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As I look back on 2018 as the Year Many American’s finally woke up, I reflect on my earlier findings that tipped me off that something is going horribly wrong in America.

Tom Ridge fails to Deliver for Bill Ayers and Fired Janitors but the Walton's of Walmart found a way with BAEO;s Hungry Blacks.

Now, I am not alone in naming the Hidden Handed Deep State, or the Globalist Oligarchs etc, as the key culprits, but still, there is more info to be had and ferreted out in order to Flush the Cancer that is effecting our Republic and more importantly, Black Lives all by way of the Back Channeled ASSAULTS and countless Paradigms that have Brought Black America back into Social Impact Bond Slavery and Markets where Peddlers can Even Profit off of our Dying Body Parts by the pound.

What is Bringing our Black NFL associated Millionaires down onto their begging knee still eludes many, but it is clear to me that the prime strategy is to give All Blacks Just Enough Rope to Hang Ourselves With!

The Hidden Hands working hard on making Black Lives Matter Shills out of Captivated Students held up in the Bill Ayers’ style school systems managed by hedge funder Eli-Brode.

Sadly, Philly is Ground Central to much of these dubious paradigms and one of the Key Culprits was Tom Ridge from the Start!

After dubious Technocrat Spawned False Flags were committed under the banner, Philly Flash Mobs , Mayor Nutter Took to the Podium to Reveal his Plan to Deep State Usurp Philly Institutions, Constitutional law with the implementation of a new Quasi Governmental Gamut for the so called A-Holes and their Parents now subject to NYC Based Center for Court Innovation Written Criminal Court Laws and Sir Ronald Cohen’s, Goldman Sachs Managed, Social Impact Bond Profiteering.

It is becoming more and more clear to see why Breitbart is Dead too soon and why all associated with such a stellar Institution (the fourth estate) in the face of our Usurped American Media is tared and feathered by Fascist who deem truth tellers Alt Right Racists , Fake News and even Russian Bots when Nothing Could Be Further from the aggressively suppressed TRUTH.

Take one more look at our PhillyThink Cover Illustration taken from our Facebook page showing the Philly School Usurpation by Eli Brode and the hidden handed Deep State, as per Bill Ayer’s long-standing Edison School plan, then consider how Blacks like the ones in the Picture (Al Sharpton, Kenny Gamble and Federally Indited, Congressman, Chaka Fattah) were all Given a REPUBLICAN (Tom Ridge) and moreover a Deep State conferred License or Mandate to ENSLAVE, RADICALIZE, INCITE and/or MURDER fellow Blacks in exchange for Political Standing, Favor, Awards, Post Political Employment and Cold CASH.

Such Hungry , Democratic, Blacks are, indeed, our Worst Enemies to date.

While they are just as Expendable as the Blacks they have mislead, they represent the Deep State’s Strategy of Giving Blacks Just Enough Rope to HANG OURSELVES WITH, such as the Kermit Gosnell Case in Care of the First Homeland Security Czar, Tom Ridge who seems to have codified such a “hands off” stratagem into the Deep State’s dubious NSA and DHS Laws.

Light is indeed a great sanitizer, however, even the strongest light nor 20/20 vision in hind-sight can bring back all of the blacks who were systematically rendered dead and gone at the hands of the Deep State. The FBI Murdered Roxanne Grinage and ex Senate Nancy Schaffer come to mind, both, persecuted for highlighting the victims of the DHS tooled CPS.

One would have to be amerced in biblical truth and faith, alike, with the eyes to see and the ears to hear in order to snap out of the spell that is effectively brought on by the Deep State and their aggressive Collusion ploy to Take Down Our Nation for themselves, complete with hidden handed operatives using Military Grade stratagem in a War most do not even realize was waged.

Having Blacks Delivered in the name of Socialism, other isms and Awards is a trade-craft perfected for 100 years and that too has it’s impetus in our Oligarch Usurped first capital, Philadelphia, with the help of the prototypical black shill, W.E.B. Dubois, who was tasked to spy on every well to do black family from the river to University of Pennsylvania where he worked as a sociologist before helping to deliver us into a Baltimore NAACP form of erudite and Greek god lead hell .

At the crux of their ploys to garner Black Assistance for the Facilitation of our systematic Demise stands the dubious Planned Parenthood project first introduced by the black euthanasia proselytizer , Margaret Sanger, who needed DuBois to make our systemic murder and the consequent sale of our Aborted Baby Body Parts our “Choice” forevermore.

As a deep state litmus test and a key factor in the life-work of high ranking members like Tom Ridge, paradigms such as Planned Parenthood remain, both, a Crown Jewel and the Feather in the Cap of their Pussy Hat Adorning Freak-Mobs who’d threaten to Blow Up the White House that blacks built along with our entire Nation with the help of useful idiots in order to keep their status quo for blacks alive and well into perpetuity.

Woe unto to any White or Christians who’d have the deepest compassion for our cause and the cause of a Solvent Republic, such as, they proved at the time of the Revolution and our hard-fought emancipation as a result.

The Christian Conservatives and the Breitbarts of the World have become enemy #2 just after the targeted blacks. because they had the guts and God Given continence to care.

Tom Ridge’s Gosnell/Abortion ties represent just the Tip of the Deep State Iceberg, yet the overall Ideals that guide each deep state principal is becoming more clear by the day.

