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Apparently, Kevin Hart failed to get the memo… Sucks, Don’t it?

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As we recently learned, how the cabal of deep-state players expect, bad actors, including fake news anchors,  to Socially Incite the unwitting American public via highly coordinated 4am Talking Points, we can also see , once again, what happens when one of the deep-state’s minions dares to go off-script.

Kevin Hart , apparently, “failed” to get the memo, but, not the “ignored” deep-state daily memo Kathy Griffin thought to take public action to enforce, but, the historically evidenced one that illustrates,  exactly, what might happen to , yet, another one of the Senogog of Satan’s hand-select Philadelphia comedians should he fail to keep up his end of a deadly deal with the devil’s primary, and ever more blatant servants who have , both, ritualistically and allegorically illustrated for us on SNL that they,  practically, own Hart now.

As with any of the Deep-State Cabal’s Assassinations, weather, it is just the “assassination” of one’s Character, such as, the deep-state’s tactic plied in real-time against President Trump, the assassination of ones livelihood , such as, the deep-state’s  tactic against Will Smith for dissing one of their star-studded Awards Platforms, or Real Assassination, such as, with the the deep-state cabal’s, relative ownership of Bill Cosby and their ilk’s convoluted association with the Enus Cosby murder.

It would only take a bit of examination to see how all of the persons who become entangled with “them” can be, either, disappeared like countless Missing Children in Deep State Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia after Eli-Brod Became the Deep State Manager of Stolen Schools and we’d even see how any Opposition to their Deep State Plan Risks being added to the Clinton Body Count or should I say the Obama/Clinton Body Count as we realize the one who showed the Most Concern in Philly over Stolen and #Separated Children being Exploited by the Deep State at home was Murdered by the Deep State Minions. My Shero Roxanne Grinage was, indeed, snuffed by James Comey’s deep-state Controlled FBI for reporting on Philly’s DHS/CPS Exploited Youth.

Should you take a moment to Examine All of the recent MURDERS in association with Meek Mill, we can see how their Owned Minon’s, much like Bill Cosby are made to suffer greatly via Human Sacrifices that get closer and closer to home.

Sadly, we have already seen how the Assassinations of public figures who are secretly tasked to do the Devil’s Deep-State’s bidding can go completely unanswered for decades, even while hints of their Subversive Works are leaked and while there is, certainly, enough circumstantial evidence surrounding Enus Cosby’s un-TIMELY murder, complete with motives none of the OBVIOUS Suspects, will ever come to pay for his death.

Martin Luther King Jr. comes to mind. Weather it’s rumors of Gay Lovers that may have evoked him to kill his own self at the bequest of the Deep-State’s FBI , or the Fingerprinted Fire Bombing of his family’s home for whom no one was arrested, all of the most COMPROMISING “stuff” that actually lead to his demise still remains to be fully realized.


Besides the decapitation of the Moor as depicted on Pope Benadict’s Coat of Arms) and, of course, our president Donald J. Trump’s figurative head removal by Kathy Griffin, herself, Kevin Hart must have just considered the fact that the Subversive Ilk , actively Conspiring to Overthrow our nation, indeed, has many ways til Sunday to put an American Black Man who has, virtually, sold his soul to them in his place. In fact, we have been the apple of the the Merchant Class’ eyes for many centuries and as such, we all know the expectations are quite high as there was once no limitations  set on what a Slave must do when he is was Bought and Paid for by the American “jews”.

Likewise, we can now follow the money behind the Philadelphia Eagles Refusal to Meet with the President of the United States, even upon a direct invitation to Settle what it is they say they are protesting “for”.

Clearly it is not For the RELEASE of any Black Citizen that is/was Wrongly Incarcerated , otherwise,  All of the Children that are now being systematically #Separated from the homes of Adjudicated Black Families by way of Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Gamut, complete with newly established Criminal Courts arrayed inside of Targeted black neighborhoods along with Criminal Courts embedded into select, deep-state, usurped Schools

Then Chicago DEMOCRAT, Rohm Emanuel, just proved to the world, in response to the Upidy Negros that thought to Speak Out against the PURGE – like Murders of Blacks in the deep-state’s Gun-Free bastion,  otherwise known as Chiraq, we can see how NO One On Earth is being held accountable for countless Black Deaths that just keep occurring even in spite of our unexplained (until Dinesh d’souza’s Death of a Nation tell) affinity for Democratic Ruler-ship and Status Quo for which our fate full of false Hope and no Change has been so marred by.

