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Selective Outrage is Good Money for Mossad Trained False Flag Purveyors Vying to Topple Our Nations!

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The exiled Boslsheviks realized early on, USE angry blacks to displace Northern capitains of industry who bothered to give former slaves a fare shake and a leg up in each city the modern day Bolshevic minded Jews have determined to topple, once and for Empire.

The Bulshevik tactics of inciting and organizing know nothing youth was evolved by the exiled Troskyite’s who nestled their way into Harlem.

In New York, the ever evolving Troskyite’s used their patronage system to commission mind fucking editorials blacks still suffer from, such as, James Baldwin’s diminishment of the title, Negro evolved from the world Negus, which meant Black Kings.

Sadly, due to the Jews prowess in leveraging Ignorant blacks they are allowed to manipulate like dutiful slaves, a burocratic

Not only did Baldwin’s jewISH Patrons pay him to sew doubts about who blacks are, he was also tasked to pivot Black ire away from the userious, jewISH Slumblords in NYC onto the same White families who dared to risk the north, lives and limbs to help backs become completely emancipated in all of the forced United States.

Watch “London’s Black Lives Matter protesters in their own words” on YouTube

Black Woman from Oligarch Usurped Philly here… Unless a Rev 3:9 Mentioned Jew is Speaking this is NOT BLM in their own words, just the fo ake Jew (as per Rev 3;9) with the black Fist based on the Balfour OCCUPIERS of Palestine WHO’s Mossad Tied Police infiltrators in the US, MURDER as Many George’s, as needed, and it  started on their Black Shill, Barack Obama’s watch!

All of the KAYOS, WHEREVER they are, is in the name of Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution w/ George Soros, Bill Gates, etal at the helm, buying as much Population CONTROL as they can afford.

Author: ecofer