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What do Target, Starbucks & Hit Them Low Democrats All Have in Common?

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As the hidden handed Oligarchs’ Corporate STAGE widens to include Target; let us consider Eric Holder’s Hit them low comment and his prominent roll in Starbucks’ #RaceTogether ploy that culminated into the Philadelphia Starbucks’ RaceBate debacle among  other dubious, Philly based  False Flag events.

The two black men arrested in starbucks story was, no doubt, a false flag event among many.

That nationwide forwarded stories about the black men arrested in the Philadelpha Starbucks were expressly designed to foment ire against police, all while building up the ranks of Black Lives Matter shills for later use.

What was narrated, nationwide, as race based arrests of two black men at the bequest of a white Starbucks worker, happened at the hands of a  Black run police force.

That said police force was extablished under the Black Mayor spycopant of Hillary Clinton, Michael Nutter.

Not only did Nutter help Michael Bloomberg perpetuate an onerous form of stop and frisk before becoming his Campeign manager, it was Nutter who helped build Clinton’s 21 St Century Justice Reform Farce in Oligarch Usurped Philly. 

At the time of the first starbucks Event, the Philadelpha police force worked under the command of Richard Ross, the Chicago Native Raymond Ramsey’s succesor and the curator of Clinton’s dubious police Reforms .

The Philadelpha Starbucks event happened just before Howard Schulz stepped down and announced his plan to run for President of the United States.

The black men’s arrest inside of the Philadelphia based Starbucks  happened just before one last False Flag Event in Philly got the police Commissioner, Richard Ross fired. 

Like all Black officials tasked to Overseer our, systematic, demise the Harvard School of buissiness trained Ross was fired to make way for the Oligarchs’ Imported, Portland & Mossad Trained police shill, Danielle Outlaw.

Ross was forced to resign in shame due to an event that was much like the Chicago police chief’s honnypot event. Do Note; the Chicago police chief was let go soon after the Botched Jussie Smollett Event. 

This new Starbucks’ based story, including the Riot tied Target company will, no doubt, be used to #NUDGE & Forge more division among beligured Americans.

Not only are we subjected to wartime propaganda and false flag events on the daily, the hidden handed Oligarchs’ have comined Hagalian Dialectics with MIT developed Game Theory and Social Incite paradigms.

Americans are purposely being Psychologically routed into, either, Pro Law Inforcement or Dismantle the previously tainted, Clinton’s 21 St Century Justice Reform-corrupt Police forces, camps.

While the Oligarchs’ complex Conspiracies seem theoretical, at best, their crafty conspirasicacs are based on every Project Paperclip lesson learned, Including Hitler’s use of the media and actual theatrics. 

The hidden handed Subversives even evoked the Ides of March, turned into Hamilton’s allegorically couched Murder of President Trump Wich was launched upon the onset of Trump’s candidacy.

As Trump defeats the Oligarchs’ at every turn, they are busy crafting more False Flag events in near real time. Now their evermore sloppy and brazen events are based on President Trump’s own powerful words and stances.

By using Every asset they own, such as, NASCAR’s Bubba what’s his face, the brainwashed dopes in the NFL & NBA, Jussie Smollett, Joe Biden & Kamalah Harris, alike.

To get Soros’ hoped for Race War or Civil War underway they know they need to make more champions for and against against utter Lawlessness.

The Oligarchs’are now banking on lawleness and Kayos,7 a deep state Paradigm for wich they hope to garner more American stakeholders, ie, useful idiots.

This is the Hagalian dialectics ploy needed to Justify the Oligarchs’ planned UN-NATO Force Takeover of America.

Add this ploy along with the Bernie Bros Reeducation Gulags and the Walton’s of Walmart’s FEMA Camps plans.

To continue their SpyOps and False Flags, powerful voices like Project Veritas or Alex Jones’ Infowars are all undergoing daily assults in one form or another in order to keep them quiet and preoccupied .

Furthermore, truthers nationwide who are well versed in the Oligarchs’ ongoing conspiracies are now being Purged from Facebook in record numbers.

Now, all of their NUDGE based stories and resulting narratives can go on unfettered, no matter how contrived or implausible.

Now, their reckless drive for more division in the face of a Unifying President, may go on unchecked.

Weather it’s the Oligarchs’ Fake News Outlets, Nascar or NIKE at the helm of today’s headlines, Americans must realize Hollywood’s Truman Show tell and Every Bad Act are all for one cause.

We must all come to realize, both Rev 3:9 and Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION isREAL while all you see manifest before you is naught!

#YouCantUnsee #fakenews4ammemo

Author: ecofer