Contrary to systematically taught mantra’s, such as, “Most Black Men End Up, Either in Jail or in Prison”, andÂ
“Snitches Get Stitches” , it has been my opinion that inter-city Blacks who are Gunned Down by the hundreds annually with no suspects named or jailed for the ongoing annual offenses have, likely, been gunned downed by Paid, Corporate Mercenaries in America who take their Jobs as Serious as any Planned Parenthood Shill!!!!!

When we stop long enough to analyze the diabolical Timing of the Chicago Murders, numbering into the 60’s all in one single night, from Midnight to Four AM, just days after Beleaguered Citizens there determined to March on to Mayor Rahlm Emanuel’s Doorstep to complain about such, unfettered, annual Murders, even against a Chicago Times’ Editorialized Warning that the act may Anger Some….
When we stop long enough to analyze the fact that Chicago’s own, Raymond Ramsey was personally tasked to Retool Urban Police Forces Nationwide who’s leadership is now sent to Israel to be trained…
When we stop long enough to analyze the Fact that Police Officers and Justice Officials under the Obama Administration were told to, not only, Obstruct Justice but Stand Down in Cities where Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reforms have been incited…
When we stop long enough to analyze Barack Obama’s direct ties to a Chicago Based MERCENARY firm and the fact that his own Cabinet member who Called Blacks SUPER PREDATORS enacted her 21st Century Justice Reforms on the heels of her husband’s Three Strike Laws.

When we stop long enough to realize ALL OF THE Police Murders of Unarmed Black Men and Women on Barack Obama’s Watch was, in part, for the making of Black Lives Matter Shills who could be Utilized by Barack’s good friend, Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground, the Terrorist Group, and for the fomentation of utter Urban Kayos, just in time for the Deep State’s UN Martial Law Plans, then The following Video, IMPLICATION, Becomes Far More Plausible too!!!
Wakeup People!!!
#WalkAway #BLM #BME #NAACP #CHIRAQ West Philly!!! North Philly Wrongfully Convicted in Philly? ~ Chances are YOU’RE NOT ALONE. PhillyThink!
(Sir Ronald Cohen’s Goldman Sachs Managed Social Impact Bonds = SLAVERY 2.0)