What my fellow Blacks don’t know can, indeed, make “us” impotent, because all dead Black men are, relatively, impotent!!!
When Bill Gates Sr. and his infaomous Microsoft son, Bill Jr. landed the chairmanship of Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood, making Sanger’s targeted Black men impotent was not necessary for as long as the next targeted Black boy and Black girl could be volunteraly sacrificed inside of it’s mother’s convoluted womb, as planned.

Apparently, extending abortions to late term and now Sanger’s Planned Parenthood selling murdered Black babies for far more than the price of a Black slave is not enough for some Satanic Americans.

Now, the Microsoft founder, with a predilection for Jeffrey Epstein fetched prepubescent victims has upped the anti to focus on his openly stated, global depopulation fever-dreams.
Just months before the Dr. Fouci funded Wuhan400 Plandemic, the 2020 pandemic first spelled out in Dean Koontz’s 1982,”Eyes of Darkness” Novel, Gates announced achieving his depopulation goals, which are also tied to Gretta Thunberg’s climate change fantasy, hinting that Gates’ hidden handed Cabal’s depopulation efforts would be best served via (((their))) well orchestrated Global Vaccine paradigms.

No one thought to lock Gates up for his openly stated depopulation achievements, which would normally be considered crimes against humanity.
Gates gets a free pass because his entire hidden handed ilk is 100 % onboard.

(((They))) are the emerging Oligarch Fascists busy tying up American media nationwide so that no opposing views from Scientists, Doctors or Politians can see the light of day.
Sunlight is proven to be just as effective against the Fouci formulated Corona virus as actual and true news, yet Gates etal have managed to ingratiate themselves within the Black conscious via lying Black Shills like the hypocritical, Don Lemon, who was just caught mask-less sunbathing with his White, gay husband in Governor Desantis’ Florida bastion where forced vaccination mandates are being smacked down on a daily basis.
Along with Black Shills on Fake News platforms, Gates etal have also established an army of ANTIFA led BLM idiots and BMe-Black Male Engagement minions who serve just like Socialist hacks of old.
Gates is simply following the footsteps established by his Planned Parenthood predecessor, Margret Sanger who thought to ingratiate herself with W.E.B. DuBois,’ NAACP and the resulting Black Boule who effectively delivered the latest Murder Capital in Baltimore MD, home of the fake Jews’ NAACP.

Today, with the help of the Jesuit trained Hillary Clinton spycopant, Michael Nutter, Gates’ Microsoft School of the Future now stands daunting on the Edge of Will Smith’s West Philadelphia neighborhoods and it stands there as a dubious bookend to the Dr. Fouci associated Wistar Institute, the University of Pennsylvania foundation implicated with the development of the Congo released A.I.D.S. virus, also established in the 80’s when Koontz’s penned his telling novel.
Rolling Stone magazine fact check aside, A.I.D.S. was thought to be made from whole cloth by Doctors From the Fouchi associated Wistar Institute, using the eradication of the already waning Polio virus as an excuse, much like Fouci’s special order, SARS-CoV-2 novel variant as a direct result of Fouci’s controversial NIH gain of function “studies“.
Of course the hidden handed fake Jews can simply dismiss my presented facts Six ways til Sunday, just like Chuck Schumer the jewISH U.S. Senator who spearheaded open celebrations for his states’ late term abortion victories, yet, no one one earth can deny the dubious juxtaposition between targeted Black Planned Parenthood Survivors and the fake JewISH Satanists who are spelled out for all to see inside of our relatively disregarded Bibles, Rev 2:9 and 3:9.

If you think what I wrote is bombastic, ie, your own cognitive dissonance hard at work, then consider any given day on Lorne Michaels’ Saturday Night Live show, such as, when their Jew-made Poster Boy, LilNaz X was elevated, celebrated and featured humping a human effigy of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday, no less, or Lil NazX’s current “pregnancy” as a result…

While the latest fake Jew’ tool, NazX, “gestates” for nine months, (((they))) have the platforms and means needed to produce countless other ways to systematically destroy Blacks from within.
Besides stirring George Soros’hoped for race war (((Their))) ultimate goal is getting openly reluctant Blacks clamouring to take the Fouchi ouchy well before (((they))) go nuclear.
Because (((they))) have taken all of the citizens Guns away, (((they))) managed to take the entire nation of Australia down a notch via COVID19 Tyranny. Because the Kyle Rittenhouse narrative is not going as planned, (((they))) are getting more desperate by the day.
First, the fake Jews turned to (((their))) Satanically sacrificed Run D, who’s MC, like Biggie Smalls and Tell it like it is Tupac, is dead and gone far too soon to be diagnosed with Covid19.
Having failed to convince Black holdouts in New York City’s Covid19 ground-zero, Dr.Fouchi -n- Dem are now grasping for straws.

Once again, the powerful dichotomy between the bibically foretold fake Jews and post captive Blacks that are still suffering Biblically foretold Confusion of Face is palpable enough to be realized by all.
The entire world can see how the proverbial needle is moved away from Gates’ openly stated Global Vaccines goal with every logical pronouncement an American Black great makes.
The hidden handed fake Jews, spelled out in Rev 3:9, realize just one Black Great can save the entire planet now set upon by Dr. Fouci’s Communist China hatched BioWeapons, etc. , therefore, they also know auditioned Black shills, otherwise known as the Black Boule Gatekeepers, are needed to counter this powerful fact.
Mired in (((their))) Biblically foretold dichotomy (((they))) are now resorting to the exact same stereotypes that were used to justify the crafty merchants’ first Wall-street imports, the Trans Atlantic black Slaves.
The stunning movie “Goodby Uncle Tom” makes Roots seem like milk-toast as captures the images of Black Cock Focused Scientist working tirelessly towards the merchant’s Penile based justifications for keeping slaves, thus the Democrats’ KKK began taking the cut Penises as souvenirs from their Black hung-victims and Hollywood’s, so called, Black Mandingo character for the purpose of race bating was borne.
Having fallen short of their initial Plandemic goals, (((they))) have now developed (((their))) highly produced commercial above featuring Dr.s in lab coats focused squarely on the Black man’s penis!!!
Today, Saints around the world will not only recognize the absolute power behind Loza Alexander’s, “Let’s Go Brandon” song and international phenomenon as a result, but Rev 3:9 is also being manifest along with our collective destiny beyond Covid19.
We will all give thanks to key Blacks like the Front Line Dr., Simon Gold, who single-handedly made the Dr. Vladimir Zelenko associated hydroxychloroquine cure go viral after her telling speech given on the steps of the United States Supreme Court.
Deep within the hearts and minds of good God fearing men And women around the world it is becoming clear that the FINAL SOLUTION will be a modern-day Nurinburg trial for the hidden handed purpetraiters who have gone way too far and well beyond Poisoning Wells for the sake of depopulation and untold profits.
Read more about formulaic Fouci and his task-masters murderous ways here.