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I Will Vote for Trump, Therefore, I am a Proud Russian Agent!

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Thinking Americans know, yes indeed, the Owners of Most Mainstream Media, and the Washington Post, who now publically surmises, Republican Supporters of President Donald J. Trump are All Russian Agents,  are engaged in something far deeper than Fake News.

I, black woman from Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia, know exactly why the Fake Rev 3:9 jewISH Owner of the Washington Post, and most mainstream media outlets HATE, free and independent Thinking Blacks, now given a #FirstStep out of 400 years of Captivity.

I know why the Fake jews Hate Kanye West and Steve Harvey, before he capitulated, as much as they Hated Booker T. Washington, after he visited President Roosevelt in the Whitehouse.

I know why the Rev 3:9 Fake jews hate Blacks for Trump 2020 as much as they Hate the Defunding of Margret Sanger’s, Planned Parenthood, built expressly in favor of black euthinasia.

I know why the Fake Jews HATE White Christians who Dared Emancipate us, like the #Russian czar Emancipated Abraham Hannibal who helped France before Built St Petersburg.

I know why the Fake Jews HATE Russia after their Bolskevik Revolution was finnally Failed by Oligarch Removing Vladimir Putin.

God Bless RUSSIA and God Bless Making America, my family’s only home, Great Again too!

To Hell with WAPO and the Fake Jews who are Working Over Time, as Always, to trouble this Entire Earth!

Author: ecofer