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There is no better way to illustrate the effect of jewish Meddling, the negative effect of their Staged and Highly Awarded Bad “Actors”, and why black can’t seem to get ahead in the manner our disregarded Bibles did warn, than to cut and past actual rebuttals and the FACTUAL RESPONSES to my sage observations on black history and, otherwise, undisputed truth.

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Today I posted A Great Black American’s rendition of the Star Spangled Banner performed at a Ship Christening of the Booker T. Washington. The Great Black American is one, Marian Anderson, who haled from my Oligarch Usurped birthplace, Philadelphia, where Bill Ayers first tried his Edison Schools before forwarding his ultimate plan, with the help of Barack Obama and “friends”, to systematically make Useful Idiot of us all!!!

Rev.18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

When AMERICA was GREAT!!!…

Marian Anderson Sung the Star Spangled Banner 1942, 1942: the Booker T. Washington is launched, crowd, Miss Anderson launches ship, crowd, ship into water, Miss Anderson sings The Star Spangled Banner… 13 Comments

Now “they” (the agents of dumb staged blacks) Got Dumb Black MILLIONAIRES like #LebronJames Bitching about Slavery and bowing down on begging knees again…

Eil Thompkins

The following reflects the facebook exchange had with your We the Negro Blogger in exchange with a prominent black Non Profit “Owner” who was Triggered by my Remembrance of a GREAT AMERICA, thanks to GREAT BLACK AMERICAN’s who Made it So. : Here we are witness to Black’s Happy to Belittle Fellow Blacks who are UNDER THE EXACT SAME PARADIGM. The NBA Slave OWNERS Are Pleased, indeed!!!!

Labron James is SIMPLY behaving like an OWNED Prize Fighter propped up to INCITE Divide and Conquer Principals for his Hidden Handed Masters.

Jonathan Wilson Jr. Why the heck are you talking about with this COMPLETE NON NONSENSE “bitching about slavery and bowing down “silliness ???? Whats good. I have my issues with Booker. T . But you are lying about LB



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We the Negro Blogger: One Day the USEFUL IDIOTS will finally Wake Up to the Bill Ayer’s Social Impact Warrior Plan.. But Maybe Not considering he has EDUCATED Dumb Blacks for over Ten Years Since his Obama Pet and other Hungry Dems Delivered!!!

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Eil Thompkins
Image may contain: 1 person

We the Negro Blogger: One Day the USEFUL IDIOTS will finally Wake Up to the Bill Ayer’s Social Impact Warrior Plan.. But Maybe Not considering he has EDUCATED Dumb Blacks for over Ten Years Since his Obama Pet and other Hungry Dems Delivered!!!

We the Negro: l One Day the USEFUL IDIOTS will finally Wake Up to the Bill Ayer’s Social Impact Warrior Plan.. But Maybe Not considering he has EDUCATED Dumb Blacks for over Ten Years Since his Obama Pet and other Hungry Dems Delivered!!!

We the Negro Blogger: They Took our Philly Schools, now Let’s Keep them ANTIFA SHILLS Coming!!! #NewCurriculumforDumbBlackSHILLS

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Jonathan Wilson Jr.

Jonathan Wilson Jr. Stop with the nut ish. You on the side line hating. You see what he’s doing. What are DOING ?? What have you DONE?

Eil Thompkins

We the Negro Blogger: Labron James is Well On His Way to Win the Eli-Brode Prize for USEFUL IDIOTS. The top Prize for the Dumb A$$ Hungry Blacks who have already rendered the jewish Hedge Funders Millions in School Adjudicated Chattel Workers and Social Impact SLAVES and a ANTIFA Hearkening Warrior Class Ready to Burn this Nation, OUR ONLY HOME Down on DEMAND!

Jonathan Wilson Jr. –  We the Negro: I FORGOT YOU WERE A NUT CASE.

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Jonathan Wilson Jr. We the Negro: we’re done bro. I know you. Not today. ✌🏿

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Eil Thompkins

We the Negro Blogger: Instead of attacking me and Name Calling for a LACK OF FACTS while Shilling for Philanthropic jew Crumbs for a “living” lets reflect Johnathan Wilson Jr.

Ask why Nute Gingrich is standing inside of my Alma Matta in the Picture Above while THANKING USEFUL BLACK IDIOTS, for Delivering Philly Assets like Shoemaker Jr. High School after Tom Ridge FAILED To Deliver Philly Schools into the hands of Bill Ayers who invented the fraudulent Edison Schools complete with CNN Brainwashing in Every Damned Class?

Ask why There is no longer a need for a School To Prison Pipeline now that Eli Brode Shill extraordinaire William Hite has MERGED The Juvenile Justice System With Schools for seamless interchangeability while he “Proceed$” Over Both?

Ask, why the TARGETED Black Children are Now Being Criminally SENTENCED in School Based Criminal Courts after their JANITOR Parents were FIRED as per Gingrige’s Harvard School of Business Request?


youtube.comPhilly School Fail! Modern Black-Code and Tyranny all over again!!! Zionists…Philly School Fail! Modern Black-Code and Tyranny all over again!!! Zionists Reaping Zion before the Fall. Rev.3:9 – YouTube

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Unless you are a Students of History, Symbology, Allegory and the Bible, alike, it is, indeed, difficult to fathom or completely understand the dubious dynamics we see unfolding before our very eyes.

Even while astute American’s are witness to, and openly questioning Kevin Hart’s relative ENSLAVEMENT , that is, the open mandates and strictures in exchange for his stellar rise into stardom, we see that his hidden handed Controllers never tire of reminding him of his boundaries and role as, both, thought leader and whipping boy, alike. 

