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Why do Maury and Jerry love us so? “…a reproach and a taunt”

November 27, 2010 at 3:18 PM

Ezekiel 8:14, Moreover I will make thee waste, and a reproach among the nations that are round about thee, in the sight of all that pass by. 8:15 So it shall be a reproach and a taunt, an instruction and an astonishment unto the nations that are round about thee, when I shall execute judgments in thee in anger and in fury and in furious rebukes. I the LORD have spoken it.

111 CommentLikeCommentShare

  • Joseph M. Grier Their producers seek out the destitute – not just ours but theirs as well. From the ghettos of North Philly to the ghettos of mid-western Trailer Parks. They take the money and tell Pookie nem they were on TV and everybody gathers to watch. Even the destitute have a part to play in the great devide – we all have our place. Those positions are not permanent – but whether we stay or not – is up to our ability to break the sickness – post traumatic slavery syndrome – and make more CHOICES of conviction.
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Perot -vs- Gore on NAFTA… Seventeen years later, the verdict is in

November 16, 2010 at 12:47 PM

Hind sight is 20/20 ~ In 1993, Ross Perot said “If you don’t make anything, you cant buy anything”. Gore said “If NAFTA doesn’t work for America we could get out in 6months time”… – Imagine if Ross Perot won. He said that NAFTA would bring down the standard of living for Mexicans… Fast forward 17 years… now the standard of living in America has plummeted far worse, and Mexico is heading strait to hell in a hand-basket. 

Watch the debate again…
3Robert Bell and 2 others11 CommentsLikeCommentShare

  • Anthony Johnson Truly, Clinton’s biggest failure. I never agreed with NAFTA. Perot was on point.2Delete or hide this
  • Eil Thompkins Eerily on pointEdit or delete this
  • Anthony Johnson Like him or not…Perot was a visionary and he had my vote until he bailed–then he came back.1Delete or hide this
  • Anthony Johnson Its funny, but when Hiliary was running for president she even stated that NAFTA was wrong.1Delete or hide this
  • Eil Thompkins This was where my first presidential vote went… Humm :/ – Sorta validates my sensibilities even as a young adult.1Edit or delete this
  • John Lindsay Green Eileen, I bought Perot’s book some years ago entitled “Why NAFTA Must Be Stopped.” OMG, he vividly described how the U.S. negotiators, virtually were going to hand America over on a platinum platter to the then President of Mexico, and how further indu…See MoreDelete or hide this
  • John Lindsay Green I wonder if Hiliary and Bill argued about that one behind closed doors?Delete or hide this
  • Eil Thompkins Yes, NAFTA and Welfare to Work were on the table durring Clinton’s admin. And,there were many concessions made with Republicans during his “lame duck” season (pending impeachment, 2nd term, etc).

    Perhaps Clinton’s penance for Lewinsky was a high price to pay for a few years of surplus. The exuberance & deregulation led Americans on a spending frenzy, and we now see who were the benefactors.1Edit or delete this
  • John Lindsay Green Eileen, what gets me, is that lots of folks are still so mesmerized, blinded and in love with “can’t-do-no-wrong-clinton.” LOL!Delete or hide this
  • Eil Thompkins What gets us all, is the fact that we continue to plow forward with the NAFTA plan while US coffers are clearly plundered by the wealthy brokers who race to the bottom to serve the third-world at our expense.Edit or delete this
  • Gene Allen Great post and comments. I would also have to point out the Financial Services Modernization Act signed into law by Mr. Clinton in ’99. I can’t understand why people never point out the road he started us out on…….1Delete or hide this
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Doctors own a part of you at birth. Biological tracking is the next step

November 15, 2010 at 10:07 AM

Doctors are now being invasive at birth. As far as they are concerned they own a part of you.

Doctors are now being invasive at birth. As far as they are concerned they own a part of you.Scientist are classifying newborns at birth, and hope to classify and track all people from birth to death electronically some day soon.

Anyone that knows me knows I am a hands on kinda gal, and this includes during childbirth.

I know for a fact that women are built to give birth, complete with pain, and I strongly believe that very little intervention is needed for a healthy child to arrive into the world. Essentially, all a doctor must do, if all goes well in labor, is catch.

