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BLM BS Has NOTHING to do with Justice for Any Of the Blacks who were False Flag MURDERED on Barack Obama’s watch!

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For all black Americans, with Short attention spans, please Watch this Video from Four Years ago in order to Under and OVERSTAND the following Facts about BLM!…

Watch “Black Lives Matter Protesters Clash With Police” on YouTube

The #BLM BS has NOTHING TO DO With President Donald J. Trump!

The BLM BS Has NOTHING to do with Justice for Any OF the False Flag MURDERED BLACKS Killed by Clintion’s 21st Century Justice Reform Goons developed with the help of Israeli’s Mossad forces, on Barack Obama’s watch!

Black BLM Shills are made from whole cloth inside of Oligarch Usurped colleges and Eli Brode Managed Schools, that are still being run by black, Eli Brode Minions like, Philadelpha’s, William Hite!

Young, Ignorant blacks were subjected to BLM Curriculum and signed onto BLM Paradigms that were, systematically, developed in Eli Brode managed Schools taken over on Barack Obama’s watch.

The George Soros etal, funded BLM Paradigms were, expressly developed to Give Cover to the hidden handed Oligarchs’ leading ANTIFA Goons.

Please note: Obama is a best friend and protege of Bill Ayers’of the weather underground who has planned these scenerios we see manifest on our troubled streets for decades in Chicago turned CHIRAQ!

If we We choos to cosign onto the hidden handed Oligarchs’ BLM in any way, shape or form, WE are blindly signing our own death sentences and sacrificing our lives in behalf of the hidden handed makers and/or funders of BLM!

Please wake up to the Truth about BLM before  following George Soros’ paid hacks, like, Shaun King, let alone the Rest of the foul BLM “leadership” now INVITING gullible, Mad Blacks in Philly to Join them in our Oligarch Gentrified streets on September 5th!

Philly Fam, You must come to realize, There will be No Justice for Blacks for as long as there is an Oligarch Owned Scapegoat Group called BLM!!!!

Putting the self proclaimed, Trained Marxests Shills aside, the hidden handed , Rev 3:9 mentioned, jewISH Owners of BLM will not be satisfied until the 12% of Black, Planned Parenthood Survivors in American, take more L’s for ANTIFA and a Bullet to da head.

Once Soros gets his ilk’s Hoped For RaceWar Going, thanks to You and your gullible kids, as Provocation, the rest of their Nation toppling Paradigms will go exactly as Planned!!!!!

Author: ecofer