore CardiB, are there to keep us all Stuck on Stoopid.
It is their only job in life beyond crime to get as many useful idiots, who follow them, in favor of the deadly, Democrat spawned Status Quo.
Much like Margret Sanger’s Boule lackie, W.E.B. DuBois, the modern day Boule Gatekeepers work overtime to ensure that Targeted Planned Parenthood Survivors will remain sitting ducks and Corporate Mercinarry Murder Victims on Democrat managed urban plantations nationwide!
You will NEVER hear the Auditioned Black Boule shills rising up against All that is Wrong within our set upon Black community for as long as they are TRAINED to attack ALL that is Right and Good working hard to correct our set upon community.
Much like Nat Turner, Richard Allen, Father Divine, Marcus Garvey, Fredrick Douglas, Booker T. Washington, Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali and Walter Williams, Black MEN who do not drink the Democrat coolaid are my favorite Black, #MightyMenOfValor who lend us themselves by ALWAYS LEADING BY EXAMPLE!
We Owe it to our strongest Black MEN throughout the history of mankind to realize What and Why GOD is, as We are, indeed, made in His image.
THE ABOVE GENTLEMEN EXEMPLIFY GOD’S GREATER PLAN FOR US, AS THE WORLD TURNS TO THEM FOR Answers, Reason, and Wisdom first recognized in the Tribes tied to Jacob and in Judah By Design.
Sadly, Sting Black Men are separated by a Golf established by BOULE like Don Lemon -n- Dem.
Soft, compromised Black men are those who’d hearken to the voices of hidden handed Satanists, as per REV 2:9 and 3:9 & #SNL alike.
Soft American Black men are why the Planned Parenthood Chairman is practically harvesting our dead babies like expendable goods and raw material rendered, with ease, on the Democrat Plantations by Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood, the ongoing entity that is now SELLING our dead Black babies for far more than the price of living Black Slaves!!!
Gates’ BMe shills and Soros’ favorite BLM shills are here to obscure and obfuscate deadly facts affecting targeted Blacks all while leading Black ire away from our true enemies who get away with copious murders thanks to the hard-working Boule and their master’s useful idiots who’d blindly follow.
We must turn away from Auditioned #GOATS, like Labron James, who have Sold their Souls to Satanists.
It’s time to Embrace fellow Blacks without division and HATE, less the Corporate Mercinaries continue delivering our Record Deaths in the same places our young are TRAINED, Don’t Snitch by the Deep State Oligarch’s Auditioned Black shills.
Black mighty MEN of valor are the Good Shepherds, Good Husbands, Good Dad’s, and Great FRIENDS we all should Aspire to be, be with and be for and in lies the problem for our enemies!!!!
Our enemies, since time immemorial, are the Slave Merchants from Wall-street and hidden handed fake Jews as per the owner of Satarday Night Live, etc.
What (((they))) are doing to Blacks is all spelled out in Rev 2:9 and 3:9 and it’s thanks to Mr. Three Strikes Crime bill ,Joe Biden and the help of go-along Black Shills like Barack Obama and Vice President Harris, who became Joe’s hungry bottom B’ after she called him out for racism!
Rev 2:9 I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
~ KJV 1611
Rev 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
~ KJV 1611
Sadly, far too many Blacks continue to be misled by the fake Jews’ media monopolies and their, self proclaimed, Trained Marxest SHILLS, Compromised Dems, Auditioned BOULE hacks and fellow Useful Idiots, alike, thereby, trapped Blacks on the Democrat plantations nationwide are not long for this earth.
It’s not enough to be on a #Woke, Divisive island full of Karens and deadly Democratic Snakes!!
WakeUP! StandUp!
It’s time to MAN UP & Tell your Satanic Overlords and their Trained Boule minions to kick rocks in favor of BLACK UNITY, LIFE & LIBERTY, at last!
Below is my Post on Facebook … Some say it’s called Rick Rolling, a popular new trend. Some of my fellow blacks were Outright Offended, particularly the Administrator for the Facebook page for which I had joined several years ago.
The entire conversation, posted below got me booted off of, yet, another Philadelphia based Facebook Group Page in a city that is now ground zero for the American Oligarch’s brazen Gentrification and Social Impact Bondage / Takeover paradigms, including their, so called, Free Needles, Legal Prostitution, and Sanctuary City Schemes forwarded with the help of George Soros funded shills and District Attorney, Larry Krasner .
The question for me is… Who Among us can Still Handle the TRUTH in an era of black Overseers who are being converted into Thought Police activated to go against Wrong Speak in the manor that we were all warned in George Orwell’s books, “1984” and “Animal Farm”?
As usual, I have cut and pasted the FB Conversation as it happened in response to my initial post that was first written on the You must be from Old School Philly if… group page with the names partially altered for greater anonymity.
