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Kenny’s Gamble with Philly’s Usurping Deep State Oligarchs & How Obama’s Puppet Master, Bill Ayers, Keeps Blacks, Theoretically, Lynched & Triggered to Riot.

As with Jussie Smollett, the Hidden Handed Oligarchs who Depend on Black Shills have given our, so called,”Thought Leaders” just Enough Rope to Hang Us With!!!!

It’s how the Bill Ayers Edison School Takeover plan, first forwarded by the Deep State’s post-911 NHS Czar and PA Governor, Tom Ridge, got converted into a “Black Cause”, forwarded by Influential Philly blacks like the world renown, Kenny Gamble, along with the Walton’s of Walmart’s, hand-select, BAEO Puppet- Democrat State Senators, Anthony H.Williams and Dwight Evans.

The Oligarchs who relied on our, so called, Black leaders to deliver our targeted urban schools into the hands of hedge funder Eli Brode and billionaire Bill Gates who stationed his school of the future at the pinnacle of our rapidly gentrified first capital, are the same ones who are Training Us to Take, Every Black, Democratically, Spawned Grievance Out on President Donald J. Trump in order to get away with  and continue All that Blacks Complain About!

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So if You are feeling repressed and on the verge of being  Lynched in America, based on your daily brainwashing sessions delivered by the Deep State’s Fake News cabal, there is truly no one else to blame but your own gullible self and sadly we must all come to terms with the fact that   DEMOCRAT BLACK SHILLS were given JUST ENOUGH ROPE by  Subversive American Oligarchs to Hang Us All!!!

Below, see the Milwaukee article that served as the impetus for this blog and how the Sound of Philly Music Mogul, Kenny Gamble’s Universal Companies did their “Business” in Milwaukee soon after Democrats sold Philly Schools out to the Hidden Handed Oligarchs and Hedge Funders who Could Not Takeover America’s Schools without the help of hand select and High Profile Black Shills.

Besides the internationally known blacks shills who are featured in the opening picture above with Republican, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, the Deep State / CNN Shill, Al Sharpton, etc., the Democratic PA Congressman, Chaka Fattah and his son Chip Fattah were Federally indicted and found guilty of financial malfeasance after Fattah helped to Deliver Philadelphia Schools into the hands of Oligarch Hedge-funders who supplied them with Just Enough Rope to Hang, both, the father and son with. (Full disclosure: The Fattah’s were close family friends for whom I have known since childhood)

In spite of my many warnings via social media and direct messaging, alike, most of the Democratic sycophants of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were easily swayed to support Bill Ayers and the Deep State Oligarch’s plan to Take Over our Nation’s Schools 100%.

I would like to believe the clueless and gullible blacks truly had no idea in what manor our youth, and community at large, would come to be “schooled” by the hidden handed Deep State they served, but then I realize the Millions they were paid to get the dirty deeds done, all while ignoring the immediate consequences for which they purported to fight when the Republican, Tom Ridge, was tasked with the same mission.

Besides greedy, I am certain that our, so called, leaders were purposely left as Ignorant as every member of the Captive CNN audience and, sadly, most still have no idea of the Cabal’s disruptive plans and how they were used to bring about the adverse results in the targeted black community that are still in affect and over a century in the making.

Gullible Blacks who Take No OWNERSHIP are bound to Suffer a Life-Time of being OWNED, Like the Forever Failing, so called, “Leader” Barack Obama.

Organizing Useful Idiots and instituting the aims of the Weather Underground via the Terrorist/founder’s paradigms for radicalizing America’s youth, is part and parcel to any nation that is systematically unsettled, slated to be overthrown and systematically turned Socialist, in accordance to the Neo-Bolshevik’s 100 year old playbook.

Arlene Akerman’s only “job” was to systematically implode the public schools she was assigned to disrupt by her hidden handed task-master and deep state Oligarch Hedge Funder, Eli Brode.

While the push to Overthrow our nation is theoretically understood, in that the works of George Soros toppling entire nations is well documented, tying all of the Subversive’s pieces of the dubious puzzle together in America is difficult to do, for as long as there are hungry, greedy, and/or gullible blacks to exploit.

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Nutter easily pivoted away from calling Philadephia’s Black Youth A-Holes in time for his next Deep State assignment, calling President Trump an A-hole, as if any of the Problems in Democratic Bastions where Blacks Suffered the most is somehow President Trump’s fault.

Democrat sycophants, who are willing to SACRIFICE themselves and their Black Fellows for causes they are Tasked to support while being either too Ignorant or too greedy to fully understand the deep state’s obscure plans, are the reason our once great cities are brought to Baltimore MD’s Regressive NAACP standards (as seen on “The Wire”) for all TARGETED Urban, Black Americans.

Truth be told, Philadelphia has always served as ground zero for USING such Ignorant, Hopeful, Helpful and Gullible Blacks, as it was W.E.B. DuBois who first served as the model for our systematic demise, via the Hidden Hand jew and the, so called, Talented Tenth dichotomy, for which DuBois diligently slaved until the day he finally woke up.

Besides DuBois’ working partnership with Marget Sanger and the Son of a Planned Parenthood Founder, Bill Gates’, so called, School of the Future that came in along with Bill Ayers’ Edison Schools, Philly is ground zero for many of the Deep State’s experimentation in Black Population and Mind Control.

It was Philadelphia’s Father Divine who was studied and emulated expressly for the establishment of Jim Jones’ Democratically Supported Death Cult and the consequent Murders of countless blacks in CIA owned section of Guyana.

Likewise, It was a University of Pennsylvania Sociology Professor (much like DuBois) , Donald Glasssey, who systematically developed a Cult of his own in Philly, while crediting his Illiterate hand Select Black Shill, John Africa, the so called leader of the infamous M.O.V.E. group with the 300 page Manifesto that started it all

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Hillary Clinton’s Grip on Philly was Strong enough to serve as Cover for her many Crimes against America. Her ties to Useful Idiots and Powerful Black Sycophants is astounding considering her open Racial Bias Against Blacks including her own Bastardized Abandoned Black Step-Son.

While spared the bullet, DuBois was allowed to drift off into his Ghanaian exile, but , other Socialist and/or Communist Blacks Shills and so many of their, so-called, Black Radical counterparts were offed or discarded in their prime with no remorse from the hidden handed taskmasters who benefit the most from their socially disruptive acts.

Those who spend their entire careers serving the hidden hand, such as, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, would all come to learn the hard way that Black Shills are 100% Expendable and solely for the purpose of Plausible Deniability in behalf of the the Hidden Handed Deep State for whom they serve.