With the dichotomy of black fame leading to riches untold it is still difficult for most of us to fully digest a sad, yet, ever more obvious fact. Black Men like, Socially woke NFL players are 100% Owned and expected to Perform exactly like obedient slaves. 

The irony of the most wealthiest Black Men in America protesting on claims of repression only leads our youth to question every opposing fact, such as, how is their any oppression in America when certain black men have managed to obtain everything that constitutes the , so called, American Dream? Are we not to believe our lying eyes?  To hell with Facts, the Answer must be no. Don’t believe your lying eyes. 

Even while real ANSWERS await us in our Disregarded Bible’s,  the answers Require a modicum of faith, first and foremost. Our solutions to the deep state Oligarch’s metaphysically imposed questions depend on us digesting Certain FACTS that are, indeed, very hard to Swallow, especially, for all of the noise and busywork the detractors are engaged in on que.

You see, as sure as Jayz and his Queen Bee are now suspect, we can see that they are systematically poised and carefully positioned to make doing the Devil’s Bidding appear to be, both, profitable and as fun as the Superbowl half time show itself. 


For those who are intimately familiar with this Blog site a distinct theme has likely emerged in your minds already.

It is my hope that readers will notice a definitive through-line from Biblical Prophecy to today’s events and, thereby, know why it is the, so-called, “Negro” who suffers such Confusion of Face  and a relative Yoke Upon our Necks no matter how Well to Do our best and brightest members seem to be.

With the harnessing of well to do, paid Protestors and thought leading blacks tooled to render the hidden handed Cabal a Free Lunch in honor of Lucifer himself, the extreme dichotomy constituting “Black Life” in America can be all but ignored. What is easily ignored, however, is that the glaring dichotomy inside of the black community, at large, is no accident, whatsoever.

Without the proper armor at hand, most blacks are completely clueless.

Being relatively unarmed without biblical truth even with  empirically manifest clues we are left completely vulnerable to the acts hidden handed Overlords who have studied and coveted us the most.

They are the MERCHANTS who have been trading in Black Misery for Profits  for Centuries.  They have become our masters and teachers, alike, and sadly every lesson for us that imitates from these active and enriched brokers of our systematic demise is designed to, both, enchant black and covertly ruin all of us once and for all in the name of sport and intertainment.

Bill Cosby, who is indeed, Kevin Harts North Philly borne predecessor, has come to realize the hard way, No matter how Rich, Accomplished, or  Wise we appear to be, without God and after having done a Deal with the Synogog of Satan itself, we will Amount to Nothing Redeemable at all.

Like Kevin Hart, the chosen ones, the auditioned ones, the so called trend setters and Though Leaders alike, all learn, sooner or later, that they are nothing more special than the rest of us.

More importantly, as we watch the gnashing of the teeth manifest, in we can  clearly see in real-time,  after crossing their MASTERS they all learn very quickly and as a matter of fact, that they too, are nothing more than Expendable the very Second they refuse to do their Hidden Handed Master’s Bidding.

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Belt & Road Backlash. As per usual, African Servants of Servants are Right Square in the Middle of it All.

To the maker of the Facebook Investment Group page, Stock Market Tigers, where this piece was first written, thank you for the liberty to air earlier thoughts as a New Investor by way of Inheritance .

Stock Market Tigers was an excellent group page among many Black made assets which tend to self implode after time. Sadly, our black founders and members, alike, typically strike divisions among themselves and thereby, begin to virtually cannibalize each other from within as the members, at large, evolve.

Just like the open implosion of the promising group that dubiously introduced Brexit, our members resolve into deeming our own fellows and like minded other’s “Haters” as a matter of course, and due time in every grass roots organization we have ever begun falls apart.

This is indeed our Curse to bear in spite of our best-efforts. For it is written.

  1. Deuteronomy 28:5 Blessed shall be thy basket and thy store.

Unfortunately, not only is the group prohibiting Posts now, I found myself on the outs having to “Like” the group, once again, something I have no doubt will be harder to do, inevitably, considering the systematic shunning.

While Stock Markets and Investments is an issue I had not thought to post here on We The Negro, it is no doubt that Black involvement with markets, especially by default make it a topic worth sharing. 

Here I picked up on earlier posts regarding my own Investments (I am no longer full-in as a Stock Market Investor as of April) , and What I saw in the Foreign Press, including American Media’s Glaring Omissions in favor of the Oligarchs that were completely in charge before being, literally, TRUMPED. 

Again, On the Future of China/Us Relationships… Thus far, each of my Assertions posted on the Stock Market Tigers Group Page have Come TRUE…

I spoke of the Largess of China years ago on the Group page and their relative POWER MOVE, not only as a key member of emerging BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South America), but also, directly AGAINST Apple and other American, stock market based, Tech Firms who manufacture there.

Essentially, I indicated years ago, how China was beginning a form of Mutiny against Apple and now they are, indeed, Leverage their own Intellectual Properties, for which companies like Apple have come to depend on so desperately, after being a complacent “Kings” in their own sector for so long.

