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The Other-Godly Starbucks’ Satanists are At It Again

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The Satanic freaks at Starbucks Staged the False Flag Event in Philly just before the CEO announced his Presidental aspirations publically.

Starbucks Used their Oligarch Spawned “RaceTogether” ploy, along with their dependable Greek Boule Shills and Harvard School of Business Trained Police Commissioner in Oligarch Usurped Philly, to Trigger, Soros’ hoped for Race War, with Compromised Democrat, Eric Holder, waiting in the wings.

Starbucks Staged their Social Incite Ploy to Force FAKE Racial Tolerance Shut-Downs in Starbucks Nationwide!

Like the Nazi financingind Fu(kers that they are, the coordinated Cabal of Oligarch Owned Corporations are Using their world Renown companies to Brainwash society as profoundly as a Cult Leader or an Abusive Spouce.

In their new Gender Dysphoria ad, Starbucks illustrates how nessessary it is for Abusers, Tyrants and Cult Leaders, alike, to create a distinct wedge between Traditions, Families Ties, and Communal Normalities in order to Captivate their Gullible, Mentally Manipulated Followers who can be Organized into a Divide and Conquered Army of angry misfits .

It matters not to the Cabal of Satanists, who privately express their Distain for Whites and Blacks, all while publically expressing their desire for Population Reduction and New World Order Control.

They know that targeted youth pushed down the, dubious, path to Sex Change and Gender Confusion, begining in our Oligarch Usurped Public Libraries and Schools, have markedly increased Suicide Rates!

In fact, Social Disruption and Induced psychological Kayos is part of their plan all along!

WakeUp Saints!

The BOTTOM LINE is, Rev 3:9 isREAL, and weather you read your bible or not, thanks to men like Martin Luther, Boris Brasol, Henry Ford and George Orwell we were all duly warnned!!!

Author: ecofer