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The INDOCTRINATION of America’s Kids and the Systematic Making of Useful Idiots.

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The INDOCTRINATION of America’s Kids and the Making of Useful Idiots.

First and foremost, C.O.R.E is INDOCTRINATION… When Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground Terrorist Group and founder of Edison Schools Got his hands on American Kids with his Made Man Barack Obama at the helm, ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE!

In Oligarch Usurped cities, nationwide, hedge funder Eli Broad installed TOOLED Shills in order to Deliver All Blacks, in particular, into the hands of, so called, Social Justice Radical groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa… The targeting of Blacks to become the Socialist’s Useful Idiots, stateside, was the brain-child of Raya Dunayevskaya, who stove to give legs to the waning Leon Trostsky paradigm that was rapidly loosing steam in America. Sadly, this is not the first chapter in a set of Oligarch forwarded objective that was already tried, in that the Weather Underground had it’s field day in the Tumultuous 60’s while the hidden handed ones chipped away at the psyche’s of Blacks and targeted “Goyim” alike by plying human experimentation on chosen specimens select from the armed forces and from the Methodist Church pews alike.

While the Oligarch funded Nazi scientists who effectively embedded themselves in our institutions tried new ways to Organize and Program whole swath’s of Black Americans, the Disruptive Homeland Terrorists were busy perfecting their Paradigms handed down in the Bolshevik Tradition established fifty years prior.

We were all warned on many occasions of the works and deeds of a Certain Ilk known for the Bolshevik Revolution as they are, both, historically and academically known for their well coordinated shenanigans.

Even while we have ample evidence of their intrinsic ways and means of social disruption, their mastery in Undermining Whole Nations from within can only be effective when a system of making the citizens “forget” relative history is forged via their social disruption derived bureaucracies that naturally encircle and envelop our public schools just as they have from the onset , in part, by their prototypical Useful Idiot, W.E.B. DuBois.

Since the time of slavery the Merchant Class realized that it only requires just one Useful Idiot or two in places of power to tip the scales of Subversion . The Black Boule and Talented Tenth System is pretty much reflective of the same ratio established when Black Overseers were used to keep blacks in line on the Merchant Supplied Plantations.

The hidden handed ones were able to spread their agenda like a pathogen to targeted blacks through the Organized Institutions like the NAACP, S.N.I.C.K or the Black Panther movement. Each of these, so called, black organizations have their impetus inside of the hidden chambers of hidden handed overlords who still use them. We can see how the remaining Shills who got their start in such organizations are always on message when they are rolled out on que as the, so called, Vanguard who get their daily marching orders from above. Many, just like the Black Shill aptly nick-named, #GoodTrouble (Elijah Cummings) have become melded into various Political chambers as long-standing political plants and moles.

Bill Ayers’s and Barack Obama spent many hours perfecting their Community Organization and School Takeover Paradigms with the help of the well studied Oligarchs who commissioned them. Their cabal of clandestine scientist who utilize such Compromised shills realized how to take hold of whole Cities during the Hitler Era with the knowledge that Humans have behaviors that are as predicable as any herding, schooling or flocking animal.

As a Black Woman from Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia, our nation’s coveted first capital, I was entreated to a front row seat to witness the systematic TAKEOVER of not only schools, but entire cities beginning with anomalies, such as, 9/11 followed by the PA Governor’s Assent beyond bringing Bill Ayers’ Edison Schools into Philly along with the curious decent into instantaneous kayos, first Narrated as Philly Flash Mob’s well before any Flash Mobs were actually manifest.

The well coordinated ilk of American Oligarchs were determined to use every lesson learned since the years leading up to their forefather’s Bolshevik Revolution. They would apply the paradigms that were up-kept by the Project Paperclip scientists who served as the backbone of the Rothschild funded Hitler debacle. It is no coincidence, whatsoever, that Soros’ Hitler prescribed life-style is described by Soros’ as one of the most wonderful times of his Life.

The well coordinated ilk of American Oligarchs were determined to use every lesson learned since the years leading up to their forefather’s Bolshevik Revolution. They would apply the paradigms that were up-kept by the Project Paperclip scientists who served as the backbone of the Rothschild funded Hitler debacle. It is no coincidence, whatsoever, that Soros’ Hitler prescribed life-style is described by Soros’ as one of the most wonderful times of his Life.

Cohen et al’s hidden handed objectives are being developed under Chatham House rules and rolled out by the well coordinated American Oligarchs and their Useful Idiot’s who can enjoin themselves to the Deep State’s ANTIFA Goons.

They are getting all of their objectives done by way of the Social Impact Bond Managers and SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS is being managed Stateside by Goldman Sachs.

Author: ecofer