WTN: C. D. Vann-King, do you suggest we all Be BRAINWASHED enough to Turn off Half our Brains off to REALITY in behalf of the Deep State Usurpers now GENTRIFYING Philly, all while Propping up your Meek Mill’s Bread and Circus Act designed to Lull You All to Sleep??? DO TELL, WHO ELSE DO YOU WISH TO ERASE OUT OF EXISTENCE FOR YOUR TASK MASTERS?
C. D. Vann-King No one cares about them. They are irrelevant.
C. D. Vann-King No more than they care about Ben Carson or the like.
C. D. Vann-King I was talking about the two women. Diamond and What ever
C. D. Vann-King They have free will to make their own choices. As do l…..they’re irrelevant being part of the problem. And l don’t refer to that book crutch. Presumptuous to throw that in the air.
WTN: How are folks you have proven to show so much consternation for in any way Irrelevant? You seem as if you can’t take your Occupied Brain off of them. LOL
C.D. Vann-King – WTN, They weren’t there until it was posted. But they’re out now and you too. Occupied by none of it.
WTN: What is RELEVANT, C. D. Vann-King, is the FACT that the Day Brainwashed Citizens could be made to UnPerson their Fellow Man was PREDICTED decades ago… The purveyors of such BRAINWASHING are capable of Making People Virtually Dissapear Anyone who Will Not Submit to Self Editing, Censorship and GROUP THINK. #1984AllOverAGAIN
H. Mohammed Since the days of Slavery, the Black Race has been vulnerable to Brainwashing and multiplication. Case & point, these 2 birds.🙃
WTN: LOLOL!!!! H. Mohammed, 0 X 0 = 0?
And there it ended. The conversation was abruptly tabled with the removal of my person from the You must be from Old School Philly if… Group page, signaling the a majority of Black Philadelphians cant handle or even know the truth even while they are particularly under siege by profiteering Oligarchs who have beset themselves upon our Nation’s first capital as Gentrifying, Social Disruptive, Revolutionaries.
As beleaguered Philly Blacks clamor to blindly support their double speaking Democrat leaders they will continue to fail to realize their blind support is, indeed, for ALL THAT BLACKS COMPLAIN ABOUT for as long as Geroge Soros is calling the political shots from behind the scenes.
Well paid Philly Thought Leaders are now working Overtime along side the Oligarch’s ANTIFA Goons to ensure that their Fellow Blacks CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH, let alone See or Hear the Truth in Philly. I have no doubt if Fredrick Douglass or Richard Allen emerged to speak in Philly, once again, they would be Tarred and Feathered in favor of Slave-Masters and the Re-Institution of Slavery.
Do any of you realize the full extent of Sir Ronald Cohen’s new Social Impact Bonds, or his direct ties to Robert Kraft, Goldman Sachs’ Social Impact Bonds, George Soros’ Open Cities, and the Michael Bloomberg associated , Center for Court Innovation, who are all pushing behind the scenes to Sell #REFORM to all blacks via their hand-select Black Minions, such as, Van Jones, Jayz, and Meek Mill’s???
Did you realize Cohen’s, dubious, Venture Capital ploys that Bankrupted the Coffers of American City, State and Institutional Pensions, Nationwide, was followed up by Goldman Sachs’s, Black Middle Class Targeting, Prime Rate lending schemes in order to perpetuate a consequent Stock Market Bust and further American Bankruptcies?
Do you realize these successive financial events were in no way a mistake, but as calculated as Cohen’s, so called, “Second Bounce of the Ball”?
Did you realized Cohen financed his latest Social Impact Bond schemes with the Unclaimed Assets that were practically Stolen from British Citizen’s who likely still haven’t a clue?
Did you realize, The Clinton’s 21st Century Justice #REFORM, spearheaded in Oligarch Usurped Philly by the Chicago native, Commissioner Raymond Ramsey is one and the SAME as Meek Mill’s, so called, #Reform?
Do you realize, just like the Walton’s of Walmart Helped to make Tom Ridge’s Push to PRIVATIZE Philly Schools, after Bill Ayers’ Edison School FAIL, a Cabal of Hidden Handed Oligarchs thought to make their Urban School Takeover plans, A BLACK CAUSE via their dubious BAEO group which was spearheaded in the Walton’s Behalf by Black Shills, such as, Howard Fuller, Anthony H. Williams and Dwight Evens, who easily delivered Philly Schools and the kids, therein, into the hands of the Oligarch Hedge-funder, Eli Broad et al?
