Michael Eric Dyson is no, Bill Nye, but he is just as important to the hidden handed Cabal for whom the Auditioned ones work their Magic…
Fact is: President Donald J Trump won the stolen election with a Record Number of VOTES from Blacks and Browns in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, but Dyson is not paid to share such evidence based facts with our purposefully troubled world!!!
I say, To hell with this Auditioned, Ungodly, Soros-funded Race Bate Hack and here’s why… Dyson behaves much like a SNL caliber Black SATANIST and it is clear that he is highly celebrated member of the infamous Black BOULE!!!
The Black BOULE are the, so called Vanguard, much like the Builderberg Shill, Stacie Abrams.
The BOULE are the Mind F’ing black Gatekeepers tooled to maintain a Deadly Status Quo on America’s God Damned Democrat Plantations, where TARGETED Planned Parenthood Survivors are being Gunned Down in record numbers in America’s Gun Free Zones.
The slick talking Dyson is on par with Auditioned Rappers who are busied teaching Sitting Duck black Children to stay stuck on Stupid and he is clearly not functioning like a renown scientist, but rather, he is brought onto the MSNBC stage to function as a Race Bating tool, exactly like Don Lemon, Joy Reid or Charlemagne tha god.
For the best job description of the, so called. “Go Along to Get Along Gang”, search for Kwame Brown’s Mamma’s Cooking on YouTube and take a listen to how Great Blacks are systematically felled and failed in America, by the Gatekeeping Black BOULE.
The Black BOULE are rolled out in time to occupy the deep state Oligarchs’ highly monopolized media bandwidth.
They are pumped into American psych like a slow a dripping IV and and they all stay on message with the prevailing deep state narratives.
No matter how brilliant or what title they have earned, all members of the Black Boule have one job and one job only. Like every Auditioned propagandists on the Fake Jews’ payroll they are the ones who are talking out of the side of their necks on any given day and they are the ones who are Gaslighting gullible Blacks and gullible Whites on the Oligarch’s Urban Radio Monopoly and Fake News airwaves all damned day and every damned day.
He touts himself a Scholarly professor, yet, Dyson’s only job in life is to Obfuscate the ongoing Urban Black Genocide, all while BLAMING the Ubiquitous “White Man” for full affect. (See George Soros’ American Spring).
Meanwhile, Targeted Blacks trained to Never Snitch by the fake Jews’ Auditioned ones are being Gunned Down in American streets, unfettered.
First the CIA Shill, Barack Obama, delivered Chicago up as ground zero for utter genocide that goes unfettered by the other Black Shill Overseers, including the Soros funded Kim Foxx. Blacks trapped on the democrat plantation shills like Dyson are tasked to maintain, are now under siege by way of Corporate Merci nary forces, including compromised Justice Department officials that were systematically introduced into the Oligarch Controlled Justice System under the banner of Clinton’s 21 St Century Justice Reform Farce.
In Chicago, Blacks were systematically stripped of their right to own weapons in, so called, Gun Free Zones, all while targeted black Planned Parenthood Survivors became ravaged by a series of False Flag Cop kills that served the hidden handed Deep State as a pretense for making Black Lives Matter Marxists from whole cloth.
By way of James Comey’s FBI informants orchestrating False Flag Mass Shooting Events and MOSSAD Infiltrated American Police forces our nation was set on a George Soros and Sir Ronald Cohen funded, PATH TO UTTER DESTRUCTION.
While we the people were being Trained to Forget Joe Biden’s Racist Role in filling up the Oligarchs’ Wall Street traded, for profit Prison Industrial Complexes, Our American Cops, who’s hands are now tied were being Swapped out by Chicago’s Raymond Ramsey… before President Trump put an abrupt end to it all.
That is, the Deep State planned to use Corporate Mercenaries who look much like Jussie Smollett’s attackers in Chicago, as a pretense for a planned NATO led Takeover of our entire Nation beginning in Mark Zuckerburg financed Chicago!!!
Thanks to Race Baters like Dyson, Oligarch hope Americans forget how, and why Planned Parenthood Surviving Blacks are Being Gunned Down in Record Numbers, and just in time for the jewISH OLIGARCHS to call on NATO intervention, as planned!
This was the plan before President Donald J Trump’s surprise election and Soros’ forward momentum was culled by half or more.
In America, Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION is well underway!
As we are all trained to gawk at Dyson, the professional Race Baters, the Subversive, jewISH Oligarchs’ Hagalian Dialectics ploys prevail, particularly, in places where Rhalm Emanuel vowed, “Never Let a Crisis go to Waist”.
In the Spirit of Richard Allen, who was a great help to George Washington, our Nation’s first President, American Patriots of every color realize, TOGETHER, WE ARE ONE NATION UNDER GOD… but then there’s the Cabal of Hidden Handed Jews who are paying the Stage-Crafted Dyson to Perform.
Since the funding of Project Paperclip the Nation Toppling Cabal, including the Monopolistic owners of MSNBC and Blacks like Dyson thereof, realize scientifically, DIVIDED WE FALL!