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Alert! Bill Cosby Has Put His Pudding Pop Down Long Enough to Speak His Unadulterated Mind

“This (sic) mainstream media are the Insurrectionists, who stormed the Capitol. Those same Media Insurrectionists are trying to demolish the Constitution of these United State of America on this Independence Day,”

… and the Colluding , Oligarch Owned, Corporations are considered people too… #StatingTheeObvous.

Indeed, there’s much to be gleaned from our Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia perspective, as well as, the Made Man who was Raised up out of Hugh Heftner’s CIA tied brothel and hidden handed Media Empire from the start. #MediaMockingbird101

All we would have to do is #FollowtheMoney to learn who financed the infamous Selma / Civil Rights FALSE FLAG events culminating into all Blacks complain about on the damned Democrat Plantations nationwide. #BernieBros

Hint: Cosby’s fellow comedian, Dick Gregory, also knew his media based financiers all too well.

Bill Cosby, apparently, has nothing more to loose, as he begins his protracted death-bed confessions, but, let’s see how much he is willing to reveal from his insider perspective as a charter member of Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan.

See also, Jay-Z’s label full of bad acts as he is LaVey’s latest media “Installation” as per #SonyRules.

Relative to America’s Media Conglomerates, Cosby is one man who can tell us, for certain, that there’s far more than that which meets the eyes. #ISpy

From the untimely murder/sacrifice of his first born Son, Ennis Cosby, to his public beat-down  after Cosby’s thwarted effort to buy NBC, there are many loose ends and lots of d

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We the People Want What the Trump Administration Wants; Our Votes & Our Voices Must Count!

Our nation was built upon the foundation of free speech, and, thereby, the first amendment.

Free speech is why our public squares and our chambers designed, expressly, for debate are codified into our Constitutional Law.

Now, there’s a concerted effort by a brazen cabal of purpetrators to circumvent our nation and our constitution, alike, and they are using their illegal (Anti Trust) Media Monopolies to help get the job of subverting our nation done.

Sadly, there’s also a plethora of compromized black journalists that are placed on the front lines who look like me when they are not busy crying like Van Jones, bitching like Donna Brazile, or moaning like Don Lemon, just for show.

They are the, so called, BOULE or the Talented Tenth, who are used to garner newly developed Social Incite Paradigms for the hidden handed Cabal for whom they are gainfully employed.

Parler Content

Before Fox news took a decidedly turn for the worse, we had to put up with Conrad Juan Williams’ and his bold faced, NPR caliber lies.

Then, we were made subject to a self proclaimed, potential whore who helped Hillary defraud her way out of her FAILED Election, Donna Brazille, and her Nasty Woman lectures that included her infamous, “go to hell” commentary.

Now, the Disney Fox guarding the American henhouse revealed it’s true Commie and misogynistic colours after asulting a brilliant Woman, Jennine Shipiro’s intelegence by giving her scheduled and highly relevent, show a handmaid’s tail smackdown in the midst of the Oligarchs’ Lawfare battles.

Fox has now joined the other Fake News outlets in a brazen effort to rob the American people of actionable FACTS, as their Subversive cohorts Rob us of our actual vote tallies.

The hidden handed Owner/s of Fox hopes we will never learn to what extent our votes and our Constitutionally protected rights are being surpressed in their cohort’s Tyranically run Democrat strongholds nationwide.

In true Ancorman fasion, the White House communications chief, Kayleigh McEnany, was abruptly silenced by the mansplaining Fox “News” anchor, Neil Cavuto, who stated to his American peons that what they might hear strait from the Whitehouse source, was not news, newsworthy, or credible, whatsoever.

Thanks to, Dan Bongino, the brilliant Patriots at Parler, become the Keepers of our Fourth Estate, we the people will never be deprived of our GOD given rights for which this Nation was founded upon in the first place!