FACEBOOK and Zukerman are now posited as thee Feudal overlord Ilk of Rev 3:9 mentioned JEWS who now Think themselves Too Big to Fail with the Full Backing of Nuclear Options in Occupied Israel for which they Openly serve, first and foremost!!
Throughout America, With Your Help, via Our Collective Participation as Consumers to All that these Oligarchs’ have made, WE ARE NOW Being “ENTREATED” to the Boling Water we have basked in happily, for as long as they did not turn up the… heat so.. No not So much, previously, as to lead to the DEATH OF THE FIRST ADMENDMENT and the Virtual Death of ANY TRUTH just before their Hoped-For Civil Unrest, Civil Disorder , Deep State Meddling and Race WAR for EMPIRE is Kicked Off.
While it is clear, So Many of my Fellow Blacks have already Drank the Kool-aid, I still have Hope that GOD and TRUTH may still be Entreated Upon You in a Sea of Lies as a Lifesaver for those Who are TIRED OF PROTESTS, COMPLAINT AND THOSE PROFITABLE REASONS THAT WE ARE LEAD AWAY LIKE BEGGARS AS ALWAYS!.
As I am FORCE Off this FOUL Platform I will be Migrating to lend ASSETS to my OWNED Platform as well as Filling a “CONSERVATIVE” BLACK Void on YOUTUBE with CONTENT beyond Type!
As always YOU Can Count on Me for GRAPHIC DESIGNS, SIGNS, APPAREL PRINTING and ADVERTISING MATERIALS @EmpressSignsLLC. http://www.EmpressSigns.com
And as far as my VALUABLE Group Pages for TRUTH AND INFOMMATION, FB Can Kick Rocks upon the NEW YEAR as MY ASSETS WILL ALL BE REMOVED!!!
#checkmarkcaution-solid (<—– the Hidden Code that is attached to my targeted posts now is TYRANNY!!!)FACEBOOK and Zukerman are now posited as thee Feudal overlord Ilk of Rev 3:9 mentioned JEWS who now Think themselves Too Big to Fail with the Full Backing of Nuclear Options in Occupied Israel for which they Openly serve, first and foremost!!
Throughout America, With Your Help, via Our Collective Participation as Consumers to All that these Oligarchs’ have made, WE ARE NOW Being “ENTREATED” to the Boling Water we have basked in happily, for as long as they did not turn up the heat so.. No not So much, previously, as to lead to the DEATH OF THE FIRST ADMENDMENT and the Virtual Death of ANY TRUTH just before their Hoped-For Civil Unrest, Civil Disorder , Deep State Meddling and Race WAR for EMPIRE is Kicked Off.
While it is clear, So Many of my Fellow Blacks have already Drank the Kool-aid, I still have Hope that GOD and TRUTH may still be Entreated Upon You in a Sea of Lies as a Lifesaver for those Who are TIRED OF PROTESTS, COMPLAINT AND THOSE PROFITABLE REASONS THAT WE ARE LEAD AWAY LIKE BEGGARS AS ALWAYS!.
As I am FORCE Off this FOUL Platform I will be Migrating to lend ASSETS to my OWNED Platform as well as Filling a “CONSERVATIVE” BLACK Void on YOUTUBE with CONTENT beyond Type!
As always YOU Can Count on Me for GRAPHIC DESIGNS, SIGNS, APPAREL PRINTING and ADVERTISING MATERIALS @EmpressSignsLLC. http://www.EmpressSigns.com
And as far as my VALUABLE Group Pages for TRUTH AND INFOMMATION, FB Can Kick Rocks upon the NEW YEAR as MY ASSETS WILL ALL BE REMOVED!!!
We Read ~ Recommend, Review, Write & Share Books too!
Consumers, Creatives and Entrepreneurs’ of Color, Stand Up
False Flags and Fake News
New Jersey Business Exchange
Eileen Thompkins
Empress Sign LLC.
Custom Neon by Empress Signs LLC.
#checkmarkcaution-solid (<—– the Hidden Code that is attached to my targeted posts now is TYRANNY!!!)
The SAME ILK Systematically BANKRUPT Every Major City in AMERICA and wanted to RACE BATE Their way to this Ends Anyway if HILLARY CLINTON Was Voted into office (See their RACE BATING EFFORTS THAT BEGAN BEFORE OBAMA LEFT OFFICE and even Tv’s #Blackish Season 2, Episode 11 for their Nudg…e Science Based SOCIAL IMPACT CLUES.
THEY Staged Countless FALSE FLAG EVENTS in AMERICA to bring the CAYOS , such as the Protocals of Zion did Warn and beginning with PHILLY FLASH MOBS as on of the PRIMARY EVENTS. The Protocals of Zion revelation 100 years ago is the Reason they Hate Russia today for Letting Us In on the plan in the first place.
Job well done Black Lives Matter! The Technocrats are WINNING with your Help!
The more Dead Minded Blacks they recruit to Pop-Off all LOUD and Indignant on Que, the Closer they Get to Owning our only home, AMERICA, All Blacks Once Again, and their hated Christians, and GOYIM, Too!
It’s their new Social Impact Bond Slave Plan that will benefit the most!
They, the, so-called, Technocrats, want to Rule the World, and for the most part, they have. They, the Hidden Handed technocrats now enjoy full cover, all because they have mastered Every Foul Brand, Every USURPED Media Platform, and Every Deviant way , but most IMPORTANTLY, the Potent Black Man and Women alike are their Ace in the Hole as it relates to their Foretold Protocols of Zion Plan.
“They” are called, “Globalists”, “the Elite”, the “1%”, “Liberals”, “Progressives”, Socialists, all, but calling them ALL out as Jews, who would, otherwise, be, rightly, pegged for the acts of each deceptive title, and such as they would gladly call themselves, is just like calling our ,Once Great Kings, High Priests, and God’s Chosen, all, the N’ word, as we are all Mentally Reduced by these crafty Fake Jews in only a manor the Synagogue of Satan itself could create for as long as HUMANITY will LET THEM.
AS GOD IS MY WITNESS, it is ONLY With the Help and Aid of our STIFFED NECKED Israelites who are still suffering Confusion of Face at this Time of REVELATION, THEY WILL DECIVE THE VERY ELECT! The Second you all FINALLY Wake Up… Not so much!
Exhibit A!, is what Happens when American Blacks Work ALL OF THEIR LIVES to Serve the long standing aims of those Hidden-Handed, and forever WARING Fake Jews, who have, effectively, made their Next Manhattan Project one that REDUCES BLACK ACHIEVEMENT and BLACKS in AMERICA Scientifically, so much that we’d All end up as Virtual, GROUP-THINKING NOTHINGS compelled to Argue that Black Lives Matter!!