Doctors and Scientist thirst for your placenta.

After a successful birth, (keeping the doctors hands off of me until the very end) I found myself having to do much more. I had to declare ownership of my own body parts at my child’s birth, by insisting that they hand over her T cells, and DNA, in the form of her placenta… They had every intention to keep it, and they were getting it ready for transport to who knows where…Doctors and Scientist thirst for your placenta.

Before interest in keeping your biological data, hospitals would incinerate your placenta on site.

All minorities in Europe are being sought and traced via DNA. American databases are being built with each minority conviction.

In my case, as in all modern births the hospital would not release my placenta to me until I got an undertaker to pick it up… It just so happens that my Dad is an undertaker, otherwise; they would have kept a part of my child for research, classification, and possible use.

Tracking device ready for insertion into human beings.

All minorities in Europe are being sought and traced via DNA. American databases are being built with each minority conviction.They have already started a campaign to collect every black persons DNA in Europe and they are building their data bases here too. If you are ever incarcerated and convicted they will be swabbing your mouth for a part of you. Biological tracking for all citizens is the next step…

Tracking device ready for insertion into human beings.They are floating the prospect of a national database of all humans, especially minorities, as well as, a personal ID chip, as if it were a service to us all. They make it seem like a convenience in hopes of gaining an understanding and volunteer populous, but it is far easier to get 100% compliance doing it without us ever knowing. 

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I Will Vote for Trump, Therefore, I am a Proud Russian Agent!

Thinking Americans know, yes indeed, the Owners of Most Mainstream Media, and the Washington Post, who now publically surmises, Republican Supporters of President Donald J. Trump are All Russian Agents,  are engaged in something far deeper than Fake News.

I, black woman from Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia, know exactly why the Fake Rev 3:9 jewISH Owner of the Washington Post, and most mainstream media outlets HATE, free and independent Thinking Blacks, now given a #FirstStep out of 400 years of Captivity.

I know why the Fake jews Hate Kanye West and Steve Harvey, before he capitulated, as much as they Hated Booker T. Washington, after he visited President Roosevelt in the Whitehouse.

I know why the Rev 3:9 Fake jews hate Blacks for Trump 2020 as much as they Hate the Defunding of Margret Sanger’s, Planned Parenthood, built expressly in favor of black euthinasia.

I know why the Fake Jews HATE White Christians who Dared Emancipate us, like the #Russian czar Emancipated Abraham Hannibal who helped France before Built St Petersburg.

I know why the Fake Jews HATE Russia after their Bolskevik Revolution was finnally Failed by Oligarch Removing Vladimir Putin.

God Bless RUSSIA and God Bless Making America, my family’s only home, Great Again too!

To Hell with WAPO and the Fake Jews who are Working Over Time, as Always, to trouble this Entire Earth!

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Amid Impeachment Farce, Jews Circle their Wagons Around George S0ros

Amid President Donald J. Trump’s Fraudulent “Impeachment” farce, many noticed American Jews rising Up to give  false testimonies back to back in congress.

We watched as they feigned to be a greater authority than our own, duly elected, President, all while hoping to keep their clandestine ways and plans for America concealed.

It is clear, that the Cabal of jewish “witnesses” were all there to testify before a wishful, Adam Schift, in hopes of keeping their “Irregular” “Government” operating well outside of the bounds of Constitutional law.

Not lost is the fact that fake Jews have begun to circle the wagons around George S0ros, who got them this far gone state-side and beyond.

By hanging their impeachment hat on Soros it is likely Fiona Hill just took the Subversive cabal to the point of no return.

They call it, “Getting Out in Front of a Story”.

While participating in America’s farcical Impeachment hearings, Hill was tasked to continue her work in behalf of her former boss, yet, her timely mention of Sor0s will, no doubt, come under greater Scrutiny in the weeks to come, but, to what end remains to be seen.

Hill is not alone, as Circling the wagons around Sor0s’ name is an exercise being applied by America’s Monopolizing Media Moguls, as if it will supply them all with full immunity from being discovered in their highly coordinated subversive acts, including a full blown attempt to pull off an American coup.