My fellow Blacks, I hate to rain on your Prestigious Parade, but the Cabal of oligarchs who Usurped Harvard as their Central Social IMPACT Bond Headquarters for Cohen’s (of the former G8’s) REVOLUTIONARY dream of CAPITALIZING Upon All Urban Blacks, are the same as the ones who have Usurped Philadelphia with the help of Michael Nutter soon after he publicly declared that All Philly Youth, were “A-Holes”.
Cohen’s Social Impact Bonds ploy is a part of the Same City Disruption Paradigms featured on the Deep State’s trial Balloon show, HBO’s “The Wire”, which included an episode on the Oligarch’s Plans for introducing Bill Bratton’s Comstat Policing and Police free Opioid Zones that was systematically deployed inside of Philly’s rapidly deteriorated Kensington section, for which the oligarchs thought to chronicle on their HBO special, Drug Inc.
Ironically, we were all supplied with powerful hints of Bratton et al’s dirty plans via the outcries from two whistle blowing police officers on opposite sides of our nation. First by California Police officer, Christopher Donner, who mention the plans of his Police Chief, Bratton in his manifesto before being taken out by fellow officers out in a blaze of vainglory, and then by New York City Police officer, Adrian Schoolcraft, who’s heralding story aided by his thoughtful recordings of rogue NYC Police, served as a Clarion Outcry against the Deep State’s devious plans which were forwarded with the help of Philadelphia’s Mayor Michael Nutter and the New York City based Oligarchs who wished to to Targeted and Police State MONETIZE blacks under the banner of Cohen, Soros, Bloomberg et al’s managed Social Impact Bond Scheme’s.
It’s true, the Oligarchical Cabal who have determined to Usurp American Cities under the Banner of George Soros’ Open Cities plan, are now working to CAPITALIZE (Re Enslaving and Monetizing) Blacks under the auspice of Cohen’s Social Impact Bond scheme now promulgated inside of the Usurped Harvard, Kennedy School of Business.
Listen closely to Newt Gingrich, who delivered the news that Urban Blacks should, indeed, be Cleaning their own schools after all, but one, Master Janitor is fired as a convoluted way to Teach targeted Blacks Work Ethics.
Soon after Gingrich’s, Harvard School of Business speech he just so happened to appeared inside of my own Jr. High School, Shoemaker, located in the heart of West Philly, just a few blocks away from Bill Gates, so called, School of the Future and minutes away from Bill Ayers of the Sixties Terrorist Group the Weather Underground’s failed Edison schools.
The Oligarch’s Harvard School of Business spearheaded Social Impact ploys include, Newly Arrayed Criminal courts, some of which are now embedded inside of targeted Urban High Schools throughout Philly, so that our Targeted Youth will become accustomed to the Criminal Court Systems that are now conveniently placed inside of EVERY BLACK Neighborhood, after Philadelphia’s Centrally based Criminal Court was disbanded and radically restructured.
Note the language that is a blatant slap in the face to the American Constitution’s, Life and Liberty snd Justice clauses, in that according to new Laws that were imparted by Usurping Oligarchs under Michael Nutter’s Democratic watch, TARGETED Blacks Citizens are now to be afforded a “LASTING Relationship Between Local Communities and the Criminal Justice System”.
See the full version here:
Targeted black youth now held up in Philly’s Oligarch Usurped Schools are to submit to Compstat Police Tracking, Constitutional Rights Voided Police Zones where targeted black men aged 15-35 are deemed Gangs by association. Targeted blacks in Philly are now subject to Data Mining for life and in hope of Batch Indictments as the Social Impact Bond mavens even wish to use Data Mining to adjudicate targeted Black American’s for future crimes.
While black American’s do serve as the low hanging fruit for Sir Ronald Cohen and his Oligarch Cabal’s Social Impact Bond Paradigms, they hope to gain investing share-holders for, the hidden handed Deep State Oligarchs fully intended to Upscale their newly arrayed Open Cities and Police State Paradigms to, so called, Goyim too who are now being socially maligned in their Usurped Media and targeted heavily by systematically situated Free Needle Location and Police Free Opioid Abuse Dens and various schemes being tested in Philly first.
The plan to monitor targeted blacks and Americans, at large, from Cradle to Grave to serve as Capital fodder for the Oligarch’s newly arrayed Criminal Court System, is now being forwarded by Robert Kraft, as a Oligarch Pet Project delivered to him at his Alma Mata, Harvard, who is working with Michael Rubin along with Meek Mill’ who servers as the Oligarch’s Muse and hand-select Celebrity Figure Head, who can be USED to get unsuspecting blacks on board with their dubious Social Impact Bonds ploys that include their ubiquitously named #REFORM.
