While on the surface, it seems that the Two Hapless Black Men will be appeased by accepting One Dollar Each from the City of Philadelphia, who might, otherwise, be on the hook for thousands of dollars in legal fees or settlement costs for alleged wrong-doing and civil rights offenses, the Two Black Men are slated to be Well-Healed for their PUBLIC PERFORMANCE on a readied Oligarch Stage, in what is a FLAG EVENT first Established Years Ago Under the auspice of STARBUCKS’ 2015 #RaceTogether Campaign, designed expressly to Foment Ongoing NUDGE Science Based RACE-BATING and, ultimately, their Fellow OLIGARCH’s, ongoing SYSTEMATIC LAUNDERING of your HARDER TO EARN TAX DOLLARS in Philadelphia and Nationwide!!!

This is a Philadelphia False Flag Event among Many that are being concurrently ORCHESTRATED as highly Publicized Events designed to PSYCHOLOGICALLY Distress, Socially Incite, and Distract Americans (Nudge Science Based Propaganda for the purpose of causing Mass Outrage and Hysteria).
Staged and False Flag events in Philly, include the Infamous Philly Flash Mobs debacle that was done with the help of Technocratic Oligarch’s and for the very same reason that Starbucks Positioned Itself as an Oligarch Enabler to UNDOCUMENTED ILLEGAL ALIENS who are Openly INVITED Into TARGETED, Urbanized Cities nation-wide thta are now under the banner of Hidden Handed Oligarch’s manufactured and funded #SanctuaryCities.
The Concerted, Subversive Actions of America’s, Princeton University Outted Oligarchs, are all done for the purpose of Fomenting Oligarch Controlled Social Disruptions Nationwide and Globally in Every Western Nation they have great influence in. (See: Bill Ayers and Barack Obama’s associated “hope” of building the ranks of Race Bated Black Lives Matter Shills just in time for a George Soros funded American Spring and the Disestablishing Work Being Done Similarly in Beleaguered Western Nations around the Globe. Their Bolshevik Anniversary Overthrow of America is now late by nearly two years, all thanks to our President Donald J. Trump’s Surprise Victory)!!!

Now, Subversive OLIGARCHS of a Certain Ilk are ORCHESTRATING Ongoing RACE-BATING EVENTS on the Backs of Gullible Blacks in Philly, our Nation’s STOLEN FIRST CAPITAL.

This particular False Flag Event that was Staged in the already Race Bating Starbucks is a part of their American Subversive efforts at causing Race Based SOCIAL DISRUPTION nation-wide.
This Publicly Staged Event with Key Players of a Certain Ilk, namely, the so-called, White Realtor known for Investing in USURPED School Properties and the Fiction Writing Woman who made the Video Go “Viral” via her Twitter Account, is expressly DESIGNED under the auspice of Starbucks’ earlier #racetogether campaign that is designed to work hand-in hand with Starbucks’ Open Pledged to HIRE Illegal Aliens instead of Purposefully Displaced Americans.

Their American DESTABILIZATION tactics are being executed by the American Oligarch’s with the help of their USURPED American institutions such as, Harvard University, and by way of their emerging Behavioral Economic Ploys on Steroids, such as, NUDGE Behavioral Science, MK ULTRA Brainwashing, and other Behavioral Economic Ploys. Together with Goldman Sachs, it is Sir Ronald Cohen and George Soros et al who are at the helm,.
They are among the many American Oligarchs of a Certain Dual Citizen Ilk employing new ways to Further DISPLACE and CAPITALIZE TARGETED BLACKS who are currently being Passed Over for Hire at Starbucks etc, all in favor of Disruptive, Weaponized, ILLEGAL ALIENS or even their own Chattel-Spun Children who were being Systematically CAPITALIZED in Eli-Brode’s Hedge Funder Managed Schools thanks to their Hedge Funder and Walmart Funded TAKEOVER.
The Oligarch’s Systematic Human Capitalization Ploys included the required Unpaid Internship of School Students who had to work in Participating Corporations as a prerequisite for Graduation, along with children ensnared in their In-School Criminal Courts who utilized Sentencing guidelines developed by Michael Bloomberg’s Associated Center For Court Innovation in NYC… It is No Accident that the Laws Passed in Philly by Well Paid Black Democratic Shills Happen to work exactly the same as Post Slavery Black Code Laws!
(NOTE: Black workers and Gullible School Children alike in TARGETED Cities were being actively Converted Into Goldman Sachs’ Managed Cash-Cows -via- America’s Usurped WorkReady job placement centers and Hedge Funder Usurped Schools.