“They”, fake Jewish Oligarchs, are now Plying their TECHNOCRATICALY Developed NUDGE BRAIN-SCIENCE AGAINST US, Gods CHOSEN, Mighty Men and Women along with their, so called, Targeted Goyim Christian Conservative of every nation and stripe,
It was certainly their earliest forms of Behavioral and Social Sciences that were developed to Systematically Route out the core of Black Families from within, such as, with My own Uncle, SAMUEL P MASSIE , who was once a proud Greek Pledgee who was Ceremoniously Inducted into Being beholden to Two Masters for an entire life-time of”achievement”, as Planned!
Like countless other Black Men and women of his age, an entire life-time would be spent pandering for Trophy Walls full of Awards all while the animate ones in the household gathered dust where strong Traditions and Legacies might otherwise dictate an Ethos of Unity and Tribal Protectionism.
While these Mighty Men stove to please their Custom obscuring patrons, we as the next generation, were all convinced by the trolling outside forces to do as we please.
Essentially, while our parents accepted what others deemed to be achievements, the same hidden handed Overloads who defined achievements for blacks were busy enticing the captive achievers children with evermore perverse offerings of every sort, none more perverse than a grown man who would prostrate himself in secrete places and backwards towards that Downtrodden king of the Greeks who first showed us exactly what Abomination of Desolation could look like.
Our Pledging Elders and their Legacies, alike, may well have Sold their Souls to the devil, himself, as who else could lay a fraternity laden spread so tempting and inviting as to want to be spanked, than the Synogog of Satan?
In True ZIONIST-Overlord form, our Mightiest Men are, both, Held Up and Torn Down (Posthumously), at once.
Now, the hidden handed Zionist, such as, the Waltons of Walmart and Eli-Brode are free to, systematically, mislead Our Children currently ENTRAPPED inside of Fraudulently Usurped Institutions.
While celebrating, constantly, non Uplifting Achievements our “URBAN” Schools Systems were all being, effectively, Usurped with the full aid of the Weather Underground Inspired, Barack Obama, and his Crooked Hillary Clinton Steered “Administration”.SRC=”https://wethenegro.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Bill-Ayers-Barack-Obama.jpg” alt=”” width=”256″ height=”152″ />
After America had already undergone a related, Edison Schools fiasco, the Zionist Cabal did retool. In the midst of capturing our imaginations with their 9/11 FALSE Flag Attack, follow by the Roll-out of Ready Responses having nothing to do with actual perpetrators, they essentially set out to Rearrange the deckchairs in order to Stave off their Most Largest Schemes of all.
In one of the early adapter cities, Philadelphia, the entire stage was set. Tom Ridge who made it his failed mission to Deliver Urban schools, could move onto bigger and better deception, as there were two Washed Up Congressmen who would gladly take the mantle with little to no provocation than to remain relevant. No matter how foul the previous failure was, the fake jew would rely on old Civil Rights Shills and their old tricks too as they would begin to Restructure their School TAKEOVER Plan with the full Aid and Support of the Walton’s of Walmart who was already in bed with Howard Fuller a black Civil Rights veteran turned Hedge funder, if not only due to his wife’s chosen vocation.
The Walton’s would come to call on their Hedge Fund Related (an early Civil Rights Movement Shill) Howard Fuller to Spear-Head their publicly Staged Pivot away from a Republican lead effort to Privatize Targeted Urban Schools into what would appearto be a BLACK Lead effort for, so-called, Civil Rights and School Equality via School Vouchers.
America’s Urban schools nationwide would, effectively, be fully Usurped and Arrayed for the express Purpose of converting Black Children, who had already averted a Planned Parenthood death like so many of their unborn fellows, into Profitable Social Impact Bond Managed Commodities.
With Goldman Sachs’ , George Soros and their entire ilk of Hidden Handed Zionist Subversives at the helm, the entire Cabal, at once, set out to SYSTEMATICALLY apply their best practice for Meddling and Degrading black lives.
Besides applying lessons already perfected by conniving Civil Rights Overlords, they would build upon the work of Sal Alinski styled “activists, while using their Usurped Media Monopolies, nationwide, to systematically sew Talking Points, Thought Leadership, and Doubts about and into Blacks using new Brain Science findings.
They introduced 21st Century Justice Reform CAUSATION along with Social Impact Journalism to Incite post FALSE-Flag Event Riots.
Each of the segmented Victim groups they hosted via their Obama era non-profit gamut could all be mustered and chided under the umbrella of George Soros’ Open Society who’s supply the logistics and financial supports.
Along with Children being taught daily the disruptive ways of the Terroistic Weather Underground as a key Component to their newly developed SOCIAL IMPACT Bond profiteering Every College in Cashed Strapped America would be Usurped and retooled in the same manor American Institutions were practically commandeer to work on the Manhattan Project.
We might take note how the Russian Narrative is now Crafted in Real-Time via NUDGE Behavioral Science and SOCIAL IMPACT Media Narratives so that it can be subconsciously Embedded into to the minds of Unsuspecting Americans.
As such their Fake Russia Narrative is becoming entangled into George Soro’s Black Lives Matter Narrative, perhaps as an Allegorical, historical Nod to Russia and its most Prolific Black Relative who stood directly at odds with their Zionist Hero Leon Trotsky!
Just like the George Bush-forwarded Venture Capital Bond Schemes that first Robbed America’s Pension Funds Blind, Sir Ronald Cohen’s newly developed Social Impact Bond Product is expressly developed to TARGET Blacks.
It would come back to effect us just like the Goldman Sachs’ poorly managed Prime Rate Mortgage Schemes that were skillfully developed to undermined, both, HUD Housing and Fanny Mae aided Blacks.
Together, Sir Ronald Cohen and Goldman Sachs would pair up with the Full Aid of their Zionist Ilk so they could forward new Social Impact Behavioral Concepts and their related new Bonds to further Capitalize on Beleaguered and Impoverished Blacks who’d manage to survive Mass Foreclosures and, relative, Gentrification in their systematically hobbled Urban Cities Nationwide.
Together, with America’s , fully Usurped MEDIA the Zionist are now using newly Developed NUDGE Brain Science together with Behavioral Economic Based Devices , such as, Manipulated Interest Rates to Evoke Feelings that become, both, Radicalized and Actionable.
Along with Terror Based Strategies that were first formulated by Zionist Bolsheviks in Russia, the Zionist are using new BRAINWASH Stratagems within Every Usurped American Institution and by way of Highly Targeted and Compartmentalized, Social Media and Media Platforms that are expressly Developed to Evoke Behavioral Incites.
In Exhibit A, we are witness to World Star Hip-Hop styled Behaviors and Video instead of an UPLIFTING, Testimony to Black Achivement as I Had hoped to find for my Daughter to see.
