…Speaking of Deep State, the BLACK Straw-Man, Juan Williams, is likely DEDICATED to George Soros’ Ilk via the Usurped, Clinton Sycophant Group, called the National Association of Black Journalists (#NABJ) .
He begins leading his Useful Idiot Brigade by starting his Talking Points off with, “I Don’t Get It” while feigning to be an ex NPR Journalist!
In the age of the Jussie Smollett False Flag, and his “DirtyPolitics” explicable, abrupt, exhoneration, These UnAmerican Subersives are now PREDICTABLE, while having as much nuance as they have Shame, which is, Obviously, NONE!!!!!!
It’s time for both Patriots and Saints to WakeUp!!!
The BRAINWASHING SUBVERSIVES ARE AT WAR and MUST BE DEALT WITH CONSTITUTIONALLY, Least their Coordinated Racketeering Have it’s intended affect, e.g, AMERICAN SPRING, already two years late, Thanks to President Donald J. Trump and that would mean Business as Usual excalating to far worse (See Chicago turned Chiraq) for, Never Satisfied, Targeted, Blacks!
TOGETHER, INDIVISIBLE, WE ARE ONE NATION UNDER GOD AGAIN only After this Daily, Fake News, Threat, including Controlled Opposition, is Neutralized!!!
Here are, So Called, Coons and Uncle Tom Blacks the New Zealand ” White Supremacist and Black BOULE Shills, who are our Modern-Day Overseers Need, Want, and Hope you to Hate and Destroy in their Hidden Handed Task-MASTER’s behalf.
Candace Owens, name is now “mysteriously” woven into the manifestoed web of the determined Australian’s, 70 plus page murder rant now being dutifully forwarded, in-part, by the Cabal’s Narrating Media Networks just days after Tony Podesta’s visit to into gun free New Zealand.
Sadly, just days after the Podesta visit, New Zealand is now saddled with a consequent FALSE FLAG mass shooting just like the one in Podesta’s “visited” Florida, where Hillary Clinton’s Police Pal told his men to Stand-Down during the mass shooting event at the Stoneman Douglas High School.
The highly suspicious High School Shooting, thought to be a False Flag by thinking and astute Americans, took place just weeks before the CIA Kid, David Hogg, and the victims of the Mass Shooting in Florida went on their curious “field trip” to New Zealand after seeing their CNN Orchestrated Anti-Gun Campaign went, virtually, nowhere in the U.S.
On the matter of another curious False Flag Event in America, the topic of Lynching was “ceremoniously” introduced into the public spear by democratic Presidential candidates, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, just days before the politically active actor, Jussie Smollet, colluded with two Nigerian Born actors in the city of Chicago.
Chicago was publicly dubbed MAGA Nation in the Harris noted American False Flag Event that deemed a Modern Day Lynching before it was fully uncovered and Stopped in it’s tracks in our most beleaguered American city that was systematically turned into Chiraq over the course of Barack Obama’s presidency.
On the topic of the hidden handed Cabal’s High Tech Lynchings, the phenomenon was illustrated so well by the Black Republican appointee to the American Supreme court, Clearance Tomas, Owen’s is sitting with Paris Dennard, the black man who suffered CNN’s last straw. as he proved to be more effective as a Powerful Black Leader than a Straw Man whipping boy for whom they hoped to defeat verbally in their Three to One Pile Ups complete with ex CIA members, one of whom’s proverbial panties were balled all up into a knot on live tv in the face of Dennard’s TRUTH and true Patriotism prowess.
They, the Black Boule, such as, Al Sharption, Don Lemon and all of the obvious CNN Shills, along with Shawn King, the White- Black Thought Leader, are all the modern day Overseers who are ACTIVATED upon Every Deep State Perpetrated FALSE FLAG Event. They are expressly TOOLED to say their 4AM Memo Lines and repeated ad nauseam Talking Points, with the full understanding, duly Brainwashed Blacks can No Longer Think for themselves, nor can they fathom the mechanics and patterns of NUDGE Science based paradigms, game theories, and Technocratic shenanigans that are now hard at “play” behind the scenes.
Who are the Deep State Overloads who tell gullible blacks to dispose of and persecute such FREE THINKING BLACKS who lead rather than follow like Uncle Tom? Simply, follow the money to see who is paying Your most prominent “Thought Leader’s” Paychecks, and more importantly, Note the Cabal who have Usurped EVERY URBAN Media Station and Outlet, to date, …. hint the Hidden Handed, Deep State, Overlords are “Related” to the Two jewISH hacks who Follow up the Rear of Meek Mill in EVERY Media Appearance since they Bought and Fetched him from Jail.
I.e. Michael Rubin and Robert Kraft, are part and Parcel in a bunch of Harvard School of Business Usurping , coordinated American Oligarch Conspirators who’s Cabal of Lawless American Subversives operate in secrete under the leadership of , London based, Sir Ronald Cohen, want nothing more than their CONTROLLED Blacks to Want what they want for EVERY Targeted Black in America.
That is, the continuation of status quo, blacks have been Complaining about for over thirty years and, particularly, Clinton’s 21st Century “Justice” #Reform, which was cover for Sir Ronald Cohen’s, Goldman Sachs Managed, Social Impact Bond ploy, which is a new financial instrument to follow upon their SilliconValley / Venture Capital based Urban Pension Thefts and Black Middle Class Targeting, Prime Rate Mortgage Schemes and the consequent, systematic bankrupting of America’s major cities. The unfettered completion of their dubious new paradigms will, indeed, amount to our Modern Day Enslavement 2.0, but the election of President Donald Trump has gotten in the way.
With the help of Angered Blacks, who are Social Impact Brainwashed daily, the Conspiratorial Cabal hopes to finish their newly arrayed Criminal Court Systems that are now brought and fully operational inside of Targeted Black communities and select Eli Brode Managed School systems Near You.
Our stolen Cities mainly run by Democrat Shills, are Oligarch Usurped and complete with Bloomberg associated, Center for Court Innovation Laws that Work Exactly like Post Slavery Black Code laws.
The newly enacted laws were imparted under the “leadership” of Barack Obama, and under the auspice of his, dubious, “Pay for Performance” farce.
Pay for Performance was one and the same as the Goldman Sachs managed Social Impact Bond scheme which was developed by the, so calked, father of Venture Capitalism, Ronald Cohen.
Cohen’s plan developed in the same city the West Indian (Slave) Trade Company was borne, is designed to Convert the entire, systematically targeted, black community into HUMAN CAPITAL, i.e. profitable Social Impact Bond managed SLAVES who are now being sentenced in specially tooled, pension/ bankrupt cities, to work for free, yet, the targeted blacks are working for “free” at the Taxpayers expense, as the money still slated for public works and government services was promised and siphoned off to Goldman Sachs, Bloomberg et al via back-room Social Impact Bond deals made with Well Paid Politicians just like Michael Nutter who are still being bank-rolled by Oligarchs for whom Shills like Michael Nutter still work for to this day.
Today, while useful idiots are used to sell the Oligarch’s #Reform scheme, to society at-large, Blacks are being Sentenced in the Oligarch’s Retooled Criminal Court Systems so they, the new Social Impact SLAVES can continue Replacing Blue Color Workers throughout early adapting “Test” Cities where the Oligarchs are in still charge.
Thanks to Black Shills like, Barack Obama, Michael Nutter and the Chicago native Police Commissioner , Raymond Ramsey, who was tasked to Deep State “Federalize” American Police forces from Our Oligarch Usurped, first Capital, Philly the Subversives still troubling our divided nation nearly had it all, if it were not for Hillary Clinton’s utter defeat!
While the Subversive Cabal continues to Orchestrate the Kidnappings of DHS/CPS #Separated Urban Youth and Coordinated False Flag Events, alike, in our stolen cities, they need you, the Media Maddened Black Brainwashed Shill, to Go Against President Trump, expressly, for the Return of all we complained about including the vast Human Trafficking channels established in our Stolen Urban Cities, now called Sanctuary Cities tooled to “welcome” untraceable, Undocumented Children they hoped to exploit after dispensing with the children TAKEN and DISAPPEARED from our rapidly Gentrified Black communities.
By way of Socially Impact Media Narratives that are Coordinated to work hand and hand with the FALSE FLAG EVENTS happening unfettered with the exception of the Smollett event, Black Are being Written Into the Narrative and Spoon Fed Lies with the hope that the Oligarchs can Continue on, TAKING our Nation Down With your help.