Deuteronomy 28:15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:
16 Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed shalt thou be in the field.
17 Cursed shall be thy basket and thy store.
18 Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy land, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep.
19 Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and cursed shalt thou be when thou goest out.
20 The LORD shall send upon thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke, in all that thou settest thine hand unto for to do, until thou be destroyed, and until thou perish quickly; because of the wickedness of thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me.
21 The LORD shall make the pestilence cleave unto thee, until he have consumed thee from off the land, whither thou goest to possess it.
22 The LORD shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish.
23 And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron.
24 The LORD shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed.
25 The LORD shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies: thou shalt go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them: and shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth.
26 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:
16 Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed shalt thou be in the field.
17 Cursed shall be thy basket and thy store.
18 Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy land, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep.
19 Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and cursed shalt thou be when thou goest out.
20 The LORD shall send upon thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke, in all that thou settest thine hand unto for to do, until thou be destroyed, and until thou perish quickly; because of the wickedness of thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me.
21 The LORD shall make the pestilence cleave unto thee, until he have consumed thee from off the land, whither thou goest to possess it.
22 The LORD shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish.
23 And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron.
24 The LORD shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed.
25 The LORD shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies: thou shalt go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them: and shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth.

As I indicated two or more Christmas’ ago, The Emperor at Apple Has No Clothes.
That is, Apple had become no more than a sad facade when Jack Ma, himself, made the pronouncement, out loud, that China’s, so called, “Pirated Knockoffs” were Far More Superior than Anything American tech companies could produce with China’s “help”.

While China made for a Grand Investment Prospect, Two Years Ago, Today is a far different story.
Today, there is indeed a New Sheriff in town who has posed a great Threat against Jack Ma’s assertion, that China will be unapologetically building it’s own house on the backs of AMERICAN ingenuity.

Also, China’s Last Ship, full of TAINTED Steel, sabotaged DEFECTIVE Electronics, and CHEAPLY PRICED Goods, has sailed the Moment President Donald J. Trump got sworn into office.

Truth be told, that is, the Truth that is never afforded to you in the era of False Flags and Fake News, CHINA IS FAILING ECONOMICALLY and FAILING FAST without their Golden Goose, America, Buying their BS anymore.
Furthermore, Yesterday, John Bolton just fired “shots” across China’s Progressive Bow strait into Africa, warning them that China’s form of Imperialism is far more soul sapping than America’s “partnerships”.
Indeed, a very hard argument to make after America LET The CIA Led Corporate Oligarchs practically Rape Africa of its Mineral Wealth for so long without in kind Infrastructure Investment, such as, China has done in order to Make Africa it’s “beyoch”.

Similarly, South America is feeling like a jilted lover, now that the American Oligarchs’ CIA division has essentially Pulled Out to the complete dissatisfaction of it’s loyal Guerillas.  We can see this fact by noting the recent actions of former FARC Rebels who operated on the same scale as Africa’s Rebels tasked with the systematic Murder of their own African People for infamous Corporations like SUNOCO and the Debeers before China learned how to Manufacture and Mass Produce “real” Diamonds and Fracking rendered America and the world Cheap Fuel , essentially, making the CIA established Dictators and Strong Men a relic of the past or as Dead or Dead in the Water as their Dynastic Leader, George H Bush, and his partially Brain-Dead Sons.

If you listen to the Migrant Caravan Purveyors today, what American Corporations Did in South America is now becoming the Key Excuse for the Migrant’s DEMANDING of Cash Gifts and ongoing Compensation, that just happen to sound exactly like Stormy Daniel’s demands that have cost her $293,000 in Legal Fees . 

To Buy into China now is basically to Champion China as the victor of the Newly Established, and in your face, TRADE WAR.

This TRADE WAR will indeed depend on the American Will to be DOMINATED BY CHINA as much as we were depended on the Oligarchs they have effectively usurped.  Similarly, their hoped for Dominance of America will also depend on our  ABSOLUTE DEPENDENCY on, both, Opioids to fog our judgement, and Electronics to keep us occupied away from FACTS. 

Ironically considering how the “West” was Won, as in, Western Powers who plied the Oldest Civilization with Opioids to get their earliest advantages,  Payback’s A Bitch!

The other strategy Oligarch’s  used for their emerging Empire after completely Dominating America  is the Stock Market for which China has Studied as Thoroughly as they have Studied Apple and Any Emerging American Technology from the inside of our , Infiltrated, Institutions. The question on weather to invest in China should hinge on these facts. The same Cabal who have waylayed American Wealth were hoping to hang it’s hat on China’s Vast emerging middle class before Goldman Sach’s Pet Project, BRICS, was completely USURPED by Russia and Co.

Again, China has gone along with America’s Tech Cabal Long Enough to learn how the Cabal of American Plundering Oligarch’s used their Tech Prowess to ROB AMERICAN INVESTORS BLIND of CITY AND STATE PENSION FUNDS, Nationwide. The question is, Will You LET the well studied Chinese PIRATES do the same?

I say, Let HISTORY be you guide no mater how convoluted the American Oligarch MERCHANTS have made it. History will otherwise repeat itself in a manor that Mou and Confucius could have never imagined by way of vein philosophy or otherwise.

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Addida’s new CEO Joins the Fray of, so called, Woman’s “Equality” in an Era “Men” are Allowed to Enter as “Women”; Tipping the Scale of “Fairness” in a Perverse Universe Called Diversity.

Nike’s big Pimpin, except most Pimps have far better taste.

First, Cut off the Breasts… No, I kid, but what these Corporate Pimps never tell us SPENT GIRL Athletes is the PAIN and HARSH Quality of Life  we are left with after their hope to BRAND and Profit off of all of us, Just Like other OWNED and Spent Black Athletes, sported like branded gladiators, is fulfilled.

