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Perot -vs- Gore on NAFTA…Years Later, the Verdict is Definitely in.

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Hindsight is 20/20

In a 1993 debate, Ross Perot said “If you don’t make anything, you cant buy anything”. Gore rebutted “If NAFTA doesn’t work for America we could get out in 6months time”…

Imagine if Ross Perot won.

Perot said that NAFTA would bring down the standard of living for Mexicans… Fast forward 17 years (when this article was written in 2010), now the standard of living in America has plummeted far worse too, and Mexico is heading strait to hell in a hand-basket while all of S. America is already there.

Watch the debate again…

Today, President Donald J. Trump is sprinting in an Uphill Battle to Right all of the Wrongs since Gore’s passive aggressive agenda was spewed, yet a portion of Americans still behave as if they are a willing frogs emerged in their pots of boiling water where humanity has become so distorted,  dissolved  and melted away, children can no longer recognize God given definites or a reason to move forward at all while embracing suicidal life-stiles just for the hell of it.

We now have generations attuned to madness, lies, and daily conflicts as a given or a past-time. Their Disneyfied leaders in the Gore Camp has taught them, wrongly, that,  Complete Conformity, Constant Protest and Decent against their own legacy and Historical America, itself, is democracy at it’s finest, while the non existent distinction between Democracy and accelerated Socialist Upheaval shrouds the fact that America is, indeed,  a hard-fought Republic, nearly perfected for all of its legal inhabitants, including the least among us.

When we peel the poison onion back, we can not only realize that Ross Perot, at the Crossroads, was 100% correct,  we can also analyze each or the foul ingredients formulas purposely applied to America by analyzing Al Gore’s associations and all of that ilk’s Secretive ground-works, Strategies and Paradigms, particularly, the melting pot notion designed by the same Ilk who is Hell-Bent on bring us all to a demonic end.

At the helm behind the scenes our entire internal environment has been micromanaged with Montsanto, False Flag Events, Wars, Behavioral ECONOMICS and Utter Confusion boiling over at the top, all while the loudest claims of Environmental Concern has been Monetized, rather than realized.

Simply put, EVERY WORD That AL Gore has Uttered and Everything Al Gore’s Party and Predecessor Stood for is a new aged WAR AGAINST ALL OF HUMANITY.  Every bit of rhetoric ingrained as Environmental Protection was packaged and delivered as the Biggest, Bold-Faced Lie of the Century, where Bloodshed, Killing Fields, and the Contrarian Forces Against Trillions of Lives Around the Globe were able to deceive and thrive in their deceptions.

Now we have an entire World Thrust into Kayos and each person forever COMPROMISED both, Physically and Psychologically due to such Pervasive Meddling all in the dubious name of a New World Order.

At last, we are SNAPPED Out of it, but not before a Zombie Mindset and Biological Alterations have been plied against the most vulnerable targeted first and foremost for CULTIVATION by the Hidden Hands at the Top of Al Gore’s ENVIRONMENTAL and PSYCHOLOGICAL Assault Against All of Humanity in behalf of the Hidden Handed Ilk of SATANISTS who have made him and his Political co-horts all Rich Beyond their Political Station.

Now it takes a CYRUS like leader to Return Us to our Full Potential by lifting off the chains of a Global Warming farce.

Now, a reprieve includes Releasing Blacks from the Mass Captivity, under the auspice of Bill Clinton’s Three Strikes but not before their protege Barack Obama launched a new Slave Trade, both, State-Side and in Libya.

Now, now the Clinton’s21st Century Justice Reform “PURGE:, conveyed Allegorically, as a “Meet the Blacks” paradigm for Supper Predictors has come to a Screeching Halt, but not before Ralhm Eman

uel managed to exert his last Mercenary plied Massacre in Chiraq where the 2nd Amendment is deprived and just days before partially enlightened protestors could fully illustrate a complete AWAKENING of the UN Plan that was waiting to Pounce in the Wings of a hidden handed ilk’s Stage-Craft that is otherwise known as Agenda 21.

But for the fact that we are largely mis-educated, systematical distracted, lied to, poisoned and media brainwashed, daily, the event of our Delivery from All that Ross Perot Warned and more should resonate as profoundly as the existent monuments chronicling the instant Pharaoh’s men  were stopped beneath the red sea, dead in their tracks, while they, too, were in hot in pursuit for the captivity and/or complete eradication of all of God’s chosen people.

Author: ecofer