Note how the White man in this equation begins with a TEXT BOOK Argument. It is a Paternalistic Stand-point that masquerades as compassion for blacks.
While our Mighty Man, Anthony B. Logan patiently insists that All People Should be held accountable for their actions, the White man retorts as if blacks are an infantile commodity and thereby incapable to Uplift Ourselves based on Conscientious Choices that do not include the Text-Book Claims that Most Black Men are either, Dead or in Jail.
The White man seems to have no clue that his Text Book Claims About Black Men and Women, for which he feigns compassion for rather than an actual deep seated sense of SUPREMACY, are Bureaucratically written Code-Words for the ongoing justification of keeping, both, Mass Euthanasia of blacks in play, and Blacks as the Practical and Profitable words of the Hidden Handed Deep State.
In Response to Recent Bill Cosby News, I determined to Post, what I thought was an Empirical Lesson on a Facebook Group Page built in honor of Martin Luther King.
The heartfelt rebuttal expressed by the Administrator of the MLK page, indeed, reflects a quote that applies directly to blacks today… Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results ~Max Nordau
What most do not realize is, Martin Luther King Did, indeed, Have an Epiphany and Upon his Determination to Adopt an Entirely New, Off-Script, Approach he was met with a Bullet to the Head for reasons, largely, unknown.
See how a Typical FB Conversation of mines plays out as I work to illustrate how and why blacks feel We Cannot Get Ahead, either rightly or wrongly…
A “sexually violent predator” classification would require Cosby to…
Selling your Soul used to require you be Two Faced, yet nowadays Black Men and Women Selling their souls, such as XXXTactation do tell what’s eating them alive. Are you Paying Attention to Cosby’s Best Lesson for us all though? The DEVIL Always Comes to COLLECT!!!
I really appreciate the response Mr. Thomas. I tried to call but your line is busy… Let me know a good time Sir… Meanwhile…
Yes indeed it is about our Brethren, Bill Cosby, yet my so-called “IDEALS” are in no way personal and in no way limited to an Ideology, but Only Hard to Digest FACTS that can be substantiated via Research…
To simplify Our Situation as a Black -vs- White thing is to Ignore the Elephant in the room.
I.E. upon extensive research I now know more of the “WHITE MAN” that Martin Luther King Sr. CHOOSE as an INSPIRATION for his Own Name and that of his Son…
You see, Michael King Sr. VOLUNTEERED To be the Name-Sake of a Significant “WHITE” man, MARTIN LUTHER who first realized the Religious Based Lies he was told, as well as, the Works of the So Called jew ,as per, Rev 3:9. See his book THE JEWS AND THEIR LIES.
This is the WHITE MAN that So INSPIRED Michael King to Change his Name and that of his son… A White MAN…
Also, upon Research it is clear that Martin Luther and the entire Methodist Church, for that matter was “Shopped” for the most part for the Next Generation of Black Shills who could be Personally USED By the FAKE JEW.
There are Three men, in particular, who were the SONS OF Methodist Ministers, and they just happened to be the Ones who were the most Useful in Pivoting Our Entire Existence as COMPETING BLACKS to BEGGING Blacks.
These three Son’s of Methodist Ministers are:
James Baldwin, Tasked By Fake Jews to NARRATE a HATRED for Whites and at the same time jews were LETTING THEMSELVES OFF THE HOOK via Baldwin for the Actual Exploitation of Blacks in NYC.
Martin Luther King, who got his formative TRAINING as a jew TAUGHT Communist and his marching orders from , yet, another GAY MAN like James Baldwin, Rustin Banyard, who was a Direct Liaison to the fake Jews Who Actually WROTE Martin Luther King’s I HAVE A DREAM, empirical NIGHTMARE FOR BLACKS where all we could hope for in exchange for LOOSING Black Business, Black Autonomy and So Much Ground We Are Still Fixating on MARCHING for, was the Holding of White Girl’s and Boy’s hands. AND Bill Cosby who was Hand Select by Fake Jews to LECTURE Us for our Practical DIVIDE.
Jews mired in our SOCIOLOGY, first and foremost, have mastered The Sure Fire Way to Peg OLD BLACKS AGAINST YOUNG BLACKS, rather than UNITE Us by Spearheading such Campaigns as their NAACP’s Bogus “Pull Yo Pants up” Mantra, all while Bill Cosby Took to the Stage Berating BLACK MEN AND WOMEN, who have Lost So Much Ground By Following up the Rear of FAKE JEWS who STILL TAKE GREAT Pride in our, so called, Civil Rights.
