When we hear the daily drone of White Man this and White Man that, what must be realized is, as per Rev 3:9, Michael Bloomberg and Bernie Sanders are two halves of the same coin exercising Hagalian Dialectics, a tried and true tactic invented by the crafty fake jews.
The whole reason for off the chain Bernie, and Why he so easily gave way to the hidden handed Cabal of Oligarchs’ Useful Idiot, Hillary Clinton, is to make his Oligarch Serving Opposite look Reasonable and far more Preferable as a choice which under the circumstances is no real choice at all.
Now the cat is partially out of the bag for thinking Americans able to read between lines..
From ambassador Yovonavitch’s open warning about George Sor0s, to the String of Liars in media colluding with the Compromised Cabal in Congress, the world is slowly waking up to the 500 lb gorilla, and I don’t mean the black minions who constitute the Congressional Black Congress or the Dead one named #GoodTrouble.
We are now Waking up to the misdeeds done by the Oligarch’s lowest hanging fruit, and the majority of Americans now know, for certain, the Compromised Democrats and Rinos, alike, can, in no way, be trusted!
It is no accident, whatsoever, that God’s Chosen People were afforded a First Step Act on the eve of 400 years worth of , relative, Captivity; 1619-2019, and it’s no accident, whatsoever, that Oligarch funded ANTIFA and the Bernie Bros have it out for targeted Whites for ending the systematic dispensation of targeted blacks, once again.
Sadly, the crafty jew can rely on every lesson learned after funding Nazi tactics and paradigms perfected in America via their project paperclip assets.
Using brainwashing ploys, known widely as the CIA’s project mockingbird, along with their Media Monopoly, the fake Jews know they can rely on gullible blacks, gullible whites, and every unvetted color in between, pulled from the weathspring of Open Cities Shills being afforded Sanctuary by an army of compromised Democrats.
The possibilities are endless after their Hamite Shill, Barack Obama and his Weather Underground Cohort managed Take over our Schools, with the help of Bill Gates, the Walton’s of Walmart, and Eli Brode at the helm.
Notice, also, how Rational Patriots Rushed to Bernie’s Defence in the Same Manor, Whites have been Condioned to Think All Blacks are as Bassakward and Murderously Abhorrent as Every Auditioned Rapper Shill, Juan Williams, or the Cast of Empire.
Using their Brain Science afforded understanding and ancient ploys like False Flag events, alike, both Blacks and Whites can be easily Triggered.
Every day, the hidden handed cabal is employing NUDGE Science Based paradigms that work hand in hand with their newly fomented Social Impact Bond Revolution.
A series of Daily Social Incites spoon-fed on pre selected channels specifically taylored by race are effectively used to divide us all.
They know footage of Rap Star Conditioned Blacks being fed to Whites is enough to trigger no sympathy. Gladly, President Trump is able to transend all stereotypes in favor of Rescuing Blacks from Our own Damned selves.
The fake jews realized a long time ago, by Radicalizing enough exploitable blacks they could trigger enough impressionable whites to the degree that Patriots would Sit Back and Allow an entire swath of Americans to have their Constitutional Rights to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness slowly stripped away.
Their brilliant and effective mind Fu(kery was done by the Bolskeviks first, allowing the feasting Oligarchs to kill off the Captains of industry who dared hired Blacks fresh out of the throws of Slavery.Â
The Merchant’s crafty ploys allowed the fake jewISH cabal to game the good people of Europe all while they were guiding Woodrow Wilson in the building of their dubious foundations stateside.
By sparking thier, so called, Civil Right farce, the seeds of the fake jew’s ravenous institutions would blossom into an Entire Socialist Burocracy errected skillful arround my fellow Blacks, who have been systematically entrapped inside of every Venture Capitalist bankrupt, and Oligarch retooled city in America!
Indeed, much like officer Chris Donar who chose to go out in a blaze of revenge met with an inferno of retribution, NYC’s officer Adrian Schoolcraft faced retribution too. Both tried to Warned Us All About Bloomberg’s police state strategies including his abusive Stop and Frisk Paradigms.