Together, the ilk who loath President Trump prove to be one and the same, as the regurgitated rhetoric from either their highly paid minions, or the brainwashed useful idiots, alike, all seem to stem from the infamous, “4am Memo”.

Several American Patriots have amased news stories delivered by affiliate stations nationwide to illustrate how minions are tasked to deliver the same words regarding the particular events.

In true CIA/project Mockingbird form, the national “news” is spoken without a single deviation, affirming what astute Americans have already known.

The jewish Cabal’s initial investment into the Natzi Scientist’s, otherwise known collectively as Project Paperclip, paradigms have truly paid off.

Even as the American jews pile on to force news anchors, Sean Duffy and John Yoo, to walk back their uttered observations of Alexander Vindman’s testimony as seeming to reveal dual loyalty and even espionage we are all to pretend merely noticing such a unconstitutional act is anti-Semitism.

We are also to pretend the coordinated words of the so called, resistance activists cant be reliably traced back to Subversive, jew-owned platforms that are tooled to publically belittle our President at every turn, all while the same cabal actively works to shut down American voices who’d dare speak truth to power, like me.

A much needed investigation into the compromised Democrats would likely reveal what came first, relative to their Pivitol narratives used in the commission of an admitted coup professed publically by the, so called, Whistle-blower’s lawyer, Mark Zaid, who posted the following in his January 2017 Tweet, “#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow ultimately. #lawyers” .

How do they go from “Russian collusion”, followed by “Quid Pro Quo”, onto “Blackmail” overnight as if they all did so in a 360 turn on a head of a pin, rather than at the bequest of highly coordinated American Oligarchs.

The Soros’ apparatus works overtime in every public sphere where we hope to outwardly celebrate our president and on the jewish Cabal’s social media platforms as well.

I have learned several months ago in my own attempts to warn others about Sor0s’ on this WordPress platform, that I must mask the spelling of his name with a numeral zero in order to publish my blog.

Ironically, while entire nations have recognized the true danger Soros’ and his ilk of colluding Oligarchs present, it is Hill’s timely admission, without much provocation, that might allow Americans to recognize that a Cabal of Subversive fake jews are actively working, in lock-step, to completely overthrow our government, along with our Constitutionally based rule of law.

Thanks to the lastest round of congressional trials in an attempt to impeach President Trump the layers of Barack Obama’s Russian Collusion onion, first spearheaded by the DNC are being pulled back to reveal a Ukrainian based trifecta.

The Jews paraded before Schift’s Impechment circus are just the tip of an ice-burg that includes, the Obama Administration vice president, Joe Biden, and Obama’s Anti Corruption Action Center co-funder, George Sor0s.

At last, it was the deep state cabal who thought to bring in Hill, who was curiously tasked to evoke S0ros’ name all while overtly “suggesting” to all Americans that the mere mention of his name amounts to Anti-Semitism in itself. Likewise, in Ukraine, the Obama Administration threatened anyone who’d dare prosecute or investigate a hand-select cabal of wrongdoers.

Even while evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption bubbles to the surface, the one degree of separation between, Biden, Barack Obama and Soros is presented in the media is if it were a third rail that should never be approached by any American, let alone, the persecuted council for president Trump, who was brave and smart enough to follow the facts all of the way to Ukraine.

Part and parcel to the Cabal’s media evoked third rail, Hill publically unvield another tool used by post WWI Fake Jews who planned to move forward with their long-standing goals to “Topple the World” completely unfettered, that is, until president Trump took the Whitehouse to the Deep State Cabal’s utter surprise.

Besides noticing America’s infiltrated Justice system that is now riddled with Sor0s’ funded D.A.’s who are openly advocating for utter lawlessness wherever they are installed (see Kim Foxx), we also witnessed Sor0s’ direct tie-in to Ukraine, no thanks to the a parade of Rev 3:9 mentioned “Jews” who hoped to join Adam Schift in his one man crusade to impeach our duly Elected president.

Even though astute Americans realize an attempt to impeach president Trump with a Republican majority senate is completely for nought, at once, the Cabal of Deep State American Oligarch’s managed to gum up the works of our central government, brainwash and illicit the support of useful idiots who’d buy into their repeated lies, and obfuscate the actual misdeeds of those engaged in a bloodless, Social Impact Bond Revolution and attempt to usurp our corrupted government from within.