If we are Not Willing to ACCEPT our EMPIRICALLY EVIDENCED FACTS, such as, HOW BILL COSBY has Gotten HIMSELF in the Mess he’s in, then we are definitely DOOMED to Repeat the Same Ish SUFFERED BY OUR SO-CALLED LEADERS a different damned day.
You see, Our Lack of UNDERSTANDING and Unwillingness to Accept 100% TRUTH, such as, how it was WHITE MEN AND WOMEN who Loomed Large in our EMANCIPATION from SLAVERY, helps us Not.
100% TRUTH Matter’s, no matter how much the TRUTH Might Hurt. The FACT is, FAKE JEWS NEED BLACKs and the White’s ,Who Might be Compelled to Enjoin US, once again, just as they Did In the Civil War, to ACT LIKE MORTAL ENEMIES WHO ARE WILLING TO KILL ONE ANOTHER for the FAKE JEW WHO HATE US BOTH…
The fake Jews, knowing that is Us who are GOD’S CHOSEN, albeit with CONFUSION OF FACE as Promised, do wish also to Keep us at odds, also.
They are Soooo good at this task that there is No KKK Group who could MURDER BLACKS AS EFFICIENTLY AS WE ARE NOW WILLING TO MURDER EACH OTHER, including our 0wn Babies that do not make it out of the Womb thanks to Planned Parenthood.
After Nat Turner Was So Compelled to ACT (Biblically) the Jews via their Formulated, METHODIST LIE, taught us to Loath the Bible, then they taught us to HOLD HANDS With Little White Boys and Girls as the End all and Be all to Martin Luther King’s Jewish Written Demands.
YOU SEE, I DO NOT HATE COSBY, or ANY OF MY PEOPLE… I AM JUST AGAINST THOSE CRAFTY SATANISTs WHO HATE , BOTH, Blacks and Whites! They want us at odds with Whites who’d just so happened to have STOOD BY AND HELPED US OUT OF SLAVERY, the Institution the fake jews have Made for us Once again (see their Prison Industrial Complex and the tenants of Social Impact Bond Profiteering off the backs of Ignorant Blacks while we in-fight and Focus our Hatred on Whites) .
On this recent Chinese, state owned, presentation the broadcaster repeats the term, “SLAP IN THE FACE” while hosting anti-Trump rhetoric spewed by her Foul-Mouthed, disloyal, American Subversive guests, who are no more than Globalist Pets like so many of the regulars on her , unbalanced,PROPIGANDA Show.
The globalist, status-quo sympathizers, are there to help China SLANDER Our, beloved, President with No Regard, Whatsoever, about the Constant Pang in the Gut of American Blacks and the related “Choice” to Terminate Lives in the Womb of American Women who are unsure of a future, all while Alibaba Chief , Jack Ma, BRAGS about the Higher Quality of China’s Mass-PIRATED Goods Blatantly STOLEN From Our American Innovators, such as my Dad, a U.S. patent holder who once worked for the recovering American Navy Aeronautics Division !!!!
A Slap in the Face to all of humanity is using the “Deep-State’s” Borrowed Money to Build Belts and Roads On the Graves of Black Royalty as China Beats Away on the Path of God’s Chosen who were virtually Purged and Systematically Enslaved by Obama’s Hamitic Clan and China’s new Merchant-Class Lender “friends” in Desolate Africa upon the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade!
Trump, like CYRUS Is, in fact, redeeming us now!
Only the GODLESS Ones seem to have a Problem with that!
That is, follow the money all of the way of to the head hauncho of All that “Blacks” Complain About (On Que) and there sits George Soros and his American-Spring-hoping dumb a$$ at the helm.
Unless you’re Spiritually enlightened to biblical bookends of history, events, and relative “players” therein, you might be, subconsciously, chalking this one up with the rest of their media-Spawned flack & Graphite Incites poured into your Hair-Triggered mind daily.
After decades of “happy making” , the ilk that constitutes the Synogog of Satan which is spoken of in the Book of Revelations, 3:9 and elsewhere, have Mastered the Art of Mind Manipulation, and thereby, engineered Social Upheavals wherever they called home, abroad and in all places their financial leverage is allowed to be exerted aggressively.
