The FACT is, BLACKS can and WILL BE Gunned Down , unfettered, and En Mass for as long as we do not open our minds to the Possibility that there are HIRED CORPORATE MERCENARIES TRAINED to Kill PLANNED PARENTHOOD SURVIVORS in the TARGETED BLACK COMMUNITIES WHERE there are George S0ros, Established Lying D.A.’s, and wherever the CLINTON’S 21st CENTURY JUSTICE Reform Farce was Developed, Where GUNS ARE TAKEN and PURGED OUT OF THE TARGETED BLACK COMMUNITY ANNUALLY and WHERE AUDITIONED MADE MEN, like the Oligarch’s Cause Celeb, MEEK MILL Openly TRAINS OUR YOUTH THAT A NO SNITCHING Culture IS Something Honorable And COOL!!!!
Just Like On OBAMA’s Watch, where CHICAGO Was effectively and systematically CONVERTED into CHIRAQ, and just like Baltimore MD. on Elijah Cummings Watch Where the TITLE OF MURDER CAPITAL has been earned away from Oligarch Tooled CMD, BLACKS ARE BEING HUNTED DOWN and SHOT DEAD, Again and Again and Again!!!
Once upon a time, it took the Regular Gunning Down of Unarmed Blacks by Rogue Cops via Usurped Cities that were effectively Infiltrated by Clinton’s 21st Century Justice #Reform farce and essentially, Israel’s Mosad in conjunction with plans for a complete U.N. aided Takeover of America, during the time that we were being ENTERTAINED by the Ilk’s Movie TELLS, Purge and Meet the Blacks. it took the Regular Gunning Down of Unarmed Blacks by Rogue Cops via Usurped Cities that were effectively Infiltrated by Clinton’s 21st Century Justice #Reform farce and essentially, Israel’s Mosad in conjunction with plans for a complete U.N. aided Takeover of America, during the time that we were being ENTERTAINED by the Ilk’s Movie TELLS, Purge and Meet the Blacks.
all it takes is the Daily News Outlets dramatically Narrating their
constant stream of Lies, Half Truths and Brazen Outright False Flag
Events just so that the Masses, who were once subject to George Bush Jr,
Bill Ayers, and Barack Obama’s C.O.R.E and Edision Schools Paradigms
for the making of Normal Citizens into, so called, SOCIAL JUSTICE
that the Deep State Oligarch’s Russian Spy Narrative begun by their gal
Hillary Clinton has run it’s course, the new and or newly revived,
Trump’s A Racist Narrative is Full Steam Ahead as planned.
fact that Donald Trump has a Long, and Well DOCUMENTED History of Being
With and Engaging With, Well known and Lesser Known Black People, the
Oligarchs who hoped to Topple this Nation by now, rarely applied the
RACE BATE Narrative Directly onto President Donald J. Trump until now
after realizing their Russian Narrative would not be enough to take our
Duly Elected President Out.
What most do not notice is that the Oligarchs were plying their White
Authority is Racist Paradigms all throughout the Obama Administration.
Indeed, it was a hard sell being that Whites had Helped to Elect
Ameica’s First Black President Proving that America was hardly a racist
oligarch’s Race Bate Paradigms were well under way, none the less, in
each of the cities the Georg Soros Ilk of SOCIAL IMPACT BOND peddling
Oligarchs have managed to USURP. While it would be a hard sell to
convince Blacks that they were Oppressed by the White Man in cities like
Philadelphia who was already on it’s Third Black Mayor in , relatively,
Successive terms, Oligarch Corporations like Starbucks and Hidden
Handed Entities Infiltrated, Harvard School of Business Trained Police
forces under the Auspice of Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform still
managed to Pull off a steady Drum Beat of False Flag Events in order for
the Consummate ORGANIZERS, Bill Ayers and his Puppet President to
render countless members into the ranks of a Ready Made Black Lives
Matters Group with Chapters being rapidly erected Nationwide on the
strength of Rogue and Murderous Cops assured that No Arrest, No Jail
time and No Punishment would befall them just like in the TELLING Movie
fact, the Hidden Handed American Oligarchs with long standing ties to
America’s Rouge CIA managed to Enlarge themselves, greatly as a result
of the 9/11 FALSE FLAG Event, followed by a series of deep state
developments unfolded under the auspice of Hagalian Dialectics. That is,
the Deep State causes a Internationally recognized Problem followed by
what appears to be ready solutions.
just so happens that many of the Deep State’s “solutions” were
spearheaded in my home state, Pennsylvania where they thought to entreat
us to a portion of their 9/11 farce, in the way of the Downing of
flight ___ in the relatively desolate field, all while the other two
airplanes hit their designated targets, the Twin Tower Buildings already
rigged with explosives and evacuated of jews in NYC, and the U.S.
Pentigon Building in Maryland, with absolute precision.
PA. Governor, Tom Ridge, was busy spending his days aiding Bill Ayers
of the Weather Underground, in his bid to infiltrate Philadelphia
schools under the Banner of Edision Schools. Edison schools were to be
tooled to deliver CNN news in classrooms, daily, but after the citizens
of Philadelphia bulked in light of lack luster performance the Ayers
paradigm was slow to take off and in fact, the entire bid to let Ayers
takeover Philly schools was taken off of the table until the Cabal could
Regroup and get their Man, Barack Obama into office after being Bill
Ayers trained and propped up in part by way of his Book, Dreams from my
father that was written by Bill Ayers himself.
was removed from his tasks as PA Governor so that he could preside
over the making of the NSA and other Patriot Act Mandates developed by
his Hidden Handed Cabal.
forward to the Deep State Destabilizing Trump Administration, the 9/11
Truther who also saw through the Black CIA Shill Obama, is under
constant attack for all of the losses the deep state has already
sustained since the day they realized their CHOSEN Deep State Asset, who
could Seamlessly Forward their Agenda, had not won the Office of the
White House.
to popular belief, it just so happens that other Americans were seeing
and thinking exactly like Citizen Donald J. Trump.
is, indeed, no coincidence, whatsoever, that I had already written a
blog page chronicling the effects of Barack Obama’s many Regulations on
my failing Neon Sign Business and all of the peripheral bussiness who
had to shutter their doors due to Obama’s gross ineptitude in behalf of
his Deep State Handlers and their Lobbying efforts who helped to
orchestrate America’s systematic demise.
it is no coincidence, whatsoever, that I had already developed my FALSE
FLAGS and FAKE NEWS group page on Facebook in 2014 and well before our
astute President effectively made Fake News News.
just a week after the much anticipated Muller hearing, my fellow black
are in an absolute Uproar. Due to effective Brainwashing, in part, by
CNN but largely due to the Complete Media Blackout of Actual News in
Oligarch usurped Cities where the plan for welcoming the CIA’s ex FARC
members into readied SANCTUARIES was effectively desecrated by the Trump
Starbucks’s Three Years in the Making Race Together Ploys the Oligarchs
in conjunction with the Infiltrated Philadelphia Police Force managed
to Stage their Race Based Event in Philadelphia’s 18th Street Starbucks
Location. The Select Players was a White Barista, Two Greeks, A Philly
School Flipping Jew and a Jewish Novelist who was tasked with making the
Captured Video she obtained go Viral. Also waiting in the wings of the
Starbucks Race Together Campaign was Eric Holder who would Conduct
Starbucks Mandated Racial Sensitivities Training in Shuddered Locations
Nationwide. Later, the CEO who planned it all would announce his plans
to throw his hat into the ring for Presidency in 2020. Somehow, his
effort to join the fray of Roasted Nuts on the Democratic Stage got
the Oligarch Owners of the Sixers and the New England Patriots swooped
into Philly to Extract their Black Shill Strait out of his Jail Cell and
onto their Usurped Public Arena just before the NBA Championship games,
the Oligarch Puppet Masters of Meek Mill worked hand in hand with
Philly’ s Usurped Media to Promote the story of his mother’s home being
Targeted by a White Racist and, likewise, with the help of TMZ stories
of his Race Based Denial as a Guest into a Las Vegas Hotel rendered
little to now real traction towards George Soro’s Two Year Late Race
their Muller Trial Flop the Oligarchs were able to Re Focus back onto
Race as a National Debate, however, in true form Donald J. Trump has
beat them at their own Game…
the Oligarchs hooked their Wagons onto, yet, another Made Man from
Philly, the Gullible Black Shill Meek Mill, the George Soros funded D.A.
was busy conspiring with the deep state to have BRAINWASHED Blacks
Champion Mill’s relative Lawlessness right along with their plans for a
Free Needle Exchange as per paradigms first exposed in the form of a
Deep State Trail Balloon imbedded into their HBO, The Wire series where
we were fist clued into the Kenzington Plan for Police Free Opioid Drug
while the Trump Administration and the Newly Elected Florida Governor
worked to infiltrate the Human Sex Trade where Meek Mill’s Handler
Robert Kraft was caught patronizing before his arrest, the Soros funded
Philly D.A. was busy revealing his Legal Prostitution plans for the
Women of Philly.
Propping up their CELEBRITY CRIMINAL into a Cause Celeb along with
their NYC Equivalent, who is an Admitted, Thieving Whore, CardiB, the
Deep State was essentially TRAINING Gullible Blacks to CHAMPION their
Utter and Systematic Demise.
ultimately Calling out All of the BLACK DEMOCRATIC SHILLS who are PAID
Destruction of AMERICA from within our USURPED, and previously Bankrupt
ALL THEY COMPLAIN ABOUT is exactly what President Donald J. Trump Hopes
to Utterly destroy.
that said, as usual, all of this info is supplied to my fellow blacks
who have, indeed, been subject to the deep state koolaid. As always I
engage these Gullible Blacks to the Fullest Extent until their Cognitive
Dissonance Get’s the best of them resulting into predictable name
calling or until they finnaly Wake Up even a little bit after realizing
none of what they though they knew about Donald J. Trump is based on
Truth but based on the fact that they have been effectively BRAINWASHED.
I have cut and pasted an ongoing convo directly from Facebook. It is an
ongoing and fluid convo so be sure to check back for updates.
always I post in the following cut and past format to serve as Exhibit A
or as an Antidote that can be delivered as a Case Study in the Real
Time Efforts to Repeat History. It will not be lost on Free Thinkers and
the Students of History that the Same Systematic Paradigms being
applied today, were Already Tried in many periods and in many nations,
including the Media scorned Russia, where the pre Nazi era, Jewish
Bolsheviks first perfected so many of the paradigms being manifest in
the effort to overthrow our troubled nation today.
always your comment and feedback is welcome. Please support my ongoing
research by going to the Paypal link to the right and as always the
names have been abbreviated to protect the sources and more-so my
ability to engage with them as necessary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We The Negro;s Initial Post on Facebook: WHILE The TRUTH Hurts those who are BRAINWASHED, Daily, to Hate our Duly ELECTED President for NO CAUSE and a Pack of ONGOING, EVER CHANGING, DAILY LIES…TRUMP IS TRUTH! Don’t Just Take My Word for it RESEARCH Primary Sources and FACTS! Our Most Venerable Knew that Donald Trump Is TRUTH with NO RACIST BONE IN HIS BODY!
First it took the Regular Gunning Down of Unarmed Blacks by Rogue Cops
via Usurped Cities that were effectively Infiltrated by Clinton’s 21st
Century Justice #Reform farce and essentially, Israel’s Mosad in
conjunction with plans for a complete U.N. aided Takeover of America,
during the time that we were being ENTERTAINED by the Ilk’s Movie TELLS,
Purge and Meet the Blacks.
all it takes is the Daily News Outlets dramatically Narrating their
constant stream of Lies, Half Truths and Brazen Outright False Flag
Events just so that the Masses, who were once subject to George Bush Jr,
Bill Ayers, and Barack Obama’s C.O.R.E and Edision Schools Paradigms
for the making of Normal Citizens into, so called, SOCIAL JUSTICE
that the Deep State Oligarch’s Russian Spy Narrative begun by their gal
Hillary Clinton has run it’s course, the new and or newly revived,
Trump’s A Racist Narrative is Full Steam Ahead as planned.
fact that Donald Trump has a Long, and Well DOCUMENTED History of Being
With and Engaging With, Well known and Lesser Known Black People, the
Oligarchs who hoped to Topple this Nation by now, rarely applied the
RACE BATE Narrative Directly onto President Donald J. Trump until now
after realizing their Russian Narrative would not be enough to take our
Duly Elected President Out.
What most do not notice is that the Oligarchs were plying their White
Authority is Racist Paradigms all throughout the Obama Administration.
Indeed, it was a hard sell being that Whites had Helped to Elect
Ameica’s First Black President Proving that America was hardly a racist
oligarch’s Race Bate Paradigms were well under way, none the less, in
each of the cities the Georg Soros Ilk of SOCIAL IMPACT BOND peddling
Oligarchs have managed to USURP. While it would be a hard sell to
convince Blacks that they were Oppressed by the White Man in cities like
Philadelphia who was already on it’s Third Black Mayor in , relatively,
Successive terms, Oligarch Corporations like Starbucks and Hidden
Handed Entities Infiltrated, Harvard School of Business Trained Police
forces under the Auspice of Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform still
managed to Pull off a steady Drum Beat of False Flag Events in order for
the Consummate ORGANIZERS, Bill Ayers and his Puppet President to
render countless members into the ranks of a Ready Made Black Lives
Matters Group with Chapters being rapidly erected Nationwide on the
strength of Rogue and Murderous Cops assured that No Arrest, No Jail
time and No Punishment would befall them just like in the TELLING Movie
fact, the Hidden Handed American Oligarchs with long standing ties to
America’s Rouge CIA managed to Enlarge themselves, greatly as a result
of the 9/11 FALSE FLAG Event, followed by a series of deep state
developments unfolded under the auspice of Hagalian Dialectics. That is,
the Deep State causes a Internationally recognized Problem followed by
what appears to be ready solutions.
just so happens that many of the Deep State’s “solutions” were
spearheaded in my home state, Pennsylvania where they thought to entreat
us to a portion of their 9/11 farce, in the way of the Downing of
flight ___ in the relatively desolate field, all while the other two
airplanes hit their designated targets, the Twin Tower Buildings already
rigged with explosives and evacuated of jews in NYC, and the U.S.