It was hoped that the people would rise in support of the cabals effort to prove that our president has engaged in wrong-doing, and not the other way around. It was hoped we would never come to realize the full extent of the Subversives bad acts and that Those who are against President Trump are also working together in accordance with plans developed by the, so called, father of S0ros’ financed Social Impact Bond Paradigms, Sir Ronald Cohen, the former head of the G8.

Soros’ etal’s Social Impact Bond paradigms are no more than SLAVERY 2.0 for God’s Chosen People that are now afforded a FirstStep Act to reverse Bill Clinton and Joe Biden’s “Three Strikes” laws implemented with for profit prison owners at the culmination of 400 years of Captivity, c. 1619-2019.

Not only do the the Cabal of Nation toppling fake Jews loath blacks who were slated for B-More’s latest Murder Capital (NAACP headquarters), more profitable Planned Parenthood euthanasia, and Social Impact Bond Enslavement in usurped “Open Cities” nationwide had Hillary Clinton won, they had a special place for Vladamir Putin, who finnally liberated his people from their Bolslshevik abled, post Socialist Oligarchs.

Via Sor0s’ Countless pet projects blacks were to be used as BLM battering rams pitted against hated White Christians and Republican/Goyim who Dared Emancipate America’s Black slaves in the first place.

That the Rev 3:9 mentioned fake Jews stood against our nation, alone, is not lost on Saints around the world.

Thanks to America’s telling impeachment farce, it is becoming quite clear to so many; Unless the George S0ros Ilk stands down and sufficiently humble themselves now, they will soon learn, the hard way, they are Not Too Big to Fail, both, within their welcoming American home, and everywhere they meddle via Deep State America and Sir Ronald Cohen’s paradigms abroad.

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The Kapernik, NIKE, NFL Side-Show is Like ODing on Stale Penicillin Served at the Oligarch’s Weekly Bread and Circus Act.

Is this Adam #Shift eyed Black man featured on the Social Justice tooled ESPN telling us The NFL teams all look bad due to Collin #Kapernik’s FINAL STAB? Yes he is! But Why?

Because, it’s his job to do so, as a Media Mogul Owned, black “Thought Leader”.

The Black Broadcasters job, under the National Association of Black Journalist Banner, is much like Collin Kapernik and Shaun White’s job.

They are all tasked as, so called, Thought Leaders, and Social Impact “Warriors”  to make Americans feel some kind of way, namely, mad like a modern day Socialist leaning, Proletariat .

What key black shills are being coordinated to do, by way of their hidden handed Oligarch handlers is called NUDGE.

NUDGE paradigm is a new science based form of Propaganda, otherwise known as the Oligarch’s, newly developed, Social Impact and Social Incite paradigm which is the primary key to their Social Impact Bond Revolution.

Are Black Pawns Really this DESPERATE? Yes they are, as NIKE and the Oligarchs who love using them to Incite Americans do Pay very, very, Well.

While we’d normally expect this type of devious behavior from a Two Dollar Ho, ie, Jussie Smollett and Kamalah Harris, how many realize the NFL is STAGED by the likes of George Sor0s et al., too??!!

America, Please Stop falling for the Oligarchs, highly paid, #RaceBate and Social Justice Shills who are being used to Stir Up George Sor0s et al’s hoped for, American Race and/or, Civil War, whatever comes first.

Bottom line, Fake Jew Owners if Useful Idiot backs, such as, the NIKE CEO, the ESPN CEO, and the Sir Ronald Cohen associated, Robert Kraft’s NFL Players etc, as per Rev 3:9, now Use key Blacks who can be STAGED to act out, mislead and/or distract us just Like #Beyonce and JayZ, who upon closer scrutiny are Looking Cray Cray and Demonically Possessed as Hell!

Please know, Every Last bit of Kolin Kaepernick’s bad Acting life is STAGED and that he is being Sponsored by the Newly Tooled NFL and the China Sympathetic Globalist jews at NIKE!

We must come to realize, at a time of Deep State Oligarchs at War against our nation, every divisive Kapernik Event is STAGED from start to finish by the Colluding Fake Jews who hoped to Takeover this nation by now.