The ilk I am speaking of are at the forefront of concerted Mind Manipulation and they have been making steady progress in the field, after grand masters, financed under Hitler were rescued for reuse in the U.S.A. under the banner of Project Paperclip.
Along with their persuasive Madison Avenue paradigms, they have perfected more Mind Bending ways to build upon their earliest achievements, including Media Based MKULTRA, the Fomentation of MASS HYSTERIA and PREDICTIVE PROGRAMING.
Likewise, their use of Blacks as the central characters for both, Manipulation and Manipulating has a profoundly long history all couched in their Constantly Crafted Allegories.
From the establishment of their Cripto-Jew Jesuit Persuasion to the manufactured fixation on UFO’s whenever an ultimate redirect is needed, there has been no better Race Bate for those of a certain ilk than the constantly “Clowned” Black Man.
As the saying goes, History is Written by the Victors, yet, available history would be sufficient enough for the Black Man to understand all that was once couched inside of their Ivory Towers by now.
To make sure full understanding never happens for blacks, we are subject to social and educational paradigms that make all facts, weather they are couched in allegory, or trust right into our faces, go way way over our heads.
After our full Emancipation, which was made eminent after Nat Turner’s biblically inspired revolt, the Merchant-Class powers that be went into overdrive to ensure that there would be no relative gains made in the rapidly thriving Black Community.
As former slave owners declined in contrast to their industrious black neighbors, the Northern Merchant-Class industrialists were also suffering from their, relative, institutional losses including the gravest of social losses after it was learned that it was Lou Frank who murdered and raped the little white southern girl, not his exploited black worker.
How the KKK that was first organized to Stave off the jewISH MERCHANTS who thought to flood into the south from up North save Mr. Frank by any means necessary became the Life-Work of the JewISH New Yorker, Dan Burros, is a subject for a future post, indeed.
The shift into Weapon’s Manufacture, War Spending, and Sociological borne Commodities, such as, Secret Societies, Propaganda, Socialism, Communism, Afrocentrism, Racism, Sexism, Feminism, and the Mastery of Incest and PedophiliaDenial that could be exported world-wide would soon fill in for the merchant-class as “Good Money” after the devolution of international Slavery.
One might argue the advent of sharecroppers who became systematically indebted to the company store was the first iteration of , both, the Deep-State’s “manifest destiny” and Socialism, alike.
For the unlearned, the jewISH Ilk’s full intent for the beleaguered black community can not easily be recognized, however, with the proper keys we may recognize Every Device and Manufactured Paradigm that was expressly designed by the Merchant-Class meddlers to Keep the, forever troubled, Black Man Down.
Surly, turning blacks away from God and back to All that first evoked God’s Wrath against, us, his forgotten Chosen People, was a key strategy in the making of the, so called, Black Greek and the, so called, Afro centrist to follow.
Likewise, every iteration of our Missteps into the worst half of our Deuteronomy 25 promised ultimatum is dredged up for us by Thought Leaders and Trendsetters who are quietly financed by the fake jew.
The concept of Tooling the Black Mind and Body for its relative usefulness in Toppling Nation’s began in America with key Trotskyites.
Besides William Pickens’, Raya Dunayevskaya inspired, “Vengeance of the Gods”, great strides in normalizing metaphysical misinformation in systematically Usurped College Institutions and, in their other broadcast assets have been made by the emerging jewISH bureaucracy who skillfully fomented their, ungodly Horror Dramas, Porn and Propaganda since all Hell Broke Loose and certainly since the beginning of their Bolshevik Revolution.
S.T.E.M. “learning”, so called, Social Justice Curriculum, and Black Lives Matter BRAINWASHING are just a few ways the deep-state has harnessed Blacks who can now be TRIGGERED on Que to act out against our own country and only home, like CONTROLLED human projectiles who can be tossed like expendable TNT into any Political Establishment the deep-state desires to disrupt.
Meek Mills is Ferried Away on His Handler’s Wilmington Trust Owned “Chariot”
Since some of their greatest gains were delivered by Hungry Black BOULE Shills like, such as, W.E.B. DuBois, Useful Idiots are systematically selected, groomed, and arrayed to fight their own people tooth and nail or for All that is Not in our Best Interest so much so that our own babies may not develop tooth and nails inside of the womb of Black Mothers-to-be, as “we” have been, expressly, trained to Defend and Desire the most efficient Murderers of Targeted BLACK PEOPLE, such as, the ever more brazen and PROFITABLE, Planned Parenthood.
