See here, there’s Nothing New in the Democratic Party, whatsoever, and likewise, there’s Nothing New Under the Sun.
We are witness to the 2016 DNC saga all over again as America remains mired in Corrupt Nasty Women and easy go Socialists, for whom the hidden handed Oligarchs may Feast, thanks to the People – Parasite – Servant – Delicacies they truly are.

They represent the symbiosis from hell first spawned by the Rothchilds and they represent the Best Tools, to date, for the practical head of America’s aged “Elders of Zion”, who hope, like hell, to see their Arc of Bolshevik destruction culminate into a Satanic Empire that we were all Warned About on so Many Occasions, but none more profoundly than in biblical Prophecy itself. Read Rev 3:9.
Between the Bookends of Constantine and Barack Obama the, so called, Western World is becoming the threshing floor where unbridled, ungodly ones are organized by the Synogog of Satan into cesspools of frenzy and hate.
As those who, with child-like foolishness, were first brought into the folds of Liberalism, Feminism and Activism serving as cover for Communism grow up, most fail to take heed of the many Empirical Lessons Learned the hard way.
So many of us are still, duly, entrenched by the mixed messages perpetrated by Usurped Methodist offspring who were Sacrificed as Hypocritical Obstructionists of Facts, as they were indeed made far too busy to spread the most basic words of God for Armor, as follows.
Just as our Black Caucus members Volunteer to take a back seat on the civility bus, Bill Cosby is receiving his own Object-Lessons from downtrodden and bare-breasted Cosby Kids in his wake. Now, the truly “woke” among us are metaphysically shown Cosby’s Best Lesson for us to date.
That is, Buying in to Satan’s, Any Means Necessary paradigms means that they Will Do As Thou Wilt with us all for as long as God’s Chosen remain so willing to Sell Out and essentially Sell Our Souls to the hidden handed ones who now wish to be known as your AI Gods or Serpent Race, respectively.

As we get a closer glimpse into the Democratic sausage factory we can see, in real-time, how all of the muscle in the Animal Farm of Control and Deceit is beginning to spoil and Rot.
While the Democratic Spectacle is certainly enough to turn stomachs, it is not enough to stand idly by as the alien loving Obfuscaters are, begrudgingly, cast out.
While the hidden handed Oligarchs still need Maxine Waters and Hillary Clinton types to exist as cover for a Titanic that is Going Down Fast, while we only see the Tip of the Ice-burg they still hope to be known as too big to fail just like the wizard of Oz.
We must expect the Hidden Handed Oligarch Overlords, who supply the Corrupt members of our Senate and Congress their Well-Orchestrated Marching Orders, to hit us with their best weapons, albeit, more like Cornered Animals from Hell.