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Will China’s new Silk Road be Built on Cotton Futures? If so, Can a far better History for blacks, Beyond SLAVERY, Repeat Itself?

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China is making Big Moves as they position themselves to be a Global Powerhouse, with or without the “West” (see China’s repositioning Pivot of BRICS away from Goldman Sachs’ with Russia, S Africa, and India on-board)

As History repeats itself via the Reestablishment of our own Historical Trade Routes, Cotton production has swung back into view. (Research our post-crusade “negro” trade routes from Mali/Timbuktu to India to and Beyond)

Now Cotton stands a chance of Looming-Large in the Global Equation, once again.

Indeed, the first truly Global inroads were made on the backs of the ,so-called, Negro” who first hauled silk along China’s Newly established Trade Routes long before being reduced to American cotton-pickers.

Fast forward to when the Cotton Gins were developed by the same ilk of pirate/Merchants who were well dug into Europe beyond the back streets of London by then and in time to Start WWI, we can see how Brussels came to be calling shots, all while an intrusive, secretive Ilk Divided the Globe for themselves to rule.

As our own historical endeavors were all being Educated Away from us, they (the so called Western Powers) were paving a new way for Blacks in America where the resulting Black Belt ushered us into our current Urban Fate, amounting to a scant, jewIsh Sponsored, declaration that Black Lives Matter now as if we Never Really Mattered much at all.

As China travels down our Forgotten Memory Lanes,  they now hope to lead the way with a thriving Cotton Futures Market.

Should we jump on board to Invest and Thrive, it would be a fitting Tribute for American Blacks to Profit by way of the Reversal of Historical and by way the resulting Global Fortunes indeed!

Author: ecofer