Likewise, it was a SECOND GENERATION, CIA Shill and Hamite of the Tribe that was happy to work Hand in Hand with the Merchant Class who knew well the Difference between the, so called, Negro’s and the African’s they tasked to Deliver Us.
Fittingly, Chicago, one of many primary Thrashing Floors carefully tooled by the Merchant-Class Meddlers for our Demise, is now called Chiraq thanks to Barack Obama’s most Prolific Works to date.
I am certain that Obama’s Key Handler, Bill Ayers, is quite proud to have sewn a Culture of Radicals into America’s Urban School System Nationwide, as planned.
The Hidden Handed Ilk of Subversive Jews who Paid for the entire Misadventure for Race-Bated blacks are indeed indebted to their key Black Shills who nearly got the job done of Toppling America for them, at last!!
Doing all it takes to Hold the Course, such as having their way via the U.N. in Chicago is only hindered by the Outlier, Donald J. Trump, who now stands squarely in their way.
If MURDER in Philly is now thought to be, “TYPICAL” by our Government “officials’, then POLICE ARE NOT JUST A FAILED JOKE IN PHILLY (such as in Richard Ross’ Appointed Role in concert with the former D.A. Seth Williams), but it is far worse than most of us could ever imagine, EXCEPT THE DEEP-STATE CABAL, of a Certain Ilk , WANT YOU ALL TO IMAGINE our, now, “Common” Future as such!!!!
We are now made to be exactly like frogs in Boiling Water. Our people are being Predictively Programed By way of emerging Brain and Behavioral Science, such as, NUDGE, highly OrchestratedSocial Media forwarded Social Incites, and Other Societal Manipulation ploys that constitute lessons learned, For the Harvard, Kennedy School of Business Ilk of a Certain Cabal with a long history of Global Usurpation.
Nation has been “Tweeked” to the degree that High Seasonal Murder Rates for Blacks in Select Test Cities are simply Business As Usual for Blacks who are primarily affected. See: Stockholm Syndrome.
It just so happens that ALL OF THE Deep State’s New Paradigms “for us” are Spelled Out “For Us,” not only in their sickest and Greatest-Hope-Series, the PURGE , they have also embedded our fate, Religiously, into most of their Mind F’ing “HOLLYWOOD TELLS”.
For instance, we were all cordially “invited” to watch their Trial Balloon Shows, such as, “The Wire”, or the Followup to The Wire Episodes, their result laden HBO, “Drug Inc.“.
Besides in Officer Adrian Schoolcraft and Officer Chris Donnar’s Unorthodox, Warnings and Manifesto Tales, we could See the Outcomes of the Deep State Cabal’s Plans featured in their NGO Needle Supplying Cop, Free, Drug Zones that were first illustrated for us, in full, in “The Wire”.
While the Cabal Reaped their TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE PROFITS we can actually watch the Reruns of Shows that would be Manifest into Philly’s own, HBO FEATURED Opioid Riddled, Kensington, which was just a Microcosm of the Deep-State’s greater plan for our Nation.
It was via our USURPED State Owned Institutions first Bankrupt by Cohen, that they planned to SCALE UP their Trial Ballooned Model as seen on “The Wire”,
Through Hungry Useful Idiots, such as Michael Nutter , turned Lead Shill for the Conference of Mayors, Oligarch’s such as , George Soros , Sir Ronald Cohen and Michael Bloomberg, could systematically implement their OPEN CITIES, OPEN BORDERS, SOCIAL IMPACT BOND and NWO TAKEOVER Plans.
With just a bit of Consternation in an Age that All of Our Mainstream Media “Alternatives” Owned by the same Oligarch Cabal who in Charge of the Philadelphia Police, our Criminal Court Laws, Philadelphia Institutions etc., we might come to understand how the False Flag Downing of New York’s World Trade Buildings got their Poppy Business Rolling in Usurped Afghanistan and their Repeat of their Stalled Russian Revolution Paradigms to Grow inside of our Hobbled Nation like Gang-Busters.
We can now realize how 911 lended itself to the Constant Flow of Opioid Commodities strait into their Key Ports of Entry and OPENED ORDERS and strait into Oligarch Taken Delaware, where their “Legitimate” Drug Monopoly now Thrives.