Pentigon Building in Maryland, with absolute precision.
PA. Governor, Tom Ridge, was busy spending his days aiding Bill Ayers
of the Weather Underground, in his bid to infiltrate Philadelphia
schools under the Banner of Edision Schools. Edison schools were to be
tooled to deliver CNN news in classrooms, daily, but after the citizens
of Philadelphia bulked in light of lack luster performance the Ayers
paradigm was slow to take off and in fact, the entire bid to let Ayers
takeover Philly schools was taken off of the table until the Cabal could
Regroup and get their Man, Barack Obama into office after being Bill
Ayers trained and propped up in part by way of his Book, Dreams from my
father that was written by Bill Ayers himself.
was removed from his tasks as PA Governor so that he could preside
over the making of the NSA and other Patriot Act Mandates developed by
his Hidden Handed Cabal.
forward to the Deep State Destabilizing Trump Administration, the 9/11
Truther who also saw through the Black CIA Shill Obama, is under
constant attack for all of the losses the deep state has already
sustained since the day they realized their CHOSEN Deep State Asset, who
could Seamlessly Forward their Agenda, had not won the Office of the
White House.
to popular belief, it just so happens that other Americans were seeing
and thinking exactly like Citizen Donald J. Trump.
is, indeed, no coincidence, whatsoever, that I had already written a
blog page chronicling the effects of Barack Obama’s many Regulations on
my failing Neon Sign Business and all of the peripheral bussiness who
had to shutter their doors due to Obama’s gross ineptitude in behalf of
his Deep State Handlers and their Lobbying efforts who helped to
orchestrate America’s systematic demise.
it is no coincidence, whatsoever, that I had already developed my FALSE
FLAGS and FAKE NEWS group page on Facebook in 2014 and well before our
astute President effectively made Fake News News.
just a week after the much anticipated Muller hearing, my fellow black
are in an absolute Uproar. Due to effective Brainwashing, in part, by
CNN but largely due to the Complete Media Blackout of Actual News in
Oligarch usurped Cities where the plan for welcoming the CIA’s ex FARC
members into readied SANCTUARIES was effectively desecrated by the Trump
Starbucks’s Three Years in the Making Race Together Ploys the Oligarchs
in conjunction with the Infiltrated Philadelphia Police Force managed
to Stage their Race Based Event in Philadelphia’s 18th Street Starbucks
Location. The Select Players was a White Barista, Two Greeks, A Philly
School Flipping Jew and a Jewish Novelist who was tasked with making the
Captured Video she obtained go Viral. Also waiting in the wings of the
Starbucks Race Together Campaign was Eric Holder who would Conduct
Starbucks Mandated Racial Sensitivities Training in Shuddered Locations
Nationwide. Later, the CEO who planned it all would announce his plans
to throw his hat into the ring for Presidency in 2020. Somehow, his
effort to join the fray of Roasted Nuts on the Democratic Stage got
the Oligarch Owners of the Sixers and the New England Patriots swooped
into Philly to Extract their Black Shill Strait out of his Jail Cell and
onto their Usurped Public Arena just before the NBA Championship games,
the Oligarch Puppet Masters of Meek Mill worked hand in hand with
Philly’ s Usurped Media to Promote the story of his mother’s home being
Targeted by a White Racist and, likewise, with the help of TMZ stories
of his Race Based Denial as a Guest into a Las Vegas Hotel rendered
little to now real traction towards George Soro’s Two Year Late Race
their Muller Trial Flop the Oligarchs were able to Re Focus back onto
Race as a National Debate, however, in true form Donald J. Trump has
beat them at their own Game…
the Oligarchs hooked their Wagons onto, yet, another Made Man from
Philly, the Gullible Black Shill Meek Mill, the George Soros funded D.A.
was busy conspiring with the deep state to have BRAINWASHED Blacks
Champion Mill’s relative Lawlessness right along with their plans for a
Free Needle Exchange as per paradigms first exposed in the form of a
Deep State Trail Balloon imbedded into their HBO, The Wire series where
we were fist clued into the Kenzington Plan for Police Free Opioid Drug
while the Trump Administration and the Newly Elected Florida Governor
worked to infiltrate the Human Sex Trade where Meek Mill’s Handler
Robert Kraft was caught patronizing before his arrest, the Soros funded
Philly D.A. was busy revealing his Legal Prostitution plans for the
Women of Philly.
Propping up their CELEBRITY CRIMINAL into a Cause Celeb along with
their NYC Equivalent, who is an Admitted, Thieving Whore, CardiB, the
Deep State was essentially TRAINING Gullible Blacks to CHAMPION their
Utter and Systematic Demise.
ultimately Calling out All of the BLACK DEMOCRATIC SHILLS who are PAID
Destruction of AMERICA from within our USURPED, and previously Bankrupt
ALL THEY COMPLAIN ABOUT is exactly what President Donald J. Trump Hopes
to Utterly destroy.
With that said, as usual, all of this info is supplied to my fellow blacks who have, indeed, been subject to the deep state koolaid. As always I engage these Gullible Blacks to the Fullest Extent until their Cognitive Dissonance Get’s the best of them resulting into predictable name calling or until they finaly Wake Up even a little bit after realizing none of what they though they knew about Donald J. Trump is based on Truth but based on the fact that they have been effectively BRAINWASHED.
I have cut and pasted an ongoing convo directly from Facebook. It is an
ongoing and fluid convo so be sure to check back for updates.
always I post in the following cut and past format to serve as Exhibit A
or as an Antidote that can be delivered as a Case Study in the Real
Time Efforts to Repeat History. It will not be lost on Free Thinkers and
the Students of History that the Same Systematic Paradigms being
applied today, were Already Tried in many periods and in many nations,
including the Media scorned Russia, where the pre Nazi era, Jewish
Bolsheviks first perfected so many of the paradigms being manifest in
the effort to overthrow our troubled nation today.
As always your comment and feedback is welcome. Please support my ongoing research by going to the Paypal link to the right and as always the names have been abbreviated to protect the sources and more-so my ability to engage with them as necessary.
We The Negro’s Initial Post on Facebook:
WHILE The TRUTH Hurts those who are BRAINWASHED, Daily, to Hate our Duly ELECTED President for NO CAUSE and a Pack of ONGOING, EVER CHANGING, DAILY LIES…TRUMP IS TRUTH! Don’t Just Take My Word for it RESEARCH Primary Sources and FACTS! Our Most Venerable Knew that Donald Trump Is TRUTH with NO RACIST BONE IN HIS BODY!
One of Philadelhia’s most Outspoken Black Commentator from W.H.A.T. Radio, Mary Mason, knew for a fact that Donald Trump was TRUTH well before ALL OF OUR BLACK MEDIA SOLD OUT TO HIGH PAYING OLIGARCHS Who Systematically Usurped our Great Cities, such as Philly, where W.H.A.T. Radio no longer exists and where George Soros’ hand select D.A. is Making #MeekMill your Children’s King and while D.A. Larry Krasner, the Soros Shill is working Overtime to ensure Your Mothers, Your Wives, and/or your Daughters can become, either Free Needle Receiving Drug Addicts, or Legalized Whores so the Robert Kraft types, the and the other Handers of Meek Mill will Never Be Arrested Again for engaging in his Oligarch Ilk’s SEX TRAFFICKED VICTIMS on the Esptein Island or Beyond!!!
D. Edmonds Bullshit!
D. Edmonds A friend to black celebrities doesn’t make him a friend to black people!…This is about the dumbest sh.t I’ve read in a long time!..SMH…WTF!2
J. Boyer Maybe he wasnt back then but he surely is now1
[ex Phllly Police Officer] M. DeMota Smiling for a photo op while embracing a minority does not change shit for instance I worked with these same smile in your face while loathing your guts bullshit artists police that are in the news for racist social media post so whoever actually believes that that narcissistic idiot isn’t racist you’ve been had!!!!
B. Peters Pure BS!!!!!!!!
We The Negro – D. Edmonds (and B. Peters) BUT WAIT! There’s MORE!
If you are so TRIGGERED by the Pics of Donald Trump Moving EASILY within Circles where Blacks are Prominently Shown EMBRACING Donald Trump…. Before He Became Our President Donald J. Trump, weather they are “celebrity” , like your own Son who appeared in Movies, Tv and Commercials, or weather they are just REGULARS to his All you can Eat Shrimp Buffet at the Taj Mahal… This Jessie Jackson Accolades Video FOR HIS GENEROUS TIME, ASSETS and WISDOM SHARED WITH YOUNG BLACK ENTREPRENEURS IN HIS HOME TOWN NYC where HE HELPED JESSIE JACKSON SET UP SHOP, might make you MADDDDD as Hell!!!
But Why
would Damon, a Long Standing Black Business Man and all around Smart Guy
Get So Mad? Mad Enough to Come to His GREAT Facebook Friend and Former
BUSINESS Associate’s Page to Scream Bullshit!?>>
when EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE of Donald Trump’s Long Documented AFFINITY FOR
the Man who Turned CHICAGO into CHIRAQ????
I know
why… It’s Because Every Day, Every Week, Every Hour the ENEMY of Our
ENEMIES go on the ATTACK against our Duly Elected President, like the
Hillary Clinton Sycophants that they are.
Even M. DeMota had a Front Row Seat When Hillary Clinton’s Beard, Michael Nutter , Pivoted his Oligarch commissioned, fake ire onto Donald Donald J. Trump not long after calling ALL BLACK YOUTH IN PHILLY A-holes!
leaving office as a Black Shill for the hidden handed Oligarchs He
SERVED, he went right into his NEXT PAID Role on CNN and Net 30+ Post
Mayoral Jobs for the OLIGARCH Bosses that Now Practically OWN PHILLY,
due to him Selling All BLACKS OUT! Like so Many DEMOCRATS in
systematically Bankrupt Cities he Cow Towed to his Masters, Michael
Bloomberg et al effectively Rendering Unsuspecting Blacks into Goldman
Sachs Managed Social Impact Bond SLAVES!!! (A paradigm your too blinded
to fathom even while my Notes and Commentary have been WARNING MY
After using the
A-hole Term on the Bill Ayers Educated Children of Usurped Philly,
Nutter was actually tasked to toss the first Salvo that has IGNITED YOUR
BRAINWASHED MINDS into FITS OF IRE by Calling Donald Trump an A-Hole
They, the Clinton Sycophants and mainly the
OLIGARCHS she and her Perverse DEMOCRAT Husband Served, have pivoted
seamlessly from their First FAKE A$$ RUSSIAN Narrative UTTERED
Initially By The SORE LOOSER Hillary Clinton Who Called US Blacks and
YOUR BLACK Children SUPER PREDATORS behind closed doors, to CALLING ME, A
After the ROBERT #MULLER FARCE, Useful Idiots are Apparently FINISHED calling me a RUSSIAN BOT, so much so, that My “I’m a Russian Bot Because Your A Brainwashed Idiot” Rebuttal T’Shirt was Developed.
While your OBVIOUS
Cognitive Dissonance has you outright OBJECTING the FACT of Trump
having been EMBRACED by the Black Community of Celebrities, You also
should get a load of the Countless Musical Accounts where there are
Actual CD’s of Grown Black Men Singing his Praises.
question becomes, Why Do You get Triggered and how did your Draws Get
Balled Up Into A Knot just by Seeing Him being Able to EMBRACE COUNTLESS
BLACKS who are all HUMAN, while being, so called, Celebrities at the
same time.
Even while your feeling butt hurt about Trump just as you are Told to be Daily in the Oligarch @False Flags and Fake News outlets I made a group page for in 2014 before FAKE NEWS was NEWS, You Can’t DISCOUNT THE FACT that he has Been INVITING To Blacks.
Opened his Administration with an INVITATION for BLACKS to Bring their
Long Standing CONCERNS to him so that he might be the PROPER ELECTED
SERVANT for the People who have had Plenty of OPPORTUNITIES Afforded to
Express The Most Pressing Issues in our Gutted Cities.
who have NOT BEEN Scarred Off by the Maddonas, Bette Middlers and Kathy
Griffin Styled NASTY WOMEN have Been In the Room With Donald Trump to
while my Business Was Greatly Hampered by Obama’s REGULATIONS to the
Degree that I was forced to CLOSE MY NEON PLANT while Witnessing Two
Sign Suppliers Close their Doors, NOW MY BUSINESS IS REVIVED and for the
First Time in a Long Time My Fellow BLACKS have the Promise and Option
of FULL EMPLOYMENT and the Confidence to BUY BLACK!
D. EdmondsYeah…’ve got some evidence but the conclusion you’re asserting is wrong!..There are enough documented facts that support, that a-hole is a racist and as a mass,he could care less about black people. You sight a bunch of individual and superficial interactions with blacks and think that somehow makes your case…..Wrong!…Look at the systemic interactions he has had where blacks are concerned…..Employment, housing etc….you will find all of the typical racist behavior associated with a long history of white supremacy…..This crap with stifle some but won’t get past BS with me…….do all of your homework before you step to me!….I did mine.
the HEAD OF HUD HOUSING as something that is RACIST is Ridiculous.
The Fact is, I purposely cite one particular Donald Trump interaction with one of the most Venerable Black Personalities from Philly that I know, yet it is OUTRIGHT DISMISSED By You and that is quite Telling indeed.
Ms. Mary Mason in the Fist Picture I posted with Donald J. Trump would NEVER Be Caught Dead Standing Side By Side and SMILING with a Racist when she Interviewed Donald Trump.
Donald Trump made himself AVAILABLE to Marry Mason well Before ALL OF PHILLY and it’s URBAN MEDIA Outlets were Systematically Usurped by the Deep State Oligarchs who are Effectively BRAINWASHING You today, tomorrow and the next day.
They have effectively TOOLED your Mind and the Minds of Countless Blacks to WANT and Argue for the RETURN of the DEMOCRATICALLY wrought and Maintained Status Quo that black have Suffered by and COMPLAINED About for YEARS BEFORE Donald J. Trump stepped one foot into the White House.
Your Skewed Logic and Outright Dismissal of FACTS that you yourself Recognize as “SOME EVIDENCE” proves how WRONG one of us has been made to “Think”, indeed.