In short order, The Cabal of Subversive Oligarchs hope for the Resumption of Clinton’s ravaged Haiti, the flood of MS13 Gangs into our Stolen Cities and Eric Holder’s Fast and Furious Armed S. Americas to storm the border unstopped. They hope to continue the Newly Revived Slave Trade in Libya where Obama’s wicked mistress, Hillary Clinton, stated She Came, She Saw, now Qaddafi us Dead!
That is, Murmar Qaddafi was Murdered by black Shill Barack Obama, after he began to embarked on Global Black Reunification of Blacks of the, so called, African Diaspora. Quddafi’s objectives included the Revamping of our Post Crusade Trade Routes plus their extension all of the way into Haiti and beyond. Qaddafi spoke of the Restoration of our Usurped Libraries once housed in places like Alexandria Egypt and Timbuktu, and spoke of the Return to the Gold standard, all while Chicago was being , systematically,converted into Chiaq, where Mercenary Murdered Blacks are Shot like Sitting Ducks in Chicago’s GUN FREE ZONES!
Candace Owen’s #BLEXIT and her commentary on Black Lynchings with Paris Dennard on her new Pragger U show means Wake Up! But the Mind F’ing Cabal will have none of that!
They will orchestrate more False Flag Events with the help of their Democrat and Republican/RINO Shills, alike, and the Group-Thinking, Brainwashed Blacks Responding to their highly crafted False Flags and Fake News events are key for making the Complete Overthrow of our Nation and it’s conversion into a Remotely Controlled Socialist Hell Hole depends on You, the Modern Day Social Impact Bonds Slaves, and the High Tech Lynched Blacks they and their BOULE Shills, now Strive to Silence Daily!
Incredibly, yet, Predictably, #CandaceOwens is Named and Blamed for the #NewZealand FALSE FLAG, As Profoundly as Jussie #Smollett’s blaming MAGA too.
The Orchestrating Cabal behind it all Will Stop at Nothing, because, We are All Fair GAME and Expendable to them, for as long as their Means can Justify their Ends in the Global #EndGame they are playing from behind the scenes!
Even on a “Good Day” Urban Blacks are Notorious for NOT VOTING. This week’s election in Chicago was no exception. Perhaps the Jussie Smollett affair had the intended effect.
There are, indeed, U.N. Championing, Deep State Oligarchs vying to Keep the once great City, where there is a large percentage of blacks, their own. These hidden handed oligarch may have been working to coordinate Smollett’s poorly executed False Flag event from behind the scenes.
The Philadelphia Starbucks incident, complete with Eric Holder waiting in the wings, went down much like other curious Race Bating events in America which are hyped by CNN, and other Media Outlets full of known liars. These events in key Urban Cities are, indeed, under the full control of Oligarchs who are getting far more sloppy without the control of the Federal Government, and their False Flag Events are designed to work concurrently with congressional laws and deep state paradigms, such as, the Chicago anti gun law conference that took place on the same day as the Aurora mass shooting.
We have hints of the deep state collusion in Chicago with the dubious, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker’s anti lynching law, which was forwarded in concert with their Bids to run in 2020’s Presidential election and Smollett’s Chicago run-in hoax with two foreign born Nigerians, first said to be White Trump Supporters adorning deep state maligned MAGA Caps. Had it not been for new leadership over the once compromised FBI, who were first to the scene it would likely have been Business as Usual in Chicago, the head-quarters of Barack Obama and Bill Ayers.
Soon American’s will learn that each American False Flags works part and parcel to an entire network of well coordinated FAKE NEWS outlets and Media Monopolies that now operate, unchallenged, in so many of our, systematically, bankrupt “urban” cities. This NUDGE Science based phenomenon can be examined in hind-site with the Florida School Shooting, where the Child of a CIA operative had and Awaiting National Stage complete with CNN Hosts (and his CNN employed mother) who helped to coordinate National Protests and the ongoing push to turn all of America into one big Gun Free Zone like Chiraq Chicago, where record numbers of Black are Shot with no political or constitutional introversion yearly.
It was no accident, whatsoever, when over 65 blacks were shot down all in one morning, from 12AM to 7AM , just four days after Blacks had the nerve to Organize an March to the Governor Ralm Emanual’s quarters to protest unanswered Murders of Countless Blacks inside of Chicago’s dubious Gun Free Zones. Likewise, It was no accident that the Black citizens were warned well in advance by the Chicago Times that there would be those who would be “angered” if the blacks there dared to go on with the planned march.
It was no accident that the Protest was Answered with Deadly Force and no accident at all that American Mercenary firms have set up shop in Chicago. While Donald Trump’s victory was an accident in the eyes of the Subversive Deep State it was no accident at all that Chicago was Scheduled to be TAKEN OVER by the U.N. while the Deep State used it’s Shift from Chicago to Chirq under Barack Obama’s Leadership as the primary reason for America’s Lost Sovereignty.
Can you guess who’s who? Who is The Black Political Shill who called for U.N. Introversion? Who is The Targeted Black Youth Shot like a Fish in a Barrel in Chicago’s Gun free Zone? and lastly, Who is The Hidden Handed Oligarch Hoping for a UN Takeover of The United States of America along with his Colluding Cabal, beginning in Chicago Turned “Chirq” on Barack Obama’s Watch?
As a first cousin to a Philadelphia Democrat (A Philadelphia City Councilman) It has become clear to me that it is not necessarily due to Ignorance, laziness, etc, that blacks Don’t Vote, but indeed, Blacks choosing not to vote at all is a direct result of Zero Confidence in the CHRONICALLY COMPROMISED DEMOCRATS who have been in Leadership positions, UNCHALLENGED, for so long,
Imagine… You live in one of the Most Progressive Blacks Cities since the start of the Great Migration for Blacks then at last, a Black Man is elected to the highest Office in the Land selling Hope to everyone. ..
After the election of America’s first White/AFRICAN President posing as a Black American, the Democrat’s abject FAILINGS have been made Epidemically EVIDENT in EVERY Strong-Hold they have been in power in for far too long.
Philadelphia has, indeed, become a Test City for Usurping Oligarchs now in complete control there, but it is also exhibit a in the biggest American crime scene to date and a living testimony in the fact that wherever their are compromised politicians, weather they be Democrat or Republican, the Oligarchs have been able to enter into each American city to rule and control the entire city in the elected official’s stead.
Now, Top Down CONTROL of American Cities is in place and the relative AstroTurf organizing apparatus, such as, the infamous ACORN group, associated with Barack Obama et al and even the Bill Ayers’ styled school system has begun organizing a parallel, tax pilfering bureaucracy complete with Good Squads of Useful Idiots, in place of Democratically controlled government assets that are made Of the People, For the People and By the People. The Top Down Organizing was done by the deep state to ensure no competing Grass Roots Efforts can take political CONTROL of our own cities that are now subject to the non vote consequences. To keep it this way the forging born interlopers are being welcomed in by the droves and the money for America’s much needed Mexican Wall delayed to ensure votes.
Blacks refusing to vote en masse is indeed due to no confidence in our own Politicians. The result is a susceptible and playable angry mob who can be controlled by Oligarch’s installed Sleeper Cells , which are the Anarchists, such as, Antifa.
Thanks to Bill Ayers and Barack Obama’s School Takeover Plan that was first fomented in Chicago, Blacks were more likely to spill out into the streets in Protest, rather than seek any Political Solution to the status quo blacks complained about under Democratic watch, which is the status quo and controlled Kayos the Usurping Oligarchs were able to thrive by.
Upon closer examination we can even see the remnants of the Controlled Kayos Paradigm that was systematically instituted by the former Starbucks CEO, turned presidential contender Howard Schultz . His dubious, #RaceTogether ploy was over three years in the making before the Kennedy School of Business Trained Police Commissioner, two BOULE Black Greeks, One crafty jewISH Novelist and a School Usurping jewISH Realtor Staged the False Flag event which culminated into a new “Job” for Chicago’s, Eric Holder, all while American Whites were (Social Impact) reminded of “Black Privilege” with every Artificial Intelligence populated Starbucks stock story, thereafter.
Olgarch’s New Millitia On Post
From America’s Rubble
After watching the Strategically Sacrificed Starbucks stock price plummet We were all entreated to daily stories about Holder’s mandate to Close Every Starbucks store nationwide, so that supposedly, systemically, Racist Whites could be Trained not to Offend or Systematically Marginalize American Blacks, as if Racism were truly as rampant in America as the Oligarchs want us to believe via the plethora of Monopolized News outlets and their narratives emanating from (Geroge Soros controlled Media Matters and ProPublica) 4Am Memo Talking Points developed by the same Colluding Oligarchs who are busy staging National False Flag Events on the backs of Gullible, Triggered, Blacks and Whites they hoped would be in a Race War by now.