Just like Chicago’s Barack Obama, and the Sor0s funded Chicago D.A., Kim Foxx, Kapernik and a hand-full of select blacks are working for the Rev 3:9 mentioned jewISH Oligarchs who used Blacks, like Smollett, the Murdered Blacks PURGED by Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Cops nationwide, and Blacks Gunned Down Weekly by Uncharged Mercinaries in Chicago, in order to Spearhead their long-planned U.N. Takeover of our nation, starting in Chicago, after drumming up civil unrest via Staged False Flags timed expressly for maximum effect.

The Fact is, the Oligarch Owners at the NFL and Nike, alike, are forwarding Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION Schemes in America and abroad.

Like during their failed Bolshevik Revolution, stopped in its tracks by Henry Ford, the subversive Oligarchs need their custimary BOULE, who are otherwise known as the “Talented Tenth” to deliver their latest, nation toppling paradigms.

Henry Ford Championed Booker T. Washington and Financed the Black Pioneer, George Washington Carver and the Tuskegee institute before W.E.B. DuBois and Socialist Shills deemed Washington’s ideals, a mear Atlanta Compromise. The work if hand-select blacks lead up to the Rockefeller funded Syphillus Studies on unsuspecting Tuskgeegee men, hence, Rockefeller Records.

They are now Using Beyonce who staged her timely Black Panther half-time farce and their Auditioned freemason, JAY-Z to be free and Clear if doubt in order for them to FORWARD the Oligarch’s Ongoing Race Bate Campaign’s using their Usurped NFL Stage and the Owned Players, turned Social Justice Warriors, therin.

The Oligarchs are Using Beyonce and JayZ, alike, in order to FORWARD, Meek Mill & Robert Kraft’s #REFORM Alliance, wich is nothing more than Clinton’s 21st Justice #Reform farce begun in Oligarch Usurped Philly!

#REFORM is the Social Impact Bond Paradigm Equivalent to Bloomberg’s Center for Court Innovation formulated law.

The Social Impact Bond purveyors, such as, Sor0s’, Bloomberg and Kraft, have effectively developed Post Slavery Black Code Laws, via the Usurped, Harvard School of Business.

The Oligarch’s who brought us the for-Profit, Wallstreet Traded, Prisons wich were filled by way of Bill Clinton and Joe Biden’s Three Strike laws, are now developing a new Open Air Prison System first tried in Red Hook Projects using Bill Bratton’s favorite, Comstat Policing methods, ie, life-long surveillance and data mining in Hope of Predicting Future Crimes within targeted Urban Communities.

The oligarch’s, London spawned paradigms, begun by Robert Kraft’s friend, Cohen, was launched on the back of the, relatively, unprofitable Black Prison populations.

It was Hillary Clinton’s Sycophant Michael Nutter who allowed Bloomberg to try Cohen’s SIB plans City-Wide in Philly, with the help of Barack Obama and the Chicago native turned Philly police commisioner, Raymond Ramsey.

Thanks to Nutter, who now works fir Bloomberg, Community Ajudicated Black Offenders in Larry Krasner’s lawless City (another cop adverse GEORGE Soros Funded D.A.)  are being Sent to Work like Taxpayer Subsized Debt-SLAVES and Chattle for Corporate Conspiritors, like Compcast etc.

To learn more about Kapernik’s Deep State handlers at NIKE, the Colluding Oligarch’s weekly Staged Race Bating events, the American Oligarch’s Black Re-enslavement Goals, and the Subversive Oligarch’s UN Takeover Plans that were effectively thwarted by Donald Trump, search the following keywords at “#REFORM”, “George Sor0s”, “Robert Kraft” , “Meek Mill” or check out our previous posts for more eye-opening facts .

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Black Democrats Deliver Far More than the KKK Could Ever Hope For

This Means You!!!!

One of the First Jobs for the Socialist BOULE Gatekeepers, Modeled after W.E.B.DuBois , was to “Sell” fellow Blacks the false notion that Margret Sanger’s Planned-Parenthood-Served Black Euthinasia Plan is a Good Thing for the Democrats to Federally Fund with your hard-earned tax dollars.

