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Black’s Championing Nancy Pelosi’s National Emergency to TAKE American Guns Rhetoric May as well Move to Gun Free Chiraq!

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Before I get started on the Facebook conversation, below that inspired this post, I want to highlight today’s news that came on the heels of my Prediction.

As the title above indicates, I predicted that Nancy Pelosi’s National Emergency comment, telling Uninformed American’s that President Donald J. Trump’s third National Emergency declaration was setting a Precedent was no more than a deep state tell, and that we could expect another False Flag and Gun Grab effort very soon, as the deep state is not only getting desperate, they are also becoming quite sloppy and predictable, as in the unraveling Case of Jussie Smollett.

Now, back to the original commentary….

Today, bone headed blacks in Philly are singing Pelosi’s praises, but why?!

Here is today’s Facebook discourse I am sure will get plenty of push back no matter how many factual examples I present. The normal cognitive dissonance will ensue and the entire convo will likely devolve into childish name-calling and perhaps another lost Face-book “friend”, but this is what I have been going through for nearly a decade after I noticed our entire first capital was being completely Usurped by a cabal of jewISH Oligarchs who are vying to overthrow our entire nation One, George Soros, “Good Cities” ploy at a time.

While this is an ongoing discussion, I will do my best to cut and paste key posts fully in tact with the parties first names hyphenated.

Here’s where it all started. Note; C. Ellis is a respected black CPA in Philly who regularly takes the air-waves to educate Blacks on matters of investment. That the best and brightest blacks who are targeted by the Usurping Oligarchs now gentrifying Philly at a break-neck pace are completely clueless is very troublesome indeed

C. Ellis writes: Okay Okay…. I know, I was on the record for not wanting her as house speaker… But she has proven me wrong! This has got to be one of the Toughest responses to the Republican Shenanigans, I have seen so far; Pelosi warns GOP: Dem president could declare gun violence a national emergency — CNBC

Now see who leads the likes parade, none other than NAACP runner up and Philadelphia public figure (a close family friend due to my families ties to politics) Mannwell Glenn. Besides his great buddy City Councilman, Curtis Jones Jr. who is my first cousin and good friend to the FBI Jailed, Congressman Chacka Fattah and son, I have been trying to no avail to Warn Prominent black Philadelphian’s about the Oligarch Usuptation of our nation’s first capital and their use as useful idiots in the equation.

16Mannwell Glenn, Joel Wilson and 14 others

J. Graves: I hate to use it but, she's playing chess and they are running scared. Lol she ain't no joke!
L. Everett: EA Nancy is using mom strategies. I'm buying more popcorn. This is gonna be a battle.
W. Carter: Hell no! I'm a gun owner.
D. Dorman: Walter Carter .... as long as your not a lunatic, mass murdering, mentally ill, opioid addicted, crazed, gun toting idiot, you can own a gun.
E. Walter: Carter And in a perfect world, every three years you would have to be recertified. Weed out all the Looney Tunes

WeTheNegro: What if the Looney Tunes were Elected Democrats who Set up Kenzinton as per HBO’s “the Wire” season 3. That is, as a Cop Free, Free Needle Pushing Drug Zone for All to Attend? What if the same Looney Toons (Nutter) invited HBO’s Drug Inc to Film the whole thing as it went down? You’d know what the founders made the Second Amendment for!

WAKE UP PHILLY! See my post below before it’s erased! Philly is Gone! HBO's "The Wire" (Season 3) - Comstat: Legalized Drugs

D. Moment: It is an emergency…. so if Trump don’t use it the Dems won’t …. this is irritating…. I know many people that would not think this is funny.
D. Moment: Dwayne Moment It would take Trump using a national emergency to build a wall for these idiots to do the same thing about guns ….. this shit ain’t cool on any level

C. Ellis: D. Moment not following
D. Moment: C. Ellis I just inboxed you

WeTheNegro: In group think circles your not to use such measured logic D. Moment. lol

D. Dorman She’s amazing, she ain’t no push over!!!!
M. Marcellus She’s a smart tough cookie who knows her shit. Chess not checkers!
T. Amber I was the same, but now she is my #2 after Auntie Michelle
B. Mayes Actually, this is exactly what the Congressional Republican rank and file fears and why they don’t want Hizzoner to do it
K. Mshale ugg this is terrible we’re doomed

WeTheNegro: I don’t know what the OLIGARCHS who Stole Philly are putting in your water but Richard Allen is Probably Rolling In his Grave right about now.