Rest assure, you can Count on Me to Bring “SOME EVIDENCE” to back every last one of my Assertions.
Meanwhile, All You are Lead To Champion in Rebuttal to FACTS is ALL OUR COMMON ENEMY has EVER WANTED TO MAINTAIN, if only they can get enough USEFUL IDIOTS On Board for the OVERTHROW of the MAN with the FAR BETTER PLAN FOR First Step, Fully Employed, and OPPORTUNITY ZONE Entreated Blacks who can now get up off their PROTESTING and Begging Knee and THRIVE.
The INDOCTRINATION of America’s Kids and the Making of Useful Idiots.
First and foremost, C.O.R.E is INDOCTRINATION… When Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground Terrorist Group and founder of Edison Schools Got his hands on American Kids with his Made Man Barack Obama at the helm, ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE!
In Oligarch Usurped cities, nationwide, hedge funder Eli Broad installed TOOLED Shills in order to Deliver All Blacks, in particular, into the hands of, so called, Social Justice Radical groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa… The targeting of Blacks to become the Socialist’s Useful Idiots, stateside, was the brain-child of Raya Dunayevskaya, who stove to give legs to the waning Leon Trostsky paradigm that was rapidly loosing steam in America. Sadly, this is not the first chapter in a set of Oligarch forwarded objective that was already tried, in that the Weather Underground had it’s field day in the Tumultuous 60’s while the hidden handed ones chipped away at the psyche’s of Blacks and targeted “Goyim” alike by plying human experimentation on chosen specimens select from the armed forces and from the Methodist Church pews alike.
While the Oligarch funded Nazi scientists who effectively embedded themselves in our institutions tried new ways to Organize and Program whole swath’s of Black Americans, the Disruptive Homeland Terrorists were busy perfecting their Paradigms handed down in the Bolshevik Tradition established fifty years prior.
We were all warned on many occasions of the works and deeds of a Certain Ilk known for the Bolshevik Revolution as they are, both, historically and academically known for their well coordinated shenanigans.
Even while we have ample evidence of their intrinsic ways and means of social disruption, their mastery in Undermining Whole Nations from within can only be effective when a system of making the citizens “forget” relative history is forged via their social disruption derived bureaucracies that naturally encircle and envelop our public schools just as they have from the onset , in part, by their prototypical Useful Idiot, W.E.B. DuBois.
Since the time of slavery the Merchant Class realized that it only requires just one Useful Idiot or two in places of power to tip the scales of Subversion . The Black Boule and Talented Tenth System is pretty much reflective of the same ratio established when Black Overseers were used to keep blacks in line on the Merchant Supplied Plantations.
The hidden handed ones were able to spread their agenda like a pathogen to targeted blacks through the Organized Institutions like the NAACP, S.N.I.C.K or the Black Panther movement. Each of these, so called, black organizations have their impetus inside of the hidden chambers of hidden handed overlords who still use them. We can see how the remaining Shills who got their start in such organizations are always on message when they are rolled out on que as the, so called, Vanguard who get their daily marching orders from above. Many, just like the Black Shill aptly nick-named, #GoodTrouble (Elijah Cummings) have become melded into various Political chambers as long-standing political plants and moles.
Bill Ayers’s and Barack Obama spent many hours perfecting their Community Organization and School Takeover Paradigms with the help of the well studied Oligarchs who commissioned them. Their cabal of clandestine scientist who utilize such Compromised shills realized how to take hold of whole Cities during the Hitler Era with the knowledge that Humans have behaviors that are as predicable as any herding, schooling or flocking animal.
As a Black Woman from Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia, our nation’s coveted first capital, I was entreated to a front row seat to witness the systematic TAKEOVER of not only schools, but entire cities beginning with anomalies, such as, 9/11 followed by the PA Governor’s Assent beyond bringing Bill Ayers’ Edison Schools into Philly along with the curious decent into instantaneous kayos, first Narrated as Philly Flash Mob’s well before any Flash Mobs were actually manifest.
The well coordinated ilk of American Oligarchs were determined to use every lesson learned since the years leading up to their forefather’s Bolshevik Revolution. They would apply the paradigms that were up-kept by the Project Paperclip scientists who served as the backbone of the Rothschild funded Hitler debacle. It is no coincidence, whatsoever, that Soros’ Hitler prescribed life-style is described by Soros’ as one of the most wonderful times of his Life.
The well coordinated ilk of American Oligarchs were determined to use every lesson learned since the years leading up to their forefather’s Bolshevik Revolution. They would apply the paradigms that were up-kept by the Project Paperclip scientists who served as the backbone of the Rothschild funded Hitler debacle. It is no coincidence, whatsoever, that Soros’ Hitler prescribed life-style is described by Soros’ as one of the most wonderful times of his Life.
Cohen et al’s hidden handed objectives are being developed under Chatham House rules and rolled out by the well coordinated American Oligarchs and their Useful Idiot’s who can enjoin themselves to the Deep State’s ANTIFA Goons.
They are getting all of their objectives done by way of the Social Impact Bond Managers and SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS is being managed Stateside by Goldman Sachs.
The answer is actually simple, yet, without the full armor of god the answer can not be had easily nor fathomed for that matter. Without adorning ourselves in the full armor of BIBLICAL TRUTH the Reason American Blacks are the only Racial Group on earth who are saddled with consternation over new names or old names each generation will likely be lost.
Since Nat Turner, Blacks have been kept away from the most basic FACTS most humans on earth take for granite. Who we are, beyond a West African Slave Garrison the Victor Merchants still strive to peg us to, and beyond the cradle of civilization they strive to extract us from, we are indeed, God’s Chosen People.
Ezra 9:7 Since the days of our fathers have we been in a great trespass unto this day; and for our iniquities have we, our kings, and our priests, been delivered into the hand of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to a spoil, and to confusion of face, as it is this day.
Daniel 9:7 O Lord, righteousness belongeth unto thee, but unto us confusion of faces, as at this day; to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and unto all Israel, that are near, and that are far off, through all the countries whither thou hast driven them, because of their trespass that they have trespassed against thee. 8 O Lord, to us belongeth confusion of face, to our kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we have sinned against thee.
Baruch 7 15 And ye shall say, To the Lord our God belongeth righteousness, but unto us the confusion of faces, as it is come to pass this day, unto them of Juda, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
To All of my Mockingbird Media Effected Facebook “Friends”… Gotcha! Right ??….NOT!!! lol
Today after the Last Manufactured Uproar against President Donald J. Trump, now being desperately Cultivated by the Coordinating Deep State into a Lasting Social Impact Narrative, other known as George Soros’ Media Matters paradigm called NUDGE, I wrote the following after my “Informed” , Brainwashed “friend” cited the “FACT” that Donald Trump Referred to a Virgin Island Governor as President of the Virgin Islands.
The one common theme derived within the members of our society who gleefully drink every flavor of Kool-aid the Subversive Deep State Minions at CNN et al serve up daily, is that their, daily, Takeaway Messages got em mad as hell all while any Context and/or REALITY is Lost .
Here’s my Factual Response to my Facebook “friend” cut and pasted below with any follow up to be added as needed (so check back for updates).
As always, let’s see if I can impart any common sense or Facts into our BRAINWASHED Brethren on Face Book.
Do note his title, “Historian” on the back of my Facebook “friend’s” name… God help us all if CNN Spin will be considered Black History some day.
We The Negro:President Donald J. Trump Tweet’s to All Americans OPENLY and AVAILABLE For You to Read for yourself, Plus the Group of Anti American Liars Who Make it their BUSINESS To Complain and Protest OUR NATION from Within, Rather than SERVE their Wanting Constituents in Democratic Bastions where Blacks are TIRED OF MARCHING, PROTESTING and GETTING NOTHING But MURDERED in Return for over Thirty Years Until Now.
Y. D. Historian Yisrael –We The Negro: sir [sic] what does this dude and his disrespect for women in one regard, the dude who did not know what ‘our nation ‘ consisted of by saying he spoke to the president of the Virgin Islands, the dude who even spoke against they who wanted to lay their lives down for ‘our nation’ and he who walked out of a meeting when it got ‘too heated’, have to say about anyone leaving a country when his roots itself go back to Germany in less than four generations here…?
We The Negro: Amazing, one who Could Care Less about Bill and Hillary Clinton VICTIMS STOLEN FROM Haiti ISLAND, or Clinton’s Black Son due to his EXPLOITATION of Poor Black Drug Addicted Prostitutes the Philly D.A. and Meek Mill handler ROBERT KRAFT wants to make Legal, IS SO ACTIVATED about President Trump’s RELATIONSHIPS With GROWN WOMEN , none of whom COMPLAINS About Consensual Relationships between Two ADULTS.
rather, you, a grown man has his draws in a knot , Just as you are
TOLD, over Locker Room Speak had between TWO GROWN MEN about Pussy in
Are you CONCERNED about the Welfare of a Working Whore, Stormy Daniels BECAUSE you are Told be by CNN and her Porn Lawyer?
you CONCERNED about Donald Trump’s Wife for whom you were taught was in
a Perv’s Fantasy Wet Dress Contest for the Fourth of July?
you also CONCERNED about his Daughters for whom you were taught is in a
incestuous relationship with their loving father? I BET YOU ARE SIR!
The real question is… Are you CONCERNED
about Me, Your Mother, Your Sister, Your Daughter or Grand daughers…
i.e. All of the Black Woman who’s Womb will no longer be looked at for
all of the PROFITABLE Babies Planned Parenthood cad fetch because Will
Not Get their Euthanasia Tools On Us so easily due to Donald J. Trump?
you as concerned for the Welfare of NO WOMAN Hurt By Donald Trump as
Much as you are CONCERNED for My Son and Daughter or yourself who will
now be able to STAY FULLY EMPLOYED and No Longer A$$ out of Jobs in
Cities where they were left to become either Drug Idled or Sitting Ducks
while Mercenaries and Rouge cops, alike, play out their Real Life,
Government Sanctioned PURGE and MEET THE BLACKS Scripts?
you as CONCERNED for all that the Mind F’ing Deep State Told you will
happen to our Philadelphia and Urban Communities on their HBO’S The
Wire, and on their Follow up show featuring what they did in Kensington
on PURPOSE on Drug Inc?
THE FACT IS… All that you are TOLD to Get Your Panties into a Knot AMOUNTS to the FACT that President Donald J. Trump‘s
MORE than they HATE GOYIM, the White Christians who thought
EMANCIPATION and the Complete End to the Merchant’s Slave was a Good
Why do they HATE Trump?
they DON’T OWN TRUMP like they OWN DAMNED DEMOCRATS (Even my own
Cousin, Philly City Councilman Curtis Jones Jr and his Best Pal Congressman Chaka Fattah for whom Comey’s FBI Arrested after USING Him to GET PHILLY SCHOOLS).
Rev 3:9 then consider the Role of the Pharaoh who appointed Joseph or
CIRUS who Returned Israelites to Jerusalem the land gone to Wicked
Impersonators NOW EXPOSED and Left Alone to Fight their Own Damned
Battles and Fend for themselves??
As sure as the
Hamite, Barack Obama Made Chicago into Chiraq and a new SLAVE TRADE like
his African Forefather’s did in Libya, You must Recognize Which leaders
are which and how LEADERS are AFFECTED to Entreat or Mistreat God’s
Chosen Blacks who suffer from far more than just Confusion of Face and
Four Hundred Years of Captivity until President Donald J. Trump‘s FIRST STEP ended the Democrat’s Three Strikes for Profit Prison Bonanza now clamoring for new heads in beds for profit…
Trump Seeding his Presidency OVER The Virgin Islands to a Gov. see
Snoops explanation then WAKE UP SIR… Your Gotcha is WEAK!!!!
J. Boyer Brainwashed to even think you can defend that racist wannabe dictator..
We The Negro: – J. Boyer if you were not Simply REPEATING your Oligarch Thought Leaders Verbatim, then you might not be successfully tooled into being a Useful Idiot who’d Kill A Messenger in order to Insure the Return of Status Quo Blacks Complained About for over Thirty Years…
Ask yourself, WHY DID COUNTLESS BLACK Greats Sing Trump’s Praises, literally, In COUNTLESS Rap Songs??
Why is Trump FEATURED In COUNTLESS Photos with Blacks from way back when?
Why is the so called racist given COUNTLESS Awards, such as, the Freedom Prize while standing Side by Side with Muhammad Ali and Rosa Parks?
Why is Trump a Jessie Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition Awardee for ASSISTING Young NYC Blacks in Realizing their Business Endeavors?
Ask yourself, WHY WERE COUNTLESS BLACKS Lined up Down the Hall outside of his All You Can Eat Buffet at the TAJ MAHAL before your Thought Leaders TAUGHT YOU TO Call Him Racist Every Damn Day?
Ask yourself, If not for your Mind’fing leaders SUCCESSFULLY brainwashing you HOW AND WHAT TO THINK AND WHEN TO THINK IT, Who has put you on the same side as ANTIFA, Foreign Actors like IRAN, Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood, the MAKERS OF CHIRAQ, HILLARY CLINTON, etc etc, etc?
The ANTI – AMERICAN Rebel SOCIALIST Puppets you’re Championing on my post Not only USE BLACKS and other minorities while Keeping Blacks on the DEMOCRAT PLANTATION, (Status Quo we complained about alive and well) they and other DEEP STATE PAID HACKS Continue to Dis-serve Blacks in Most Democrat Run Cities.
Ask yourself why you are siding with SUBVERSIVE Democrat Hacks , who are INSTALLED via Audition and Hidden Handed Oligarchs??
Why do you Simply Stand By and Agree with those who are B!ching like Nasty Women About YOUR ONLY HOME/AMERICA?
I suppose if President Donald J. Trump said I’m Going to IMPEACH THOSE Mother Fers Instead of his TRUE AND REASONABLE CHALLENGE Below you would have NO COMPLAINTS WHATSOEVER, Right???
5:27 AM – 14 Jul 2019
So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run.
Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.
These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!
As always, I try to engage with the Beligured Blacks of Oligarch Usurped Philly in order to Save my People from their Empirically Evidenced Demise at the hands of Compromised Democrats who have sold our nation’s first capital out to SUBVERSIVE Feudal Overlords.