For the collective desire to stay on the so called DEMOCRAT PLANTATION is thanks, no doubt, to the Big Named Hired Guns that serve as OWNED BRAINWASHING “THOUGHT-LEADERS” who themselves are absolutely forbidden to step out of line.

Based on the clumsy, yet, rapid response to Kathy Griffin’s complaint and wishes, It seems as if Kevin Hart has just realized the special place  that is reserved for Post Planned Parenthood Survivors who have let themselves come under the complete control of the Synogog of Satan.

It is clear that Kevin Hart was “helped” to have his profound epiphany this week, and based on his obligatory response to Kathy Griffin’s call-out,  he, indeed, used his allotted Stage-Time in behalf of the deep-state’s Orchestrated Messaging.

We got a glimpse of the FACT that Hart is deep-state Owned, just like his fellow Philadelphia-born North Philly Black Shill, Meek Mill, who seems to be on the “Business End” of Countless Murders that are now hitting so close to home.

His Oligarch Obligations as Thought Leader, working so Desperately to Incite Blacks to Rally in the Streets on que is so deep that he is now in a self proclaimed “THERAPY” in Huston Texas.

Meanwhile, Philly Suffers the Same fate as the Democratically Run bastion, Chicago, complete with George Soros’ direct installment of a hand-select D.A. as BUSINESS AS USUAL in the Hood.

After Meek Mill was Publicly TOLD not to sit down with President Trump, who might help Countless Black Men in America to disentangle themselves from our Neo-Slavery Justice Reform Colamites and perhaps end the ongoing False Flag Murders of Unarmed Black men by Dubious Police Officers who still hearken to Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform PURGE.

No doubt both Meek Mill and the Philadelphia Eagles could bring a great amount of attention to the Justice Reform Sham that was fomented by the Deep State Cabal. Especially germain is the Fact that the FRAUDULENT CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM based Tyranny and Obstructionism was lead by a  Chicago Native who became the Philadelphia Police Commissioner, Raymond Ramsey.  Peep the Irony that the Deep State would use Another Black Shill and Useful Idiot from Chicago to TOOL Our Justice System in the Shadow of our Disregarded Constitution.

The Deep State Oligarchs, such as, Michael Bloomberg who though to Evoke Far Reaching Tax Laws Nationwide (starting in Oligarch USURPED Philly) from his New York Base. It was his own associated New York City based Center for Court Innovation who Implemented new Philly Criminal “Justice Laws” that work much like Post Slavery Black Code Laws did.

Both the EAGLES and Meek Mill could have signaled the fact under new Center for Court Innovation Laws, Blacks in Philly are being entreated to a Life Long RELATIONSHIP with the Criminal Justice System, as well as, Bill Braton’s infamous Comp-stat data mining and a cradle to grave surveillance component for the greater potential to be adjudicated, not only in one’s own Deep State Usurped Schools but  inside of newly established Neighborhood Based Criminal Courts . 

They could have told President Donald J. Trump that Targeted Black Philadelphians who live inside of Newly Fomented Police Zones where No Constitutional Law is Applied can now be Arrested for crimes committed by neighborhood “associates” after the powers that be arbitrarily deem the individual who lives in each Targeted Police Zone a gang member.

They could have told the President that Targeted Blacks who are now Surround by Newly Arrayed Criminal Court Systems Disbursed in Targeted Black Neighborhoods and inside of Select Schools can now be Processed and Survaled for a POTENTIAL that they May be committing “Future Crimes”.

Any one of our Owned Philly Celebrities could have given voice to the Sad Fact that Philadelphia was Ground Zero for Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reforms that were no more than the establishment of a Tyrannous Justice System that not only Subdues Constitutional Rights in the Birthplace of America’s Constitution, but the fact that Oligarch Usurped Philly (thanks to Clinton’s pet named, Nutter Butter) now serves as a Testing Ground for the Eventuality that Hillary Clinton and the Deep-State may have gotten their way, completely…


At the very Most they all could have HELPED TO BRING LIGHT to Seventy Plus Dubious Foster Care Institutions in Philly and PA where DHS/CPS #Separated Philly Children are currently being Taken from Philly Families held Captive for Tax Leverage and Worse!!!!

But at last, the Highly Paid SLAVES have Proven that they are No More Than Happy to Kneel SHILLS glad to Do Exactly As they are TOLD!!!!

Author: ecofer