While I wanted to tell her how her Own Uncle Graduated and Went to College at 12, we were, both, entreated to witness A school that is built in his name, that is being Systematically Succumb to, relative, Academic Complacently featuring the Resulting, PREDICTABLE Social Decline, and Disorders that are Being Cultivated all in his name, Therein.
From what I know about Emerging Brain and Behavioral Science, I have no doubt, whatsoever, that this Video that is misleadingly titled “A TRIBUTE TO SAMUEL P MASSIE” is and more Planted and Suggestive Media of this nature weather it is Paid Thought Leader developed or not, serves as a Primary Part of their Social Impact Strategy.
Mocking young, black, exuberant children acting unruely even in the shadow of Law Enforcement is,indeed, Part and Parcel to The Emerging Social Media NUDGE Based Incites that are now being Technocratically plied Internet-Wide in the Same Form, Style and Purpose of the Notorious, World Star Hip-Hop.
If it were not for their MEDIA Wide BLACKOUT of TRUTH, FACTS, and NEWS
Inside the Library, just under the Telling Banner that Suggests We Read, there is a Man Standing Idly By in Full Police Officer Regalia, signaling how our Overseers are willing to Stand by as our Schools are Systematically Tooled into Social Impact Holding-Grounds where the Children are Conditioned to Become Insane Wards who would Come to Run the Same Assylums one day at the bequest of the Hidden Handed Zionist who Secretly Arrayed them into Angry Fighting TOOLS who could be Socially Impacted via educational schemes such as C.O.R.E.
Simply look back to their Allegorical Tells, namely, how George Bush Jr. read I PET Goat to the Future Generation who would be Taught using C.O.R.E. based Behavioral Science. In the following video we see a Black Teacher practically DICTATING to the kids who Return and Regurgitate Her Rote Lessons On Command.
Likewise, the Zionist lead combination of C.O.R.E Education, Usurped Media telling us Shameless Lies daily for the INCITEMET of Kayos and Riots and a Weather Underground Inspired Urban School Curriculum now serve as Subconscious Evoking Selling Point for Sir Ronald Cohen’s newly developed Social Impact Bonds that are no more than SLAVERY 2.0 for their hated Blacks and , so-called, Goyim Alike.
As Only God’s Chosen People can, the ENTIRE NATION Is Being Destabilized with the Profound use of POWERFUL Blacks who are Now being Systematically NUDGED into Making PATHETIC Displays as follow:
After their so-called, Philly Flash Mob Farce, Hillary Clinton’s Pet Named, Nuter Butter, AKA, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter would go on to Stage his ZIONIST Oligarch lead plan to TAKEOVER the City of Philadelphia in its entirety. Like many Post Bankrupt American Cities the Ready ZIONIST Cabal simply swooped in to TAKE America’s First Capital, right along with the VULNERABLE Youth therein.
Besides Pension Theft, with the Help of Usuped Harvard School of Business Shills, such as, Newt Gingrich who made the infamous “Fire All of the Janitors Speech”, the ultimate link-pin for the Philly Takeover would become The Weather Underground /Barack Obama Plan that was once forwarded by American TERRORIST, Bill Ayers.
Besides, yet to be Fully Discovered DNC Crimes, America would begin to be saddled by more and more brazen FALSE Flags such as the, so-called, Philly Flash Mob events .
After the emerging Purveyors of their newly developed Social Incite Media, Began to Brand and Narrate events that were first started on South Street that might otherwise be seen as A Rite of Passage for Black Youth who’d Get boisterous and bold each year come spring, they also Staged a series of Press Conferences , Complete with Complaining Merchants, Compliant Cops and Black Political Shills, alike, who would move swiftly and Decisively to remove the scourge, least Tourism be Hampered along Philly’s Famous South Street.
Soon after, the Hidden Handed technocrats began using Flash Mob Tactics via Smart-Phone to anonymously Draw Out Large Crowds of Unsuspecting Black Youth who could be easily Incited further by a few bad actors and rogue elements seeded among the throngs.
Every instance of Youth Exuberance, such as a Back to School fight involving Police would be Narrated under the #PhillyFlashMobs.
Soon Grainy footage, said to be Randomly captured on video began to emerge and be cataloged as the #Knockout Game just as Mayor Nutter Kicked off the Hidden Handed ZIONIST Social Impact Campaign.
Besides being a Key player in the more and more infamous DNC, and the ZIONIST Arrayed Mayor’s Conference, Mayor Nutter would take his National Stage to Openly Call BLACK PHILLY Youth and future Political constituents A-Holes.
Soon after he left office, he would be Awarded over 25 Post – Mayoral Jobs, one as a CNN Minion who got paid to Call Our New President Donald J. Trump an A-Hole Too, all in behalf of his, Hidden-Handed ZIONIST task-master at CNN.
Fast forward, Our Schools and Community Institutions are all USURPED and Retooled to Make Us into the image and Vision that was once held by Bill Ayers and his Wife’s Ilk. That vision and Public image that is Strikingly Similar to ZIONIST Spawned Bolshevism that figured to USE American Black Servicemen as Leverage for Forwarding Communism and its related Socialist Disorders.
Now, In True Form, Antifa Goons are Working Closely with George Soros Funded, BLACK LIVES MATTER Groups that have INFILTRATED Philly Schools.
Under the auspice of the Eli-Broad Run SRC the Philly School System established a BLACK LIVES MATTER, Social Justice Warrior Curriculum so that there will be No Short Supply of BRAINWASHED, GROUP-THINKING, Battering Rams who can be Socially Impacted into Marching Blindly each time the ZIONISTs Ply their Brazen FALSE FLAG Exploits Nationwide.
Note how the timely Movie “PURGE” and “Meet the Blacks” ctually relate to Real Life Renditions of the Countless Murders of Black Men in America who were Systematically Fallen by Clinton’s Rouge , 21st Century JUSTICE Reformed System.
Just as with Obama’s, so-called, Justice Department Stocked full of Crooked Hillary’s Sycophantic Shills Philly Democrats, such as, the Indicted D.A. Seth Williams got Paid Handsomely to Just Stand By as High Crimes including FALSE Flag Murder’s Commenced.
Each Office Up the Line of the entire Chain of Command leading directly to the Democratic Tooled Justice System, was formulated under the auspice of Clinton’s 21Sst Century Justice Reform.
While the ZIONIST moved into our schools for the purpose of systematical targeting, profiteering, leveraging and RADICALIZING our Youth, Rogue Officers of the Law withing Entire Urban Justice Systems were also being Infiltrated by Michael Bloomberg associated, Center for Court Innovation.