Notice how it is GUN FREE ZONES and Cities with Annual Gun Buy Backs where COUNTLESS BLACKS ARE MURDERED and NO ONE ON EARTH is HELD ACCOUNTABLE??

I truly feel Foreign Born Mercenaries are Working these Streets where High Rates of GENTRIFICATION and Targeted Planned Parenthood Annihilation also occurs. (note Dr. Gosnell would be a hero in NYC)

I think the No Snitch Culture is BS! I know the Cypher Culture, where Murder is the primary theme is awarded by the hidden handed hosts of ciphers in the inner cities of America as well as our Usurped Radio Stations. They are busy BRAINWASHING Your Kids on Meek Mill Lyrics all day long.

Have you Listened or worse Read Meek Mill Lyrics? Have you ever Googled his name and Murder as Keywords? Why are Oligarchs openly Partnering with him? Do you ever wonder why he is Elevated by The Owner of the Patriots et al???

Furthermore, consider what happened just four days after Chiraq Blacks Marched against Rahlm Emmanuel due to the High and UNANSWERED Murder Count there… Over 60 Blacks were Shot all in One Morning from 12 am – 7 am… Short of an Army or SWAT what Domestic Group do you know that is that Proficient? There are MERCENARY Companies right in Chicago who are associated with Barack Obama your hero who oversaw COP KILLINGS on the Regular.

His Best Bud from Chicago, Raymond Ramsey, was in charge of our Nation’s Police Force under the banner of “Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform’ when the Unanswered (Purge and Meet the Blacks like) Murders of BLACKS happened on OBAMA’s Watch!. Clinton’s plan is the exact same Paradigm Meek is USED to promote in contrast to President Donald J. Trump’s 1ST STEP Reform, via the Oligarch’s new #Reform banner.


Your Kids are being Criminally Tried in Schools and New Laws written in NYC by Bloomberg associated Center for Court Innovation work EXACTLY like Post Slavery Black Code Laws… Your Criminal Court is now Arrayed in TARGETED BLACK Communities to render Chattel Workers… Your Less than Profitable Prisons are being Emptied in favor of Open Air Jail where the Adjudicated are Sentenced to Do Work for Corporations in Work Centers arrayed through your community.

PHILLY IS UNDER FULL BLOWN TYRANNY AND YOU ARE BEING TAXED BY OUTSIDERS/PRIVATIZERS, such as, Bloomberg who Made your BS Soda Tax just to try their Oligarch Powers.. PPA Hunts the Hood for Hits and Cars to Tow for Cash daily… Your GAS Co is GANGSTA and your Kids are Being Pimped for Cash worse than Save the Children Poster kids. (Non Profit Fund for Philly farce run by Eli Brode Minion William Hite)

William Hite effectively Buried the School to Prison PIPELINE (for Eli-Brode et al) two ways… He Brought Criminal Courts into certain schools, and he was placed in charge of Both Schools and the Juvenile Detention Center making School to Prison a Seamless endeavor.

There are now over 70 dubious, for Profit (non profit) Foster Care Centers SEPARATING Philly Parents from their own kids. Paralegal Roxanne Grinage tells how she was Arrested by James Comey’s FBI and Injected by a Fast Acting Hepatitis for WARNING and Helping Philly Parents who’s children were being Systematically Stolen by DHS/CPS who were working in tandem under the Obama/Clinton Administration.