As Planned Parenthood began Selling Our Body Parts by the Pound, the Democrats Argued to Keep Federal Funding Pouring In to Finish the Job!!!! Black BOULE Shills at DuBois NAACP, headquarted in the newest (Black) MURDER CAPITAL to join KILLADELPHIA and CHIRAQ still work Overtime to Perpetuate All that is Wrong in the Democrat Ruled Black Community until the Job is Done!

Then, when DuBois peddled Sanger’s plan, we were 18% of the Population. Now, we are Reduced by well over a Third and Counting as Planned Parenthood Survivors are now being Gunned Down in the Urban Streets just as the Powers that Be have Designed.

There are people who get away with MURDER in your, so called, No Snitch Culture, where Meek Mill types are Crowned King of your lyrically Ravaged Cities by the George Sor0s’ associated Oligarchs (Robert Kraft, etc) who flew him strait out of jail.

Our Democrat run Cities are Where Planned Parenthood Sellers Thrive and where Corprate MERCINARIES, such as the Black Ops Firms in CHIRAQ  can Get Away with Murder every Damned year as your Sor0s Funded D.A. and lame Duck Police Commidsioner, alike, makes certain no one person is Arrested for the Crimes!!!!

WakeUp Philly!!!!! Trump’s trying to Save the Dumb A$$ Democrat Voters, and those Who Refuse to Vote at All from Everything Blacks Complained About!!!!

#WalkAway and Live! #BLEXIT and Thrive!

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In Bazzaro World, First Step Act, HBCU Funding, OPORTUNITY Zone Building, Jobs Making, President Trump is the bad guy.

In Bazzaro World, First Step Act, HBCU Funding, OPORTUNITY Zone Building, Jobs Making, President Trump is the bad guy, and Third Strike, “They gonna put y’all back in chains” , Biden is the Good Guy!
When Fake News is all there is, and Facts no longer matter…
For Not Voting at all, and Voting For f’ing Democrats every Damned time, I am Convinced,  Murdered, Complaining, Planned Parenthood Surviving Blacks Get All that they DESERVE in KILLADELPHIA, CHIRAQ and Murder Capitals USA! Sad, but, We Brought it All Upon Ourselves!!!!STOP! THINK!!! Get off the Democrat’s PLANTATION!!!LIFE, LIBERTY and The Persuit of Happiness is Ours to be had if only Blacks Would Get the Hell Out of Bazzaro World!!!!#thankobama #woke #resist #impeach45#BLEXIT #WALKAWAY
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False Flagged Philly, Seattle, and Beyond

After listening to the , so called, alt-right (Q-Annon associated) buzz about a potential Seattle false flag event, I came across dis Cop meddling Nut on Youtube.

The reason I initially established my, False and Fake News, Facebook group page in 2014, is because I realized so much of what we see and hear in the news was false.

Of course, it is now widely known that most mainstream news outlets are Fake News, but, what is harder for most to fathum is that many nationally reported Events are actually pre planned in advance and they are well orchestrated False Flags developed to constitute Social Incites as a way to fullfill a newly developed, Nudge Science Agenda.

My suspicions began after researching into Urban school takeovers and the intersection of the Walton’s involvement, with not only, Bill Ayers, of the Weather Underground Terrorist Group, but also, Philly’s notorious, Philly Flash Mob Events.

Not only was the Philly Flash Mob Events, a Techocratically spawned farce, but, Events like, the so called, Starbucks’ arrest of two Innocent black men, was part in parcel to Starbucks’ #RaceTogether ploy, three years in the making.

After watching key black officials in Philly, help the Deep State Take our schools, only to be discarded and thrown into Federal Prison in the end, I wish my fellow Blacks would Wake Up, and STOP Serving as George Sor0s’ Bad ACTORS and Two Dollar Ho’s, alike, as the deep state continues to undermine Urban Communities, while Leading a War Against Cops and vice versa!

Sadly, bad Actors who’d happily do the bidding of the deep state, and much of our Justice department was affectively Infiltrated by Soros et Al ( the Subversive jewish Oligarchs) as per Rev 3:9, on Barack Obsma’s watch.

Oligarchs, otherwise known as the deep state are now more desperate than ever and they are getting sloppy as hell too.

