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Maxine Waters or Dead Black Men on the Regular??? … What Came First?

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If we hope to be honest with ourselves, and if we ever hope to heal, whatsoever, we must realize the following hard truths first and foremost.

No, we can’t bring back ALL of the Murdered Blacks who perished in Maxine Waters’ district, however, we can hold her accountable, for once, and as a start in the right direction!

Pearl Clutching and failed Leadership by Maxine Waters & Damned, Dirty Democrats, in General = Record Black Body Counts on a Good Day in Cities like Compton / LA, etc.,etc., etc.!!!

We must face the Fact that it is “Aunt Maxine’s” mislead Blacks who ultimately suffer the most , before and well after George Floyd and for as long as Money Grubbing Hacks like Waters are left in Office!

The basic and quantifiable FACT about the copious amounts of Murdered Blacks is true no matter how much Maxine’s benefactors tell you the Record Murder of Blacks in Democrat hell-scapes is Donald Trump’s fault!

Democrats like Waters are why Annual Death Counts of Murdered Blacks aren’t even counted anymore!!!

It was discovered long ago that Democrat hacks like Waters are a win-win situation for Planned Parenthood proponents who wanted us dead by yesterday!

Waters can care less, and thereby, the Gangs for whom she manages to Leads to their Death by default simply Follow her Lead!

Ironically, Waters is why large swaths of Blacks NEVER Vote, due to Zero confidence, & now the wicked Corrupt hacks like Waters are Delivering the Corporate Oligarch Overlords and Enemies of our Nation Everything a Nation Toppling Enemies could ever hope for!!!

Truth be told, Sir Ronald Cohen, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates and their Colluding, Rev 3:9 mentioned MOSSAD agents, are in Complete Control of America’s compromised Democrats as well as America’s Usurped Justice System.

The Colluding Cabal who pays the Waters’ family Millions in a place where her constituents toil also owns the Media, our Nation’s Capital after rigging our elections and worst of all they practically own all of the Brainwashed minds of Useful Idiots being Invited and ORGANIZED by Maxine Waters’ hidden handed ANTIFA Cohorts!!!!

Not only are their FALSE FLAG and FAKE NEWS events Pretext to the Oligarchs’ PLANNED UN-NATO takeover, should Soros’ American Spring Plans succeed with Maxine Waters’help, the Chairmen of Planned Parenthood now working OT to forward his Covid19 spawned Tyranny  knows MURDERED Black Men are worth more than Nukes in the hands of Muslim (Controlled Opposition), Blood Diamonds, Oil, & Gold combined!!!

Indeed, every incited black American can follow up the rear of Waters thanks to her annual Bread and Circus Acts for naught while she gets paid or we can wake up!!!

If we were all attuned to TRUTH, we’d simply, say George Soros etal’s jewISH Names Without Fear! We’d know ,for certain, Rev 3:9 isREAL.

Bottom line; we’ll have to Accept the truth about the Democrats and Maxine Waters now if WE THE PEOPLE WANT THIS MADNESS TO END!!

Author: ecofer