On Obama’s Democratic watch, America’s urban schools were effectively Usurped by Oligarchs, such as, the Philadelphia school district , along with other targeted Urban School districts Nationwide that found themselves Managed by the remotely located hedge funder named Eli Brode
This unassuming black Shill, Arlene Akerman, used her Grandmotherly prowess to Wreak Three School Systems for her boss, the Hedge Funder Eli Brode, from within. Shortly after Robbing Philadelphia Schools of , both, Autonomy and Assets she Sued for Additional Millions as a Parting “Gift” she could not enjoy due to her untimely death shortly thereafter.
With Barack Obama at the helm and Hillary Clinton in place, Eli Brode and a coordinated cabal of American Oligarchs began retooling America’s school systems right along with the gullible minds of unsuspecting students, effectively garnering the Democrats entire cities full of useful idiots from the usurped ground up as per Bill Ayers well crafted plan.
Thanks to Greedy, Gullible Black sycophants like Philadelphia’s Michael Nutter who was willing to make back room deals with the Oligarch’s, such as, Michael Bloomberg, et al, whole cities were Sold Out, as Nutter was placed at the helm of the Conference of Mayor’s a farce to convince other mayors to follow his lead.
The usurping Oligarch’s who planned their Open Cities and Open borders farce managed to build their entire Oligarch Frame Works into key cities after Sir Ronald Cohen effectively Bankrupted City and State Coffers with his dubious Venture Capital Silicone Valley Ploy, followed by Goldman Sachs managed Prime Rate Mortgage Schemes designed expressly to target blacks.
In most Democratically ruled Urban Cities, valuable school buildings and governmental assets were either turned over under the shroud of Obama’s convoluted Pay for Performance schemes to be managed by Goldman Sachs and the Oligarchs under Cohen’s dubious Social Impact Bond schemes. Under Barack Obama’s leadership, at the bequest of Sir Ronald Cohen the former leader of the G8, American cities were outright usurped or sold off to interloping Oligarch Gentrifies at bargain bid prices, all in one fell swoop, garnering Obama the undeserved Nobel Peace prize in exchange.
Due to the Bill Ayers plan developed in Chicago with the help of Obama, Urban Children were relocated out of valuable school assets and consolidated into remaining schools where a new Black Lives Matter Curriculum could be instituted. In the name of school vouchers and choice privatized and quasi privatized schools emerged including Bill Gate’s, experimental, School of the Future and Kipp Schools. Philadelphia began taking applications for new charter schools that amounted to giving street hustlers just enough rope to hang blacks students with.
Teachers were transitioned from workers with tenure and union protected contracts into teach for America temps and debt slaves. Disaffected debt-slaves “invited” to phase Union Teachers out took the place of well paid teachers, all wile unions themselves became (politically) compromised , lending to a systematic child abuse epidemic spearheaded by Obama’s DHS and CPS. While cities were being converted into sanctuary cities for the receipt of unattended children from S. America the unfettered seizures of “separated” American children who were consequently being thrown into a gamut of for profit Foster Care institutions was well under way with no end in sight for as long as Oligarchs could mandate more heads in beds just like the Lazern County for profits prison model or the discovered school to prison pipeline now being restructured to include a more profitable open aired prison system where monitored Wards of the State could be sent to do work for Oligarch Owned Corporations stationed throught our Usurped first Capital. Oligarch owners like the CEO of Comcast and the Owner of the Patriots, alike, helped to build a new prison worker system under the banner of Cohen’s Social Impact Bonds scheme, in concert with Michael Bloomberg’s associated Center for Court Innovation.
See Project Veritas’ New Jersey school unions expose.
To break it down in a nutshell the Taking of America’s schools in concert with the Oligarch’s Monopolization of the Media would facilitate the neccessary News Blackout and the Systematic Brainwashing of American’s Wholesale.
Obama’s “besty’, Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground was the driver of the emerging Social Justice Warrior Curriculum and his school radicalization project was fomented ideologically as a logical conclusion to the Weather Underground founded objectives that tied nicely with the Cabal of Oligarch’s long-standing quest to “Topple the World”.
Your children’s Debt-Slave, Teach for America Teachers and other Shills sourced to stand in for educational professionals also began compromising on education and smudging standardized tests Nationwide. Again, the Oligarchs wanted to Control the entire education system to avoid developing an informed nation of civically astute students, and the Teach for America Debt Slaves told to deliver the dubious C.O.R.E. Curriculum for Brainwashing also smudged standardized tests to avoid being laid off. Ultimately, the Oligarch’s experimental C.O.R.E. Brainwashing ploys, Bill Ayers’ Student Radicalization Plan, and Bill Gate’s School of the Future mandates were to become the American Destabilizing Curriculum Across the land.
After Mayor Nutter managed to Bring the Occupy Wall-street Movement to it’s knees, while allowing George Soros’ to repurposed misguided young ideologist, via the allegorical Anonymous/Guy Fawkes figure head, Eli Brode Minion’s, like Philly’s William Hite , effectively, managed to bury the School to Prison Pipeline which was brought to light by the original Occupy Wall-Street protestors.
Instead of maintaining the outed school to prison pipeline, new paradigms were being developed in Usurped Cities such as, NY, Baltimore and Philly.
Via, Chicago’s own Raymond Ramsey turned Philadelphia’s Police Commissioner, The Oligarchs would entreat every targeted black neighborhood to a Criminal Court with laws that performed exactly like Post Slavery Black Code Laws. William Hite would be placed in charge of running, both, the Juvenile Justice Prison for kids and the entire School system, no doubt, for a seamless transition between the two.
New laws, including an experimental Soda Tax Law were written by Oligarchs remotely including the Bloomberg associated Center for Court Innovation Laws that were written for Bankrupt American Cities, like Philadelphia, with Compromised Police Forces that were deep state Federalized by Hillary Clinton and her , so called, 21st Century Justice Reforms. The laws written by the Oligarchs in NYC, were to be rolled out into every Urban City with high concentrations of Non Voting Blacks, all while Blacks were being Organized into Protesting ANARCHISTS after every False Flag Murder of an Unarmed Black Person.
The same paradigm (Unanswered Urban Kills) perfected in Chicago was being done in targeted cities nationwide all while Barack Obama Encouraged more Black Lives Matter Reactionaries who’s leaders would rail against America and the American Flag, itself, as if it had anything to do with our Systematic Murders by the Black Shill who was busy sending America’s Confiscated Guns from places like Chirq’s Gun Free Zones into S. America for MS13 members who were slated come back into, inviting, Democratically Run Sanctuary Cities to wreak further havoc. The scheme is better known as Obama and Eric Holder’s Fast and Furious gun ploy.
Gullible Blacks who Take No OWNERSHIP are bound to Suffer a Life-Time of being OWNED, Like a Forever Failing, so called, “Leader” Barak Obama.
The Staging of Black Lives Matter by George Soros’ paid Shawn White, and the Useful Idiot/s of the NFL were done so that White Citizens would not lift a finger to complain about the Oligarchs’ systematic Usurpation of Major Cities where high concentrations of duped blacks lived. Nor would the white majority rail against the Un Constitutional Laws being applied only in targeted cities by the Usurping Oligarchs, first and foremost. Instead, others were being invited to invest as Shareholders into America’s new Police State Paradigms all under the auspice of Sir Ronald Cohen’s, Goldman Sachs managed Social Impact Bonds.
Not only was the , so called, Philly Flash Mob Event in Philly staged by the Usurping Oligarch Technocrats after Bill Gates decided to build his School of the future in Philly, False Flag Events were being staged by Police who were Organized into a Federally coordinated corporate militia who’s key members were being trained in Israel.
Once Mayor Michael Nutter gave Hillary Clinton license to to apply her Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform by way of Chicago’s own, Raymond Ramsey, America’s police begin a campaign of Murdering Blacks like Clockwork.
On Barack Obama’s watch, American streets begin to resemble the Movie Purge, where the Government assures all rogue cops that No One Would be Held Accountable during the period of SANCTIONED MURDERs and thereby, Social Justice Warriors were easily Triggered , Activated and Encouraged to Hit the Streets in drives to Protest.
By then Radicalized school Teachers and outside Antifa groups hoped like Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground that malcontents would March in the Streets Weekly until the desired, all hell broke loose in America, e.g
After the dust settled, Chicago blacks and blacks nationwide were left to remember the Fact that there was a President who identified as Black, but not white and that there were lively Concerts by performers now turned anti-Trump activist, such as Jay-z and Beyonce who performed in the White-house and in behalf of Hillary Clinton’s who turnout numbers were abysmal, otherwise.
