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Joe Biden’s ANTIFA Idea &  Jerry Nadler’s ANTIFA Myth is Being Taught Six Ways Til Sunday in jewISH  Oligarch Usurped Public Schools Nationwide!

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Barack Obama’s besty, Bill Ayers’ was working with Pennsylvania’s Governor Tom Ridge to establish his Edison Schools for the purpose of RADICALIZING targeted Black youth with the help of Comcast/CNN Programming in each and every classroom.

Ridge got called to become America’s post 9/11 Homeland security CZAR (to diminish our rights after false flags) and the American Oligarchs’, like Eli Brode, Bill Gates and the Walton’s of Walmart stepped in to Speed up, the TAKEOVER of the American school system which integrated Jerry Nadler’s ANTIFA Myth and a full blown Black Lives Matters Curriculum in Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia, all while Ayers and Obama focused their efforts on TAKING the Whitehouse and every Government institution for the purpose of America’s hidden handed Oligarchs.

The American Oligarchs are the ubiquitous (((they))) when discussing American woes while being forbodden to mention George Soros’ name.

(((They))) are ALL jewISH Oligarchs who have WEAPONIZED the Usurped American government, after Venture Capital spawned Bankruptcy and semi privatization of key city assets, including our WEAPONIZED, Media, Sports Teams, Justice  Departments (see Soros D.A.s), Universities, Public Schools, Court Systems, and Hospitals, alike, all while fleeced pension coffers were used to build up the Technocratic “AI gods” in Silicon valley. 

The unmentionable FAKE Jews who are cited in our relatively disregarded Bibles, Rev 2:9 and 3:9, are ALL co-signed to forward Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution, in America and beyond.

Furthermore, Henry Kissinger’s Communist China cohorts built up by George Bush Sr. the CIA tied “Nation Builder”, was used to help (((them))) “TOPPLE THE WORLD”, via, Fouci and Gates’ Covid19 depopulation fever-dreams and as per Cohen’s “Second Bounce of the Ball” thanks to the Fleeced American Dollars paid for Wuhan and the Stollen lost Assets that were taken from the unsuspecting British population with the help of Tony Blair.

See how the resulting New World Order is Orchestrated by the hidden handed fake Jews CABAL who are forwarding their Well Coordinated TYRANNY in multiple nations using the same Coronavirus pretense, ie, France, Australia, Germany, Canada etc.

Sadly, the Vatagan Church under the leadership of Pope Francis is all in with Sir Ronald Cohen et al’s ployd, thereby, all of the leveraged and exploited Children are being used by Soros etal to flood and Overwhelm the borders of once sovergn Nations slated to be Governed remotely much like the post WW2 Brussels/European Union command post after Balfour et al, effectively, usurped the Promised land!

Should AMERICAN Citizens fail to wake up, UN-NATO FORCES, ANTIFA SHOCK-TROOPS, and Bernie Bros are all standing by to ReEducate Covid19 and targeted Planned Parenthood Survivors who are not Useful Idiots or already Gunned Down in America’s , so called, Gun Free Zones targeted first and foremost by Soros, Michael Bloomberg etal!

It’s time to Wake Up Saints!!!

Only our own, relative, cognitive dissonance can makes (((them))) too big to fail and most of the Worlds Population systematically Annihilated, AS PLANNED!!!!

Author: ecofer