Symontaniously, our Children were Openly Sorted out like Mixed Nuts so that their Relative Worth could be realized. Some would become TRAPPED in school that where Tooled in the Style of the newly Arrayed Communities. It was the first Red Hook Project HUD Experiments that would be plied. The Philadelphia Crminal Court System would be Broken Up so that it could have Far Wider Influnce in the Targeted Neighborhoods that were systematically being Divided into Constitution Free POLICE ZONES.
Besides Bringing the Criminal Courts into Schools for the stated purpose of Garnering a LIFE LONG RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CRIMINAL COURT SYSTEM, The Schools would be Stocked full with Hand Select Officers of the law who would stand by in full Compliance and practical COMPLICITY.
The technocrats would begin to WIRE Philly, choosing to develop their Targeted Corridors where vulnerable Blacks lived first.
While the Children were being systematically condition to accept a Police State in place of NORMAL Education they were also being TRAINED to Testify in their IN-SCHOOL Criminal Courts where whole families might be Implicated outside of realm of Standard Constitutional Protections, such as, the Fifth Amendment could supply.
In the background the ZIONISTS were perfecting their newly developed Homeland Security and Urban Police Tactics.
Our New ZIONIST Oligarchs would even supply the Unaware Citizens Trial Balloons where they Celebrated Emerging SOCIAL IMPACT tools and Stratagem.
They would Hard-Sell Bankrupt Police Departments Nationwide on the efficacy of FASICT leaning Concepts such as IN-HOME 24 Hour Surveillance and Comp-stat.
Via systematic FALSE FLAG murders of Unarmed Black Men, followed by ACLU Aided Protests in Key Cities Nationwide, the ZIONIST would begging scoring No-Bid Camera and Body-Armor Sales nationwide directly as a Result of their emerging NUDGE Science Based Behavioral Tactics and their Social Impact Based Studies that showed them that Whites Would simply Sit By Idly with No Concern at all for their CONSTITUTIONAL Rights for as long as the ZIONIST gains , including City-Wide Surveillance, the Erosion of Constitutional Rights for Targeted Citizens and the Vast Acquisitions of URBAN WARFARE Gear was Not to be Used against them.
Even Prior to Donal J. Trump’s Surprise Presidential Victory, the Zionist hoped to continue on with More Rouge Justice Department FALSE Flags , as usual, that would be followed by Aimless Riots.
They were forced to settle on Brainwashed Pussy-Hats under the Leadership of their Ballistics Idol, MADONNA, when Black Lives Matter Shills, evoked by the Black Panther Styled Beyoncewere too low in numbers to March after President Trump’s Inauguration. (Check out how they used Blackish Season 2, Episode 11 to Ply their NUDGE Science based Brainwashing. There they “suggested” we get Ready To RIOT by November 2016, in time to take frozen apples as weapons against the Waiting and Readied Home-Land security Cops. The resulting public spectacle would convince Whites that Blacks were indeed the PHILLY FLASH MOBS they were first Warned About, albeit, all grown up!
After Baphamet made his first Public debut inside of a Vexed and Two Sided Beyonce who took the Usurped NFL Stage by Storm, they Unveiled their Baphamet Statute and Church proudly in the Most Profoundly Bankrupt City Detroit complete with a Little Black Boy Staring Up in Awe at his feet. Fast forward, Beyonce would INCITE the Viewing Whites by Evoking the ZIONIST’s New Black Lives Matter Montras as an Overlay to one of their First SHILL Groups that was fashioned in the image of Israeli’s BLACK PANTHER’s, a useful Terrorist Arm for the Obtainment of Stolen Lands.
Using the Usurped NFL, they have managed to Convince Our Mightiest and Most well PAID Black American Men to systematically Kneel Down On their Knees as other Brainwashed Americans (mostly ZIONIST and Brainwashed White ‘SNOWFLAKES”) Go about CRYING, aloud, that “BLACK LIVES MATTER”, which is the Greatest, Post-Slavery ZIONIST SPAWNED Farce Against American Blacks, since the FAKE JEWS, as per Rev 3:9, CREATED their, so-called, DEMOCRACY and , likewise, their ,so-called, CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT AGAINST US all!
Not only were we warned via Countless , ZIONIST Produced, Hollywood Styled TRIAL BALLOONS , such as Wag the Dog during the Clinton Administration we were also “ENTERTAINED” with their movies “Meet the Blacks and Purge”.
In similar fashion, Mayor Michal Nutter’s, so-called, All Time Favorite, The Wire was used to Clue Fellow Sycopants , Zionist Shills and the American Public, in general of the Impending Fate and relative Doom.
As an Award for Full Participation and Acceptance of the ZIONIST’s emerging Social Impact Bond Ploys and for Forwarding their AMERICAN takeover Plan, Philadelphia Was Granted Lucrative Film Office Managed Contracts.
Philadelphia was primed and select for Shooting the Next Trial Balloon under the auspice of HBO’s “Drug Inc.” Like all of their DEVIOUS Media Exploits, the series, Drug Inc., was developed by the Hidden Handed ZIONIST to convince Public Officials and the Most Gullible Shills in the World that SUPPLYING Clean Needles and COP FREE ZONES to Shoot Up in was in all of our Best Interest. Meanwhile, their Cohorts embedded within the Roge Democratic party and Obama’s Administration would begin to Facilitate Afghanistan’s Burgeoning Opiod industry while ZIOINST Fellows would Amp Up Production State-side.
While Black American’s have been Turned Over to Educating Zionist for Decades, namely, just after their Sal Alinsky Styled and Orchestrated Civil Rights Farce Guaranteed them Bureaucratic Jobs for our practical WELFARE and MisMANAGEMENT nationwide, Insults would be heaped upon injury in the Same Manor as our Scary Black Panther Aided Downfall. Besides the Farcical Black Lives Matter Group developed to follow up THE REAR of George Soros’ funded “Antifa” we can see exactly how Useful their Race Politics are and Sadly, we will also come to know how Useful a Hamitic, Socialist CIA Borne Shill inbred, inspired by the likes of Israel Zangwillcan be in the Resumption of SLAVERY 2.0!
Among all of their Talmud Inspired TELLS, All one would have to do is to watch the Allegorical Movie, “Cider House Rules” to see exacly how they USE and THINK ABOUT BLACKS.
It shows how BLACK SHILLS, like the Beleaguered, yet Useful to the end, Dona Brazile are Made to THINK that is we who are actually in In Charge of Every Foul ZIONIST Plan pertaining to God’s Chosen in America.
This Video shows how we Dance Happily as Proud, Initiated, Greeks all while they embiew us, SECRETLY, in order toforward their Synagog of Satan spawned Plans just as our bibles do warn.
