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The Answer to Joe Biden’s Fourth Strike Against Blacks Was President Donald J Trump’s FirstStepAct

Black Woman From Oligarch Usurped Philly here…. I was removed from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter before my Vote for Trump in Phil Murphy’s NJ Swamp was Systematically Stolen too!

Dead Grandma’s and Grandpa’s traped inside of locked out nursing homes filled with Dr Fouci funded Coronavirus concoction is just the tip of a very foul iceberg still wreaking havock in our purposefully troubled nation.

Now, those who still love our Nation and only home are speaking to the choir in relative Vacuums while being forced to look into our Usurped Government that was, so easily, taken by the colluding Cabal who’s name can NEVER BE SPOKEN… Least we are deemed, anti Semitic!!!

“They” whom can never be mentioned, still practically Own our Bought and Paid for George Soros Ran Cities, turned into ex FARC sanctuaries, where Bill Gates’ planned Parenthood Survivors are being, either, Gunned Down in Record Numbers or turned into Bill Ayers/Barack Obama trained Useful Idiot Tools inside of America’s Eli Brode managed Schools Systems nationwide!

While we are still figuring out Dr. Fouci’s openly foretold role with Henry Kissenger’s Communitst China cohorts, Bill Gates’ forced, global, vaccinations Fever-dream still rages on, relatively, unfettered!

Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION is well underway, yet, I seem to be the only Human on Earth with Ears to Hear and Eyes see it!

Besides Biden’s Gifts to Controlled Opposition / Iran and Hamas, all of Cohen’s American taxpayer  fleeced SIB proceeds are slated for the COLLUDING CABAL’S new War-torn Gaza “assets”.

As the Occupiers gin up the,  so called, Black Panthers reconstituted with the help of Beyonce’ devious NFL Halftime Stage Performance and Lemonade tribute to Bill Gates, the hidden handed Cabal continues do what they’ve been doing since Balfor etal bamboozled the hapless Britts and Woodrow Wilson the first time around. #BrusslesInCharge #CIAHoneyPots #UNMartialLaw #SiliconValley #AIgods #BuildBackBetter #NWO #TheGreatReset #OpenBorders #ChathamHouseRules  #BilderbergHacks#AmericanSpring #SOSGeorgeSoros #UnHolyRomanEmpire.

Instead of us Remaining Mere REACTIONARIES and Sitting Ducks before their NEXT SERIES OF PREDICTABLE FALSE FLAG EVENTS (Henry Ford and Boris Brasol warned us- Bolshevic2.0 Bernie Bros are on Standby), PLEASE READ Revelation 2:9 & 3:9 right now SAINTS!!!!

President Donald J Trump’s best strategy, moving forward is Getting my fellow Blacks back On Stage With Him in greater numbers than before, as we are certainly being USED by the Powers that be for the Metaphysical Powers we do indeed possess, as per our Biblically told past. (See also, Kwame Brown and Judge Joe Brown slaying the Talented Tenth BLACK BOULE Gatekeepers in realtime)

Look closely saints with eyes and ears opened wide as the bible foretold President Trump’s First Step Act, the Act that not only reversed Joe Biden and Bill Clinton’s Racist Crime Bill & Three Strikes Farce, Trump’s  timely Act also concluded all of 400 years worth of Captivity and Strife, which is a Curse against the true Israelites … that which is spelled out in Duteromony 24 – 28, hence the mind F’ing hacks worked to rewrite history , again, with their, so called. ” 1619 Project”. 1619-2019 is 400 yrs saints, and likewise, January 6th is thee day of thee epiphany. #GoogleIt

The Quakers and Protestants knew what I am saying to be true, therefore, Martin Luther’s “The Jews and Their Lies” book is no longer available on Amazon, right along with the Truth in real-time bring Purged from All of “their” ( the Unmentionable fake Jew’s) Damned and Deadly Media Monopolies with no American “leader” Pure and Brave enough to bust them all up using existing Anti Trust laws, or any of our Constitutional Laws against Nation Toppling Traitors for that matter!!! 


“Their” manufactured “AntiSemetisim” is manifest via preserved Project Paperclip assets and their Consequent Mind Control studies.  

“They”, the usurpers of UPENN, Yale, Harvard and MIT respectively, know via S.T.E.M. Brain Studies and Behavioral Economics, alike, that we are Rendered Hapless, Helpless and Blind due to predicted conditions like Stolckolm Syndrome and Cognitive Dissonance, alike.


Please be not Deceived!!!

Just Open Your Eyes & Ears by Armoring Up in the Word of God, first and foremost.

You will find, the Answer to All Things now Troubling this Earth can be realized, not just on the Colluding Cabal’s #SNL show, but rather in our relatively  Disregarded Bible’s Rev 2:9 and 3:9!