Just as in Philly, where Hillary Clinton Scyopants, Michael Nutter and Chicago native, Raymond Ramsey were Used to forward COMPROMISED CLINTON’S 21st Century Justice Reform plans nationwide, there’s no telling what their next False Flag Event will be.

Sadly, Hillary’s Compromised Justice Goons are still in the system to work hand in hand with Sor0s funded D.A.’s, like Larry Krasner, who just like Kim Foxx in CHIRAQ is paid to bring utter Lawlessness and Kayos to our Usurped cities.

The Deep State Hacks have been STAGING EVERY FALSE FLAG EVENT, it date, in order to DESTABILIZE OUR NATION from within.

Because they are all Oligarchs of a certain ilk, they have the rouse of Anti-Semitism to hide behind as they permiate every aspect of our government and media. Also, because they are Oligarchs of a certain ilk using their well known brands, such as, Nike, the NBA and NFL, they are able to Stage Many Events soully for the purpose of distraction and evoking Group think via an emerging brain science paradigm, known as NUDGE or Social Invited forwarded by America’s Usurped Media.

can get away with for as long as they get our help, and they are doing so by keeping most of us in the dark!

It was the COMPROMISED Moorish community In Philly who Sold Blacks out inside of Michael BLOOMBERG’S Usurpt Criminal Courts system in Philly, wich was completely Retooled by NYC Based, Center for Court Innovation, for the Social Impact Bond conversion of Citezens who are Compromised, by way of Oligarch failed schools, drug addictions or chronic joblessness, thereby, becoming tax leveragable wards of the Usurping deep state.

Note, just like Farakan’s, Dianetics associated, FOI, the American Moorish Community are CONTROLLED OPPOSITION and, moreso, High Ranking FREE MASONS who’s PHILLY leader shared the LAVA Bld. with ANTIFA Goons, the Lawless sleeper-cells waiting to wreak havoc in our nation.

The , so called, Moorish Chaplin in Philly was even featured on a TV Court Show explaining his open “marriage” and how the poor women  brought into his, so called, Holistic Innerfaith Court for “trials,  paid him in Sexual Favors.

The farcical, Moorish court was set up in the building for which the entire Philly Criminal Court System was purged from.

Consequently, Criminal Courts in Philly were Placed in Usurped Schools and targeted black Communities where modern-day, black code laws are now being administered.

Compromised, Cop’s, like Rick Ross in Philly, were trained by Israeli’s Mossad or in the USURPED Kennedy School of Business at Harvard at the bequest of, Sir Ronald Cohen, of the former G8.

Compromised American Police districts were All Working within the Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform farce that is now known as MEEK MILL, JAY-Z, Robert Kraft’s (of the New England Patriots) #REFORM Alliance, wich serves as cover for the Oligarch’s newly arrayed, Open Aired Prison system where Compstat surveillanced Citezens can be sentenced to attend NGO metered services or clandestine job sites throuhout the city to work as taxpayer Subsidized Chattle in behalf of  Oligarch Owned Corporations like Blue Cross or Comcast cable.

Through a series of false Flag Events, followed by Controlled Kayos, Many of our American cities, including, Philly are practically Owned by Oligarchs who plan, by any means necessary, to Keep it that way.

While I began to see the writing on the wall in Philly, those who have studied the, so called, deep state since 9/11 are able to better predict events using certain tells left as if it is mandated by the Torah.

Not only are there Countless, pop culture references discovered that foretold of the Twin Tower and Pentagon crashes, alike, astute Americans managed to dredge up past tells alluding to another devistating False Flag Event in Seattle, in a Football Areana on on 11/3/19.

While most Americans are trained into calling students of conspiracies, theorists, and tin foil hat wearing cooks, it is true, indeed, that Conspiracies are real and furthermore, those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat.

It is fitting, in an era when Bernie Sanders is tasked to complete with useful idiots racing to one up him in the fake Jews, long-standing, Socialim paradigms, I’d find myself watching videos about the fabled, Russian, Romanoffs all day long, just before being reminded of Seattle on my suggested YouTube video list. I am reminded to what extent the crafty, well coordinated, fake Jews are willing to go, weather it’s the centuries long Organization of the Negro Slave trade or