It is No Secrete that Happy to be Spanked Black Greeks have Done Most of their Heavy Lifting, such as, BLACK FUND-RAISERS WORKING TO KEEP Planned Parenthood Alive and well for the Purpose Of SYSTEMATICALLY Murdering their Own and Fellow Blacks all while ZIONIST continue building upon their PROFIT MODELS that are truly Inspired by ALL WE ARE WORTH as God’s Chosen!
(Goldman Sachs’ Social Impact Bonds = SLAVERY 2.0!)
“Interviewing Temple University’s president. Anything on your mind I should ask?”
Let’s see if we can Get Answers from one of the most Profound Sources of W.E.B. DuBois’ most dubious legacies “for” American blacks.
So here it goes; my question!
When Socialist Shill W.E.B. DuBois Finally woke up, he ended up practically Exiled and ultimately left to Die, rather unceremoniously, in Africa… His Tuskegee Killing NAACP/Baltimore Plan would go on to Rule the Day, and as we can all see, it is a BIG FAIL for its Headquarter State, Baltimore, which Still Stands in stark Contrast to Atlanta, regarding, Black Wealth and Ongoing Prosperity for Blacks there.
Who’s Big Idea is it to Have Blacks STAYED on the FAILED Socialist Plan?
And Furthermore, Why on Earth did Molethe Asante Teach, Historically Ignorant Blacks to Adorn Themselves with Cowrie Beads, the Token Price for our Enslavement, in and Effort to Show us We are Africans ( A Non – Historical Place Name), just like those Who CAPTURED us, and Knew well the Diff between they and God’s Chosen People, as per Deuteronomy 25?
Is that not the same as a Young jewISH person, as per Rev 3:9 being Taught, Wrongly, to Adorn himself with a Swastika?
Who has been Paying for this OBVIOUS, COMMUNICATIONS, Deception All Along!
YES Indeed, that Demon-Shill BARAK OBAMA, is OUT and GONE!
So too, is that Crooked as Hell Voodoo Queen, Hillary Clinton, albeit , All of their Buried Bodies have yet to Be Found!!!
There is Still Much to Learn of their High Crimes, Including how one Roxanne Grinage was MURDERED BY COMEY’S FBI after she stood in their way, STRONG, and resolve in her Efforts to SAVE Us from Loosing Philly Babies to their Deviant DHS aided KIDNAPPING Rings!
No Longer Will the American Black Man be Subject their 21st Century Justice Reforms, i.e the Justice System with one OBSTRUCTIONIST after the other, all of the way up the Chain of Command, such as, D.A.Seth Williams on the Ground, and one Raymond Ramsey seated , squarely, at the Helm.
No longer will we see a Loretta Lynch or any of her MOB of Sycophants seated on the Tarmac with another Clinton Get Out of Jail Free Card in the Ready and Waiting, as always.
We will no longer be subject to those FALSE FLAG PURGE Events, where Our Black Son’s, Brothers’ and Fathers and Grand-Fathers all Faced a Real Life MEET THE BLACKs Scenario, nor will a RECORD Number of AMERICAN BLACK MEN be TARGETED and LAID TO REST LIKE it were merely CLOCK-WORK and Our fault ,somehow.
Least We Forget How Our Men Died in Record Numbers, not only in Barack’s ABANDONED State of Chicago, but in All Places where the Clinton’s Dubious Justice Reforms were ALLOWED!
Lets also Remember, in all TRUTH and RECONCILIATION for TRUTH, that NONE OF IT HAPPENED on Donald Trump’s Watch!
While the DEMONIC DNC Hacks hoped to Continue Milking Each Murderous Event DRY for All they were worth to them, They LOST!
Now They will secretly follow up as the sleeper cell TERRORISTs they are! With Nothing Left to loose they now come completely out into the open with their true ways and Crimes, albeit, still thinking LIKE the Oligarch’s that Tasked them that they are also Now far Too Big to Fail!
Generated by IJG JPEG Library
With no More left to LOOSE, It is on of THEIR GREATEST High-Value Friends, Jay-Z, who has now Openly Announced HIS True and Long-standing Affinity and Allegiance for Satan!
With the Full Backing of DEMOCRAT Sycopants, plus that Weather Underground Terrorist Barack Obama, the Sal Alinski Styled Riot Hag is still Sore losing aloud!
It’s their LAST and FINAL chance for starting those Readied Riots and resulting KAYOS that will get them their way.
Make no mistake at all, what we are now witness to, even by their Own Allegorical Estimations is nothing short of Biblical in its scope. While they remain Hidden-Handed Only by Physiological Conditioning and CIA Sysops Aided Defaults, We can all clearly see the Consolidation of Will and Deviancy All under the Control of the Synogog of Satan itself.
Their MEDIA Monopoly Spawned Efforts are still, expressly, designed for Race-Bating and Race War via Emerging Nudge and Brain and Behavioral Science, and their Greater Homeland Security PLAN is Still On Under their , ever eroding, Command.
FOR, Travon Martin and All of the Others that were, ceremoniously or allegorically, caught up in their FALSE FLAGGED AMERICAN CRUSADE, NO PERSON ON EARTH WILL BE CHARGED OR MADE ACCOUNTABLE, for as long as we are MADE TO Believe in these ENEMIES of God and All of Humanity!
Harper’s Weekly, Jan 24, 1863 Clements Library, University of Michigan Permission must be received in advance, in writing, from the Director of the Clements before publication, duplication, or other use of this image. www.clements.umich.edu
For as long as You FAIL To WAKE UP NOW, that is, while “they” are all being unequivocally OUTED, All of their Satanic Acts will continue to become Normalized, as planned.
Should the TRUTH be rejected Outright by those who Cannot Stomach the truth, as they have already hoped aloud via one of many Hollywood Tells, they feel themselves to be home-free and content to carry on, as usual, in all of their Secrete Places.
They will continue on with their dirty work in Places like America’s TAKEN School Systems and on ALL OF THEIR DEPRAVED MONOPOLIZED Networks while their TECHNOCRATIC Members envelop us all.
While we are Overwhelmed by every ISSUE they will continue on with their work to make their ALL of Depravities more of an OPEN SOCIETY cause and for us, Every Foul and Ungodly Way, a New Normal.
We’ll continue Calling on THEM, the Little d, Deep State Hacks for Justice, as we are all TRAINED so wrongly, to do.
By Blacks Not Realizing that Justice for Satanists amounts to More NO BID BODY CAM Contracts, More “Homeland Security Apparatus” , More Time to Tactically Train Against Unsuspecting Americans and a real HOPE for their pending AMERICAN SPRING, All of their Foul Acts Against Us, both, American Blacks and So Called may still be GUARANTEED!
While Crooked Hillary is Tossed, Conveniently, UNDER THE BUS for Show, her Rev 3:9 OVERLORDS are Free to Do, Come and Go!