Their hopes of Repeating Opioid FALLEN China can be witnessed by way of the personal Peril of Every Fallen, Drug Plagued American and their Morning Family and Friends, alike, who have been afforded no real Lesson’s Learned from China’s Own Communist Past , for which Useful Black Idiots were first invited to Admire by way of the CIA’s Black Panther’s first Assignment in Mao.
It seems to me, The Black Panther black Nationalists Groups, MAO and Hitler are their Greatest Communist spawned Useful Idiots, To Date, and certainly the Greatest Societal Disruptor’s the fake Jews, as per Rev 3:9’s, money could buy .
Due to his trying, we might now add another Black Name next to W.E.B. DuBois into the annals of USEFUL IDIOTS.
As reflected in Starbucks’s failed 2015 #RaceTogether campaign revived, PHILLY IS NOW STAGED for FALSE FLAGs Galore.
Since they Tooled America’s Usurped Police Forces with the help of Philly Commissioner Raymond Ramsey at the helm, The Deep State Cabal of Oligarch’s are now, Waging the Dog in Philly and they are Committing Well Orchestrated False Flags Events in Philly and in systematically Bankrupted Cities Nationwide.
Making Way for the U.N. Aided Deep State Takeover on the Backs of TARGETED and “PURGED” Blacks.Gullible Blacks who Take No OWNERSHIP are bound to Suffer a Life-Time of being OWNED, Like a Forever Failing, so called, “Leader” Barak Obama.
The American SUBVERSIVES have managed to Get into High Places nationwide, such as, with George Soros’ Paid for D.A. Offices and inside of Philly USURPED Justice Department and Courts, all Thanks to Sir Ronald Cohen’s, State/City Pension Routing Venture Capital Scheme and his, Purposefully Blown Dot-Com Bubble, that Wreaked Havoc throughout our, once, Great Nation.
For those who Can No Longer Remember when your Only Home was Great, it’s when BLACKS WERE NOT BEING PURGED, well before making it into a Cradle, and well before we were systematically Written into our Kid’s, ever more deadly, yet Greatly Awarded Rap Cyphers , where Young Blacks, via USURPED URBAN MEDIA MONOPOLIES are Schooled to wax lyrically about Supplying Neighbor’s and Child-hood Cohorts with an Early Grave just for show.
Meek Mills is Ferried Away on His Handler’s Willimington Trust Owned “Chariot”
Besides the OBVIOUS, I have no Doubt that, the Harvard Kennedy School of Business institution, that is practically owned by Sir Ronald Cohen of the former G8, the Michael Bloomberg Associated, Center of Court Innovation in NYC that is Now writing Philly’s Criminal Court Issued Neo-BLACK CODE LAWS, and ISREAEL’s UNUSUAL INVOLVEMENT with our AMERICAN Police Forces Nationwide, Paired with the Cabal of Culture Bandits who are the PATRONS of Meek Mill Types and their MURDEROUS “Lyrical” hell-scapes (Usurped World-Star-Hip-Hop, BET , etc.), all Constitute the same CORPORATE OLIGARCHS Who are Hoping to Own All of America by way of their own “Bloodless Revolution”.
Even while it has only been a Decade since Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground got his Way with American Schools (Starting in Philly), we’ve all been Educated for at least a Century, by the Cabal’s Post-Bolshevik Revolution Bureaucracies that were quietly established in America upon the Dawn of the Red Scare.
We are all, duly, TRAINED that speaking such Truths about the Conspiratorial Cabal of Active American Subversives amounts to stepping onto the deadly “Third Rail”, even while their Cover is fully Blown out of Desperation and their desire to Take All of America Outright in time for their 100 year Anniversary of their first, relatively, failed, Bolshevik Revolution.
They are, indeed, working Overtime as a CONSPIRATORIAL ILK who are well-known for specific Horrors against So Many Other Societies, Cultures and Nations of People, for whom they have lived among.
And, likewise, for Centuries we have all come to know of the relative, and PROVOKED Necessity for Pogroms all due, in truth, to SELF
Besides other Historical Atrocities, including the Institution of their Merchant-Class Trans Atlantic Slave Trade fomented from the Back Streets of London, where Sir Ronald Cohen and their Chatham House Rules still Operate, We also know that They are No Strangers to HIRING CORPORATE MERCENARIES who are BLACK.
