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Remember Saints, there would be no Communist China made at Yale’s Scull and Crossbones lair without Henry Kissinger and George Bush Sr. , who practically made , both, the Deep State and Chairman Mao Zedong from whole cloth.

Fast forward, there would be no Covid19 to speak of of there were no U.S. Taxpayer Funding for the (gain of function/Crspr) BioWeapon from China wich was directed by Dr. Fouci. and the American based National Institute of Health…

Sadly, the common (((thread))) between Charles Schwab’s Great Reset, George Soros’ American Spring, the Bush’s New World Order, Bill Gates’ (Sr. & Jr.) Planned Parenthood and Vaccines based Population Control/Reduction, Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution, Michal Bloomberg’s False Flag Spawned Gun-Grabs, Jerry Nadler’s ANTIFA Myth, Bernie Bro’s Gulags and Reeducation Camps (Covid Hotels) cannot be realized, as per Rev 2:9 and 3:9, because of a lifetime full of, relative, (media/School/Hollywood/fake news) Brainwashing, and Cognitive Dissonance isREAL.

WAKE UP SAINTS, before (((they))) get all (((they))) have in store for TARGETED Christians and God’s Chosen People alike!!!

As per SNL and Revelations 2:9, etc., (((they))) are Not too big to fail, but rather (((they))) for whom We the People are fobboden to speak of are the SYNAGOG OF SATAN for whom WE THE PEOPLE were already warned!!! 

Ironically, because (((they))) have a history of poisoning wells and fleecing their host/nations EVERYWHERE they have been,WE THE PEOPLE can never do what Martin Luther, Shakespeare, Henry Ford, Boris Brasol, George Orwell or the Scribes who wrote Revelations have done.

We the people are being Silenced on the new, electric Public Square, on Campuses, and in our National Capital , alike, so help (((their))) so-called, Tech god Technocrats and Nadler’s ANTIFA Myth (Gingers) who are tasked to feign, Terrorize and Murder AMERICAN PATRIOTS WHO DARE TO SPEAK TRUTH To their Powerful Oligarch brethren.

Most of all, it’s our own inability to realize bible prophecy and the fact that the cabal of hidden handed jewISH OLIGARCHs are all co-signed onto Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution plans and that they are All on board forwarding Henry Kissinger’s second Coup, done practically unfettered with the help of his Communist China cohorts for the sake of plausible deniability!

Author: ecofer