1Sam.15 [23] For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.
2Kgs.9 [22] And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace, Jehu? And he answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many.
WARNING, URGENT!! This Just in From TheGreatSlumber on Youtube!!
They are OPEN, they are EVIL and their BRAZEN SYMBOLS are EVERYWHERE, By DESIGN!
Qoh.1:3 What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? … 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Clearly, Detroit, a prime center where blacks once thrived, is literally welcoming to SATANIST, and Every city now under siege by Satanic “Programing” more overt by the day. It’s ‘ No Accident, but a concerted effort to recruit blacks in mass is conveyed in their Baphomet Statute but illustrated in the the Life and DOWNFALL of Key Black entities, much like auditioned “Thought Leader”, Bill Cosby relative to Rev 3:9
Since the end of the Merchant Class’ Slave Trade, preemptive ploys were developed year after year to turn blacks away from innately Worshiping God.
It was hoped that there would be no more Nat Turners, who ostensibly turned against the vitriolic jew’s marketplace which supplied the plantations. He threatened their bread & butter had by way of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade established well after God’s Chosen People were, indeed, succumb by the ultimatum spelled out in Deuteronomy 25 (our punishment for 400 years).
Thereafter, the Synogog of Satan, as per Rev 3:9, saw the writing on the wall so they thought to subvert the Inevitable next. The inevitable being, our complete emancipation and the removal of their profitable Yoke Upon our Necks.
Likewise, upon the making of their post Woodrow Wilson Deep State, the hidden handed jew’s established American agencies expressly formulated to work against Cristian emancipators in America and Abroad, but more importantly they established their formulas against the Biblically mentioned Black Israelites, in particular.
Besides infiltrating every aspect of black life, they would institutionalize our direction and daily activities. Blacks could then be harnessed bureaucratically for the enveloping jew’s own political endeavors and for ongoing profit.
Their deep state Social Constructs could be , thereby, leveraged for political gains and to keep daily tabs on blacks, at once.
Their government offices and social clubs alike were apprised as sentries complete with the all seeing eye emblem at the top, to be on the lookout for the rise of full potential of post-slavery Blacks, including the rise of a black Messiah. We can see this in the primary tenant spelled out in their telling CoIntel Pro.
After dispensing with European False Flags for the making of WWI, they would come to leverage the Spoils, in the name of Socialism, Communism, Bolshevism and every Ism thereafter.
With the help of useful idiots and black shills alike new societal overlays were custom built in the auspice of special laws, rules of conduct, and the Black Renaissance.
We would be shown how to act for petty awards and red carpet accolades in newly minted clubs and Societies where black life could be molded by way of a newly adopted culture deemed as (POP) Popular.
Blacks would be politically leveraged so that jewish suppression could be practically codified inside of American law complete with convoluted tenants like relief, projects and food-stamps delivered from the emerging bureaucrats from the top down.
Via Trojans dressed under a cloak of good intent, high society and law (see the rise of, so-called, Activist Judges), the emerging deep state and their socialist leaning minions have embedded their paradigms deep inside of Democrat rule, Secret Societies, College Fraternities, Jail-houses, Hollywood film, TV Shows, etc.
From “the Birth of a Nation”, to their infamous Sexplotation flicks culminating into “Meet the Blacks and PURGE” trilogies, and the like, an entire record of their full intent for humanity can be viewed within their own fabricated chronicles.
After being flushed out into the light during the occupy WallStreet movement the kid gloves have come off. No longer can they finesse their foul ways while the light shines bright on their daily misdeeds.
Now Weather on the NFL half-time Stage or in their HBO tells they have become far more brazen due to those so willing to drink the cool-aid.
Their school Takeover Plan being such a success they have an entire generation of useful idiots to Organize and work with all while feeling far too big to fail,.
As their Auditioned Black Shills Show Up and Show Out with hoards of blind admirers, at hand, they have displayed the fact that they have Nothing at all to loose now. As if to follow a Dog Whistle sounded off by their Godless thought leader Oprah Winfrey they have determined to be open and be their Demonic Selves as a matter of Fashion and Pop Culture Trend. As with the Post Detroit Takeover and the Erection of Baphoment, the ilk of Deep State Suversives are comfortable at showing their hand, as if there were, indeed, nothing for them that is left to loose.
Their demonic tenants were once embedded deeply inside of agencies, such as, the CIA, the FBI and every office their mandates for and against blacks could be developed and delivered atopically and without suspicion.
