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Watch “ABL Thinks Dwyane Wade Is Using His LGBTQ Son For Attention!”

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NBA Basketball Players are now OWNED by a conspiring, yet, hidden handed, jewISH Cabal who is experimenting on and with their coachable NBA players, along with other Auditioned and Signed entertainers they are able to dictate to in exchange for extraordinary pay.

Targeted NFL Payers are currently being subjected to Hypnosis, new aged paradigms like the clandestine religious based yoga, and they are being “Educated” via Harvard and other universities via epirimental programing developed as a part of the American Oligarchs, (eg Deep State) Social Impact Paradigms developed , in part, by the CIA and MIT “players”.

Weather it manifested in the delivery of overt satanisim and witchcraft, as illustrated in the symbolically demonic works of Kobe Bryant who failed to keep up his end of a Faustian bargain, or weather it is the coming out of Dwayne Wade’s entire family as supporters of Gender Disphoria and a gender confused, prepubescent boy, all while declaring to hell with all naysayers, the Signed players are now subject on to ggressive programing and they, in turn, are being USED, not only to maximize the profits of Oligarchs they work for, but also to help forward, albeit unwittingly in most cases, social agendas the hidden handed Oligarchs want escalated and upscaled nationwide.

Such escalation of social abnormalities, such as, the emerging LGBTQ…XYZ agenda went into full gear upon the Black Smackdown of California’s Gay Marriage bill, however, using key blacks to forward the jewISH Oligarchs’ social Paradigms nationwide, began as early as the harnising of post-enslaved blacks who could be used to steer ex slaves away from competative markets, such as, their mastering of the plantations blacks made so rich in agriculture and resulting revenue.

Author: ecofer