Likewise, Obama’s own self Proclaimed SATANIST Friend, Jayz just SIGNALED his True Allegiance to SATAN, and With his STUDENT MINION MEEK MILL Ace up their Sleeve the Still Have their RIOTOUS RACE-BATE just there to stand in the Ready
As you are all forced chew on their DailY False Narratives, it WAS THE WHITE Man Who is the PROBLEM ALL ALONG, but never,e ever the HIDDEN HANDED FAKE JEW, you’ll Choke the Notion of Celebrating the Fat White Man Who First Made Black Pete his Slave too!!!
Bottom Line, REV 3:9 and furthermore REVELATIONS to come! At this Critical Historical Juncture and Impasse we will all Have to Recon Ourselves, Spiritually, ONCE AND FOR ALL.
I say, Armor Up In God’s Word and Not CNN Hearsay to Make it far Easier On Yourselves!
It is Imperative that You Will come to know God in order to KNOW the whole TRUTH!
VIA SPIRITUAL REVELATION, The Whole TRUTH IS only lost, now, in the screeching, Eco Chambers OF ALL OF THEIR DAMNING LIES!
My fellow FB Friends from Philly are still learning the Hard Way, but by asking the right questions, it is slowly and surely becoming easier for the entire world to see how just a small part of that Globe Killing Ice-burg, relating to George Soros’ and his Ilk of Hidden Handed OLIGARCH SUBVERSIVES is all Unfolding and Practically Melting Down in their, Corporate Oligarch Stolen BEACH HEAD, Philly.
Since much of my fellow blacks now serve as Practical Pawns, They are learning the hard way that George Soros uses, Countless Agencies that are all managed under the Umbrella of his “Open Society”, in order to Hide the Common and Hidden Hand involvement of his Ilk of Oligarchs who have Effectively USURPED and TAKEN OVER, Philadelphia, America’s First Capital and home to our Marginalized Constitution, therein.
They, the Hidden Handed Oligarchs, like George Soros are now working via a PLETHORA of Funded Non Profit Shills who have no clue who their True , Goldman Sachs and/or George Soros Ilk of Tied Corporate Funders Are.
We could, otherwise, see his DIRECT Involvement inside of the Unraveling of those DNC Crimes, if only my fellow Blacks could strive TOGEHER along with the Worlds Greatest Independent THINERS to Connect the Dots.
All matters just so happen to Lead us back into PHILLY and the Made-Man, Michal Nutter, who was FIRST Groomed For USE via Hillary Clinton, and her Early YOUNG DEMOCRATS Group that was developed out of UPPEN.
Should we dare to step back even further into Historic Ties and Groupings that that OLIGARCH Ilk now have in play in AMERICA, we can see how they were Organizing, over a Century Ago, brining COMMUNISIM/Socialism and, so-called, related ACTIVISIM into Philly via Unsuspecting Blacks who could be TRAINED to Cut their Nose to Spite their Own Face.
Although their BRAND Names are Always Changing, i.e. Progressivism, Liberalism, Feminism, Socialism, Communism, PAN-AFRINANISIM , the latter an Iteration of a TRUE POWERFUL Grass Roots movement (they even appealed to a World Stage directly at the UN which made them a Target). The name Pan-Africanism was STOLEN and USURPED just after Marcus Garvey and His Wonderful Plans for Blacks Globally got waylaid and formulaically Undermined.
Yes, It All Happened FORMULAICALLY and in the very same manor that the once, Powerful Niagara Movement got Duped by one Hungry Black “ACTIVIST” W.E.B. Dubois, who did SELL his Fellows OUT long before his NAACP “Epiphany” and his, consequent, forced REMOVAL from the Group that hopes we all become as Downtrodden as their Baltimore Headquaters in contrast to the Competing ATLANTA Plan (they narrated Black Wealth and Booker T. Washington plan as a COMPROMISE. Note also, They Demonized Booker T. Washington and Bludgeoned him to Death after his Meeting in the White House with Rooselvelt just like ALL Blacks must Be Bludgeoned for doing so today, FORMULAICALLY).
It is NO ACCIDENT That their ENTIRE SOCIALIST Movement was IMBEDDED via Usurped Institutions like TEMPLE UNIVERSITY all in the NAME OF THEIR FIRST BLACK Shill, DuBois.
To this day Black Socialist Shills there were/are being Cultivated to serve as Practical SLEEPER CELLS, along with their New Era Pan Africanists in Philly.
Note how the New Pan Africanist would be modeled, not after the Black Intellectual, Marcus Garvey, but After those Scary Black PANTHERS, also Made in the Image and direct, Israeli born, Name of those Hidden Handed Oligarchs who would Tool Blacks to do their Bidding as always.
We see by way of their WEATHER UNDERGROUND INSPIRED School TAKEOVER that these OLGARCHS all of a Certain Ilk still find us to be quite USEFUL as, so-called, ACTIVIST who are no more than LOUD-MOUTH BATTERING RAMS who NEVER, EVER STORM THE CASTLE to end the Assault and Tyranny.
Sadly, it was our Well Trained and BRAVE American Black Service Men who would first Ply them with a Powerful Cover for their BOLSHEVIC Movement Antics soon after they kicked the movement off in Russia .(yes that Russia who FINNALLY Routed out these OLIGARCHS thanks to Putin after all of these years… The Reason why their Black SHILL at the ROOT now Narrate a BLACK ACTIVIST RUSSIAN Tie-in so the ANGRY Whites Might Wish To MURDER US AS Russian Straw man once their Hoped for Race War begins).
So with that said, it is very Important for us to think, both, Historically and in terms of Collective Acts by way of a very long-established Ilk of Hidden Handed Players.
We must THINK Very Deeply rather than in a Knee Jerk, Reactive Manor, Especially when it comes to Philly, America’s First Capital and Home to our Under Sieged Constitution.
Dubois the Duped SOCIALIST told them HOW GREAT BLACKS in AMEICA Were Just like FREDRICK DOUGLAS DID after he VISITED The Powerful Black Middle Class Communities. We can tie that to how President Donald J. TRUMP got ATTACKED for Brining His Name Up to REMIND US. The Attack for the Mention of Fredrick Douglas was all due the inner workings of this Certain Ilk of BAD Actors and they have now BRANDED Every ACTIVIST Concept and ACIVIST Narrative since time immemorial.
There is a Global and Historical Through-Line strait into Philly where BLACK SHILL W.E.B. Dubois First SPIED On our Wealty South Philly Black Movers and Shakers just before that CERTAIN ILK of Oligarchs in common moved in to Claim Ritten House Square for themselves.
We may remember it was Dubois the Duped SOCIALIST who told “them” of that certain Ilk, just HOW GREAT BLACKS in AMERICA Were and Could be Doing, Just like the venerable FREDRICK DOUGLAS DID after he VISITED The Powerful Black Middle Class Communities of Philly.