Officer Schoolcraft , a white Newyorker, was made Subject to the Oligarch’s hidden handed, Justice Reform Objectives, just like Donald Trump’s Entire Admistration.
Every lesson learned during the unfetterd mistreatment of American blacks, (as seen in the movie “Justice”) is now being applied to Donald Trump’s team and, furthermore, James O’Keefe’s, all but forgotten reveal, is in the works for Targeted Whites at the hands of the Jewish Cabal of Oligarchs who failed to inform us of Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution.
The bottom line is, the Biblically Mentioned Cabal of shameless Satanist were free for far too long.
They were allowed to systematically divide us all, begining with their plans Perfected on the backs of Returning Black GI’s.
It was 100 years prior to Soros’ hoped for Bolskevik Anniversary Takeover, when Henry Ford and Boris Brasol warned us all of the threat that the conspiring cabal of Marxist, fake Jews posed in their controversial, yet, spot on, Dearborn Press essay, know as the Protocals of Zion.
The resulting Menskites and later Troskyites still managed to embed themselves among the blacks in our major cities, like, Ford’s Detroit, Harlem NY, and Chicago. Their pathogenic Socialist Paradigms even spread into S. America upon the exile of Trosky who fled into Mexico.
With lessons gleaned by way of their first Black, Socialist Shill, W.E.B. DuBois, the fake jew’s Baltimore headquarters to serve as a model for all exploited blacks was borne.
From their NAACP base, the hidden handed Jews could easily Organize and Radicalized gullible blacks to do the bidding of calculating Marxist who even revived the KKK as a Hagalian Dialectics foile.
By reading timeless warnings penned by the first Protestant, Martin Luther, we might come to realize how profoundly the Cabal of Pretenders have been deceiving the, so called, West while trying to penitrate the East.
Their countless allagories with a direct through-line to current events prove how they managed to blatantly decieve the masses since the eve of their, Jesuit Spawned, first crusade.
Since the time of their hobbled Bolskevik Revolution, the jewISH Marxists set out to exploit the same blacks the Merchants of Vinice once traded as a comodity in their Centuries old, Trans Atlantic Slave Trade.
They have a long history of pitting the Children of Northern Civil War Heros against Saul Alinsky arrayed blacks turned into Protesting Radicals on demand.
The fake Jew Cabal even tried pitting conciliatory, Southern Whites against the Black laboror who worked for Lou Frank.
While the first iteration of the Klu Klux Clan was assembled to bring the , murderous pedophile to Justice, the fake jews quickly employed their Khazaria and or (Germ)an borne trick of shape-shifting into the Klan, just as profoundly as the Southern Poverty Law Center made the, so called, Virgina “White Supremists”, ie, Hillary Supporting Richard Spence -n- dem out of whole cloth.
Few even blinked an eye when the White Man, Shaun King replaced Soros’ less effective black shill, Mc???
Likewise, the New York City based, jewish Grand Wizzard for the revamped KKK, Dan Borros, realized, terorrized Blacks could Garner the Marxist Jews a Free Lunch, and ultimately, a burocratically laden place deep inside our Usurped Federal Government in response.
Ironically, there is nothing new under the Sun, so the fake Jews went back to their old playbook, the minute after Candidate Trump made his announcement to run for President.
Using a Fred Trump’s story as low hanging fruit, we were all made to believe that Trump’s father was a Clans Man and not a hero who dared them to walk down his street to their own peril and the demise of two.
After the dust settled in Jamaica Queens, Trump’s dad would find himself in jail with the others who bodly Confronted the clan.
Thankfully, Trump survived the deadly confrontation and the Murder of two clansmen that day was not pinned on him.
Targeted, Exploited Blacks Unfettered for so long.
Bottom Line, when Blacks and Whites Unite, like Richard Allen and George Washington, their Pincer Move to Topple Our Nation is Dead on Arrival! #BlacksForTrump #KAG!