Under the full leadership of Democrats, Democratically run cities excelled beyond their Corrupt business, as usual, while Chicago, the home of the President of the United States of America morphed into the newly named Chiraq. Likewise there was no shortage of Protesters joining the Ranks of the George Soros funded Black Lives Matters groups being politically organized inside of Democratically run Hell Scapes , where Blacks were being Gunned Down, daily, in America’s newly developed Gun Free zones and in the places where Michael Bloomberg’s associated, Center for Court Innovation was allowed to write Criminal Justice Laws.
Even the Bloomberg Soda tax law was an experiment to see if America’s emerging Oligarchs could, indeed, incite national laws remotely that went from the top of the Deep State down into America’s stolen cities where black voter turnout is chronically low.
Besides, general complacency, we have been lead to believe that blacks have always been, Inherently, Democrats. This notion, effectively, locks Blacks into a paradigm that is absolutely dichotomous to the Civil Rights Activism some have died applying in order to secure our Right to Vote.
Effectively, blacks have been brainwashed to believe that a Republican CHOICE is akin to the third rail and therefore, we are rendered no option but status quo for blacks no matter what.
There’s is One Solution to catapult Blacks Away from the Status Quo we have Complained About for over 30 years, however, to fail to apply the said SOLUTION is akin to Insanity.
Bottom line, It is Crazy to Vote Democrat, but, it indeed GETS FAR CRAZIER NOT VOTING AT ALL.
There has been a lot of national attention on Black matters, yet, the actual problems in the beleaguered black community are not what blacks are being lead to believe, and they are, indeed, far more complex than most of us could ever realize on our own.
Nutter’s “A-holes” are Converted into Good Money for his Hidden Handed Boss/es.
In the age of Mass Hysteria and abject Brainwashing, there is not one day that goes by when issues of race is not being discussed and debated on purpose.
In the past two weeks, beginning on February 29th, America has been thrust into a fever pitch and it is no accident, whatsoever , as we are now being subjected, not only to Staged Jussie Smollett Lynching Events, complete with Anti-Lynching laws penned in the Senate the very same week, but far more dubious events all Orchestrated under the parlance of emerging NUDGE science based BRAINWASHING.
Circumstantially, it should be easy to fathom that America’s, dubious, and carefully timed events are all being orchestrated by the, so called, Deep State who need, desperately, to get back in CONTROL of America in the face of Donald J. Trump’s unexpected Victory
While the #Aurora Mass shooting appears to be a sad and sadly “typical” disgruntled worker saga, there are Several Parallel EVENTS happening, both, Politically and in Chicago, itself, that makes the timing and true motive far more Suspect to me… Normally, a Disgruntled worker story would not be on this False Flag page , but in the era of Entire School Shootings being STAGED with Crisis Actors and the Jussie Smollett’s, so called, Lynching EVENT with Two Perspective Presidential Candidates coinciding their, curiously, timed LYNCHING LAW in congress just days before his FRAUDULENT Hoax, could a Controlled Warehouse set in Chicago have been ARRANGED just days after Nancy Pelosi’s, seemingly, Vindictive, National Emergency proclamation for the Purpose of TAKING Guns Away from Citizens ? The fact is, America is now waking up to a phenomenon I realized in 2014 when I started this Group Page for my fellow black citizens who might not have realized WE ARE ALL BEING PLAYED. Now Citizen Journalist and Bloggers like myself are on the front lines in place of the Media which is, indeed, Usurped and Monopolized expressly to OMIT FACTS and DECEIVE AMERICANS. My quest for Answers began after realizing PHILLY IS STAGED – FALSE FLAGS beginning with the, so called, Philly Flash Mobs that occurred after Chicago based, Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground failed to establish his Edison Schools with the help of the future Homeland Security “Czar” , republican, Tom Ridge. Michael Nutter is the primary cause of our Nation’s first Capital completely falling into the hands of vicious Oligarchs who championed Hillary Clinton’s victory after allowing her to Defraud the DNC in Philly. As a result of the DNC debacle in Philly, Seth Rich, was likely murdered for revealing too much. Now the host of the Philadelphia DNC, from the First Capital where our 2nd Amendment Rights were First Penned, Michael Nutter is in the Jussie #Smollett set speaking on GUN CONTROL just hours before ANOTHER MASS SHOOTING in America Occurred…. All of the Above Makes this another Story to Watch here on False Flags and Fake News. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-met-cta-mayors-panel-gun-violence-20190215-story.html
While the #Aurora Mass shooting appears to be a sad and sadly “typical” disgruntled worker saga, there are Several Parallel EVENTS happening, both, Politically and in Chicago, itself, that makes the timing and true motive far more Suspect to me… Normally, a Disgruntled worker story would not be on this False Flag page , but in the era of Entire School Shootings being STAGED with Crisis Actors and the Jussie Smollett’s, so called, Lynching EVENT with Two Perspective Presidential Candidates coinciding their, curiously, timed LYNCHING LAW in congress just days before his FRAUDULENT Hoax, could a Controlled Warehouse set in Chicago have been ARRANGED just days after Nancy Pelosi’s, seemingly, Vindictive, National Emergency proclamation for the Purpose of TAKING Guns Away from Citizens ? The fact is, America is now waking up to a phenomenon I realized in 2014 when I started this Group Page for my fellow black citizens who might not have realized WE ARE ALL BEING PLAYED. Now Citizen Journalist and Bloggers like myself are on the front lines in place of the Media which is, indeed, Usurped and Monopolized expressly to OMIT FACTS and DECEIVE AMERICANS. My quest for Answers began after realizing PHILLY IS STAGED – FALSE FLAGS beginning with the, so called, Philly Flash Mobs that occurred after Chicago based, Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground failed to establish his Edison Schools with the help of the future Homeland Security “Czar” , republican, Tom Ridge. Michael Nutter is the primary cause of our Nation’s first Capital completely falling into the hands of vicious Oligarchs who championed Hillary Clinton’s victory after allowing her to Defraud the DNC in Philly. As a result of the DNC debacle in Philly, Seth Rich, was likely murdered for revealing too much.
A lot has happened in Philly since Hillary’s Stunt, her loss, and the Democrat’s consequent promise to “Kick Them”. Likewise, Major corporate players have been working very hard on their new Social Impact paradigms in concert with Oligarchs who hope to stay in power afforded to them by Barack Obama’s entire Administration which is proving to be more Tyrannical by the day to those who are actually paying close attention. Philly is home to Starbucks’, three year in the making, #RaceTogether ploy that culminated on 18th and Spruce street into the nationally renown saga where two Black men were simply meeting with an Oligarch Realtor who is now Flipping Philly’s Eli Brode Usurped Schools for pennies on the dollar.
For their troubles’ they “agreed” to accept one dollar each, with the not so publicized caveat of instituting their own, non profit, and tax payer funded entrepreneurial training curriculum in a school system so arrayed by Oligarchs that it would serve to justify NYC’s Michael Bloomberg’s soda tax law that was to be instituted, first in Philly as a test , with the hope that the far reaching American Oligarchs could exercise the same leverage in beleaguered, Pension fund bankrupt, cities nationwide.
The colluding Oligarchs would use their Staged Starbucks event to bring in Eric Holder to institute, yet, another Social Impact thorn in the side of beleaguered Americans by insisting that All Starbucks employees, nationwide, would be forced to take part in a day of Racial Sensitivity training.
Forevermore, the names of the two black men who were, supposedly, racially mistreated at Starbucks have been parsed into every A.I. generated Stock Outlook, just like effective salt in the wound of Starbucks Investors who cant see the entire ploy to systematically implode the unsustainable firm after the founder wanted to try something new, nor are they savvy enough to benefit from the manufactured occasion to Short the sacrificed stock, like conspiring hedge funders do.
Meanwhile, the key Starbucks principle, has moved on to other staged endeavors not short of throwing his hat into the ring of Democratic Presidential Hopefuls along side Kamala Harris and Cory Booker who thought to bring us our 21st century Lynch Law which might have been unnecessary until Jussie Smollett’s STAGED EVENT.
Now, the host of the Philadelphia DNC debacle who hales from our nation’s First Capital where our 2nd Amendment Rights were penned, Michael Nutter is on the Jussie #Smollett “set” speaking on GUN CONTROL, just hours before ANOTHER MASS SHOOTING in America Occurred.
All of the Above Makes this another Story to Watch on my False Flags and Fake News group page on Facebook.