READ THE CONSTITUTION THAT IS RIGHT THERE IN YOUR STOLEN CITY! Those who want your guns are TYRANTS! They want the Return to the Status Quo you’ve been Complaining and Protesting About since Clinton’s Three Strikes , that is Over 30 years of TYRANNY against TARGETED BLACKS willing to Give up Guns. They need you to hate Trump Before you get used to FULL EMPLOYMENT, LOWER MURDER RATES and FREEDOM from Bill Ayers Edison School Model and the Oligarchs who still run your Schools when they are not Busy Selling them off to the Lowest Bidder!


The Florida Shooting, the Orlando Shooting, the Red Hook Shooting is just the tip of the FALSE FLAG Iceburg if you don’t push back…. Murdered Cops, ANTIFA Goons, Gentrification, Meek Mill BRAINWASHING Your Kids, All are a Part of the OLIGARCH’s Plan!!!

Yes it all sounds sorta weird , I know, but AMERICA IS UNDER SIEGE!

Give Up Your CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS TO ARMS AGAINST THE OLIGARCH TYRANTS WHO OWN and FEAST off Blacks in PHILLY and Your Toast like the Blacks in CHICAGO now known as CHIRAQ for a Reason having Nothing to do with Jussie Smallett’s MAGA Ghosts!!!


Copy of Gym Video for Public Hearing Edited

K. JonTae Children don’t think about consequences. I GUARANTEE he didn’t consider what kind of precedent he would set and what “the other side” could do with it in the future.

WeTheNegro: "The Other Side" wants your guns so All can be like the Blacks in GUN FREE CHIRAQ... Wake Up People!! The Constitution is in Philly for yall to read... Oligarch TYRANTS are Now Running your City. They Own Pelosi.. My Cousin, Curtis Jones Jr. and Your Elected Officials certainly are Not in charge! :/

When they (Democrat's DHS/CPS) comes to SEPARATE your Kids and Grands for Cash, how will you protect yourself?

T. Wilbon Scared them shitless.

K. JonTae Children don’t think about consequences. I GUARANTEE he didn’t consider what kind of precedent he would set and what “the other side” could do with it in the future.

WeTheNegro: "The Other Side" wants your guns so All can be like the Blacks in GUN FREE CHIRAQ... Wake Up People!! The Constitution is in Philly for yall to read... Oligarch TYRANTS are Now Running your City. They Own Pelosi.. My Cousin, Curtis Jones Jr. and Your Elected Officials certainly are Not in charge! :/

When they (Democrat's DHS/CPS) comes to SEPARATE your Kids and Grands for Cash, how will you protect yourself?
Administrative Steps Restrain CPS Agencies DHS Kidnap…

K.JonTae: WeTheNegro, um I’m good. This isn’t actually about Dems wanting to take guns. The point here is that if Trump uses his presidential powers to declare a national emergency to get the border wall funded he’ll set a precedent that when a Democrat becomes president they can use the same powers to do what they want by declaring a national emergency. It’s simply a chess move by Pelosi. Tit for tat. “You do this, we’ll do that.” It’s strategy.

WeTheNegro: National Emergencies are not a Precedent whatsoever. However, for those who are Paying Attention, the Deep State Actors/Oligarchs who Run the Democrats and Pelosi have been Staging America not only for the Repeal of the 2ND Amendment but for a NATIONAL EMERGENCY to be Declared to Get it Done… In CHIRAQ where Targeted Blacks are Gunned Down in their GUN FREE ZONES, there are also Mercenary Firms. Corporate Mercenaries have been used Around the World for Decades. Rather than Blame us BLACKS for a No Snitch Culture, what if we consider the Possibility that Targeted Cities have been under siege by Corporate Mercenaries? None would be the wiser for as long as we truly believe that None Of Us Would ID a person who Murdered our Loved Ones.

Who knew there were South American MS13 Gangs MURDERING just for Sport? We learned already how CIA brought Crack to the Hood to wipe us out! The business end of their Guns for Drugs Trade Began in South America where the newly disbanded FARC were operating under CIA control. See the El Chappo’s financial Ties to Congress coming out this week… I do not doubt that folks that look like us have been SLAUGHTERING us in Cities were no arrest are made… If Cops under Obama’s Watch were MURDERING Blacks with no consequence then certainly Dark Mercenary Forces could too.

