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Similarities Between Stone and That Hard Place the Democrats Made for Blacks Nationwide

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Blacks should understand that President Trump’s, Campeign manager is being wrongly targeted and railroaded, as we were subject to an arbitrary Three Strikes law in exchange for life in Wall-street traded Prisons for deep state profits.

Upon election, President Trump swiftly moved to assist blacks and, thereby, president Trump passed the #First Step Act in order to get the vast number of blacks out of the Joe #Biden and #Clinton penned prison hell, so the powers that be set out to Pay Trump back!

At last, The Enemy of Trump has effectively TRAINED Dumb and GULLIBLE Blacks how and what to think about Trump 24 hours a day, and primarily because Trump has the power to Relieve us all from the Hell the Democrats have subjected blacks to in CHIRAQs, Killadelphias and Murder Capitals nationwide!!!


Author: ecofer