Do remember how they TRAINED our, so-called, Black Activist to ATTACK President Donald J. TRUMP just for Brining up Fredrick Douglass’ Name as Trump, indeed, wanted to REMIND US of a GREAT America was and that it is full of IMPORTANT Blacks such as the living descendants of FREDRICK DOUGLASS.. It would have been too much of a Powerful REMINDER that Black Lives Have ALWAYS MATTERED.
Yes Indeed, It will require, HISTORIANS, WRITERS, and BLACK THINKERS , ALIKE,(rather than our, So-called, Democrat Branded “Leaders” and Black Activists) who are not OWNED and/or INFLUNCED of the Hidden Handed Enemies in order to know full state the entire inner workings of this Certain Ilk of BAD Actors that are effectively embodying, BRANDING and practically USURPING Every Grass-Root effort and Concept we care about, INDLUING THOSE AFRICAN BAMBATTA STYLED HIP-HOP ACTORS they have been Manipulating Us Through since time immemorial.
As this commentary was inspired by a FB Friend’s post, I am supplying context below all as they topic unfolds.
It may be edited only to obscure the names of the respondents who may not wish to be published but it is pretty much in the raw otherwise.
This is Bigger than Meek Mill
The words echoed by Rick Rozay Ross were music to my ears when he stated “If it takes Meek Mill to draw this attention, we gonna use Meek Mill to draw this attention, but it’s gonna speak for so many others.
Meek Mill is officially the poster child for the injustice carried out by this country and in this instance the criminal justice system. Many don’t like it…. I say get over it- because it ain’t about you.
Rosa Parks wasn’t always the civil rights favorite poster child either. There were other before her and after but she was the one, the face of a movement.
It ain’t really about Meek Mill either, because this situation will likely yield more record and merchandise sales equaling more deposits in his plush bank account.
This isn’t about being accountable.
This is about equality!
This is a about making a change. We can’t continue to just go along to get along, in hopes that you or i, or our children or our love ones aren’t caught up in the system.
For me, it’s to late, my family and likely yours too have already been caught up in the spider web like trap of the system. The trap that will let you believe you are getting out and than they drag you right back in.
It hurts!
It hurts immensely!
Not just for those locked up, but for the family members who are trying to hold it together and continue to live a life without their love ones.
It was great to see all the youth rallying and chanting #FreeMeekMill…. but I couldn’t help but think what’s NEXT?
More than likely Meek will have to sit down for at least a 24 month stretch.
What’s the strategy?
It has to be long term in nature.
We rallying in Philly but what about Harrisburg where the legislature and Superior Judges don’t know about Meek Mill and honestly don’t care about Black Men & Women general.
Harrisburg is where they make the actual laws for the state of Pennsylvania.
What’s the Plan?
Are we going to get Political?
If Rick Ross would have said that he and the hip hop community were going to put there money to hire lobbyists to work both sides of the aisle (Republican & Democrat) to get new laws introduced, I would have cried.
If Doc J would have said that he and the Black professional athletes were going to start forming and funding PACs ( Political Action Committees), to fund elected officials and hold current elected officials accountable on both side of the aisle (Republican & Democrat), I would have cried.
I would have cried, a cry of joy and not a cry of sorrow.
This would excite me!
This would give me some hope that we aren’t just doing the same ole thang.
This is Bigger than Meek Mill!
I repeat this is Bigger than Meek Mill!
Marches, Rallies and Protest are vital.
However, there is levels to this!
– Organized Voting Initiatives
– Organized Campaign Finance Initiatives
– Organized Rallies
help our community level up in this game
This will help us to free our People and keep them free.
This isn’t a quick thing.
This is like a marathon – so you gotta prep for it!
This thing is worth fighting for!
I’ll tell you what, After some ACTUAL TROLLING, just so You will Know the Diff, I’M DONE here. OK
For those who Want FACTS and SOLUTIONS, do Order your copy of “Social Impact Survival Guide” to LEARN Exactly how YOU, intellectual IDIOTS in PHILLY Got, and Stay in the DUMB A$$, Self Inflicted PREDICAMENT YOUR ALL IN, as you Cannibalize Yourselves for Pay and “Activist” Notoriety, All at the Bequest of your PATRON “JEW” OLIGARCH/OWNERS who got yall Trippin to Save and/or PREFERABLY Riot About a GROWN A$$ Criminal, #Meek Mill Ad nauseam and On Que.
For FACTS and REALITY, do join me where THOUGHTS, THINKING and REASON are ALL WELCOME all of the time.
False Flags and Fake News
We Read ~ Recommend, Review, Write & Share Books too!
Consumers, Creatives and Entrepreneurs’ of Color, Stand Up
Empress Sign LLC.
Goodby and GOD BLESS!
Trolling definition: Urban Dictionary
The art of deliberately, cleverly, and privately pissing individuals off, frequently via the internet, using dialogue. Trolling does not mean simply making rude remarks: screaming swear words at some one does not count as trolling; it is simply flaming, and isn’t funny. Spam is not trolling either; it pisses people off, but it is lame.The most important part of trolling is persuading your victim that either a) undoubtedly trust what you are saying, no matter how extravagant, or b) give your prey destructive guidelines, under the guise of help.Trolling requires decieving; any trolling that doesn’t include decieving some one actually trolling after all; it is simply stupid. As such, your sufferer should never realize you will be trolling; if he does, you might be an unsuccesful troll.
We All Know that TAKING A KNEE is PROSTRATING Oneself, PERIOD, POINT-BLANK, but , Why and For What, exactly?
By any of these “STANDARDS”…
… taking a knee is PROSTRATING Oneself at the behest of a King-Maker or for , no less than the Queen of England herself. Such was the hope of Harvey Wienstein, that is, before more TRUTH preceded their big event!
… taking a knee is BEGGING
… taking a knee is MAKING a PROPOSAL (begging)
Begging Black Man on Knee
Now, the Black Men of the NFL Franchise are Bowing Down, Humbly, as if they were, either, Begging or if THEY are Signaling How Grateful they are to Take their Marching Orders on Que and On Time for a Hidden Handed OVERLORD who told them that Now Is the Time To Kneel!
On the Contrary, the UPSTANDING Thing for a BLACK AMERICAN MILLIONAIRE to do is to FIND OUT WHO THE HIDDEN-HANDED OVERLORD (Such as The FAKE A$$ WHITE BOY) WHO GOT THEM TAKING A KNEE ON QUE, ACTUALLY IS! It is Not Lost on Most that the Black Men in the NFL Are SOME OF THE MOST POWERFUL AND WEALTHY BLACK MEN IN THE WORLD who Might, Otherwise, Want for NOTHING if they were not TRULY “OWNED” (common knowledge to be exploited by NUDGE Science and Social Incite Practitioners) and if they were NOT BEING TRULY BRAINWASHED FOR USE AS BLACK, HOME-HATING, RACE-BATING SHILLS!!!!!