Let’s see if GUN CRIMES, MASS SHOOTINGS and COP KILLINGS are on the rise now that Pelosi gave us a Hint about a paradigm already tried in CHICAGO! That is a NATIONAL EMERGENCY CALLED IN ORDER TO TAKE AMERICAN GUNS AWAY is NOT A BRILLIANT PELOSI EPIPHANY, but a Deep State Ploy late by two years because Hillary Clinton Lost!

M. Walker A lot of what you said is true. But these savages are shooting up the block for sure. Mercenaries are not needed. All that is needed are Black and Gangster Disciples, “sneak dissing” on Social Media and Drill Music.

And despite what the media says, there are very few people here killed by the police.

WeTheNegro: Yes indeed M. Walker, however, it is far more complex than most of us realize.
There are Hosts, such as, the Radio Stations that have been Completely Monopolized, as well as, the Open Oligarchs that are now working with the following character in Philly and they are ACTUALLY Positioned to systematically Brainwash our Unattended Children who have been cordoned off into Social Media and Media Monopoly Paradigms that actually Create and Perpetuate the Culture you speak of..
This fact that they can MAKE Young Gullible Children Mimic The Open and Awarded Acts of CELEBRITY CRIMINALS is part and parcel withe the use of Foreign Mercenaries and Other Bad Actors such as the Ones that have Just Been Discovered in Chicago, in the implausible, #JussieSmollett case. (Nigerians have been Trained in Israel just as American Police were under Chicago Native, Raymond Ramsey’s direction. They were MURDERING BLACKS LEFT AND RIGHT in AMERICA under Barack Obama’s watch only to Make BLM goons who could work with Antifa and under Bill Ayer’s long standing plan to Radicalize Americans in school)
Chicago is now Ground Zero for STAGED Events and BLACK ON MURDER. Chicago is also Ground Zero for Bill Ayers, the Weather Underground Terrorist Allowed to bring his Edison School and the SEC Run Schools thereafter to Philly.
Now, as I have Predicted in my Blog post inspired by this Pelosi story Chicago is Pushing their GUN GRAB Paradigm that also had a U.N. Takeover Component all based on the FALSE FLAG paradigms that Count on TARGETED and MURDERED Blacks in the Chicago GUN FREE ZONE…
I HAVE NO DOUBT BLACKS ARE BEING MURDERED BY MERCENARIES AND CONVINCED, first and foremost, TO GIVE AWAY OUR GUNS including the Guns involved in Barack Obama and Eric Holder’s Dubious FAST AND FURIOUS Crime.

Who knew Our Borders have been so porous until now?

Who knows what Black Corporate Mercenaries we thought only worked in Africa for Companies like Debeers and Sunoco Gas Co could do if they were brought to America to do the same?
Why don’t we TAKE BACK and OWN our Own Radio Stations?

Have you Listened to the Rhetoric Spewed by the ELEVATED HIP HOP Idols Lately?
Ask yourself, How is it, MEEK MILL’s Now Made an Authority In Criminal Justice Reform for our Kids to Look Up to?
QUESTIONING EVERYTHING pertaining to the Status Quo we Complain About is half the battle.
These are my Group pages where All is Questioned and Research is Encouraged…
@False Flags and Fake News @PhillyThink@Philly Is Staged @We Read…

Who knew Our Borders have been so porous until now?
Who knows what Black Corporate Mercenaries we thought only worked in Africa for Companies like Debeers and Sunoco Gas Co could do if they were brought to America to do the same?
Why don’t we TAKE BACK and OWN our Own Radio Stations?
Have you Listened to the Rhetoric Spewed by the ELEVATED HIP HOP Idols Lately?
Ask yourself, How is it, MEEK MILL’s Now Made an Authority In Criminal Justice Reform for our Kids to Look Up to?
QUESTIONING EVERYTHING pertaining to the Status Quo we Complain About is half the battle.
These are my Group pages where All is Questioned and Research is Encouraged…
@False Flags and Fake News @PhillyThink@Philly Is Staged @We Read…

Author: ecofer