I have been saying that we are at war the moment I learned about SIR RONALD COHEN’S SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION.
I am the one that made a FALSE FLAGS and FAKE NEWS Group page on FB in 2014, well before Fake News was news and once again, President Donald J. Trump and I are on the same page.

I realized that the CABAL of Conspiring OLIGARCHS were ALL working under the banner of Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION from my Philadelphia point of view while working to understand the Rhetoric coming from my own Democrat City Councilman first Cousin and the political Rhetoric coming from the Hillary Clinton Sycophant, Philadelphia Mayor Michal Nutter, turned Michael Bloomberg’s Campaign manager after helping to Rig the Philly DNC in Clinton’s favor, After Handing Over Venture Capital Bankrupt Philly to Bloomberg etal and After launching the first salvo against candidate Donald J. Trump well before Trump won the 2016 election.
WHILE PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS HINTED THAT WE ARE AT WAR, I AM GRATEFUL THAT OTHER AMERICANS HAVE COME TO THE UNDERSTANDING THAT WE ARE INDEED AT WAR ALSO, HOWEVER, it remains quite clear to me that most still haven’t a clue, as MOST are not Willing or Able to Correctly identify exactly who has declared war against our various nations and thereby WE THE PEOPLE Remain mere REACTIONARIES during Sir Ronald Cohen’s Openly Declared SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION.
Sadly, I am seen as a NOBODY FROM NOWHERE as a Black Woman from Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia, our nation’s first Capital where the Best and Brightest have been practically HYJACKED to deliver All the SOCIAL INCITE AND SOCIAL IMPACT BOND Purveyors want and need from us using EVERY LESSON LEARNED Since the jew’s BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION!!!
Not only are we subject to an asymmetrical war, Cohen has managed to Fleece Our Nation’s Pension Coffers in order to Build Up, Henry Kissinger’s Communist China right along with the Silicon Valley hacks who have declared themselves AI gods among men.
By Bankrupting our Nation from within the Oligarchs managed to USE the Bloomberg Waterboy, Nutter to spread the Oligarchs paradigms nationwide via his position as Chairman of the Oligarch Usurped Conference of Mayors.
Beginning with a council of 200 jewISH American OLIGARCHS a toolkit and frameworks for TAKING OVER OUR NATION was manifest with the help of the Clinton Sycophant’s who allowed our Oligarch usurped first capital become the primary Command Center for Satanic Hacks like Bill Gates’ who’s Microsoft School of the Future emerged just as Governor Tom Ridge worked to Install Bill Ayers Edison Schools as a PART OF THE OLIGARCHS DIABOLICAL PLANS.
After parents revolted against Edison Schools, Oligarch Eli Brode and the Walton’s of Walmart took up the Cause of MAKING OUR KIDS INTO RADICALIZED, SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS AND DUMBED DOWN BLM Shills.
After the 911 False Flag Event with the lone Plane in the PA field, Gov. Tom Ridge would go on to become our nation’s First, LIBERTY ROBBING, Homeland Security Czar, parted ways with his Weather Underground pal leaving his Ayers to install his Life-Long Lackie Barack Obama into the seat of ultimate power.
Obama would become Cohen’s most important, Harvard tied protégé when he was the Chairman of the since devolved G8.

After robbing the Brits of all of their Unclaimed Assets, with the help of Tony Blare, Cohen expanded his SIB agenda stateside by using his Alma-matta, Harvard School of Business as a key hub for TOPPING OUR NATION from within.
Cohen even managed to get his Harvard classmate, Robert Kraft of the New England Patriots on-board and shortly after the ENTIRE NFL would become systematically WEAPONIZED and used to forward, both, Cohen and George Soros paradigms, namely, Open Cities and BLM themed Social INCITES used to evoke Riots in our troubled streets.
I could go on as I always do at www.WeTheNegro.com, but it’s dinner time now and for as long as we still have food at the onset of Biden’s DARK WINTER.