Ironically, Black Americans can only see, clearly, our Trajectory into all we complain about through the lens of that ilk that has studied and, thereby, governed us the most, bureaucratically.
Even while it is well known that the, relative, victors have written and rewritten our Black past for us, most do not realize that our Media outlets have been Bought and/or Paid for in order to dictate, for us, our present and future, alike, via the help of their emerging NUDGE Science paradigms.
Due to such active, institutionalized, obfuscation we must use the lost algebraic arts of ours to bring our ongoing calamity into full view, yet, they have also managed to Usurp our Schools in order to better control us from the C.O.R.E.

For full understanding and remedies a carful study between the Bookends of our Chronicled Progress, Hostile-Takeover and Monopolized Demise, is direly needed.
This could be done with a modicum of THOUGH for as long as we are collectively induced to THINK, but at last, our future is now being Written, Clinically, and without imagination into each of the Usurped media and institutional shells that are now programed remotely, and in most instances, via an emerging AI Technocracy that is tooled and retooled daily for perfection, in real time, in order to keep us all Stuck on Stupid.

In the relative VOID of a 100% Black OWNED, INDEPENDENT, Press it is the dedicated OTHERS, who are Glad to Step In to Actively Misguide our Most Vulnerable Youth AWAY FROM Previously CITED Black Progress, and thereby, it is our youth who are Awarded for out and out vainglory all while struggling to reinvent the necessary, “wheels” already invented by his own ancestors who’s actual progress is farmed off then systematically pressed down into obscurity, all in favor of more desirable, shallow, and profitable trends for handlers to manage.

Since the onset of Socialism falsely culminating under the auspice of faked “Civil Rights” it is our carefully Orchestrated and Hand-Crafted demise that is publically rewarded and privately paid for by a plethora of governing Patrons who have elevated the art of Ownership and, practical, Re-enslavement thru the commission of sheer Vice.

Just as the mysteries of our Greatness and Gainsaying, alike, is written into Key Masonic Cornerstones, and the Key-stones embedded within our Nation’s First Capital, there are Key, black, Chroniclers that serve as standard bearers of absolute TRUTH, if only, the hidden-hands and secret societies enveloping them are rightly recognized, also.
Inside of the Freemason Built Institutions in Philadelphia there are countless factoids about Blacks that are carefully guarded by owl-like curators who do so ritualistically.
In league with Institutions situated throughout the Western-World, Right there, in our Nation’s First Capital (University of Pennsylvania) lies our ancient and biblical past alike, our anthropologically organized histories, as well as, our carefully crafted future, all by way of Usurpation.

You see, it is not without the use of us that they have studied and then specialized in using us, via decades of practice, and under the banner of Socialism.
<a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”></a>

We now have Empirical Evidence that Gullible Blacks, who Take No actual OWNERSHIP in Life, are bound to Suffer a Life-Time of being OWNED, just Like that Forever Failing, so called, “Black Leader”, Barak Obama.
#BiasAndBalanced #FairAndEqual #NABJ #PABJ #WURD #WDAS #WHAT #SocialImpact #FollowTheMoney #NUDGE #RaceBate #Propigandized #BME #BLM #NAACP #CRISIS