As always, the Oligarch’s long standing efforts to BRAINWASH the Ignorant ones is so effective that we now have Weaponized Peons willing to fight to the death for their own extinction.
It just so happens that Philly is Ground Zero for the Useful Idiot Protype, W.E.B. DuBois, but even that Socialist Shil Woke up…
Below, is the Convo in response to the Daily Mail’s latest Hit Piece Manufactured from Whole Cloth by the Hidden Handed Jews vying to Topple Our Nation in behalf of their ongoing plans as Occupiers in the Middle East. Unlike earlier post’s featuring my uphill battles on Facebook, I decided to leave the name of the member only so the world can see how Affected our people are. He is a Public Figure who portends to be fit to lead us all BACK TO THE STATUS QUO BLACKS COMPLAIN ABOUT…
We The Negro: Only Useful Idiots BRAINWASHED to want the Return of the Status Quo Blacks COMPLAINED About could Think A University of Pennsylvania WARTON Grad has the intelligence of a BRICK…
Ironically, those who live where Nutter FIRST called the Kids of PHILLY A-holes just before saying the same about President Donald J. Trump, is the Same Place W.E.B. DuBois Worked before he set up the jews’ Mind F’ing NAACP…
DuBois was the Useful Idiot who Trained us to call Booker T. Washington’s BRILLIANT BRICK MAKING Plan an ATLANTA COMPROMISE.
History CONTROLLED by our NAACP Founders , ie, the Goyim Hating Jews
BLACKS in their News Monopolies in Philly and Nationwide.
we are also IGNORANT Of History, HISTORY can indeed REPEAT ITSELF and
Note, not only did DuBois’ TASK MASTERS call the Atlanta Millionaires Plan a COMPROMISE in Favor for Baltimore NAACP/HELL
for Blacks Nationwide, Booker T. Washington was Physically Bludgeoned
in NYC shortly after his Sit Down In the White House With the President
of the United States of America, ie. Kanye West before Trump’s First
BLACKS were in full effect.
How bout we speak and know FACTS? Up in our Feelings is Why Blacks DON’T GET AHEAD until Now!
Darius Wright – We The Negro: you’re obviously uneducated, because anyone with a 10th grade education, knows this guy is super stupid! Go away, and stop thinking that you can out think a truly superior mind! What I tell you are the facts, and if you’re too stupid to comprehend then open your small mind!
Darius Wright Now take your dumb ass on, before I further expose your stupidity!
We The Negro: Uneducated folk don’t need to result to JUVENILE Name Calling, do they???..
You don’t have any self awareness whatsoever do you Darius Wright?
None the less… BRING IT SIR!!…
If you can Tolerate a FACTUAL Discussion gwan show me how small my mind is being that your first salvo is calling the Messenger of TRUTH a Dumb Ass, Stupid and Someone who has a 10th grade education as if FACTS MATTER NOT TO YOU.
Start with explaining how one that is Supper Stupid can get into Warton University to start, then after you speculate an answer, do tell how one Graduates with a Degree to go on to Apply said BUSINESS DEGREE to the point that One can SUSTAIN and ELEVATE into Billions his Family Business…
I as a Third Generation Black Business Woman and Founder of Empress Signs LLC. ( I know exactly how hard that is to do and that not many manage to maintain a Succession Plan no matter how well to do their Dad’s business was.
Besides, How Many Stupid Men CREATE A PLATFORM FOR BLACKS IN BUSINESS in conjunction with a Predominate Black Leader to the degree he is AWARDED for his Effectiveness in HELPING BLACKS well before the New OPPORTUNITY ZONES you will likely be far to short sighted to Take Advantage of for as long as you are Pandering to the Oligarchs Usurping Philly???
Darius Wright– We The Negro: We The Negro: you’re obviously uneducated, because anyone with a 10th grade education, knows this guy is super stupid! Go away, and stop thinking that you can out think a truly superior mind! What I tell you are the facts, and if you’re too stupid to comprehend then open your small mind!
Darius Wright Now take your dumb ass on, before I further expose your stupidity!
We The Negro: Uneducated folk don’t need to result to JUVENILE Name Calling, do they???..
You don’t have any self awareness whatsoever do you Darius Wright?
None the less… BRING IT SIR!!…
If you can Tolerate a FACTUAL Discussion gwan show me how small my mind is being that your first salvo is calling the Messenger of TRUTH a Dumb Ass, Stupid and Someone who has a 10th grade education as if FACTS MATTER NOT TO YOU.
Start with explaining how one that is Supper Stupid can get into Warton University to start, then after you speculate an answer, do tell how one Graduates with a Degree to go on to Apply said BUSINESS DEGREE to the point that One can SUSTAIN and ELEVATE into Billions his Family Business…
I as a Third Generation Black Business Woman and Founder of Empress Signs LLC. ( I know exactly how hard that is to do and that not many manage to maintain a Succession Plan no matter how well to do their Dad’s business was.
Besides, How Many Stupid Men CREATE A PLATFORM FOR BLACKS IN BUSINESS in conjunction with a Predominate Black Leader to the degree he is AWARDED for his Effectiveness in HELPING BLACKS well before the New OPPORTUNITY ZONES you will likely be far to short sighted to Take Advantage of for as long as you are Pandering to the Oligarchs Usurping Philly???
Darius Wright I
speak to all fools the same way, and I’m not wasting my time with a
braindead fool like you! You are brainwashed, and if you think a moron
and fool is someone intelligent, we have nothing further to discuss. You
said everything I need to know, and I never, ever waste my time with
fools, and the uneducated but for a few sentences! Now I must turn my
back on you!
Darius Wright There’s
always been sellouts and fools like you, but I have the best remedy for
such people, as the great Rev. Nat Turner said in the past, we must do
for the present, or simply turn our backs on the traitors, and fools!
We The Negro: NOTED…. I truly understand your dilemma as well as your self imposed LIMITATIONS… I respect your Transparency and I will no longer challenge you to a FACTUAL Discussion Complete with Primary References… Your Ability to Post Other Peoples Memes, Name Calling and Belittling Me with Baseless assertions and so Emotionally is TRULY SUPERIOR SIR… While I gaze at your well defined back with pleasure take Comfort in the Last Word… You Win. lol
Darius Wright Let me say this for the last time fool, and never come on my page with your stupidity, go on about your business and speak you ignorance to those more on your lowly level. I am beyond such ignorance and people, and the only thing I have for you are insults, dumb ass! If you think a non-speaking, juvenile, and racist thinking, failed businessman, and moron is someone intelligent, that is your choice! There’s always more fools than intelligent in society, and you just happen to be one of the fools!
Now, after informing me he was Turning His Back, Mr. Write comes to My Facebook Page to Continue his EMOTIONAL Rant when Another Intelligent black man joined in to reason with him… As you can see by the ongoing thread below… A Useful Idiot is practically Useless but for one thing…
Useful Idiots BRAINWASHED to want the Return of the Status Quo Blacks
COMPLAINED About could Think A University of Pennsylvania WARTON Grad
has the intelligence of a BRICK. (see the Knee-JERK Response in FAVOR Of
an Enemy of AMERICA , Your Only Home, Below)..
Ironically, those
who live where Nutter FIRST called the Kids of PHILLY A-holes just
before saying the same about President Donald J. Trump, is the Same
Place W.E.B. DuBois Worked before he set up the jews’ Mind F’ing NAACP…
DuBois was the Useful Idiot who Trained us to call Booker T. Washington’s BRILLIANT BRICK MAKING Plan an ATLANTA COMPROMISE.
Sadly, History CONTROLLED by our NAACP Founders , ie, the Goyim Hating
BRAINWASHING BLACKS in their News Monopolies in Philly and Nationwide.
That we are also IGNORANT Of History, HISTORY can indeed REPEAT ITSELF
Note, not only did DuBois’ TASK MASTERS call the Atlanta Millionaires
Plan a COMPROMISE in Favor for Baltimore NAACP/HELL for Blacks
Nationwide, Booker T. Washington was Physically Bludgeoned in NYC
shortly after his Sit Down In the White House With the President of the
United States of America, ie. Kanye West before Trump’s First Step,
were in full effect.
How bout we speak and know FACTS? Up in our Feelings is Why Blacks DON’T GET AHEAD until Now!Darius Wright8 hrs
Darius Wright You’re an expert, with your 8th grade knowledge I suppose! Dummies of course take up for dummies!
Darius Wright You don’t have a person that even listens to you! Truly sad!1
J. Kirwin–Darius Wright well Malcolm X did say “The civil rights movement is ran by a bunch of racist lily white liberals” so who was he talking about? In the 60s. He also said “If your a black man and you vote Democrat, you are a traitor to your race”. Before you go to the Republican realignment argument, remember Barry Goldwater was a real racist, not a manufactured racist like Trump who won an Ellis island award with Muhammad Ali, and Rosa Parks, Malcolm X said “The racism seeths off of Goldwater so blatant, it’s better he be in office because it gives the black man a better incentive to do for himself”. So he can’t be that far off because if you look at the results from when black people started voting Democrat the results are terrible. Especially in Philadelphia. Keep in mind Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr, Deacons For Defense if you actually the ideology was closer to conservative Republicans then left wing progressive liberals. Facts. The ones with educations are usually from a liberal agenda college, they are the most sensitive, illogical people to talk to.1
Darius Wright –J. Kirwin I’m not interested in what other fools believed or believe! The facts are easy to see, if only you open your eyes and comprehend with your mind! The Repuke party is a scourge upon mankind, but both wings are of the same bird. Only fools trust in politics, politicans, the church, and clergy, and big business! They are the Establishment, and are against the lives of the people. Dump is simply the worst of the worst. Just look at the terrible state of the society today, if you don’t comprehend!
J. Kirwin–Darius Wright 😂😂😂 enlighten me on the terrible state of society please, then tie it to Trump. You can’t. But I bet I can tie it to the Liberal Agenda tho. You blind as shit, Malcolm X warned America, but especially black America, he said what would happen when liberals work. Emotions outweigh logic with you. So resentful, and hateful because your social media, and television told you to.1
Darius Wright My
knowledge is beyond your minuscule conception and like I’ve told the
other fool braindead, I must turn my back on you! You won’t talk me to
death with your stupidity! Btw, I listen only to the greatest
authorities on the minor subjects you fools engage in, and that’s
We The Negro: LOL… J. Kirwin The Following Case Study Proves This man has No Conviction Whatsoever. Besides Imbecilic Name-calling for a lack of FACTS he cant even Keep his own Word…
Here’s his EMOTIONAL RANT before I gave
him a Dignified Out on his wall… He Promised to TURN HIS BACK ON ME,
yet Here he is on my page RANTING AND RAVING Emotionally rather than
I cut an pasted the Valuable Case Study from my informative blog page.
I treat these Illustrations in Effective Brainwashing as a Lesson for Ones who have not swallowed too much of the Koolaid… Sadly, he Proves Once Again that he is Incapable of Adding Anything Useful to his ,uninformed “Debate”. No Facts, No Logic, No Truth…. NOTHING. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
THIS JUST IN!! We learn something new every day… Just after today’s exchange, Mr. Write posted this on his Facebook Page… Who’da Thunk, Mr. Darius Write Suffered from a Severe Case of EMPATHY based on his damning language and Incapacity for Basic Facts. You’d think with such Thick Skin and a Hard Head he’d be totally Insulated…
Empaths are highly sensitive individuals, who have a keen ability to sense what people around them are thinking and feeling. Psychologists may use the term empath to describe a person that experiences a great deal of empathy, often to the point of taking on the pain of others at their own expense.
Sad to say the internet mind f’ers are taking it to a whole new level by giving hypochondriacs conditions that are newly invented. The term Empath that is presented as a mental condition got it’s start all in one day via a plethora of website fodder placed on various internet platforms on April 15th 2008. Prior to that spacific date a single entity or a collective of conspiring cohorts had no iteration of their well thought out condition anywhere.
For anyone to self identify as one having an Empath condition means that person has just subjected themselves to a cult that was begun on their computer screen. The Empath community is not the only one. I also discovered a so called Light Workers rabbit hole that claims to be followers of an Ascended Master Arch Angel Michael. Though the rabbit hole traveled mighty close to Richard Branson’s Virgin Mobil Outer Space expeditions as well as Google’s real effort to recruit space cadets willing to trade their life on earth for a chance to colonize mars it is hard to say if the three entities were tied in any way.
With a profound understanding of our spiritual warfare and Rev 3:9 in particularly I do believe the Cabal of Psychological Meddlers are taking their Nazi Origin Project Paperclip experiments to their logical conclusion as they strive to Socially Incite new paradigms for population reduction and total control.
Here is my Facebook Commentary on Philadelphia’s Dubious Fourth of July Event that has the Signature of the Deep State all over it!
As their CNN Shills Decry Patriotism, Freedom, Unity, Our Hard Fought History they want to Erase and the Quaker Sewn American Flag Symbolizing, not only Free Black Philly but our Uphill Battle Against Slavery at the Bequest of the English and Spanish Crowns, the Social Justice Warrior Trained Street Goons who appear to be more like Sanctuary City Wards from Africa hit the Wallgreen’s on fabled South Street in Philly like an In and Out Nothing Burger!
While I try to Get my Fellow Philadelphia to THINK War and PROPAGANDA Strategy based on Lessons Learned the sheer and utter IGNORANCE becomes more and more clear!
Sadly, since the era of the Rothchild Funded Project Paperclip, Philadelphia has Served as Ground Zero for the Systematic Brainwashing of Displace Philly Blacks who have been loosing One Whole Block at a time since the Deep State Shill, W.E.B. DuBois was USED To Spy on us ALL as well as to Systematise our DOWNFALL as seen on “the Wire” and Baltimore M.D.’s NAACP!
As always, I have posted the Ongoing Thread that resulted after proposing that my fellows should begin to THINK Deeply about What is Actually Going On in AMERICA and OUR NATION’S FIRST CAPITAL for as Long as we Simply Sit by and Let It.
The following proves how bad our Heads are Messed Up… Our Cognitive Dissonance is so bad, Killing the Messenger and the digression into Name-calling is to be expected… While I am hopeful, I expect a New, FACTUAL and STRATEGIC way of THINKING may not be possible, less there by a Miracle Soon.
