“WE/HIM/(((THEY)))/THEM”… the Synagog of Satan, that’s WHO
In Australia (((they))) are saying, “We’ve got to get as many people vaccinated as possible”… But WHO THE HELL ARE “WE”?!
Besides Dr. Fouci, the blatant liar who managed to fund Communist China’s Wuhan based virology lab using America’s fleeced taxpayer dollars for his made to order, gain of function, BioWeapon, who are the ones in each nation pushing forward aggressive, Tyranacal mandates predicated on Dr. Fouci’s initial investments?
(((WE/THEY/THEM))) are the Conspiring Cabal of Coordinated fake Jews who are already spelled out in our relatively disregarded Bibles as per Rev 2:9 and 3:9.

(((WE/THEY/THEM))) include Henry Kissinger and his Communist China cohorts WHO managed to host and stage the theatrical release of (((their/they/Dr.Fouci’s))) timely BioWeapon as per Dean Kuntz’ 1982, “Eyes of Darkness” novel, featuring the Wuhan 400 pandemic in 2020.

(((WE/THEY/THEM))) including the, so called, Bolshevic Bernie Bro’s, have a very long history of Deep State Coups and toppling whole Nations, as per Sir Ronald Cohen’s current Social Impact Bond Revolution, Charles Schwab’s Great Reset, and Bill Gate’s Global Vaccines fever-dream as Gates is a second generation chairman of Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood!

(((WE/THEY/THEM))) are Brazen, Bold and SATANIC to the core, as per Rev 2:9, 3:9 and SNL.
After reading Martin Luther’s, “the Jews and Their Lies”, Shakespeare’s “the Merchant of Venice” or viewing Netflix’s “the Borgia’s” one may learn, this is not (((WE/THEY/THEM)))’s first Rodeo and that poisoning a nation’s wells is not even the half!!!

WE THE PEOPLE were already warned, yet, (((WE/THEY/THEM))) realize our own Cognitive Dissonance and garnering Full Compliance with their rushed, or forced experimental MRNA concoction parading as Vaccines will be Bill Gates’ (population reduction) calculated death of us, AS PLANNED!!!!