The Oligarch’s, New Criminal Court Laws were written by the Bloomberg associated Center for Court Innovation and, unwittingly, forwarded by my own cousin, Philadelphia city Councilman Curtis Jones Jr., who’s efforts to Place Surveillance Cameras’ in newly arrayed Police Zones, even after being cited for Surveillance Camera based corruption in his own fourth district corridor, was also in behalf of Oligarchs he had forwarded the new criminal court laws for in New York City. Bloomberg would later assert his dominion over city hall by way of his far reaching Soda Tax law which also served as, yet another a test case for the Social Impact Bond Purveyor’s Trippe Bottom Line goals.
Bloomberg’s New York City haven is where the Oligarch’s first tested their Compstat Policing schemes and schemes to Monetize systematically TARGETED Blacks via Neo Black Code Laws that were first implemented inside of the Goldman Sachs infiltrated HUD housing units situated in Red Hook .
Philly’s Criminal Court Laws, written by the Michael Bloomberg associated, Center for Court Innovation, headed up by Greg Berman, function Exactly like Post SLAVERY Black code laws so that the Nation’s Targeted blacks who proved to be Less Profitable inside of the Oligarch’s Wall-Street Traded Prisons, initially Stocked by Clinton’s vicious 3 Strike Laws, are being made FAR MORE PROFITABLE in a newly arrayed Open Air Prison system, complete with Data Mining and electronic Surveillance Tracking Systems. I have no doubt that PUMA was selected to promote Meek Mill’s REFORM due to their earlier development into Sneaker Based Tracking Devices.
Their new model has been conveniently renamed #REFORM, rather than Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform, after Hillary Clinton lost to the Oligarch’s ongoing chagrin.
Thanks to Clinton’s Reform efforts, with the help of Barack Obama and Chicago’s own, Raymond Ramsey, She nearly completed her task of Deep State Federalizing America’s Police forces, a ploy that was put on ice after President Donald J. Trump won the 2016 election.
What the deep state is now working to salvage under the banner of REFORM is the fact that Criminally Charged Blacks inside of their Test City, Philadelphia, can now be Harnessed like Black Code Adjudicated Chattel and thereby blacks are being made to engage in Work throughout the city in the place of previous Union and Blue Collar Work-forces.
Clinton’s initial justice Reforms, were all done in behalf of the Usurping Oligarchs and they were forward, aggressively, under the auspice of George Soros’ Anti-Recidivism paradigms, and as Clinton herself stated the importance of Adjusting her own language based on what audience she was speaking to in her infamous Goldman Sachs speech the names the Oligarchs use to forward their greater Empire Schemes are always evolving as needed and in order to further deceive the unsuspecting public.
Making Way for the U.N. Aided Deep State Takeover on the Backs of TARGETED and “PURGED” Blacks.
The Oligarch’s venture into anti-recidivism paradigm is known by many names, including, Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform which is now Meek Mill’s #REFORM, w/Michael Rubin and Robert Kraft leading the way. It is the same as the Oligarch’s, for Profit-Open Air Prison Surveillance system using Compstat and the Bloomberg associated Center for Court Innovation laws to systematically monetize all Urban blacks.
These schemes are one and the same as the former G8’s Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond ploys, a newly hatched financial instrument being managed by Goldman Sachs. Social Impact Bond paradigm expressly sets out to MONETIZE AND CAPITALIZE off of the backs of , hapless, TARGETED, Urban BLACKS in the cities they first systematically Bankrupted.
Thanks to Bloomberg’s new Political Pet, Michael Nutter who also served as Hillary Clinton’s loyal sycophant, All Proceeds generated by the new justice #REFORM arrangements established by Cohen at the helm, go to Bloomberg and Goldman Sachs et al, who are tasked with managing Cohen’s new Social Impact Bond Farce, State-side. It is part and parcel to the Deep State Oligarch’s Push for Open Cities, Open Borders and GLOBALISM .
I know I have posted much to digest, but getting us Happy, Hungry Blacks to do the Oligarch’s heavy lifting is the Hallmark of Sir Ronald Cohen’s latest financial farce, now managed by Goldman Sachs’ who’s Prime Rate Lending Schemes following on the heals of Cohen’s VC Capital Theft of Urban Workers Pensions, managed to set Middle and Upper Class Blacks back at least a Century behind, regarding Black Wealth and relative Progress in the Targeted Urban Cities that are now being aggressively gentrified and brought into utter kayos.
Bottom line, the USURPATION of our Great City of Philadelphia, our Nation’s First Capital and the Social Impact Bond TARGETING of hapless Blacks to Profit Upon in our Gentrified cities and Stolen School Systems, could Never have happened without the ongoing help of Ambitious, yet, Clueless Blacks, who still clamor like Van Jones and Meek Mill’s to Deliver their Hidden Handed OLIGARCH Task-MASTERS a victory and all of the Social Impact Bond Slaves that Goldman Sachs et al ever hope to “manage” under the banner of #REFORM.