As always, since this is an ongoing Discussion on Facebook, be sure to bookmark and check back for updates often.
WE THE NEGRO:.. You can tell the 60 Teenagers Who Looted the South Street Walgreens on July 4th ARE MOSTLY AFRICANS NOT FROM AROUND HERE, the home of Free Black Patriots, such as, Richard Allen who is likely Rolling his Grave. THEY ARE PAID TO MAKE US ALL LOOK BAD in order to CONVERT PHILLY BLACKS INTO Social Impact Bond Profiting DEEP STATE WARDS OF THE STATE!!!!!
After personal Research on Matters in Philadelphia, I have determined
that the first Philly Flash Mob Even that was NARRATED to have Begun on
South Street in Philadelphia lead to Other Electronically Instigated
Youth “Mob” gatherings as a series of Well ORGANIZED FALSE FLAG Events
Instigated via (Deep State Oligarch launched) Electronic Notification
& the Insertions of ANTIFA Types (Homeland TERRORIST Stationed on
Lancaster Ave in the LAVA Building) Within the Called Crowds to Wreak
Havoc. As a Result, the Michael Bloomberg (Social Impact Bond) tied,
Michael Nutter, who proceeded UNPACK George Soros et al, OPEN CITIES
AGENDA, Including Usurped Schools as per Bill Ayers’, Eli Brode &
Bill Gates objectives planned for decades in private.
I have no
Doubt the ELECTRONIC Impetus for the above ORGANIZED “Gathering” of 60,
Contains AFRICAN Born Illegal Aliens or Open Border Wards now being
Housed & Sponsored in SANCTUARY CITIES Where Gorge Soros has his
Inserted D.A.’s, such as Kim Foxx/Chicago (i.e. Raymond Ramsey). It is
my understanding that ORGANIZED, PLANNED, & COORDINATED Event w/
AFRICANS &few American Born WARDS has the Same Origin & is Part
& Parcel to BILL AYERS’, ANTIFA, George Soros’, Larry Krasner, &
this sounds like uninformed hyperbole but Ms. Roxanne Gingrige, a Philly
Paralegal was Taken by Comey’s Philly FBI & Silenced for Warning
Justice Officials under Obama Admin, of CPS/DHS Abuse of Taken Children
into Over 70 for profit Foster Care Ctrs. She Was Injected with Fast
Acting Hepatitis & Died Within Months much like fmr. Congresswoman
Shaffer for the Same Whistle Blowing. The Home of Clinton’s DNC Crimes
is Under Sieg & The Deep State’s Utter ORGANIZED Kayos is to forward
a SOCIAL IMPACT BOND Agenda, Converting Blacks to Human Capital,
Opioids Abusers, Legal Prostitution, Compstat Policing etc all Managed
by Goldman Sachs.
In Summary, the Looting Event at the South Street Walgreens, said to be
the work of 60 Black Youth, should be an FBI – Federal Bureau of
Investigation Matter and a U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Matter U.S.
Department of State Matter and Department of Homeland Security Matter
against Deep State’ Oligarch Sponsored Terrorists Groups complete with
Well Coordinated, Foreign Born African (Mercenaries or) Wards of the
Deep State who are now hosted in George Soros’ funded open cites!
This Well Coordinated Even is Likely committed by Illegal Aliens
Brought and Harbored in Philadelphia, home to ANTIFA and Bill Ayer’s
first Edison Schools where his stated AGENDA for for turning American
Youth into Brainwashed SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS to Join in ANTFA Types
for the Commission of Utter Kayos and UNAMERICAN Activities on Que.
Please find the Electronic perpetrators who SPEARHEADED this
Coordinated Event or Please find the Common ORGANIZER/S of this Human
Terrorist Event and DONT LEAVE IT UP TO Infiltrated Philly Police
ORGANIZED by Raymond Ramsey in Chicago, a Barack Obama and Hillary
Clinton Operative. Please Find those who are Racketeering and Committing
Subversive Acts In Michael Nutter’ Organized Cities Influenced by
Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, and Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT
BOND Agenda, including Hillary Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform
plan to FEDERALIZE Police via Chicago’s Raymond Ramsey.
Coordinated FALSE FLAG Events Spearheaded in Philly including, Philly
Flash Mobs to Instigate Eli Brode/Bill Ayers Designed School TAKEOVER,
the Starbucks’ Event on S. Streen was under the Starbucks RaceTogether
Ploy with Eric Holder Waiting in the Wings for Sensitivity Training
Nationwide as Race Bate, & Rogue Cop Murders during the Obama Admin.
Cause the Planned U. N. and OLIGARCH TAKEOVER of DESTABILIZED Cities as
per Soro’s OPEN CITIES, Sanctuary Cities Plan with his Lawless D.A.’s.
The Homeland Terrorist and U.S. Usurping OLIGARCH Ploys are ALL TIED AND
CONNECTED to Sir Ronald Cohen’s (London Spawned) Social Impact Bond
REVOLUTION managed by Bloomberg, Soros, Goldman Sachs. etc.
S. Kinley Jones Nonsense. These are screwed up teens that were raised by screwed up adults , We have to stop making excuses for poor behavior. Round these delinquents up and lock their asses down. No more excuses.1
WE THE NEGRO: S. Kinley Jones, Are You Screwed Up? Do you have Screwed Up Members on your block NOW ORGANIZING 60 of their Pals to Storm Any Store in Philly, which would be like taking a Dump Where you Live? I THINK FAR MORE HIGHLY OF YOU AND ALL OF THE BLACKS THAT SURROUND YOU SIR.
For as long as “WE” are So Willing to have such a LOW OPINION of our NEIGHBORS and OUR OWN BLACK PHILLY FAMILY MEMBERS for whom You Suggested is At Fault Here, (THAT IS US) YOU WILL HAVE TO OWN IT and YOU ARE THE APOLOGIST …
My point is, We are going to have to GET Out of our Feelings, Get Away from BLACK ON BLACK Hate and UNDERSTAND, Philly is Now UNDER SIEGE by OUTSIDER Anti American SUBVERSIVES who have Planned how to SYSTEMATICALLY Disrupt Your Oligarch Stolen, GENTRIFIED, and Socially Impacted CITY…
Of Course, After YALL LET BILL AYERS and the Oligarchs, such as ELI BRODE Take Yall Schools for the Purpose of MAKING GOONS Who can Cause as Much KAYOS as ANTIFA That Yall Stand By and LET LIVE in Philly (the Gentrifying Hipsters by Day), I GET IT… Yall will OWN THIS LIKE IT IS YALL DOING IT, but I Wont Stoop to HATING MY OWN PEOPLE TOO, SO MUCH THAT I CAN BELIEVE 60 BLACKS Who Actually Live in Philly , IN CONCERT , CAN BE THIS DAMNED DUMB, IGNORANT AND BOLD such as, ANTIFA, Eli Brode and Bill Ayers have Planned!!
What I am Saying to you is Black PHILLY is in No Way this Screwed Up… What I am Saying to You is PHILLY EVENTS LIKE THIS ARE STAGED!!
S. Kinley Jones – WE THE NEGRO: For the most part, people are responsible for their actions… Maybe it was organized, neither of us knows… But if it is, does one have to participate ? How is someone raised to think storming a store is a good idea ? I have a low opinion of stupid people that engage in reckless , criminal behavior… Sounds like you are willing to give them a pass.
WE THE NEGRO: Scott Kinley Jones, when you assert “Neither of us Knows”, do you portend to speak for me?
I think you have to have been Living Under a Rock or Dumb as a Box of
Rocks to say this AFTER it is Made EVIDENT that Bill Ayers, the
ORGANIZER of the Terrorist Group the
Weather Underground and Barack Obama have been working to ORGANIZE
Social Justice Warriors all across Oligarch Usurped America, ie. USEFUL
IDIOTS as per Bolshevick2.0>
The Bill Ayers Plan has been in the works for DECADES before Finally Bringing it into Usurped Schools….
made Inroads into Philly First under the Homeland Security Shill, Tom
Ridge, who almost made Edison School/CNN Dreams happen before Barack the
BLM Overlord helped Eli Brode and the OLIGARCHS He Serves finally TAKE
IT ALL they almost got their wish! A Riotous Black Proletariat who could
join in with ANTIFA also here to POP OFF With Utter Kayos as seen in
the Video (The Destruction of Property etc.)!
KAYOS Inside of Philly Schools before Donald J. Trump Took Over the
White-house TO END IT ALL!!!!!
That BLACKS Have Such
AFRICAN SHILLS, who are Exactly like the AFRICANS that Once Worked for
CORPORATIONS Like Sunoco and DeBeers, Can Actually Get Away With Murder
of COUNTLESS BLACK YOUTH in our MAJOR CITIES and Gun Free Zones where
Dumb, Self Conscious Blacks Have No Sense of COMMUNITY or Self Awareness
Whatsoever !
say, Oh Well, Dumb, Ignorant Blacks Just Doing what NIGGA’s Do All of
the Time!!!???
This is in No Way Organic Sir! This is Planned as you can See By the Numbers and Precision of the In and Out EVENT!!!!
A PUNK would Blanket EVERY Convo with the term “WHITE PEOPLE” then Run to the Bank and Cash their Check Signed by a White Person while NEVER PUNKING A WHITE PERSON IN PUBLIC… That Sir, would be you!
Based on your List of Credentials YOU SOUND LIKE A BOULE GateKeeper Tasked to Obfuscate and Troll!
Add a Fact or KEEP LICKING THE BOOTS OF THE WHITE Fake R1B, Rev 3:9 Jews who Put You Up to ATTACKING THE MESSENGER in order to Protect their Complex Status Quo!
BTW, BOULE, Mark Zuckerberg said Your Check is in the Mail!!
Associate Producer at WPFW Pacifica Radio Production coordinator at Alabama Public Television Fund raiser at Georgia Public Broadcasting Fund raiser at West Virginia Public Broadcasting Administrative Aide at Motion Picture Association of America Commentator at WTTW – Chicago PBS Worked at U.S. Navy Former Associate Producer at ABC News Former Associate Producer at 77 WABC Studied at University of the District of Columbia Studied Film Making – Directing at Vassar College Studied Political communication at Illinois Institute of Technology Studied Abstract Painting at School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) Visiting Artists Program Studies Voice at Chicago College of Performing Arts: Jazz & Contemporary Music Studies Studied at Yale University Lives in Washington, District of Columbia From Chicago, Illinois
C. Atchison Yawn. Nothing to see here. Individually, every “theft” would be a small claims issue. As a collective group, it’s clear the story is geared to stroke the racialized and ageist angst in its readers. Oh, they’re young so they have no respect for anything. And goddamn, most of them aren’t white so that must mean every anti-Black stereotype come to mind must be true.
not even bothering with this kind of sensationalism anymore. Because
point blank, there ain’t nothing sold in a Walgeeen’s that requires this
much overhype and self righteous grandstanding.
Moving on. Next.
WE THE NEGRO: Curtis Atchison, if this were not ORCHESTRATED and Part And Parcel to Bill Ayers Plan when he first Brought his Edison School to Philly only to Return with the OLIGARCH Eli Brode to TAKE EVERY School in Philly in order to Make BLACKS Into Riotous Goons as per The Protocols of Zion (youtube it) and Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals paradigm, this would be a Yawn…
The so called PHILLY FLASH MOBs is how they TOOK PHILLY…
Yes, the Oligarchs, Including George Soros Who Put the D.A. in who WANTS ALL OF YOUR KIDS TO HAVE FREE NEEDLES While Making PROSTITUTION A-Ok for your Grand Ma, Wife, Sister and Daughters are THERE TO DESTROY BLACKS, YOUR REPUTATION, RACEBATE, and Cause either a Race War or Civil War, Whatever Comes First!!
This EVENT is called a Organized FALSE FLAG EVENT, less you have 60 Well Coordinated Dumb AZZ Black Friends who would Meet At Wallgreens on Que to do such a “PETTY THING”
Philly Must Wake Up! Yall Sleep! I yall Dont Stop Yawning On this, PHILLY (Home to some of America’s First FREE BLACKS) IS GONE!!
WE THE NEGRO: C. Atchison, if this were not ORCHESTRATED and Part And Parcel to Bill Ayers Plan when he first Brought his Edison School to Philly only to Return with the OLIGARCH Eli Brode to TAKE EVERY School in Philly in order to Make BLACKS Into Riotous Goons as per The Protocols of Zion (youtube it) and Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals paradigm, this would be a Yawn…
in order to make Weather Underground Tools and Useful Idiot’s out of ALL
The so called PHILLY FLASH MOBs is how they TOOK PHILLY…
Yes, the Oligarchs, Including George Soros Who Put the D.A. in who WANTS ALL OF YOUR KIDS TO HAVE FREE NEEDLES While Making PROSTITUTION A-Ok for your Grand Ma, Wife, Sister and Daughters are THERE TO DESTROY BLACKS, YOUR REPUTATION, RACE-BATE, and Cause either a Race War or Civil War, Whatever Comes First!!
PLANS with the help of GULLIBLE BLACKS did not pan out as they hoped,
This EVENT is called a Organized FALSE FLAG EVENT, less you have 60 Well Coordinated Dumb AZZ Black Friends who would Meet At Walgreens on Que to do such a “PETTY THING”
Philly Must Wake Up! Yall
Sleep! I yall Dont Stop Yawning On this, PHILLY (Home to some of
America’s First FREE BLACKS) IS GONE!!
S. Kinley Jones Excusing pitiful behavior… Probably what they “ individually “ get at home.
G. Winters-Anderson Okay! So! When did we get an influx of Africans here? I see a bunch of children who don’t know their true identity but, I don’t see any Africans!
E WE THE NEGRO: G. Winters-Anderson, with All Due Respect, We have ALWAYS Had LEGAL, African Students and WELCOMED Citizens who Went through the Green Card Process in Philly (See B-More Ave.) ie an Influx of Africans.