There are Hosts, such as, the Urban Radio Stations that have been Completely Monopolized by American Oligarchs, as well as, the Oligarchs who are currently working with the Worst characters in the Black community, such as, Meek Mill, the Cause Celeb and poster-child for Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Ploy repackaged as #REFORM. As our Cities are being Wired for daily Data Mining new laws make it possible to convert blacks into Chatel Workers and Open Aired Prisoner Slaves. I irony that Pony is one of the first companies to embed tracking devices into it’s athletic shoes is lost on most, however, it is the Brand Sponsor of Meek Mill’s #Reform ploy where Oligarchs Robert Kraft and Sixers owner pretend to be only in the background and not working directly with Sir Ronald Cohen on his latest Social Impact Bond strategy. He is the, so called, father of Venture Capital, who’s ploys first bankrupted City and State Coffers nationwide.
Conspiring Oligarchs, with the use of such black Black Shills are ACTUALLY Positioned to systematically Brainwash our Unattended Children who have been cordoned off into Social Media and Media Monopoly Paradigms that actually Create and Perpetuate the worst Cultures and Adverse Trends that blacks suffer from the most .
The fact that Oligarchs who own monopolized media platforms can MAKE Young Gullible Children Mimic The Open and Awarded Acts of CELEBRITY CRIMINALS is part and parcel the the use of Corporate Owned Foreign Mercenaries and Other Bad Actors, such as, the Ones that have Just Been Discovered in Chicago, in the implausible, Jussie Smollett case.
It is a fact that Nigerians have been recruited, wholesale, and Trained in Israel, in the same manor American Police were under the leadership of Chicago Native, Raymond Ramsey.
The rouge police under the umbrella Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reforms were MURDERING BLACKS LEFT AND RIGHT in AMERICA under Barack Obama’s watch, only to Make BLM goons and angry useful idiots who could work with Antifa and under Bill Ayer’s long standing plan to Radicalize Americans inside of Oligarchs Usurped American schools.
Chicago is now Ground Zero for STAGED Events and BLACK ON MURDER.
Chicago is also Ground Zero for Bill Ayers, the Weather Underground Terrorist who was Allowed to bring his Edison School and the SRC Run Schools, thereafter, to Philly.
Now, as I have Predicted in my Blog post inspired by this Pelosi story Chicago is Pushing their GUN GRAB Paradigm that also had a U.N. Takeover Component all based on the FALSE FLAG paradigms that Count on TARGETED and MURDERED Blacks in the Chicago GUN FREE ZONE…
I HAVE NO DOUBT BLACKS ARE BEING MURDERED BY MERCENARIES AND CONVINCED, first and foremost, TO GIVE AWAY OUR GUNS including the Guns involved in Barack Obama and Eric Holder’s Dubious FAST AND FURIOUS Crime.
Who knew Our Borders have been so porous until now?
Who knows what Black Corporate Mercenaries we thought only worked in Africa for Companies like Debeers and Sunoco Gas Co could do if they were brought to America to do the same?
Why don’t we TAKE BACK and OWN our Own Radio Stations?
Have you Listened to the Rhetoric Spewed by the ELEVATED HIP HOP Idols Lately?
Ask yourself, How is it, MEEK MILL’s Now Made an Authority In Criminal Justice Reform for our Kids to Look Up to? QUESTIONING EVERYTHING pertaining to the Status Quo we Complain About is half the battle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0l3vIpPfbqM
These are my Group pages where All is Questioned and Research is Encouraged…
@False Flags and Fake News @PhillyThink@Philly Is Staged @We Read…
Before I get started on the Facebook conversation, below that inspired this post, I want to highlight today’s news that came on the heels of my Prediction.
As the title above indicates, I predicted that Nancy Pelosi’s National Emergency comment, telling Uninformed American’s that President Donald J. Trump’s third National Emergency declaration was setting a Precedent was no more than a deep state tell, and that we could expect another False Flag and Gun Grab effort very soon, as the deep state is not only getting desperate, they are also becoming quite sloppy and predictable, as in the unraveling Case of Jussie Smollett.
Now, back to the original commentary….
Today, bone headed blacks in Philly are singing Pelosi’s praises, but why?!
Here is today’s Facebook discourse I am sure will get plenty of push back no matter how many factual examples I present. The normal cognitive dissonance will ensue and the entire convo will likely devolve into childish name-calling and perhaps another lost Face-book “friend”, but this is what I have been going through for nearly a decade after I noticed our entire first capital was being completely Usurped by a cabal of jewISH Oligarchs who are vying to overthrow our entire nation One, George Soros, “Good Cities” ploy at a time.
While this is an ongoing discussion, I will do my best to cut and paste key posts fully in tact with the parties first names hyphenated.
Here’s where it all started. Note; C. Ellis is a respected black CPA in Philly who regularly takes the air-waves to educate Blacks on matters of investment. That the best and brightest blacks who are targeted by the Usurping Oligarchs now gentrifying Philly at a break-neck pace are completely clueless is very troublesome indeed
C. Ellis writes: Okay Okay…. I know, I was on the record for not wanting her as house speaker… But she has proven me wrong! This has got to be one of the Toughest responses to the Republican Shenanigans, I have seen so far
Now see who leads the likes parade, none other than NAACP runner up and Philadelphia public figure (a close family friend due to my families ties to politics) Mannwell Glenn. Besides his great buddy City Councilman, Curtis Jones Jr. who is my first cousin and good friend to the FBI Jailed, Congressman Chacka Fattah and son, I have been trying to no avail to Warn Prominent black Philadelphian’s about the Oligarch Usuptation of our nation’s first capital and their use as useful idiots in the equation.
16Mannwell Glenn, Joel Wilson and 14 others
J. Graves: I hate to use it but, she's playing chess and they are running scared. Lol she ain't no joke!
L. Everett: EA Nancy is using mom strategies. I'm buying more popcorn. This is gonna be a battle.
W. Carter: Hell no! I'm a gun owner.
D. Dorman: Walter Carter .... as long as your not a lunatic, mass murdering, mentally ill, opioid addicted, crazed, gun toting idiot, you can own a gun.
E. Walter: Carter And in a perfect world, every three years you would have to be recertified. Weed out all the Looney Tunes
WeTheNegro: What if the Looney Tunes were Elected Democrats who Set up Kenzinton as per HBO’s “the Wire” season 3. That is, as a Cop Free, Free Needle Pushing Drug Zone for All to Attend? What if the same Looney Toons (Nutter) invited HBO’s Drug Inc to Film the whole thing as it went down? You’d know what the founders made the Second Amendment for!
WAKE UP PHILLY! See my post below before it’s erased! Philly is Gone!
youtube.com HBO's "The Wire" (Season 3) - Comstat: Legalized Drugs
D. Moment: It is an emergency…. so if Trump don’t use it the Dems won’t …. this is irritating…. I know many people that would not think this is funny. D. Moment: Dwayne Moment It would take Trump using a national emergency to build a wall for these idiots to do the same thing about guns ….. this shit ain’t cool on any level
C. Ellis: D. Moment not following D. Moment: C. Ellis I just inboxed you
WeTheNegro: In group think circles your not to use such measured logic D. Moment. lol
D. Dorman She’s amazing, she ain’t no push over!!!!
M. Marcellus She’s a smart tough cookie who knows her shit. Chess not checkers!
T. Amber I was the same, but now she is my #2 after Auntie Michelle
B. Mayes Actually, this is exactly what the Congressional Republican rank and file fears and why they don’t want Hizzoner to do it
K. Mshale ugg this is terrible we’re doomed
WeTheNegro: I don’t know what the OLIGARCHS who Stole Philly are putting in your water but Richard Allen is Probably Rolling In his Grave right about now.
Notice how it is GUN FREE ZONES and Cities with Annual Gun Buy Backs where COUNTLESS BLACKS ARE MURDERED and NO ONE ON EARTH is HELD ACCOUNTABLE??
I truly feel Foreign Born Mercenaries are Working these Streets where High Rates of GENTRIFICATION and Targeted Planned Parenthood Annihilation also occurs. (note Dr. Gosnell would be a hero in NYC)
I think the No Snitch Culture is BS! I know the Cypher Culture, where Murder is the primary theme is awarded by the hidden handed hosts of ciphers in the inner cities of America as well as our Usurped Radio Stations. They are busy BRAINWASHING Your Kids on Meek Mill Lyrics all day long.
Have you Listened or worse Read Meek Mill Lyrics? Have you ever Googled his name and Murder as Keywords? Why are Oligarchs openly Partnering with him? Do you ever wonder why he is Elevated by The Owner of the Patriots et al???