Other Working Class Blacks are aggressively being ushered into Onerous USURY agreements as a Replacement for the #OccupyWallstreet Outted Prime Rate Mortgage Schemes that Served to Further Bankrupt our Cities and I have no Doubt that the, so-called, Young Entrepreneurial Program Proposed after this FALSE FLAG Staged Event will Included Onerous Bank Lending under the auspice of Assistance, Oligarch Funded “Counseling” Programs and Aid all Paid For at the Taxpayer expense (they call it Triple Bottom Line Profits).
Furthermore, via the Michael Bloomberg associated, NYC Based, Center for Court Innovation, there are new Onerous Criminal laws passed in Philly (sadly, forwarded by my own City Councilman, Curtis Jones Jr) that forces Children and Adults, alike, to be Sentenced to do WORK as Human Chattel, daily. It is No Accident that these new CRIMINAL COURTS that were Arrayed Strategically Throughout TARGETED Black Communities City-wide for a ready supply of Corporate Workers, including, the Adjudicated who now Refurbish Cable Equipment for Corporations like Comcast. (since Wall-Street’s Corporate Prisons were found to be Not as Profitable as Hoped, the Prime Rate Mortgage Schemes Revealed and the School to Prison Pipeline Discovered with the help of Occupy Wall-street the Oligarch’s simply Scrambled to Restructure with the help of Barack Obama and Democrats who forwarded their PAY FOR PERFORMANCE TAKEOVER OF OUR ENTIRE NATION)
Criminal Courts practicing Center for Court Innovation Laws were also positioned inside of the ELI-BRODE Run Public Schools where children were Tasked to Serve as Unpaid Interns and BLACK LIVES MATTER SHILLs alike as a part of their Curriculum Based Condition for Graduation.
The New Criminal Court Laws Passed in Philly were, Expressly, Designed to CAPITALIZE BLACKS in the Same Manor as Post Slavery Black Code Laws!
The Governmental Term for the Newly Established Slave Gamut was Obama’s “Pay for Performance” scheme that worked hand in hand with Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Initiatives.
These Schemes included the Time Released FALSE FLAG Murders of Black Men Nationwide!)
It is, indeed, NO ACCIDENT, Whatsoever, that the , so-called, WHITE Man in this Storied Starbucks Equation is Busy FLIPPING Philadelphia’s STOLEN School Assets for Pennies on the Dollar, just after the Oligarchs Moved in To TAKE OVER PHILLY SCHOOLS along with the Systematically Brainwashed Kids Therein.
The Systematic Brainwashing and Radicalization of America’s Kids is the Brain-Child of Weather Underground Terrorist Turned “Educator”, Bill Ayers.
His First Attempt to Take Over Philly Schools was under the banner of Edison Schools which failed. (see how Tom Ridge was move on to Head Up Homeland Security while the oligarch’s retooled the School Takeover Program). The Second Attempt to TAKEOVER Philly’s Schools came after Key Democrats were Bought and Arrayed by Walmart under the auspice of Black Hedge-funder Shill, Howard Fuller’s Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO).
It is no Accident, whatsoever, that the FEEBLE and APPOLOGETIC BLACK POLICE COMMISSIONER #RichardRoss follows on the heals of Hillary Clinton’s 21st Century “Justice” Reform Sycophant, Raymond Ramsey, and it is no Accident, Whatsoever, that he is a Hand Select Police Shill who is Not Only Tasked to Stage such Fals Flag Event’s in Philly but he was first tasked to attend the Sir Ronald Cohen OWNED, HARVARD SCHOOL OF BUSINESS which was acquired for Use by Oligarch’s After Cohen Practically BANKRUPT City Pensions Nationwide with his Dubious Venture Capital Ploys that have EFFECTIVELY ROBBED OUR PENSION COFFERS BLIND for the Purpose of Funding the Onerous Silicone Valley Hacks who are now arraying themselves as our Oligarchical Technocratic Overloads.
WAKEUP PEOPLE!!! Nudge BEHAVIORAL Brainwashing is Real!
Those Rev 3:9 Hacks are FAKES!
#MEEKMILLS #KEVINHART #BILLCOSBY #Clinton’sPetNamedNutterButter #MichaelNutter #SethWilliams #RichardRoss #RaymondRamsey #AnthonyHWilliams #DwightEvens #KenyattaJohnson #EricHolder #BarackObama #RashonNelson #DonteRobinson #The DEMOCRATIC PARTY #KeyRepublicans etc…
The Going PRICE FOR Two BLACK SHILLS IS THE SAME AS A TWO DOLLAR HO! This STAGED FALSE-FLAG EVENT was Established Under the auspice of STARBUCKS’ #RaceTogether RACE-BATE ploy , Allowing a Certain Ilk Oligarch’s to TAX LAUNDER Your HARDER TO EARN TAX DOLLARS in Philadelphia. #FollowTheMoney