China is making Big Moves as they position themselves to be a Global Powerhouse, with or without the “West” (see China’s repositioning Pivot of BRICS away from Goldman Sachs’ with Russia, S Africa, and India on-board)
As History repeats itself via the Reestablishment of our own Historical Trade Routes, Cotton production has swung back into view. (Research our post-crusade “negro” trade routes from Mali/Timbuktu to India to and Beyond)
Now Cotton stands a chance of Looming-Large in the Global Equation, once again.
Indeed, the first truly Global inroads were made on the backs of the ,so-called, Negro” who first hauled silk along China’s Newly established Trade Routes long before being reduced to American cotton-pickers.
Fast forward to when the Cotton Gins were developed by the same ilk of pirate/Merchants who were well dug into Europe beyond the back streets of London by then and in time to Start WWI, we can see how Brussels came to be calling shots, all while an intrusive, secretive Ilk Divided the Globe for themselves to rule.
As our own historical endeavors were all being Educated Away from us, they (the so called Western Powers) were paving a new way for Blacks in America where the resulting Black Belt ushered us into our current Urban Fate, amounting to a scant, jewIsh Sponsored, declaration that Black Lives Matter now as if we Never Really Mattered much at all.
As China travels down our Forgotten Memory Lanes, they now hope to lead the way with a thriving Cotton Futures Market.
Should we jump on board to Invest and Thrive, it would be a fitting Tribute for American Blacks to Profit by way of the Reversal of Historical and by way the resulting Global Fortunes indeed!
As always, our Savvy Host from the FaceBook Group, “Stock Market Tigers” , Camari Ellis, has supplied us with, yet, another “interesting” Story from the Motley Fool.
While it is ok to be a mere consumer of such, daily, “news”, should we simply just Read it all and Store it all in our Brains, no-less, without the application of any Critical Thinking and/or Commentary at all?
Of course, as with all Stock-Market News, I could Never, simply, take such a story for its mere face value, that is, without applying and sharing some form of Greater Analysis.
Sad to say, by doing so, I have angered a few folks with my storied comments and my style of open Questioning, so It will, indeed, be interesting to see and share if there are any resulting comments and/or a predictable rebuttal, that is, providing our Host and his “pals” haven’t learned that it is senseless to argue against Good Wisdom in the face of , simply , Consuming day after days of such Gross Corporate Acts and Open Lies.
I have tracked how their new Social Impact paradigms are now become an essential tool and “trend” for certain Corporations who now are working their Brian Science Ploys in-common for their Centrally Spawned Corporate SOCIAL IMPACT Goals.
It is no accident that Commercials and Social Media Platforms they own too are quietly becoming Racially Charged on a Subconscious level and that their related Social Impacts are hardly detectable at all.
Certain Corporations are now for the purpose and causation of Social INCITEMENT , and sadly a Corresponding Race Tensioning and Race-Bating can be seen emerging, if only one cares to Analyze it all.
Thereby, via careful analysis, you can see it all (race-bating and other social degradations that are Corporate Sponsored) emerge into a sustained Corporate Drumbeat being applied either, subconsciously or right up In-Your-Face, for full effect.
Here’s the Story & Related Headline today posted below followed by my Facebook Comment, in response. I will post any comments I get as a form of analysis as well as my own Playlist of recent Corporate Commercials serving as Race-Bate, and as an additional Case-In-Point.
The first “Painful Report” should have been asking the Questions, “WHY” (Bojangles) and WHY NOW is this Mainstreaming of Quantified and Studied BUFFOONERY for Ongoing Profits and Exploits in Anyway OK , EVER?
My FB post and line of questioning is followed by a few Historical Reminders that could serve to hammer-home my own questioning.
These palpable reminders should all serve as a , best, Case-In-Point, to date, however, the bible, itself, states that it is we who are, indeed, the Most Stiff-necked of all of the peoples who are described, therein, so don’t be surprised if there is any rebuttal at all, and as usual. I certainly am not by now.
NO, There’s NOTHING at All RACIST to See Here Folks!
See it Once and FORGET ABOUT IT, except, that is not how the Human Brain Works!
NO, There’s NOTHING at All RACIST to See Here Folks!
Well the Fact Is, “they”, the emerging Corporate Oligarchs, are now plying NUDGE Brain Science on us all…
They know, Full Well, that We Cannot, Simply, See it Once and FORGET ABOUT IT!
They know, indeed, that this is not how the Human Brain Works!
In the YouTube video posted below, we are witness to a Sick Individual and what is, obviously, Foolishness that is Bound in the Heart of a Child (her own child is filming and promising to post her Embarrassing Antics on YouTube).
What most are not so Aware of, is how Corporations are Now Owning and Running our Inner Cities.
They Own the Kids in Most Inner city Schools and They Now, practically Own every Quasi-Governmental Institution such as Homeless Shelters and Mental Institutions as well.
Likewise, Corporate Wall-street types would Own such a Company, as BoJangles, that Thought To Name itself a Historically Known and Racially Divisive Name.
Most don’t know that these Corporate Heads are ALL WORKING TOGETHER, IN COMMON, to Leverage, not only, Beguiled Blacks heaveily influenced in Corporate Owned Quasi Government Institutions, but now they are Collectively applying Media Triggers to Targeted Audiences based on Known and Studied Racist Sentimentality!
Most don’t know that there is a Study Drumbeat of Racist Memes, supplied like a Slow Drip and ALL IN TIME TO SPAWN an American Spring .
That is, they are Collectively Working Overtime to spawn a RACE-WAR- or Civil War on Any Grounds they can Control and Manipulate at all.
This Damming Video below, is yet Another Way GOOGLE, and its CORPORATE ILK is NUDGING Us to their Hoped-for TIPPING-POINT.
All Proceeds of our Toppled NATION will go towards their Emerging Empire that is, essentially, being Gained on the backs of God’s TRUE Chosen People, who now suffer daily at the hands of the Rev 3:9 mentioned Synagogue of Satan.
For as long as the masses are Unaware, they will stop at nothing to Present Sick To us, both, GOIYIM and God’s Chosen, Alike, such Presentations and COPORATE Sponsored ACTS, for their own personal gain.
REV 18:4 is the ONLY WAY FOR US NOW!!!!!!!! SAINTS PLEASE WAKEUP!!!!! Question EVERYTHING They do and by all means Turn their daily Media Brainwashing OFF!
(Goldman Sachs Social Impact Bonds = SLAVERY 2.0!)