Furthermore, consider what happened just four days after Chiraq Blacks Marched against Rahlm Emmanuel due to the High and UNANSWERED Murder Count there… Over 60 Blacks were Shot all in One Morning from 12 am – 7 am… Short of an Army or SWAT what Domestic Group do you know that is that Proficient? There are MERCENARY Companies right in Chicago who are associated with Barack Obama your hero who oversaw COP KILLINGS on the Regular.
His Best Bud from Chicago, Raymond Ramsey, was in charge of our Nation’s Police Force under the banner of “Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform’ when the Unanswered (Purge and Meet the Blacks like) Murders of BLACKS happened on OBAMA’s Watch!. Clinton’s plan is the exact same Paradigm Meek is USED to promote in contrast to President Donald J. Trump’s 1ST STEP Reform, via the Oligarch’s new #Reform banner.
Your Kids are being Criminally Tried in Schools and New Laws written in NYC by Bloomberg associated Center for Court Innovation work EXACTLY like Post Slavery Black Code Laws… Your Criminal Court is now Arrayed in TARGETED BLACK Communities to render Chattel Workers… Your Less than Profitable Prisons are being Emptied in favor of Open Air Jail where the Adjudicated are Sentenced to Do Work for Corporations in Work Centers arrayed through your community.
PHILLY IS UNDER FULL BLOWN TYRANNY AND YOU ARE BEING TAXED BY OUTSIDERS/PRIVATIZERS, such as, Bloomberg who Made your BS Soda Tax just to try their Oligarch Powers.. PPA Hunts the Hood for Hits and Cars to Tow for Cash daily… Your GAS Co is GANGSTA and your Kids are Being Pimped for Cash worse than Save the Children Poster kids. (Non Profit Fund for Philly farce run by Eli Brode Minion William Hite)
William Hite effectively Buried the School to Prison PIPELINE (for Eli-Brode et al) two ways… He Brought Criminal Courts into certain schools, and he was placed in charge of Both Schools and the Juvenile Detention Center making School to Prison a Seamless endeavor.
There are now over 70 dubious, for Profit (non profit) Foster Care Centers SEPARATING Philly Parents from their own kids. Paralegal Roxanne Grinage tells how she was Arrested by James Comey’s FBI and Injected by a Fast Acting Hepatitis for WARNING and Helping Philly Parents who’s children were being Systematically Stolen by DHS/CPS who were working in tandem under the Obama/Clinton Administration.
READ THE CONSTITUTION THAT IS RIGHT THERE IN YOUR STOLEN CITY! Those who want your guns are TYRANTS! They want the Return to the Status Quo you’ve been Complaining and Protesting About since Clinton’s Three Strikes , that is Over 30 years of TYRANNY against TARGETED BLACKS willing to Give up Guns. They need you to hate Trump Before you get used to FULL EMPLOYMENT, LOWER MURDER RATES and FREEDOM from Bill Ayers Edison School Model and the Oligarchs who still run your Schools when they are not Busy Selling them off to the Lowest Bidder!
The Florida Shooting, the Orlando Shooting, the Red Hook Shooting is just the tip of the FALSE FLAG Iceburg if you don’t push back…. Murdered Cops, ANTIFA Goons, Gentrification, Meek Mill BRAINWASHING Your Kids, All are a Part of the OLIGARCH’s Plan!!!
Yes it all sounds sorta weird , I know, but AMERICA IS UNDER SIEGE!
Give Up Your CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS TO ARMS AGAINST THE OLIGARCH TYRANTS WHO OWN and FEAST off Blacks in PHILLY and Your Toast like the Blacks in CHICAGO now known as CHIRAQ for a Reason having Nothing to do with Jussie Smallett’s MAGA Ghosts!!!
Copy of Gym Video for Public Hearing Edited
K. JonTae Children don’t think about consequences. I GUARANTEE he didn’t consider what kind of precedent he would set and what “the other side” could do with it in the future.
WeTheNegro: "The Other Side" wants your guns so All can be like the Blacks in GUN FREE CHIRAQ... Wake Up People!! The Constitution is in Philly for yall to read... Oligarch TYRANTS are Now Running your City. They Own Pelosi.. My Cousin, Curtis Jones Jr. and Your Elected Officials certainly are Not in charge! :/
When they (Democrat's DHS/CPS) comes to SEPARATE your Kids and Grands for Cash, how will you protect yourself?
T. Wilbon Scared them shitless.
K. JonTae Children don’t think about consequences. I GUARANTEE he didn’t consider what kind of precedent he would set and what “the other side” could do with it in the future.
WeTheNegro: "The Other Side" wants your guns so All can be like the Blacks in GUN FREE CHIRAQ... Wake Up People!! The Constitution is in Philly for yall to read... Oligarch TYRANTS are Now Running your City. They Own Pelosi.. My Cousin, Curtis Jones Jr. and Your Elected Officials certainly are Not in charge! :/
When they (Democrat's DHS/CPS) comes to SEPARATE your Kids and Grands for Cash, how will you protect yourself?
K.JonTae: WeTheNegro, um I’m good. This isn’t actually about Dems wanting to take guns. The point here is that if Trump uses his presidential powers to declare a national emergency to get the border wall funded he’ll set a precedent that when a Democrat becomes president they can use the same powers to do what they want by declaring a national emergency. It’s simply a chess move by Pelosi. Tit for tat. “You do this, we’ll do that.” It’s strategy.
WeTheNegro: National Emergencies are not a Precedent whatsoever. However, for those who are Paying Attention, the Deep State Actors/Oligarchs who Run the Democrats and Pelosi have been Staging America not only for the Repeal of the 2ND Amendment but for a NATIONAL EMERGENCY to be Declared to Get it Done… In CHIRAQ where Targeted Blacks are Gunned Down in their GUN FREE ZONES, there are also Mercenary Firms. Corporate Mercenaries have been used Around the World for Decades. Rather than Blame us BLACKS for a No Snitch Culture, what if we consider the Possibility that Targeted Cities have been under siege by Corporate Mercenaries? None would be the wiser for as long as we truly believe that None Of Us Would ID a person who Murdered our Loved Ones.
Who knew there were South American MS13 Gangs MURDERING just for Sport? We learned already how CIA brought Crack to the Hood to wipe us out! The business end of their Guns for Drugs Trade Began in South America where the newly disbanded FARC were operating under CIA control. See the El Chappo’s financial Ties to Congress coming out this week… I do not doubt that folks that look like us have been SLAUGHTERING us in Cities were no arrest are made… If Cops under Obama’s Watch were MURDERING Blacks with no consequence then certainly Dark Mercenary Forces could too.
Let’s see if GUN CRIMES, MASS SHOOTINGS and COP KILLINGS are on the rise now that Pelosi gave us a Hint about a paradigm already tried in CHICAGO! That is a NATIONAL EMERGENCY CALLED IN ORDER TO TAKE AMERICAN GUNS AWAY is NOT A BRILLIANT PELOSI EPIPHANY, but a Deep State Ploy late by two years because Hillary Clinton Lost!
M. Walker A lot of what you said is true. But these savages are shooting up the block for sure. Mercenaries are not needed. All that is needed are Black and Gangster Disciples, “sneak dissing” on Social Media and Drill Music.
And despite what the media says, there are very few people here killed by the police.
WeTheNegro: Yes indeed M. Walker, however, it is far more complex than most of us realize. There are Hosts, such as, the Radio Stations that have been Completely Monopolized, as well as, the Open Oligarchs that are now working with the following character in Philly and they are ACTUALLY Positioned to systematically Brainwash our Unattended Children who have been cordoned off into Social Media and Media Monopoly Paradigms that actually Create and Perpetuate the Culture you speak of.. This fact that they can MAKE Young Gullible Children Mimic The Open and Awarded Acts of CELEBRITY CRIMINALS is part and parcel withe the use of Foreign Mercenaries and Other Bad Actors such as the Ones that have Just Been Discovered in Chicago, in the implausible, #JussieSmollett case. (Nigerians have been Trained in Israel just as American Police were under Chicago Native, Raymond Ramsey’s direction. They were MURDERING BLACKS LEFT AND RIGHT in AMERICA under Barack Obama’s watch only to Make BLM goons who could work with Antifa and under Bill Ayer’s long standing plan to Radicalize Americans in school) Chicago is now Ground Zero for STAGED Events and BLACK ON MURDER. Chicago is also Ground Zero for Bill Ayers, the Weather Underground Terrorist Allowed to bring his Edison School and the SEC Run Schools thereafter to Philly. Now, as I have Predicted in my Blog post inspired by this Pelosi story Chicago is Pushing their GUN GRAB Paradigm that also had a U.N. Takeover Component all based on the FALSE FLAG paradigms that Count on TARGETED and MURDERED Blacks in the Chicago GUN FREE ZONE… I HAVE NO DOUBT BLACKS ARE BEING MURDERED BY MERCENARIES AND CONVINCED, first and foremost, TO GIVE AWAY OUR GUNS including the Guns involved in Barack Obama and Eric Holder’s Dubious FAST AND FURIOUS Crime. We must stop being REACTIONARIES who are CLUELESS about how to FIX the Situation. THIS REQUIRES A THINK-TANK AND COMMUNITY WHO ARE WILLING TO THINK BEYOND THE COMMON IDEALS AND Perceptions. That is, WE SHOULD BE THE ONES WHO CAN STOP OUR OWN BLACK CHILDREN and YOUNG BLACK ADULTS FROM MURDERING EACH OTHER, But what if MOST BLACKS HAVE NOT BEEN ENGAGED IN WHAT WE THOUGHT WAS BLACK ON BLACK MURDER, but Instead, Foreign Born and UNDOCUMENTED OUTSIDERS were the culprits all along????