Read the Book of Maccabees for our earliest entry into organized sports and a religion designed as a litmus test to mark and galvanize the relative downfall of Jacob, forever immortalized in the “celebration” of Black Piet on Christmas and what was the most trying time, the 25th day of Adar thanks to the first “trend setter”, Antiochus.

#ConfusionOfFace #YokeUponOurNeck #BondMen #BondWomen #Facts!

If you were a Pimp, Grooming them Young for adoring potential Johns is just the thing to do…

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Perot -vs- Gore on NAFTA…Years Later, the Verdict is Definitely in.

Hindsight is 20/20

In a 1993 debate, Ross Perot said “If you don’t make anything, you cant buy anything”. Gore rebutted “If NAFTA doesn’t work for America we could get out in 6months time”…

Imagine if Ross Perot won.

Perot said that NAFTA would bring down the standard of living for Mexicans… Fast forward 17 years (when this article was written in 2010), now the standard of living in America has plummeted far worse too, and Mexico is heading strait to hell in a hand-basket while all of S. America is already there.

Watch the debate again…

Today, President Donald J. Trump is sprinting in an Uphill Battle to Right all of the Wrongs since Gore’s passive aggressive agenda was spewed, yet a portion of Americans still behave as if they are a willing frogs emerged in their pots of boiling water where humanity has become so distorted,  dissolved  and melted away, children can no longer recognize God given definites or a reason to move forward at all while embracing suicidal life-stiles just for the hell of it.

We now have generations attuned to madness, lies, and daily conflicts as a given or a past-time. Their Disneyfied leaders in the Gore Camp has taught them, wrongly, that,  Complete Conformity, Constant Protest and Decent against their own legacy and Historical America, itself, is democracy at it’s finest, while the non existent distinction between Democracy and accelerated Socialist Upheaval shrouds the fact that America is, indeed,  a hard-fought Republic, nearly perfected for all of its legal inhabitants, including the least among us.

When we peel the poison onion back, we can not only realize that Ross Perot, at the Crossroads, was 100% correct,  we can also analyze each or the foul ingredients formulas purposely applied to America by analyzing Al Gore’s associations and all of that ilk’s Secretive ground-works, Strategies and Paradigms, particularly, the melting pot notion designed by the same Ilk who is Hell-Bent on bring us all to a demonic end.

At the helm behind the scenes our entire internal environment has been micromanaged with Montsanto, False Flag Events, Wars, Behavioral ECONOMICS and Utter Confusion boiling over at the top, all while the loudest claims of Environmental Concern has been Monetized, rather than realized.

Simply put, EVERY WORD That AL Gore has Uttered and Everything Al Gore’s Party and Predecessor Stood for is a new aged WAR AGAINST ALL OF HUMANITY.  Every bit of rhetoric ingrained as Environmental Protection was packaged and delivered as the Biggest, Bold-Faced Lie of the Century, where Bloodshed, Killing Fields, and the Contrarian Forces Against Trillions of Lives Around the Globe were able to deceive and thrive in their deceptions.

Now we have an entire World Thrust into Kayos and each person forever COMPROMISED both, Physically and Psychologically due to such Pervasive Meddling all in the dubious name of a New World Order.

At last, we are SNAPPED Out of it, but not before a Zombie Mindset and Biological Alterations have been plied against the most vulnerable targeted first and foremost for CULTIVATION by the Hidden Hands at the Top of Al Gore’s ENVIRONMENTAL and PSYCHOLOGICAL Assault Against All of Humanity in behalf of the Hidden Handed Ilk of SATANISTS who have made him and his Political co-horts all Rich Beyond their Political Station.

Now it takes a CYRUS like leader to Return Us to our Full Potential by lifting off the chains of a Global Warming farce.

Now, a reprieve includes Releasing Blacks from the Mass Captivity, under the auspice of Bill Clinton’s Three Strikes but not before their protege Barack Obama launched a new Slave Trade, both, State-Side and in Libya.

Now, now the Clinton’s21st Century Justice Reform “PURGE:, conveyed Allegorically, as a “Meet the Blacks” paradigm for Supper Predictors has come to a Screeching Halt, but not before Ralhm Eman

uel managed to exert his last Mercenary plied Massacre in Chiraq where the 2nd Amendment is deprived and just days before partially enlightened protestors could fully illustrate a complete AWAKENING of the UN Plan that was waiting to Pounce in the Wings of a hidden handed ilk’s Stage-Craft that is otherwise known as Agenda 21.

But for the fact that we are largely mis-educated, systematical distracted, lied to, poisoned and media brainwashed, daily, the event of our Delivery from All that Ross Perot Warned and more should resonate as profoundly as the existent monuments chronicling the instant Pharaoh’s men  were stopped beneath the red sea, dead in their tracks, while they, too, were in hot in pursuit for the captivity and/or complete eradication of all of God’s chosen people.

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Doctors own a part of you at birth. Biological tracking is the next step…

Dated: November 15, 2010 at 10:07 AM

Doctors are now being invasive at birth. As far as they are concerned they own a part of you.Doctors are now being invasive at birth. As far as they are concerned they own a part of you.Scientist are classifying newborns at birth, and hope to classify and track all people from birth to death electronically some day soon.

Anyone that knows me knows I am a hands on kinda gal, and this includes during childbirth.

I know for a fact that women are built to give birth, complete with pain, and I strongly believe that very little intervention is needed for a healthy child to arrive into the world. Essentially, all a doctor must do, if all goes well in labor, is catch.