But, Perhaps you did not get the MEMO… Coming into our Southern Border is NOT A BUNCH OF MEXICANS… But Rather, Geoge Soros and Pope Francis Are PAYING AND ORGANIZING Their Open Borders KAYOS in All Western Nations they hoped to MAKE THEIR U.N. Controlled Bit(h…
THERE IS IN FACT AN INFLUX OF ILLEGAL ALIENS FROM Ex FARC/CIA Bastions in S. America as well as Those who are being Brought In On Purpose From AFRICA, NAMELY THE CONGO now amerced in an ACTIVE EBOLA Crisis, therefore, GREAT CANDIDATES for the Planners who Hoped to USURPED All of AMERICA BY NOW. by Setting up their Well Planned SANCTUARY CITIES in Anticipation of the INFLUX of Social Disrupting SHILLS..
Also, Keep in mind, So Called, AFRICANS, knew well the Difference Between, so called, Post Crusade NEGUS kings for whom the MERCHANT Class Jews Tasked them, the AFRICANS, TO HELP ENSLAVE US…
That is, WE ARE NOT AFRICANS, Confused of Face Sufferers spoken of in Deuteronomy 25 aka, the TRIBE OF JACOB placed into 400 YEARS OF CAPTIVITY, particularly, After we Lost Our, so called, European Kingdoms such as Alihambra/Spain, etc etc etc (We are so called Native/Negro’s in Every Land before the AFRICAN Helped REDUCE us TO SLAVES as per Barack Obama and the NEW Libyan Slave Trade after He MURDERED Qaddafi)!
We can All thank Dumb as Queen Nzinga, the AFRICAN who first SOLD US OUT, and We Can All thank, Dumb ass Molethe Keats Asante for following in Dumb ass W.E.B. DuBois Footsteps to have us THINK We are or ever were AFRICANS, THAT IS, The Canaanite SHILLS of the Fake Jew who were Paid the Cowrie Beads you were wrongly taught to Adorn Yourself With out of Sheer Ignorance.
If you think we are AFRICAN’s just look at the Hutus / Tutsis Conflict that likely began as Soon as We Thought to Leave Here on Ships to Africa/Monrovia where the AFRICANS PROCEEDED TO SLAUGHTER AMERICAN BLACKS who were Wrongly Taught we Belong There and NOWHERE ELSE ON EARTH but a WEST AFRICAN SLAVE GARRISON, not the Promised Land, Not Egypt, Not Our Stolen Alhambra/Spain, Not America where Cristopher Columbus Found Us, Not S. America where we were the Aztec KINGS before the Spaniards Arrived, Not MALI/Timbuktu were Post Crusaded Blacks Once Reigned after our Downfall in ROME/LIBYA, nor The Cradle of Civilization!!
On #GoodTrouble… Why does Elijah #Cummings “care” about Trump Administration’s Alexander Acosta’s role in Jeffrey Epstein so much now? The other Acosta’ in the White-House is the “Slap-on-the-wrist” sentencing, because letting a Perve off Scott free as planned was not an option, U.S. Atty General in Florida who nabbed Epstein in jail for months and on the Sex OFFENDER List rather than life in Prison.
Does Elijah Cummings “care” about Acosta’s ties to Epstein as Top PROSECUTOR, more-so than before now, like when Democrat Clinton’s were Paling Out at the Epstein Island and on the Lolita Express GIRLS?
Is Epstein Getting REVENGE through Elijah Cummings for his Ousting from Trump’s Marlago Club, or against the man who would ultimately Out Him as a PEDOPHILE, and Put him in jail for even a day?
After watching George Orwell’s (Author of 1884) #AnimalFarm, once again, It is Very Clear, None of the Above Apply to Elijah Cummings, but rather, In Context to the Socialist Leaning, Hidden Handed Subversive Oligarchs of our Nation (Like The “Men” who Exploited the Animal Farm KAYOS), now on the Run , Cummings’ role can be explained by the BLACK ATTACK DOGS (i.e. the Black “Radical” #Vanguard or #BOULE) who Stand Guard outside of the door of Greedy PIGS (like the Capitalizing Clinton’s) who live to Sell our Body Parts for Profits, let alone Anything Else Tax Payers Pay For that is Not Nailed Down.
Clearly, Cummings is now Tasked to serve the Deep-State a Twofer, as the Hearings Cummings Abruptly called in two weeks will SERVES as a DISTRACTION and a MISDIRECTION NARRATIVE (#NUDGE Propaganda) served daily to Media PROPAGANDIZED Lemmings they hope will be swayed by all of the Deep State Cabal’s Lies.
Sadly, yet with a sense of Biblical Inspired duty, I spend far too much time working the boards of my Social Media Pages to Share what I know about Philadelphia’s Occupation by the Revolutionary jews known as America’s Oligarchs who are getting their Primary Marching orders from Sir Ronald Cohen of the former G8 and under a Vale of Bilderberg Secrecy and Chatham House rules.
Most American’s can feel the Outcomes of our daily Social Disruptions that have swept our nation since the Bolsheviks landed onto these shores, after first working to Overthrow Russia, yet very few Americans can pin-point the source of America’s ongoing Social Upheavals
While we are a Protestant borne nation, very few know who Martin Luther is, and perhaps that may be by way of the Post Nat Turner, Communists / Methodist’s Design. Prior to confronting the Catholic deviants inside of his own Religion he wrote ‘The Jews and their Lies’. Also, very few know or believe in the biblical Passage located in Revelation, Chapter 3, Verse 9, warning us all of the Fake Jews who are No More than the Synagogue of Satan for whom we are all made familiar with as Statutes built in Satanist Church’s honor are now out in the open like the one that stands poised over a Black Boy Child and a Little White Girl, inside of Usurped Detroit where Henry Ford’s friend Boris Brazol bought America a 100 year reprieve from the jew’s Bolsheviki plans that were printed first in the Dearborn Press under the Protocols of the Elders of Zion Title.
As sure as the Deep State Oligarchs are telling you Russia is Bad, they will also tell you the Protocols of the Elder of Zion is a hoax.
Here we are being purposefully focused by the Cabal of Hidden Handed fake jews on the issue of Slavery, as if Emancipation, thanks to White Christian Abolitionists, Never Happened.
To start a deep state spawned Race War, Race is being thrust into the forefront of Every Thing, Every Day in America.
As we are Psychologically Funneled into Talking About Starbuck’s and Disney’s Race Bating Paradigms we are encouraged to Stomp on the Quaker Flag with our Knee Jerked Nike clad Knee into the Dead Horse of Slave Reparations for ALL Blacks at the Ex pence of ALL BLACKS who are already Triple Bottom Lined Taxed in Oligarch Usurped City and worst of all TAXED for all of the Planned Parenthood Lives lost and sold to the highest Bidders, Dead, for Pennies on the Dollar, a far better deal than Margret Sanger could ever hope for.
Today, I spoke with a prolific and passionate front line activist who is a Veteran of our Armed forces and Patriot though and trough. She had already spent countless hours working in behalf of fellow veterans when the Oligarchs thought to Array Vetrans just as they arrayed Every Long Standing institution in Philly in order to forward Sir Ronald Cohen’s newly fathomed Social Impact Bond Paradigms considered his ‘Second Bounce of the Ball’ after his Venture Capital Ploys managed to Bleed Our City and State Pension Coffers dry Nationwide.
Until free thinkers in America began to amass their human intelligence via social media and outside of long-standing Media Monopolies, knowing and researching Facts about the so called Deep State was nearly impossible to do and for those who did take this mission on it was a lonely endeavor.
The deep state had already mastered deeming all who cared to read warnings such as, George Orwell’s as real, as one who adorned Tin foil hats. They even managed to develop Controlled Opposition Straw-men capable of making us question our own efficacy, should we join the fray of curious investigators who could see and make sense of inconsistencies throughout our dubiously infected government and top down social order.
When the cabal that constitutes the hidden handed Deep State and Oligarchs who were truly in control of our Troubled Nation, thought to Take Over Cities after their Federal Government Strongholds were being examined leading to their consequent flushing out, they suddenly appeared on my radar through the curious writings of my own first cousin, Philadelphia City Councilman Curtis Jones Jr.
Councilman Jones had written an article that seemed to be a complete slap in the face to the American Constitution which is held in it’s sacred quarters just blocks away from his Oligarch Usurped city hall office. While I was somewhat proud to see that our grandfather’s penchant for writing was being shared by my own cousin, I was horrified to follow the language embedded into my cousin’s prose regarding a kid from our alma matta named Ray Ray.. At the time I did not realize that the term Ray Ray was already a frequently used euphemism in the political sphere yet I realized that the story that was told by my cousin was in no way Factual but a fanciful way to Introduce Political Paradigms that are in no way in our best interest.
I began to publicly challenge my cousin’s political incites after he began singing the praises of Arlene Akerman, a woman Used to Emplode our Troubled School System after the Eli Brode Minion systematically felled Two Other Districts prior.
I began to publicly challenge “my cousin’s” political initiatives after I found the language in his Ray Ray went to Jail story lead directly to the Michael Bloomberg Associated Center for Court Innovation, the Capet Bagging entity who would begin to Use my City Councilman Cousin to Pass laws that would benefit the Oligarch ilk with direct ties to Bloomberg himself, rather than any of Jones’ constituents.
On the issue of Philly’ s Eli Brode et al Usurped Schools after Bill Ayer’s Edison Schools fail, I watched in horror as my Cousin’s first political running mate, Congressman Chacka Fattah and his only son, Chip, got thrown under James Comey’s FBI Prison.
This took place shortly after black Politicians were Used to turn the Oligarch’s Usurped Schools paradigm into a black issue. Thanks to the Waltons of Walmart and their Hedge Funding Black shill, Howard Fuller, Black Students were Delivered right into Bill Ayers and Eli Brode Hands by way the gullible members of their Black Shill Group, BAEO.
Not only were our black leaders co opted, George Soros et al managed to co opt the infectious Occupy Walstreet movement with the help of their Black Democrat Shill, Mayor Michael Nutter. Nutter proved to be such a great asset for the Oligarchs, and namely, Michael Bloomberg he was given over 30 post mayoral jobs plus the one he holds now under Bloomberg himself. Nutter was used to spread the Deep State Agenda onto other Mayors via the Usurped Conference of Mayor’s farce. The Social Impact Revolutionaries fashioned what they called Tool Boxes to build So Called Frame Works inside of Cohen and Goldman Sachs’ Bankrupted Cities Nationwide.
Likewise, Every institution was retooled in Philly and via our Usurped Schools, Social Justice Warriors were being borne. The entire paradigm was already tried before and it is essentially Socialism on Steroids that the Jews who Took over Philly wanted to implement and the making of Useful Idiots were essential to their plan.
The woman I spoke of first would also be co opted. Her efforts to help vets began to go against the Oligarchs efforts to Use Vets just as they were using Philly Students and the Homeless Populations. All would be arrayed and Brainwashed into forwarding George Soros’ Open City plans as well as all of the Plans hatched by the, so called, Deep State.
What the American Deep State were going for was the reconstitution of their Holly Roman EMPIRE who’s center would be based in Israel. Their efforts to Overthrow Whole nations via Cohen’s Social Impact Revolution would not only happen in America but in Every Western Nation and the Fallen Nations delivered by American Deep State Shills and Globalists in the Middle East.
The following exchange after years of trying to warn my Activist Face Book Friend gives me hope that Philadelphia May finally be Waking Up. In no way will I be in city hall and community meetings confronting blacks who drank the Oligarch’s Koolaid in Philly. The tendancy for Manufactured Tribalism was too strong in Philly. Philly served as a basis for the Deep State’s Mnd Control Paradigms including Mass Hypnosis forwarded by UPEN’s David Orne. UPEN is where the Notorious Philly M.O.V.E Group was Manufacture by Professor from whole cloth. Philly is were Jim Jones learned how to Make his Cult who would ultimately be snuffed out on CIA Supplied Land in Guyana. By now, Philly was being Tooled to Host ex Farc and other Fast and Furious Supplied Illegals via Soros’ sanctuary cities ploy. Indeed, going directly into the fray was not a good idea. All I could do is Warn the Gullible Citizens the Deep State Rely on to deliver their Own Death via Project Paperclip caliber Brainwashing Methodology.
That Ms Harriet Tubman would respond so personally after my messages to her have fallen on death ears gives me Hope.
Here is the ongoing convo below… It is clear, Philly is in Danger and to go against the Status Quo is a Risky Business that can Cost ALL WHO CONFRONT the Oligarchs there their Life. E.G. See how Candace Owens is Attacked each time she steps foot in Philly by the Oligachs’ sanctioned Goons, called ANTIFA.
Please pray for Ms Harriet Tubman and All who will begin to Speak Truth To Power in Philadelphia our Oligarch Usurped First Capital.
A picture says a thousand words.
It can work if the culture was policed by those who understand the community and those who live in – not those standing on the sideline like this picture would suggest – what would she know or care about Black people victim to crime.
Blacks leaders can police their own communities – which is why you never hear about any other ethnicity being treated by Blacks in their community.
Community-based organizations are missing to buffer the community which knows who lives and operates in their community. Where there are no functioning nonprofit or civic program development agendas – there is increased crime. A no-brainer. CBOs act as an official arm to government and if it is non, then the community is vulnerable.
Blacks are the only ones trained their people require and deserve to be shot and beaten as a consequence to any police call.
The Dispatch Unit in the Police Administration is a powerful entity that most do not understand how they influence who responds to a police call – these individuals determine the priority and how that call for help is dispatched, even to inform if there is a person with a gun when they are not, if they are mentally challenged when they are not and other factors which influence the police approach to the crime. The Police Office does not know what their call is for unless the dispatcher provides the information. And the new Operation Pinpoint is a strategy to get deeper inside the community and there is no community engagement. PDAC or other community relations activities are trained to fear blacks and they deserve whatever treatment they get.About this websiteINQUIRER.COMA police commander in West Philly wants to change how cops interact with residents. Can it work?An inspector in West and Southwest Philly has been working to develop police-driven programs in which cops engage with teens at school, connect adults lacking high school diplomas with a GED program, set up SAT tutoring for high schoolers, or host job fairs.11 Comments42 SharesLikeCommentShare
We the Negro: PHILLY “POLICING” is Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform ESTABLISHED by Michael Bloomberg Associated Center for Court Innovation to TOOL THE ENTIRE BLACK COMMUNITY as an OPEN AIRED Prison and Human Capital Conversion System Under the Umbrella of Sir Ronald Cohen’s, Goldman Sachs Managed SOCIAL IMPACT BONDS….