Who knew Our Borders have been so porous until now?
Who knows what Black Corporate Mercenaries we thought only worked in Africa for Companies like Debeers and Sunoco Gas Co could do if they were brought to America to do the same? Why don’t we TAKE BACK and OWN our Own Radio Stations?
Have you Listened to the Rhetoric Spewed by the ELEVATED HIP HOP Idols Lately? Ask yourself, How is it, MEEK MILL’s Now Made an Authority In Criminal Justice Reform for our Kids to Look Up to? QUESTIONING EVERYTHING pertaining to the Status Quo we Complain About is half the battle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0l3vIpPfbqM These are my Group pages where All is Questioned and Research is Encouraged… @False Flags and Fake News @PhillyThink@Philly Is Staged @We Read…
Who knew Our Borders have been so porous until now? Who knows what Black Corporate Mercenaries we thought only worked in Africa for Companies like Debeers and Sunoco Gas Co could do if they were brought to America to do the same? Why don’t we TAKE BACK and OWN our Own Radio Stations? Have you Listened to the Rhetoric Spewed by the ELEVATED HIP HOP Idols Lately? Ask yourself, How is it, MEEK MILL’s Now Made an Authority In Criminal Justice Reform for our Kids to Look Up to? QUESTIONING EVERYTHING pertaining to the Status Quo we Complain About is half the battle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0l3vIpPfbqM These are my Group pages where All is Questioned and Research is Encouraged… @False Flags and Fake News @PhillyThink@Philly Is Staged @We Read…
Through the milieu of recent convoluted events, both, global and domestic, we are becoming witness to the Complete TAKEOVER of America, a ploy that was Spearheaded by Sir Ronald Cohen of the Former G8 et al.
They have , indeed, USURPED our entire Justice Department, along with America’s Police forces in key cities, Nationwide, via Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Farce, begun in Philadelphia.
They now “OWN” many American D.A’s , along with Previous Bankrupt Cities in whole via Soros OPEN CITIES Plan.
ANTIFA are Their members here to help rapidly destabilize and GENTRIFY major Cities, FIGHT as sleeper cells and forward the Cabal’s old Protocols of Zion Plans TO THE LETTER!
Robert Kraft’s Strange Relationship with Meek Mill, an Adversary against President Trump, is to Maintain former JUSTICE DEPARTMENT (Social Impact Bonds = Slavery 2.0) paradigms and his ilk’s Total Control in Philly Etc.
Bloomberg’s Soda Tax was a Test in Remote, Israeli, Colonial Rule of America by a , relative, handful of Powerful jewISH Oligarch’s.
The Walton’s, Bill Gate’s, Eli Brode, et al, effectively, Took Over America’s schools after their Head Terrorist, Bill Ayers and CIA Made Shill, Ayers best bud, Barack Obama made them Soft Targets after failed attempts by their appointed, post 9/11 czar, Tom Ridge later tasked to head up their dubious NHS!
The ISRAELI Flag Now Flies as a Revolutionary Victory in the center of Philadelphia’s City Hall!
Our First Capital and Constitution Belongs to Them and Our Nation is, indeed, Under Siege thanks to the Subversive jewISH Cabal’s Not So Quiet Revolution!
Truth be told, after a series of National Bankruptcies precipitated, in part, by the, so called, Father of Venture Capitalism, Sir Ronald Cohen, a well organized Cabal of American Oligarchs have found a way to convert America’s lowest hanging fruit, that proved to be not so Profitable by way of Wall Street standards, into modern day Chattel and veritable Urban Cash Cows who render Oligarch’s new Trippe Bottom Line Profits.
In an age of irony, hypocrisy, and dichotomous “protests”, it has become difficult to ferret out the Downtrodden and Oppressed Black Americans from Black Multi Millionaires and the well to do Blacks who now, openly, engage in a new form of Virtue Signaling that requires them to portray themselves as the oppressed ones, when nothing could be further from the truth!
While America watches in wonder and total disbelief as photos emerge of Kraft dancing his Superbowl Sunday night away with a former NYC Stripper, a Snoop Dog Gangsta Rapper, turned American Icon, and their latest Poster CHILD, Meek Mill, few understand how and why such strange bed-fellows have emerged as illustrated by recent events and, particularly, after Superbowl LIII.
Kraft’s only public suggestion for his strange relationships is that he is gaining cool points, all while a far more nefarious marketing ploy is well underway, in concert with Sir Ronald Cohen and a Conspiring Cabal’s, relatively, clandestine effort to “Tip the World”.
American’s are growing weary, by design, with the weekly shenanigans of Contracted, Protests (The Indian and Smollett -v- MAGA Hats), and Black Straw Men INCITED by White Snowflake Shaun King, et al, while the hidden handed Oligarch’s enjoy Plausible deniability as they continue to Set the Stage.
Coordinated in every way they have unpacked the Protocols of Zion and newly emerged paradigms, such as, George Soros’ well Orchestrated Social Impact Media ploys and NUDGE science based Brainwashing ploys via America’s usurped media.
While Meek Mill Showered his Oligarch Master with Stockholm Syndrome “Champion” Chains, a Great Man was taking his “First Step” AWAY FROM Bill Clinton’s Third Strike, and Far Far and Away from Clinton’s 21st Century “Justice” Reforms, developed in our Oligarch Usurped and Gentrified first Capital that quietly instituted Center for Court Innovation written laws from NYC.
New dubious Justice Reform laws work more like Post Slavery Black Code Laws than true #Reform.
They were basically, Clinton’s and the Deep State Oligarch’s Fourth Strike against targeted, American Blacks.
The Monopolistic Mavens of Mass Media supplied us all with their deep state trial balloons via their, so called, HBO’s hits, such as, “The Wire” and Drug Inc.
No one could fathom their Justice “Reform” plans coming to life, except perhaps, Officer Christopher Donner and Officer Adrian Schoolcraft who tried their best to Whistle Blow and Warn us all.
Besides Compstat Data Mining in the Shadow of our Constitution, and the Precursor for U.N. inforced, Agenda 21, Cop Free Opioid Dens where Junkies are Invited to Coalesce in exchange for all of the free needles they could ever hope for have effectively spawned America’s opioid crisis.
As the Oligarch’s set up shop in our nation’s usurped first capital, Newly established Criminal Courts Situated in Targeted Communities and Schools, WIRED for tracking it’s reversed red-lined inhabitants, were establushed by the Chicago Born, Police Commissioner who was tasked to forward the Cabal’s , so called, Social Impact plans for which Kraft has direct ties.
Aptly titled, “Barack” Obama would ensure his great pal, Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground, would get a second shot at Taking Over Philly Schools after his failed Edison Schools attempt and that Hillary Clinton could implement her Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform in Philly too which is a Trojan horse for Cohen’s, Goldman Sachs managed, Social Impact Bond schemes that amount to Modern Day SLAVERY.
The parallel Reforms being sold by Deep State puppets, JayZ and Meek Mill, amount to a Devastating 4th Strike against the Deep States’ narrative, “Super Predators”, including George Soros’ D.A.’s freed Criminals and Ms 13 in the mix with Showcased Gangsta Rappers, alike, who are more than willing to Rap Us All up into their own Depraved Lyrics strait from misogynistic and fellow black HATING Hell.
If you knew what I know about the Oligarch’s Push for Triple Bottom Line PROFITS, via their newly instituted Social Impact Bond Schema developed by Sir Ronald Cohen, the father of Venture Capitalism that STOLE American’s Pension Funds, Nationwide, then you would realize the Photos of Meek Mill gifting Robert Kraft his Diamond Encrusted CHAMPION Chain is nothing less than Stockholm Syndrome Illustrated.