After a successful birth, (keeping the doctors hands off of me until the very end) I found myself having to do much more. I had to declare ownership of my own body parts at my child’s birth, by insisting that they hand over her T cells, and DNA, in the form of her placenta… They had every intention to keep it, and they were getting it ready for transport to who knows where… Doctors and Scientist thirst for your placenta.Doctors and Scientist thirst for your placenta.

Before interest in keeping your biological data, hospitals would incinerate your placenta on site.

In my case, as in all modern births the hospital would not release my placenta to me until I got an undertaker to pick it up… It just so happens that my Dad is an undertaker, otherwise; they would have kept a part of my child for research, classification, and possible use.

All minorities in Europe are being sought and traced via DNA. American databases are being built with each minority conviction.All minorities in Europe are being sought and traced via DNA. American databases are being built with each minority conviction.They have already started a campaign to collect every black persons DNA in Europe and they are building their data bases here too. If you are ever incarcerated and convicted they will be swabbing your mouth for a part of you. Biological tracking for all citizens is the next step…


Tracking device ready for insertion into human beings.Tracking device ready for insertion into human beings.They are floating the prospect of a national database of all humans, especially minorities, as well as, a personal ID chip, as if it were a service to us all. They make it seem like a convenience in hopes of gaining an understanding and volunteer populous, but it is far easier to get 100% compliance doing it without us ever knowing.

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Jews, as per Rev 3:9, Made the Baltimore Based NAACP. Now Baltimore is Becoming a Bastion for LEADING Blacks into Witchcraft.

1Sam.15 [23] For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

2Kgs.9 [22] And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace, Jehu? And he answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many.

WARNING, URGENT!! This Just in From TheGreatSlumber on Youtube!!

They are OPEN, they are EVIL and their BRAZEN SYMBOLS are EVERYWHERE, By DESIGN!

Qoh.1:3 What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? … 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Clearly, Detroit, a prime center where blacks once thrived, is literally welcoming to SATANIST, and Every city now under siege by Satanic "Programing" more overt by the day. It's ' No Accident, but a concerted effort to recruit blacks in mass is conveyed in their Baphemet Statute but illustrated in the the Life and DOWNFALL of Key Black entities, much like auditioned "Thought Leader", Bill Cosby relative to Rev 3:9

Clearly, Detroit, a prime center where blacks once thrived, is literally welcoming to SATANIST, and Every city now under siege by Satanic “Programing” more overt by the day. It’s ‘ No Accident, but a concerted effort to recruit blacks in mass is conveyed in their Baphomet Statute but illustrated in the the Life and DOWNFALL of Key Black entities, much like auditioned “Thought Leader”, Bill Cosby relative to Rev 3:9

Since the end of the Merchant Class’ Slave Trade, preemptive ploys were developed year after year to turn blacks  away from innately Worshiping God.

It was hoped that there would be no more Nat Turners, who ostensibly turned against the vitriolic jew’s marketplace which supplied the plantations. He threatened their bread & butter had by way of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade established well after God’s Chosen People were, indeed, succumb by the ultimatum spelled out in Deuteronomy 25 (our punishment for 400 years).

Thereafter, the Synogog of Satan, as per Rev 3:9, saw the writing on the wall so they thought to subvert the Inevitable next. The inevitable being, our complete emancipation and the removal of their profitable Yoke Upon our Necks.

Likewise, upon the making of their post Woodrow Wilson Deep State, the hidden handed jew’s established American agencies expressly formulated to work against Cristian emancipators in America and Abroad, but more importantly they established their formulas against the Biblically mentioned Black Israelites, in particular.

Besides infiltrating every aspect of black life, they would institutionalize our direction and daily activities. Blacks could then be harnessed bureaucratically for the enveloping jew’s own political endeavors and for ongoing profit. 

Their deep state Social Constructs could be , thereby, leveraged for political gains and to keep daily tabs on blacks, at once. 

Their government offices and social clubs alike were apprised as sentries complete with the all seeing eye emblem at the top, to be on the lookout for the rise of full potential of post-slavery Blacks, including the rise of a black Messiah. We can see this in the primary tenant spelled out in their telling CoIntel Pro.

After dispensing with European False Flags for the making of WWI, they would come to leverage the Spoils, in the name of Socialism, Communism, Bolshevism and every Ism thereafter.

With the help of useful idiots and black shills alike new societal overlays were custom built in the auspice of special laws, rules of conduct, and the Black Renaissance.

We would be shown how to act for petty awards and red carpet accolades in newly minted clubs and Societies where black life could be molded by way of a newly adopted culture deemed as (POP) Popular. 

Blacks would be politically leveraged so that jewish suppression could be practically codified inside of American law complete with convoluted tenants like relief, projects and food-stamps delivered from the emerging bureaucrats from the top down. 

Via Trojans dressed under a cloak of good intent, high society and law (see the rise of, so-called, Activist Judges), the emerging deep state and their socialist leaning minions have embedded their paradigms deep inside of Democrat rule, Secret Societies, College Fraternities, Jail-houses, Hollywood film, TV Shows, etc.

From “the Birth of a Nation”, to their infamous Sexplotation flicks culminating into “Meet the Blacks and PURGE” trilogies, and the like, an entire record of their full intent for humanity can be viewed within their own fabricated chronicles.

After being flushed out into the light during the occupy WallStreet movement the kid gloves have come off. No longer can they finesse their foul ways while the light shines bright on their daily misdeeds.

Now Weather on the NFL half-time Stage or in their HBO tells they have become far more brazen due to those so willing to drink the cool-aid. 