Your New Policing Strategy that they Need You to Sign Onto comes complete with///
-Kennedy School Of Business TRAINED Black Overseer -Police TRAINED By Israeli’s Mosul – Birth to Death DATA MINING -CONSTITUTIONAL FREE POLICE ZONES where your children are deemed GANGS and Whole Blocks Arrested for a Gang Associate’s -CompStat Policing in order to PREDICT FUTURE Crimes -In School CRIMINAL COURTS – An Eli Brode (Hedge Funder) Managed School Superintant who Buried the School To Prison Pipeline by Overseeing Both School and Juvenile Justice Center for a Seamless Transition. -COMMUNITY CRIMINAL COURTS in TARGETED BLACK BMe Communities -Sentencing to Work for CORPORATIONS like Compstat for Pennies on the Dollar /Chattel Slaves. -Sentencing to Work in Clandestine Work Centers for pennies on the dollar /Chattel Slaves. -Sentencing to Clean City Streets and Public Properties for pennies on the dollar/Chattel Slaves. -Neighbor Hotlines for Gathering Intel and Encouraging Spying On Neighbors, and Post Slavery BLACK CODE LAWS already In Place.
ALL OF THE ABOVE WAS PUT IN PLACE BY CHICAGO’S RAYMOND RAMSEY, from the HOME Of the Most CORRUPT Police in History. Your In School Criminal Court System Brought to you by Bill Ayers the Maker of Barack Obama who OVERSAW The Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform now known as #REFORMforwarded by Robert Kraft’s Black Shill Meek Mill.
Philly If YALL DON’T WAKE UP… You will ALL Be Social Impact Bond SLAVES an your GENTRIFIED City is DOOMED all for the ISRAELI FLAG that Now Flies in FRONT OF YOUR USURPED CITY HALL!!Edit or delete this1
Harriet Tubman Thank you for sharing, if I say this ‘I am a conspirator’, “republican” or “nationalist supporter’ -. Amazing!Hide or report this
We the Negro: I love your CARE and CONCERN for our Community Sis… From my vantage it is far easier to see the Forest in spite of the Trees. ANTIFA Thinking Abounds and Philly, our Nation’s Capital is Indeed Under Siege!!! TO END IT ALL, BLACK WOULD ONLY HAVE TO CEASE AND DESIST as they Cant Take Philly Without the Help of Gullible Blacks..Edit or delete this
Harriet TubmanEil Thompkins WOW! Besides having a MS in Econ Dev, there is literally no respect for the trained or expert opinion when asked why we have these dynamics assuming being elected equates to intelligence or knowledge!Hide or report this
We the Negro I have seen your Work via your Service to Vets many years ago… I have seen how the entire Paradigm around our Vets got Co-opted like Every Institution in Philly. (I feared that they Co Opted you too as they have with Most Strong Voices in Philly) I saw how Trump Disrupted the Takeover… I RESPECT and ENCOURAGE our INTELLECTUAL WORK. My Group Pages were intended to serve as Virtual THINK TANKS where Thinkers are NOT SHUT DOWN but Whole Arguments can Take place.. I have been Booted off of Many Philly Group Pages for my NON GROUP THINK STANCE.Edit or delete this
Harriet TubmanEil Thompkins They tried to kill me, I survived by refusing to believe in the system that was designed to save me! I escaped many do not! The story behind ‘Harriet Tubman’ I try to save others – imagine being the 1800s, this is far worst!1Hide or report this
We the Negro– Harriet Tubman They Got (James Comey’s Philly, FBI Murdered) Philly Paralegal Roxanne Grinage… She stood on the front lines warning All About the Philly CPS/DHS Gamut for Disappearing and Exploiting Philly Kids. She is one of Several Whistle Blowers in The US who were Murdered fortheir Advocacy in this area .. I work daily to help Avenge her Death and to Liberate Philly from the OLIGARCHS who Usurped what was once a Free Black Bastion where Blacks Thrived … The CABAL working to Take Philly should be Taken Seriously.
We the Negro Ms Grinage, tells what happened to her in the Video I posted above.
She was taken into FBI custody where she says a “Nurse” injected her with a needle containing lord knows what…
She ended up with a fast acting Hepatitis that ultimately lead to her death just months later maybe weeks…
Relative to CIA and FBI Deep State Tactics such a Murder is not Unheard of… Later in the Playlist there’s the Kid’s Beating inside of just one of over 70 for profit Foster Care Centers that #HelenGym was used to Nullify as if action was being taken on the issue… Just a few years earlier it was my Cousin Curtis Jones Jr. who was tasked to give Lip Service to the problem in City Council… He only bought the Offenders More Time…
You can also see what happens to Congress Woman Shaffer… She’s dead too soon too. Philly is under Siege…
Harriet Tubman I was saying for years that I was injected with Cancer by the Jewish Nurses who run the VA Health System. I also was denied treatment for 7 years by the VA and could get no help by any authority. I subsequently received congressional intervention and I still believe that a VA Anestiologist got access to me while under sedation during a colonoscopy. I understand that these murders are occurring more often than not believed as an assassination of those who can not be controlled. I remember once having a hole I could put my finger which I do not know where it came from. I continue to keep my immune system build up and try to keep my health from foreign threats – it is a real threat against those who are awakened to the systemic racist agenda against American citizens, especially Back people. They always want to get inside your body, and people need to be suspect of dentists, and any other professional who wants access to our blood, DNA or other Oracle leading to our anatomy function. OUr cells, muscles, and organs are susceptible through all of these so-call treatment methods by our trusted medical providers. We are all susceptible. I admired Roxanne because she was sharing information that was systemically entrenched in the racist strategy for a long time – I am so saddened to hear of her sacrifice being to her end. She was powerful!Hide or report this
We the Negro Indeed Sis… Yet, the Same Man who Already Tooled and Arrayed Philly’s New Community Based Criminal Courts and the Post Slavery Black Code Laws therein, Greg Berman of The Michael Bloomberg Associated, Center For Court Innovation is now working on his next mission and that is to INFILTRATE Philly’s Health Care System…
I have no doubt that The Honoman Hospital Ploy is a FALSE FLAG Event used to Begin the Health System TAKEOVERS just like the so called Philly Flash Mobs event was used to TAKEOVER Philly Schools. This is considered Hagalian Dialectics… Cause the Problem then FIX the “Problem” as the Oligarchs See Fit.
Now, Oligarch Run Children’s Hospital and Belmar are to be Linked making MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES interlinked to All Aspects of Life in Philly…
Also, Philly’ s Water Supply may already be Semi Privatized on Nutter’s Watch and I have No Doubt, MEDICAL EXPERIMENTATION and or AUGMENTATIONS on TARGETED Black Communities will Begin if they haven’t begun already…
Harriet Tubman The Hispanic Jewish Coalition is a broad platform with an international scope!!!1Hide or report this
We the Negro Yes indeed. Since Spain and the Jesuits upon the Onset of our Post Crusades Enslavement. The Coalitions are Broad and International in Scope, yet the Coalitions forged via W.E.B. DuBois’ NAACP is just as DANGEROUS too… Hence, Michael Nutter the Jesuit Trained Shill welcoming the PEDOPHILE Perpetrating Pope in Philadelphia a Prime Target for Pedophile Rings and now Sanctuary City as Pope FRANCIS and George Soros Collude under the Banner of Social Impact Bond Paradigms that are no more than SLAVERY 2.0 for blacks.
Part II… Two Step Forward, One Steps Back, ie. Crabs in a Barrel Suggest we Subscribe to Group Think as Always
Here is my response to Harriet Tubman’s Post on another Group page and the opposing view forwarded by a member of the Vanguard or Black Boule. It just so happens that Philly is Ground Zero for the fomentation of Made Men such as Bill Cosby, hand select from the Militarily and or via his Second Generation Methodist ties like other well known figures who were so USED by the hidden handed Deep State who have focused many of their ongoing, Project Paperclip perpetuated Social Experimentation on us… A few other’s in the category with Cosby are Dick Gregory, Martin Luther King and James Baldwin.
While I work to dispel this Facebook Responds “suggestions” by confronting the obvious flaws in his references, he devolves into a well known ANTIFA inspired Tactic that was illustrated for us all via George Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm productions.
See the convo as it appears on Facebook and check back for possible updates as I engage to the fullest extent of our respective Tolerances. The end of these exchanges are usually predictable. Either I get kicked off the group page or Name called in a childish manor for the lack of facts.
When I get such a rebuttal I begin to search for Organizational ties and here’s what I found so far…. Mr. Cannon is an Ex Marine and CEO/Founder/Owner at LogiKatas . His LogiKatas Facebook Page is full of telling memes; One in support of BLM assaults on Police.
The Black Lives Matter vs Police is the opposition farce created, in part, by the Philadelphia Police Commissioner Raymond Ramsey as per Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform developed under Barack Obama and Bill Ayers direction for the False Flag Fomentation of Timed COP kills Nationwide with No Person Held Accountable, as in the Movie Purge and Meet the Blacks.
BLM is one of several Hagalian Dialectic formed Groups made after Rogue Police Spawned False Flag Events were carried out one after another and like clock-work on Barack Obama’s watch.
As in Chicago, where countless blacks are Gunned Down in , so called, Gun Free Zones, likely by paid Mercenary Forces who Get Away with Murder, the expected Civil Unrest would be used as an excuse for U.N. Lead Martial Law and the Police State that was being Organized by Obama and Clinton with their Deep State Federalized Police Forces with leaders trained at the Sir Ronald Cohen Usurped Kennedy School of Business at Harvard and by MOSUL forces in Israel.
“POLICING” is Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform ESTABLISHED by
Michael Bloomberg Associated Center for Court Innovation to TOOL THE
ENTIRE BLACK COMMUNITY as an OPEN AIRED Prison and Human Capital
Conversion System Under the Umbrella of Sir Ronald Cohen’s, Goldman
Your New Policing Strategy that they Need You to Sign Onto comes complete with///
-Kennedy School Of Business TRAINED Black Overseer -Police TRAINED By Israeli’s Mosul – Birth to Death DATA MINING -CONSTITUTIONAL FREE POLICE ZONES where your children are deemed GANGS and Whole Blocks Arrested for a Gang Associate’s -CompStat Policing in order to PREDICT FUTURE Crimes -In School CRIMINAL COURTS
– An Eli Brode (Hedge Funder) Managed School Superintant who Buried the
School To Prison Pipeline by Overseeing Both School and Juvenile
Justice Center for a Seamless Transition. -COMMUNITY CRIMINAL COURTS in TARGETED BLACK BMe Communities -Sentencing to Work for CORPORATIONS like Compstat for Pennies on the Dollar /Chattel Slaves. -Sentencing to Work in Clandestine Work Centers for pennies on the dollar /Chattel Slaves. -Sentencing to Clean City Streets and Public Properties for pennies on the dollar/Chattel Slaves. -Neighbor Hotlines for Gathering Intel and Encouraging Spying On Neighbors, and Post Slavery BLACK CODE LAWS already In Place.
HOME Of the Most CORRUPT Police in History. Your In School Criminal
Court System Brought to you by Bill Ayers the Maker of Barack Obama who
OVERSAW The Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform now known as #REFORM forwarded by Robert Kraft’s Black Shill Meek Mill.
Jamar Cannon or
as a tax paying citizen or resident of the US you can inform said local
politician of your district that if this happens the local kids who’s
been going to school and graduates in the summer will be our
representative this upcoming election just bc the person who won your
district last time doesn’t mean they have to win it the next
We the Negro Jamar Cannon, please DON’T Place your HOPES on Status Quo GATEKEEPERS on the DEMOCRAT PLANTATION…
Furthermore, the NAIVE CHILDREN with very little LIFE EXPERIENCE have been CoOpted in Philly’s Bill Ayers/BarackObama/ANTIFA/EliBrode Controlled Schools in Philly…
Your Said Local Politicians and Local Kids are All GEORGE SOROS, OPEN CITIES Shills who are there to Convert Blacks into Adjudicated Cash Cows, as per Meek Mill #REFORM the Cover for Robert Kraft’s Good PAL from Harvard , Sir Ronald Cohen’s Goldman Sachs Managed Social Impact Bond Paradigms and Compstat Based Open Aired Prison Systems with laws Written by the Michael Bloomberg Associated Center for Court Innovation…
Jamar Cannon – We the Negro I don’t but you can’t change the system from the outside, the kids you saying don’t put faith in is the same kids that could change policy but choose to ignore him and yeah who wouldn’t follow suit if there’s no prior/proper guidance to show what’s necessary. Long story short how many Rosa Parks sat in jail and prolly ended up doin 30 years for 6 months bc she snapped on a CO when she couldn’t take it no more and had prior arrests.
We the Negro Jamar Cannon It’s time to STOP doing the Same Damned Things while Hoping for a Different Outcome… (The definition of insanity)
I mean is, We have been on a SUBSCRIBED Path of PROTESTS and Deceptive
Democrat Politics, Making us Nothing More than Street Beggers and Social
Disruptions, as per Sal Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals with a Hidden Hand
goading us on… What you prescribe, once again, is TOP DOWN Rulership
rather than Bottom Up or Grass Roots RIGHTS.
Case in Point….
Parks is not even the ORIGINAL ‘Girl’ who FIRST refused to Give up her
seat only to be arrested and therefore, creating a Legal Precedent
PROTECTING Blacks from Discrimination on Public lands and entities, yet,
in order to CO-OPT The Grass Roots Movement, the NAACP Shill STAGED HER
“EVENT” and Photo Opt! (Look It Up.. Google “Rosa Park STAGED”)
Watch and Listen Closely to the posted Video Below of a Hand Select Black Shill MADE by the jewISH Playboy’s Hugh Hefner.