See as Meek Mills is Ferried Away on His Handler’s Wilmington Trust Owned “Chariot”
Kraft is aggressively forwarding Sir Ronald Cohen’s Post Urban Bankruptcy, SOCIAL IMPACT BOND plans to Convert America’s Blacks into More Productive, Open Aired Prisoners after the Wall Street Cabal’s, for Profits Prison, Schemes failed to Render Wall Street caliber profits and Financial Returns for investors via the emerging and exposed, School to Prison Pipeline.
Ask yourself, what is so special about Meek Mill, who’s one among countless, wrongly accused black men and women still toiling in Prison.
Who else is being ferried away by Millionaire Owners to NBA Arenas on helicopters strait from jail?
Ask yourself, why couldn’t Meek Mill go to the White-house to Champion, ACTUAL, Justice System Reforms with the Greatest Power in the entire Free World?
Why did it take President Donald J. Trump to Render his signed 1ST Step Justice REFORM WITHOUT the Help of Meek Mill and why did the Oligarch shill from CNN, Mr. nothing burger, suddenly shift sides?
Why are the Oligarchs who have Usurped Philadelphia still Forwarding Michael Bloomberg associated Center for Court Innovation Neo-Black Code Laws in Philly, the Home of our Oligarch USURPED Constitution?
In contrast, Kanye West’s wife, Kim Kardasian, managed to get relative, instantaneous, relief for an incarcerated Mother who was sentenced for life.
We all got a glimpse of promise in the President’s 2019 State of the Union speech, illustrating that true Justice Reform would be fast-tracked by President Donald J. Trump, himself.
If you were wondering why NFL team owner Kraft would openly disprove of President Trump’s stance on Colin Kapernick, the Black George Soros Shill who single-handedly cost the entire NFL Franchise countless Millions in revenues, then wonder no more, because in lies the twofacededness of our Nation’s Subversive Cabal.
If we only take a closer look, we’d realize that we are now witnessing a plethora of coordinated American Oligarch’s who are Risking their well named Corporations, daily,such as, Starbucks, Gillette, Gucci and Nike.
They are beyond behavioral economics and taking calculated risks under the banner of Social Impact. They see the intended response (Mass Protests, Racial Division and the Overall fomentation of American Anger) as a temporary “Sacrifice” for greater Israeli cabal gains while following the old, yet, debunked Protocols of Zion paradigms to the letter.
#RaceTogether Race Bate
Oligarch’s Militias On Post
From America’s Rubble
The, Deep State Oligarch’s aforementioned schemes can be summed up by Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals which is why Hillary Clinton made the perfect muse for them to work through for so long.
Through the Infiltration, and complete Usurpation of our Nation’s, systematically, Bankrupt Cities, not only are key blacks and useful idiots, like former Philadelphia Mayor, Michael Nutter, germane in their long-standing Bolshevik paradigms, a Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders victory would have continued their plans (as seen in France, Canada, & S. America) just in time for the Cabal’s 100th Anniversary.
The Cabal’s long-studied behavioral science and behavioral economics prowess is now illustrated on Every Profitable Stage, where Auditioned ones, along with Bill Ayers’ Usurped Public School TRAINED, Social Impact Warrior) Shills, alike, may Render them the Most Profits in exchange for the Social Impact Bond and Social Impact Paradigm afforded use of OPM, Other Peoples’ Money.
So, before you join in to CELEBRATE the Patriot, in name only, Oligarch’s, respective, victory along side of hand-select Black, “Thought Leaders”, be sure to Track the Associated Death-Count in association with the Dream-catcher Label and other criminal “acts” Rivaling Hillary Clinton’s.
After that, be sure to Thank President Donald J. Trump for the REAL 1st Steps REFORMS that were recently made in our collective behalf, without the help of Meek Mill, the Made in the Shade, Million Dollar Man with the modern day #BOULE Plan marketed by Oligarchs as #Reform.
While there are so many moving parts to the Cabal’s Secret Revolution now playing out in plain site, it will all make far better sense with the publication of my new book, “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED IN PHILLY… A Social Impact Survival Guide Against Modern Day Slavery”. With the help of your PayPal contribution via the link to the right of this page, I will be able to continue my much needed research in order to complete the book on schedule and in the most factual manor obtainable in light of daily events, but meanwhile stay tuned to my posts and know this one fact for certain, Our Nation’s first Capital is now under siege and the Triple Bottom line profit model of the Modern Day Merchant Class requires that all of Philly, including Meek Mill, is Staged! (Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bonds = SLAVERY 2.0!)
While you are witness to the Deep State’s Paterns, please watch for False Flags in Our jew Stollen First Capital Too.
Well after Occupy Wall-street Usurptation, Hillary Clinton’s dubious 21st Century Justice “Reforms”, Bill Ayer’s Edison Schools fail, Electronically Spawned Philly Flash Mob False Flags, Eli-Brode/Obama School Takeovers, Bloomberg’s Soda Tax and Justice Reform Experiment to turn Blacks into Leveraged Capital, DNC Crimes, ANTIFA’s Sleeper Cell Attacks, the Installation of George Soro’s hand sellect, Activist D.A. Obstructionist, Starbucks’ STAGED #RaceTogether Ploy with Eric Holder waiting in the wings, PREDICTABLY, Meek Mill is in Play Next, as his Handlers Strive to Continue their JUSTICE SYSTEM MEDDLING in Spite if President Trump.
They strive to Continue their Open Air Prison Sceme to Make Citezens into Compstat Monitored Debt-SLAVES and Chattle Workers Sentenced via the Bloomberg associated Center for Court Innovation Laws that were forwarded by the Clinton spycopant, Michael Nutter and my own, gullible, cousin, a city councilman among other dupped Democrats Tooled, and even Blackmailed to do the Oligarchs bidding, just like their useful idiot, Meek Mill.
With the Deep State’s latest rash of False Flag Events, followed swiftly by Fake News, You all can clearly see, the CONSTANTs and Patterns that stay the SAME.
Besides their “Telling”, Monopolized Media run by the CABAL at tge helm All working in Unison to #NUGDE America towards George Soros’ hoped for American Spring, complete with the U.N. TAKEOVER starting in “Chiraq”, The Devil is in the Details and frankly, Martin Luther, Boris Brasol, and more importantly, Rev 3:9 in our largely disregarded Bibles Informs Us All.
See also, NIKE, Starbucks, Gillett, Puma, WalMart’s (BAEO ties), and key NBA, CEO’s Stiring the pot behind the Scenes, as per Sir Ronald Cohen’s America and British Toppling SOCIAL IMPACT BOND plan to Make Slaves of Christians and Blacks, alike, once again, as per, Their Neo-Roman Empire and Pre Revolution FRANCE ploys, i.e. New World Order, Globalisim, Too Big To Fail, 1%.
Relative to Philadelpha were Free Blacks were once marveled by Fredrick Douglass and W.E.B. DuBois, alike, do read Richard Allen’s eulogy of President George Washingtion to fully understand why a wedge between God fearing Whites and Blacks is a Preoccupation for FAKE Jews who’s pre War/s Slave Trade Industry was Striped Away by Caring White Christan Abolitionist Republicans.
As old and recent history repeats itself it is made clear, The Synogog of Satan are the Masters of FALSE FLAGS, including, Painting Swasticas on Anything, including their own Graves!!!
From their, Occupy Wall Street Usurping Guy Fawkes Allegory to Bolshivik strategem 100 years in the making, to FBI Radicalized Black Panthers and CoIntel Pro, to Sal Alinsky’s Free Lunch, to the Weather Undergroun’s Principal Pet Projects, including, Barack Hussan Obama, we should all have hind-site afforded 20/20 vision as empirical evidence that goes well beyond circumstantial evidence if only we bother to connect the dots.
They are now the Masters of Fake News and their Protocals of Zion ploys we see unfolding before our eyes was already foretold, hence, their Hatred for Russia!!!
Research Smollett’s DNA and Then follow Shawn King’s and Al Sharpton’s money to their mutual funding source while your at it to Find the COMMON THREAD that binds America’s USEFUL IDIOTs to Bolshivk Ploys over 100 years in the Making.
Thanks to President Trump, the Subversive Oligarchs missed their Anniversary by nearly two years and they are getting Sloppy and DESPERATE again!
Their only hope is their Mastery of BRAINWSDHING clueless and feble minded Americans cought up in Social Justice Warrior tooled Schools, Community Organized/Antifa CULTS, and by way of Monopolized Fake News.
For the Maddness and their Hoped For, Manufactured, Kayos to End We only need to WAKE UP Saints and Trust that Rev 3:9 isReal!