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Vaccines, mRNA, Bioweapons; Who in Hell Cares More Than Bill Gates?

This Bill Gates slip up is concerning

The Body Language Guy does an excellent job of citing certain troubling nuances about Bill Gates, who could be single handedly held responsible for more deaths than any man alive, should the public at large finally wake up.

When listening to the video commentary, as per Rev 2:9 and 3:9, do ask yourselves, who the hell is “we” for whom Bill Gates refers to repeatedly.

Watch as Gates emotes emphatically relative to all of the unsuspecting people he and his hidden handed cabal can make subject to (((their))) highly experimental #mRNA #biowealpons first thrusted upon us as an antidote to Dr. Fouchi’s, gain of function reliant bi products, developed in Wuhan.

Gates etal, deceptively calls mRNA “technology” #vaccines and this conscientious obfuscation occurs repeatedly after Gate’s indicated vaccines are the best way to achieve (((their))) hoped-for, population reduction.

My question is, why is this hyperactive demon-seed allowed to do anything on earth after showing us his demonic hand in conjunction with his evermore brazen WHO?