Their school Takeover Plan being such a success they have an entire generation of useful idiots to Organize and work with all while feeling far too big to fail,. 

As their Auditioned Black Shills Show Up and Show Out with hoards of blind admirers, at hand, they have displayed the fact that they have Nothing at all to loose now. As if to follow a Dog Whistle sounded off by their Godless thought leader Oprah Winfrey they have determined to be open and be their Demonic Selves as a matter of Fashion and Pop Culture Trend. As with the Post Detroit Takeover and the Erection of Baphoment, the ilk of Deep State Suversives  are comfortable at showing their hand, as if there were, indeed, nothing for them that is left to loose. 

Their demonic tenants were once embedded deeply inside of agencies, such as, the CIA, the FBI and every office their mandates for and against blacks could be developed and delivered atopically and without suspicion.

Their primary agency has always been the systematic take-down of Mighty Black Men like Booker T. Washington and Marcus Garvey.

Systematically all blacks have had to suffer great setbacks emanating from the jewISH Establishment of Socialist Shills, like W.E.B. DuBois and Martin Luther King, who Both Woke-up to be, either, Exiled to Ghana or Shot to death for the Realization that Speaking for Jews was in no way Forwarding the Concerns or enhancing the lives of their fellow blacks but Leverage for Jews who benefited directly from the harnessed Skills and Prowess of such Might Men.

Today their most demonic paradigms are all laid out into the open with the full knowledge that enough stiff necked blacks will volunteer to go along. Via Shills like Run D Mc we were trained to think Good Meaning Bad and Bad Meaning Good along with other paradoxical lessons ingrained via Stolen Radio Waves targeting Ignorant Black Youth. 

After freedom and the ability to stake our claim into the fertile south with the help of Republicans and the Union Army, the Synogog of Satan purveyors of Secret Societies began ginning up their machinery, putting their thumbs on the scale of the lesser gods in the name of , and Introducing God’s Chosen People to the Worship Greek Gods, complete with whooping and branding once again, except we were taught to do it to ourselves as a practical Ultimatum to the Democrat’s KKK and their unadulterated post slavery Tyranny. 

For this Purpose, Black Code laws were made, a Methodist Method established, a Black Belt paved and a BOULE founder Appointed in the name of W.E.B. DuBois championed a certain kind of education for blacks. 

The hidden handed jews would begin to manufacture the foundation for post-slavery trades and pivotal devices to Sell to the World in secrete, both, in America and abroad where their central office was first begun on the Back Streets of London.

The cotton gin gave way their War Machines while more Blacks began to awaken from our long slumber and Confusion of Face, alike.

Established as the Antidote to every Grass Roots black movement and hope progress in the Name of God the metaphysically enamored engineer of Black Thought, became a dutiful purveyor jewish Intel.

DuBois took up the mantle of socialism, communism and feminism until he woke up to learn exactly how expendable he truly was as the Next Hungry Awardee was always waiting in the wings to take his place as plausible deniability to his jewISH masters who managed stayed hid behind the scenes in a shroud of, so called, Civil Rights.

Therein, the Baltimore NAACP Plan and the Greek Society for hand select Blacks who could implement the most foul urban plans was fomented.

 By way of Gala Balls and mere “appearances” in contrast to the hard-scrabbled purveyors of industry and land  the Talented Tenth was born.

They and the Auditioned ones were to teach all blacks how to fake it till we made it, to what to make of it was never very clear.

What we were being taught in the highest institutions they could muster for us without showing their hidden hands was of no real substance at all but a clearinghouse for profits that could be had off of our backs in every witch way. 

The Metaphysical Substance to be had inside of Secret Society and Greek Galas alike, was built on hope, promises, and half truths allegorically hid. 

The hidden handed jews managed to build an entire Urban Gamut that was designed to contrast any Actual Substance that could serve as a worthy post-slavery foundation for blacks to build upon. 

By way of the, so-called, Talented tenth, every spark of grass roots genius would be pounced upon, snuffed or usurped thereafter formulaic.  

Thereby, the prototype for post-slavery black success is illustrated by every DuBois rival who’d come to be plagued from within all while the trojans of aid and concern worked quietly behind the scenes in the name of Civil Rights to slip blacks the micky as strong and profoundly as a Bill Cosby’s drink of choice.

Weather they be called Khazar’s, Jesuits, Jews or the Spanish Fly on the wall of the Crusades where all of our relative histories, manuscripts, and our personage as Negus Kings were all Burnt at the Stake in the same manor our dignity was waylay at the cross of the KKK , only by faith in God our Bible can we read into the whole matter and the works of them who first brought us into captivity by ships, once again. 

We are simply not allowed into their Synagogues’s deepest sanctums nor are we privy  to their true thoughts and plans for us. 

Even while they melt boarders and whole races in their contrived melting pot few are welcomed into stolen Israel but for the fact that they must feast on us all for life.

So how can we ever know the whole truth from their standpoint but by way of circumstantial evidence that surrounds their “favored” blacks like dna and fingerprints so hard to find at the scene of the Murders and constant Crimes?

But by faith and the Holy Ghost, how can we ever know, prior to taking their oaths, prior to being fleeced, prior to drinking the cool-aid, and prior to selling our souls, what is hid behind their closed doors that are secured and locked down by way of their Chatham House rules?


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Watch “RKTNN NEWS 🔴 DONALD TRUMP !!! 🔴 THE WALL !!! MEXICO !!! MIGRANT CARAVAN ? REX 84 🔴 NOV 20 2018” on YouTube

For up-to-date NEWS and FACTS about the current Honduras and S. American Invasion check out my man, Randal Taylor’s YouTube channel and web page [coming soon].