Their primary agency has always been the systematic take-down of Mighty Black Men like Booker T. Washington and Marcus Garvey.
Systematically all blacks have had to suffer great setbacks emanating from the jewISH Establishment of Socialist Shills, like W.E.B. DuBois and Martin Luther King, who Both Woke-up to be, either, Exiled to Ghana or Shot to death for the Realization that Speaking for Jews was in no way Forwarding the Concerns or enhancing the lives of their fellow blacks but Leverage for Jews who benefited directly from the harnessed Skills and Prowess of such Might Men.
Today their most demonic paradigms are all laid out into the open with the full knowledge that enough stiff necked blacks will volunteer to go along. Via Shills like Run D Mc we were trained to think Good Meaning Bad and Bad Meaning Good along with other paradoxical lessons ingrained via Stolen Radio Waves targeting Ignorant Black Youth.

After freedom and the ability to stake our claim into the fertile south with the help of Republicans and the Union Army, the Synogog of Satan purveyors of Secret Societies began ginning up their machinery, putting their thumbs on the scale of the lesser gods in the name of , and Introducing God’s Chosen People to the Worship Greek Gods, complete with whooping and branding once again, except we were taught to do it to ourselves as a practical Ultimatum to the Democrat’s KKK and their unadulterated post slavery Tyranny.
For this Purpose, Black Code laws were made, a Methodist Method established, a Black Belt paved and a BOULE founder Appointed in the name of W.E.B. DuBois championed a certain kind of education for blacks.
The hidden handed jews would begin to manufacture the foundation for post-slavery trades and pivotal devices to Sell to the World in secrete, both, in America and abroad where their central office was first begun on the Back Streets of London.
The cotton gin gave way their War Machines while more Blacks began to awaken from our long slumber and Confusion of Face, alike.
Established as the Antidote to every Grass Roots black movement and hope progress in the Name of God the metaphysically enamored engineer of Black Thought, became a dutiful purveyor jewish Intel.
DuBois took up the mantle of socialism, communism and feminism until he woke up to learn exactly how expendable he truly was as the Next Hungry Awardee was always waiting in the wings to take his place as plausible deniability to his jewISH masters who managed stayed hid behind the scenes in a shroud of, so called, Civil Rights.
Therein, the Baltimore NAACP Plan and the Greek Society for hand select Blacks who could implement the most foul urban plans was fomented.
By way of Gala Balls and mere “appearances” in contrast to the hard-scrabbled purveyors of industry and land the Talented Tenth was born.
They and the Auditioned ones were to teach all blacks how to fake it till we made it, to what to make of it was never very clear.
What we were being taught in the highest institutions they could muster for us without showing their hidden hands was of no real substance at all but a clearinghouse for profits that could be had off of our backs in every witch way.
The Metaphysical Substance to be had inside of Secret Society and Greek Galas alike, was built on hope, promises, and half truths allegorically hid.
The hidden handed jews managed to build an entire Urban Gamut that was designed to contrast any Actual Substance that could serve as a worthy post-slavery foundation for blacks to build upon.
By way of the, so-called, Talented tenth, every spark of grass roots genius would be pounced upon, snuffed or usurped thereafter formulaic.
Thereby, the prototype for post-slavery black success is illustrated by every DuBois rival who’d come to be plagued from within all while the trojans of aid and concern worked quietly behind the scenes in the name of Civil Rights to slip blacks the micky as strong and profoundly as a Bill Cosby’s drink of choice.
Weather they be called Khazar’s, Jesuits, Jews or the Spanish Fly on the wall of the Crusades where all of our relative histories, manuscripts, and our personage as Negus Kings were all Burnt at the Stake in the same manor our dignity was waylay at the cross of the KKK , only by faith in God our Bible can we read into the whole matter and the works of them who first brought us into captivity by ships, once again.
We are simply not allowed into their Synagogues’s deepest sanctums nor are we privy to their true thoughts and plans for us.
Even while they melt boarders and whole races in their contrived melting pot few are welcomed into stolen Israel but for the fact that they must feast on us all for life.
So how can we ever know the whole truth from their standpoint but by way of circumstantial evidence that surrounds their “favored” blacks like dna and fingerprints so hard to find at the scene of the Murders and constant Crimes?
But by faith and the Holy Ghost, how can we ever know, prior to taking their oaths, prior to being fleeced, prior to drinking the cool-aid, and prior to selling our souls, what is hid behind their closed doors that are secured and locked down by way of their Chatham House rules?