Likewise, Black Mercenaries, such as, the Black Moors who were once tasked to fight for Mussolini in his invasion of Ethiopia, Blacks are Known to have MURDERED OTHER BLACKS with NO
Ethiopian Rabi Shlomo Molla sits with Rabi Consulting, Anthony H. Williams just before he his Tasked by the Walton’s of Walmart to Pick Up the Bill Ayers Mantle of Deep-State USURPED American Schools. Fast forward, Philly Schools made Antifa Training and Black Lives Matter a 2016 Deep-State Issued Curriculum.
I TRULY BELIEVE, the Same way there are now MERCENARY FORCES working for the Deep-State GLOBALLY, there are Also Black Mercenaries WORKING IN THE U.S.A. Too!!!!
I is no Secret to the THINKING AMERICAN’S who have found a Work-Around away from their Mainstream Media PROPAGANDA Machines, that the CABAL, their Highly Paid Minions and Useful Idiot’s, Alike, are now being Laser Focused on Toppling our Nation, all on the Backs of Race-Bated Blacks (and “Triggered” whites) for whom they deem, mere Commodities in Sir Ronald Cohen and Goldman Sachs Social Impact Bond Scheme and, thereby, Blacks and, so-called, Goyim, alike, are Completely Expendable to the Deep State Cabal who hope for RACE WAR, CIVIL WAR and the DEATH OF US ALL!!!!!!
See here, there’s Nothing New in the Democratic Party, whatsoever, and likewise, there’s Nothing New Under the Sun.
We are witness to the 2016 DNC saga all over again as America remains mired in Corrupt Nasty Women and easy go Socialists, for whom the hidden handed Oligarchs may Feast, thanks to the People – Parasite – Servant – Delicacies they truly are.
REUTERS/Carlo Allegri – RTSA3WR
They represent the symbiosis from hell first spawned by the Rothchilds and they represent the Best Tools, to date, for the practical head of America’s aged “Elders of Zion”, who hope, like hell, to see their Arc of Bolshevik destruction culminate into a Satanic Empire that we were all Warned About on so Many Occasions, but none more profoundly than in biblical Prophecy itself. Read Rev 3:9.
Between the Bookends of Constantine and Barack Obama the, so called, Western World is becoming the threshing floor where unbridled, ungodly ones are organized by the Synogog of Satan into cesspools of frenzy and hate.
As those who, with child-like foolishness, were first brought into the folds of Liberalism, Feminism and Activism serving as cover for Communism grow up, most fail to take heed of the many Empirical Lessons Learned the hard way.
So many of us are still, duly, entrenched by the mixed messages perpetrated by Usurped Methodist offspring who were Sacrificed as Hypocritical Obstructionists of Facts, as they were indeed made far too busy to spread the most basic words of God for Armor, as follows.
Just as our Black Caucus members Volunteer to take a back seat on the civility bus, Bill Cosby is receiving his own Object-Lessons from downtrodden and bare-breasted Cosby Kids in his wake. Now, the truly “woke” among us are metaphysically shown Cosby’s Best Lesson for us to date.
That is, Buying in to Satan’s, Any Means Necessary paradigms means that they Will Do As Thou Wilt with us all for as long as God’s Chosen remain so willing to Sell Out and essentially Sell Our Souls to the hidden handed ones who now wish to be known as your AI Gods or Serpent Race, respectively.
Bilderberg 2018 – Note the Alfa Romeo Logo of the Serpent Consuming the Black Moor and how Fiat-Chrysler is this years Bilderberg host in Turin Italy.
As we get a closer glimpse into the Democratic sausage factory we can see, in real-time, how all of the muscle in the Animal Farm of Control and Deceit is beginning to spoil and Rot.
While the Democratic Spectacle is certainly enough to turn stomachs, it is not enough to stand idly by as the alien loving Obfuscaters are, begrudgingly, cast out.
While the hidden handed Oligarchs still need Maxine Waters and Hillary Clinton types to exist as cover for a Titanic that is Going Down Fast, while we only see the Tip of the Ice-burg they still hope to be known as too big to fail just like the wizard of Oz.
We must expect the Hidden Handed Oligarch Overlords, who supply the Corrupt members of our Senate and Congress their Well-Orchestrated Marching Orders, to hit us with their best weapons, albeit, more like Cornered Animals from Hell.