Closely as Dick Gregory TELL Us All how the Entire SELMA Event was
STAGED from it’s ONSET and how he USED HIS WIFE as the Badd ACTOR that
he was!!! He even ADMITS in another Telling Video that knew the Exact
Day Time and Place that Malcolm X was to be SHOT yet, he did Little to
NOTHING to Stop Malcolm or SAVE the man he pretended to be his Associate
and Friend. What he is Admitting To in his Late Age with Loose Lips is
to the VIDEO Supplied as Gregory calls his own, SACRIFICED, Pregnant
Wife a HO on Video after Admitting he was too busy chassin Bucks in
Harlem to HELP STAGE Sharif Joe Clark’s Infamous PRE PLANNED EVENT
BAMBOOZLED, Mislead, and STRIPED Of Autonomy by Subscribing to GROUP
Now you are suggesting that we put our
Brains on Autopilot or Neutral, Grab the Hands of Bill Ayers’ newly
educated Social Justice Warriors from OLIGARCH USURPED State
Universities and Institutions and FOLLOW THE LEAD OF IMMATURE, UNWISE,
C.O.R.E. Educated SHILLS as a SOLUTION…
Bolshevik SOCIALIST jew OLIGARCHS at the Top….
Jamar Cannon oh
so you’re not listening you’re just recycling what someone else got you
to believe have fun with that lemme know how it works out for y’all
We the Negro Cognitive Dissonance is Not Helpful either… Agree to Disagree is a Farce and Name calling and Uniformed Accusations suggest a Loss for anything Original to say…
What I supply is ORIGINAL THOUGH and Analysis of TRUTH Based on PRIMARY SOURCES supplied to you.
the Truth or not based on your Above Admitted Pre PROGRAMING and
propensity for More Pre Programing by STUDENTS who REGURGITATE their
Liberal Professor’s SOCIALIST Pathogen that have gotten Blacks No Where
back to NORMAL and Default GREATNESS thus far..
have no doubt Your per-determined loss here will be the Gain of other’s
with Eyes to See and Ears to Hear…. Thank you for your input sir.
Again, in Oligarch Usurped Philly a 100 year old SOCIALIST Paradigm Rules the Day!!!
W.E.B. DuBois, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King All had a Stint in Philly, and Each one of them had a relative Epiphany that would Cost Them, either, Exile or Death on the Business End of a Bullet/s with their name on it.
Each one of these Powerful Black Men were, relatively, BRAINWASHED by the Hidden Hand that Set them and their Organizations Up.
The saddest fact is, those who set each of their, respective, Organizations up are Still Here to Mislead Blacks today.
It turns out, with the fallen Men above, they were Just Getting Started.
After 100 years of Trying, and the NAACP, alike, the Usurping Jews are at it again!
Below is an excerpt of a typical conversation as it appears on a Philly Thought Leader’s page. The Though Leader is a Philly Personality and a good friend of my first Cousin, City Councilman Curtis Jones Jr. ,a man who’s handlers perceived me to be a personal liability on Facebook. The liability I represented to a sitting Democrat Politician in Philly was made evident by his unfriending me. Indeed, while he was busy passing laws written by Oligarchs from New York City, my post’s were a threat, yet, somehow his good pal, Mannwell Glenn is gracious enough to let me speak freely, for now.
Here I respond to a popostreous rebuttal to a rebuttal of mine posted on Glenn’s Facebook Page. It is from a woman who has no clue that All of her Rhetoric has been Imparted to her by a Cabal of Oligarchs vying to Keep Philadelphia, which is now under siege.
Because she is in no way capable of Original Thought, she has no clue that “her words” are Non Factual and Ridiculous. Her entire rebuttal below is evident of BRAINWASHING 101 and below I attempt to set her strait
I have learned not to hold my breath for her type, as she is employed by historical institutions with a history of COMMUNISM etc. so my responses to her are more-so for the readers who can see it all playing out right before her lying eyes.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S. Mills: You seem to think some blacks are brainwashed. We’re not. The reality is I don’t give a damn about party politics. I watch the issues, the legislation and proposals. The Republican Party and most conservatives including many blacks generally are formed to benefit the rich. This country cares about green before black and white. Donald Trump is a despicable person. He destroyed Atlantic City, bankrupted small businesses, raided pension plans and left thousands of employees on the boardwalk with any care or concern. He was ignorant berated workers in hotel lobbys and other embarrassing things. He is not fit to lead a nation. You heard him say, he takes advantage of people because he’s rich. He said, I will grab your TEENAGED daughter by the pussy, because I can. So who’s brainwashed? This man wouldn’t piss on most people if their heart was on fire. He’s presidential performance is horrible. The world considers him an idiot and the American people dumb. The whole is neither brainwashed or dumb. Think your position over again. You don’t need to associate with any organization, be a free thinker, but be smart. Don’t love nobody that don’t love you.
We The Negro: Sandra A Mills, for as long as EVERY, so called, Urban Radio Station in Philly is OWNED and /or Financed by Oligarchs, along with EVERY Newspaper and Tv Channel had by only Six Media CONGLOMERATES, more than Some Blacks are being Aggressively BRAINWASHED Daily without even realizing it. To Ignore the above video of the #Separated Philly kids TAKEN by Obama’s DHS/CPS from Philly Homes in favor of Giving All of your “Thoughts” and Concerns to your Sanctuary City Replacement’s who are FREE To Leave the Southern Border, is PROOF!
As you have certainly LEARNED, but are TOO BRAINWASHED to Remember, From the Onset of the Republican Party, benefiting the Rich was the least of Abraham Lincoln’s Concern, as he was too busy Stomping out Repressive Slavery Once and for All!
Republican’s Insistence on the EMANCIPATION Issue, so much they would Wage a Deadly War that ENDED SLAVERY, hardly Keep the Wealthy Slave Owners Rich, and thereafter, Americans, including Members of Ohio’s Black Wall-street, Booker T. Washington’s Benefactors ie all of Black Atlanta, Chicago Blacks, Philly Blacks, Detroit Blacks ETC, ETC, ETC, All THRIVED until the SOCIALISTS thought to use USEFUL IDIOTS, such as W.E.B. DuBois to WAYLAY BLACK PROGRESS by Making for us their NAACP Hell Scape in Baltimore as the End All State for DEMOCRATICALLY (socialist bureaucracy) Ruled Blacks.
It was learned long ago that All your Hidden Handed Socialist Overlords needed to do is place Hand Select BLACK Shills (their Talented Tenth BOULE) Among us to Teach Blacks how to Grovel and Hobble Along for Democrat’s Bureaucratic Crumbs at the Peril of All Blacks who Love to Complain, as if it is the Only Way. We do so after your THOUGHT LEADERS led you to FORGET Who Built this Nation/Philly and Who Fredrick Douglass and W.E.B.DuBois Once Raved About. IN NO WAY WERE FREE BLACKS IN PHILLY, WELFARE RECIPIENTS who thought that RICHARD ALLEN Was just a mere Projects!!!
In FACT IT WAS FATHER DIVINE’S GREEN MONEY AMASSED and his Unabashed ASSETS THAT FED, BOTH, BLACK AND WHITE AMERICA in his Soup Kitchen’s during the Great Depression, a FAR Greater Feat than Any Black Activist Can Do, considering the Amount of WARDS of the State there are, not to mention All of the GENTRIFIED Blacks you will Ignore because OTHERS NOW TELL YOU HOW AND WHAT TO THINK Daily instead. Besides, When a COUNTRY can CARE Perhaps we will be on the same page. Until then, SLOGANS such as your BASELESS Green Black And White one is Senseless, that is, Unless Your goal is to achieve another Venezuela, China, or Cuba Standard for America and, indeed , you will Get your Brainwashing Overlord’s way for as long as WE ARE ALL WILLING TO BECOME TOOLS OF THE STATE.
While you Blame Trump for AC, I BET our Good Friend Mannwell Glenn can Tell You All of the Meetings and Political Perks that are Indicative and Associated with of the ACTUAL REASON AC WENT BUST! Now Poor Blacks in Philadelphia Can Take the Money Your Deep State Quasi Privatized Gas Works, School District, PPA etc etc Does not FLEECE on the daily, and use it to GAMBLE your Woes Away in the PLETHORA of Philly Casinos that Actually Cannibalized AC, the once Great Destination for ALL Gambling Thrill Seekers On the East Cost.
Don’t PRETEND that Donald Trump’s Casino was not FULL of Happy Blacks who Lined the Halls of his WELCOMING Taj Mahal, least you be BRAINWASHED to Tell Such a Fanciful Lie.
You saying Donald J. Trump is not fit to lead a Nation is a Far Gone, BRAINWASHED, Conclusion, as he is Already Running for his SECOND TERM! You’d have to be SLEEP or BRAINWASHED not to Realize Exactly how FIT President Trump is when Contrasted against the BLACK Shill who Turned Chicago into CHIRAQ and Libya into a MODERN DAY SLAVE MARKET!!
While you strive to LOATH our Nation and the AMERICAN Way of Life for no other reason than to DELIVER THE SOCIALIST OVERLORDS A VICTORY, Trump’s policies have been GREAT FOR BLACKS by Every Metric, INCLUDING for BLACK BUSINESSES LIKE MINE which was nearly Crushed by OBAMA’s NATION KILLING Regulation’s Causing me to SHUT DOWN MY ENTIRE NEON SIGN PLANT while watching Two Of My Supply Companies who Served the Sign Industry FOLD.
Unless you have Convinced Yourself that FULL EMPLOYMENT For Blacks, FINANCIAL AUTONOMY via Lower Taxes, OPPORTUNITY ZONES in the Hood, or NO MORE TARGETED BLACK DEAD BABIES Will Be SOLD by the Taxpayer Subsidized (Margret Sanger Fantasy for EUTHANIZED BLACKS) planned Parenthood is a Bad thing, then WE WOULD ALL HAVE TO AGREE, INCLUDING YOURSELF That You are Indeed BRAINWASHED at the BEQUEST of SOCIALIST Thought Leaders vying to keep Saul Alinsky’s Free Lunch as per Rules for Radicals, ie. Useful Idiots/Brownshirt/Proliteriats Boris Brazol first Warned America About upon the Dawn of Bolshevism and the Reason the Russians are still loathed by your Task Masters that Got Your Brain FIXATED on Donald Trump’s MAN TO MAN Pussy Talk.
Not only do you speak of Trump’s Affinity for Pussy, you follow that up by Speaking of Piss too. We are to Believe these SICK FIXATIONS are certainly NOT A BRAINWASHED TALKING POINT but Something you Must Think of on the Daily, RIGHT???
At the very least DON’T BE SO LAZY that YOU CANT EVEN Get what the man Said about his affinity for Pussy VERBATIM, considering his locker-room talk was Recorded! Nowhere but inside of your Chronically BRAINWASHED mind did the MAN say he would Grab any TEENAGE Daughter’s Pussy! Ask yourself, WHO PUT THIS SICK THOUGHT FOR YOU TO FIXATE ON inside of your GULLIBLE MIND????
The ONLY man that Raided Pension Plans is the one you are here ADVOCATING For, that is, Sir Ronald Cohen of the Former G8 and the So Called Father of Venture Capitalism and his Ilk of AMERICAN OLIGARCHS who now hope to TAKE OUR GOVERNMENT COMPLETELY after their systematic BANKRUPTCY OF ENTIRE CITIES.It was Cohen’s Dubious Financial Vehicle that Raided State and City Pension Coffers in the name of Silicon Valley Investment, not President Donald J. Trump.
Cohen and his ilk, including Robert Kraft, MEEK MILL’s Oligarch Thought Leader, are Back to Stick a Fork in the US. after Gutting the Middle Class, thus, making America your Socialist Nirvana where only the 1% Dictate the Rules for Hapless VOLUNTEERS and Begging Black SOCIALISTS who Seek Crumbs from Patrons in the name of DOING GOOD, and Good Cities as per George Soros the man yall let TAKE Philly’s D.A. office and thereby, YOUR TEENAGER’S PUSSY TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER after She is Given Free Needles and her D.A.’s Nod to PROSTITUTION and Anything else your BRAINWASHERS See fit for our USURPED CITIES!
I suppose you can’t even fathom WHY Jessie Jackson Presented Donald J. Trump with the Rainbow Push Coalition AWARD for Assisting Young Black Entrepreneurial Hopefuls in NYC decades ago, considering someone now has nothing more than Donald Trump’s Piss on the Brain!
The Only WORLD that Considers President Doald J. Trump an Idiot and the Only Reason Why You’d Say that You are a DUMB AMERICAN is Because you are BRAINWASHED!!! Otherwise, Who the Hell Would Say, as an AMERICAN People, That We are DUMB??? Ask Yourself, Why Sis????
The fact is, There is NOT ONE SINGLE World Leader, but for the one he just MADE HEEL on TV Last Week that openly Considered President Trump an Idiot. SHOW ME ONE MISS! The only one who would even come close to thinking Donald Trump is an Idiot is the One Who Got A Slap-Down by Trump, rather than MORE MILLIONS of your OBAMA FLEECED Tax Dollars… IRAN.
YALL SO BRAINWASHED, You’d CHAMPION IRAN and EVERY DESPOT on Earth in behalf of your THOUGHT LEADING BRAIN WASHERS who can’t wait until BLACKS POP OFF ONCE AGAIN, because TAKING N. Philly after the RIOTS was not ENOUGH FOR THE GENTRIFIERS you are now mentally Tooled to Keep Status Quo alive and well for.
I9ndeed, My “Position” has been empirically evidenced by way of your Myopic, Unsubstantiated, Scripted Thought Pattern. Therefore, there is NO NEED TO RETHINK THE FACT THAT BLACKS IN PHILLY ARE NOT ONLY OWNED BY OLIGARCHS BUT BRAINWASHED TO DO THEIR BIDDING TOO, which is Bringing Back and Keeping ALL THAT IS NOT IN OUR BEST INTEREST.
But for the BRAINWASHED Black Who Would Want and Fight For ALL BLACKS have COMPLAINED ABOUT for Over Thirty Years until now??? Now, YOU ARE HERE Writing About and COMPLAINING ABOUT TRUMP’S AFFINITY FOR PUSSY AND PISS Only because you were BRAINWASHED to do so.
With That said… Do Join Me in FREE THINKING at False Flags and Fake News the Group Page I developed in 2014 before FAKE NEWS WAS NEWS. Also, Join me for FACTS at the following Group Pages, PhillyThink! Clinton’s 21st Century “Justice” Reforms We Read ~ Recommend, Review, Write & Share Books too! Wrongfully Convicted in Philly? ~ Chances are YOU’RE NOT ALONE. or visit and comment freely.