This great American Patriot is one among many Black Greats serving as a credible Translator and Clearinghouse for callers who bring Facts and Images from the, so-called, Caravan, and Inside of Deep State Subverted America, daily.

Stay tuned for my Black Patriot All-Stars page where I will feature and publish our Best and Brightest News-makers from the Black Persuasion who know how to bring much needed change against the Status Quo we complain about.

See more about the hidden handed works by the Deep State and their Invading “Caravan” below…

Keep in mind… The S. America FARC was Established for use in the Contra CIA Ploy to Keep Drugs FLOWING into America in Exchange for Guns etc.

The FARC was just recently Folded, and not long after, Barack Obama and Eric Holder brazenly engaged in a dubious ploy to Supply S. Americans and Mexican Criminals with Confiscated Guns from America when they Engaged in their Fast and Furious scheme.

Also Obama’s “hometown” is replete with Domestic Mercenary Forces who are likely being used to conduct Targeted and Timely Murders of beleaguered Blacks in Gun Free Zones Located in Chicago and in big cities Nationwide with high, so called, Black on Black Murders.

Note, Chicago native, Raymond Ramsey was purposely positioned in our nation’s Deep State Usurped first Capital and tasked to establish “Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reforms”. These reforms included the Military Grade Supply Weaponization of Police as well as the implementation of Bloomberg’s Associated Center for Court Innovation Criminal Laws to be administered first and foremost inside Neighborhood based Criminal Court Franchises just as it was first formulated in Bloomberg’s NYC base Red Hook housing project run by a deep state Usurped HUD official.

Commissioner Ramsey designated Constitutional right free Police zones throughout Philadelphia and new Criminal Courts where arrayed therein for the service of newly written Laws that mimic post slavery black code law.

These specially written laws were to be first delivered, only inside of targeted black communities before using them on citizens nationwide.

The stated goal spelled out in a bill forwarded by my own Democrat cousin, a Philadelphia city councilman, was to subject every member if the targeted Philadelphia community to a “life-long relationship with the Criminal Justice System”.

To begin, the central Criminal court was disbanded and Center for Court Innovation Satellite Courts were established, including inside of designated schools where the new Criminal Courts could begin subjecting screened school aged kids to criminal adjudication and related chattel work punishment as a way to foment the deep state’s plan that was first mentioned by Nute Gingridge inside of the Deep State Usurped Harvard Kennedy School of Business.

We got a hint of the plan when he delivered his, infamous, fire all of the janitors speech.This plan was forwarded with his assertion that Black youth have no work ethics whatsoever.

The New York Center for Court written laws were designed to deliver Tax Payer supplied profits into the hands of the deep state via Sir Ronald Cohen’s, Goldman Sachs managed, Social Impact Bond ploy which is basically, Skavery2.0.

Commissioner Raymond Ramsey was essentially tasked to Federalize our Nation’s Police forces, first in, so called, Early Adapter Cities that were successfully fleeced of City, State and Institutional Pensions.

Prior to the Usurpation of Harvard University Sir Ronald Cohen’s, Venture Capital ploys were first established around the time of George Bush Sr.’s vice presidency under Ronald Reagan, who began suffering Alzheimer symptoms while he was in his last term.

Chicago is where Harvard graduate, Barack Obama and his long-time pal, Bill Ayers, worked closely together on Ayer’s School Takeiver Plans.

Philly, under Tom Ridge’s governorship, first allowed Ayer’s Edison Schools to operate, complete with daily CNN Programing as a part of the curriculum in Every classroom.

Upon the 911 attacks, and after Edison School failure, PA gov. Tom Ridge was Elevated to develop the first Patriot Act fomented agencies under the umbrella of the NSA.

Bill Gates picked up the mantle of school reform by establishing his Microsoft school of the Future and The Waltons of Walmart, who’ s father helped to establish FEMA camp principles, and Hedge funder Eli Brode would step in to Retool and Rebrand Bill Ayers’ initial Push to Radicalize American Students by Establishing a Black Hedge Funder as the face of BAEO.

Two, hand select, lame duck, Philly Senators where supplied Millions for their election bids and turned Advocates for deep state infiltrated schools where the new NSA tsar and the former Weather Underground Terrorist, Bill Ayers left off.

Meanwhile, Back in Ayers and Obama’ Chicago, former Obama Chief of Staff Ralhm Emmanuel and the Marc Zuckerberg’s financed County Commissioner Richard Boykin worked to Usher in a UN TAKEOVER, First in Chicago Il.

Amid Political Losses The Deep State’s Subversive PLANS are Still Moving Forward, albeit, they are getting far more brazen and sloppy with exposure and without their chosen successor, Hillary Clinton in place as Commander and Chief.

The deep state’s North American Migrant Crises, as seen played out their European and Canadian strongholds is taking place haphazardly with the passive aggressive aid of the newly elected, Socialist Leaning, Mexican President all while the outgoing President can, simply, claim lame-duck status.

The hidden handed deep state’s calls is for the disbanded FARC and , so called, MK13 Gangs to coalesce as the bulk of an Invading force capable of overwhelming America’s southern border.

The 2018 Insurgency is complete with the Aid of Pope Francis’ network of sheltering churches working Deep State financed NGO’s however, the Deep State Subversives are Severely Crippled now that Donald Trump is in office.