Yes, it’s true, now that President Trump is on the Sidelines looking into our Oligarch Usurped White-house, “America” has become the subject of MORE WARS and RUMORS OF WARS, not long after President Trump, effectively, Ended them All!
Sadly, most of my fellow Blacks educated on the Democrat Plantations don’t know the half of what Vladimir Putin realizes, not only as a student of history, but also as an Orthodox Christian in a nation that relished it’s Black Russian Icons for Centuries.
What we must come to realize is that We the People are in this position because Rev 2:9 and 3:9 isREAL…
Most of my fellow Blacks do not even realize, Russia was one place on earth that did not partake in the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, but rather, Russia allowed and Encouraged it’s Gifted “Slave” to Build it’s Nation’s Capital, St Petersburg and it’s literary backbone from the Ground up, thereafter.
The same ilk of Oligarchs who birthed Marxism in Russia are now rekindling Marxism in America, relatively unfettered, and they are the Same Communist hacks who colluded with China for Fouci’s Gain of Function BioWeapon developed just before Murdering American’s in Oligarch Run City Hospitals, as per Bill Gate’s fever-dreams.
The same ilk of Satanic Oligarchs are busy getting our Eli Brode Captive Kids Signed Up to the Church of Satan when they are not Planing to array our expendable Troops on the FRONT LINES of Biden’s Disrupted Ukraine to “PROTECT the BORDERS WE THE PEOPLE DON’T OWN like Hunter Biden the Crack-Head Stakeholder and Son to the Compromised Stakeholder and Chief.
Anyone who believes Putin is the aggressor now are essentially helping the Vicious Oligarchs and they are now giving the UN-NATO Aggressors, with no love for America, all of the Cover they need to proceed with Biden’s SHAKEDOWN and ongoing provocations after we the people witnessed Biden’s proven penchant for meddling into Ukrainian affairs, as a part of the Nation Crushing Obama Administration and ongoing family grift. See also, Haiti, Libya, Yemen, Syria and that War Torn place now known as CHIRAQ, thanks to Barack!!!
My fellow Blacks know this mantra well, “Don’t Start None, Wont Be None , yet, thanks to Fake News and Deep State Oligarch ‘s Propaganda blasted over every Monopolized News platform in America, Useful Idiots are completely oblivious to the facts, regarding Russia, Putin or the nature of America’s previous meddling in it’s former territory and Oligarch owned beachhead .
The fact is, as a part of the hidden handed Oligarchs’ plan, Sleepy Joe Biden was basically installed with the help of the young Zionist, Mark Zukerman and he, the hapless liar and pretend chief is a critical part of Henry Kissinger etal’s second Coup, and thereby, Biden is now on Auto Pilot and hardly in control of anything, whatsoever .
Like a trained monkey with well greased palms Biden is HELL-BENT on finishing what he, and his Crack-Head Son, HUNTER Biden, already started in Troubled Ukraine at the bequest of George Soros and Colluding Oligarchs with ill intent towards “Mother Russia”.
Any aggression using Biden and Soros’s purposely ravaged Ukraine as Oligarch forwarded Provocation will Warrant Putin’s promised retaliation and furthermore, the entire world knows that Firm Handed Putin is not the aggressor, but rather, forced, thanks to the incompetent and Ukraine entangled Joe and Hunger Biden, to go into defense!!
Biden, on the other hand is proving to be an arm of the previous Obama Administration and furthermore the most greedy bull in a Made in China China cabinet, and thereby he’s F’ing up America from within on purpose as it’s military assets are noting more than expendable and primed for wars American should have zero interests in otherwise.
Biden, being so beholden to other nations is why he purposefully F’ed up Afghanistan, and it’s why he and other Compromised world leaders are purposefully f’ing up the Covid19 Response in behalf of Fouci and his Cabal’s Communist Chinese Cohorts.
Biden’s Controlling interests is why he is purposefully hampering Covid 19 Cures while using the full force of our Oligarch Usurped Federal Government, including the US Post Office now tasked with stopping life saving Ivermectin and other well known therapeutics that cost far less than anything Dr. Fouci and Bill Gates is invested in, expressly for their murderous protocols and Depopulation plans.
Biden is purposefully F’ing up the American Economy in concert with his appointed, Deep State Federal Reserve hacks and when realizing the Obama Administration Job losses, again, we can see that Biden is now f’ing up American Jobs formulaically too, including his allowing Russia to finish their pipelines all while abruptly shutting down American Pipelines from day one of his dubious ascendancy into our deep state Oligarch hijacked Capital.
It’s clear, Biden’s deep state handlers mentioned in Rev 2:9 and 3:9 selected Biden, just like they selected Bill Ayers’ besty, Barack Obama and it is because the hidden handed Satanist know exactly how compromised Joe is and they are confident that Biden is great at destroying EVERYTHING he puts his feeble mind too, including his own compromised family and drug idled Son held out as a sacrifice to enrich the “Big Guy”.
Being a greedy compromised deep state shill who is racist a F’ towards his brainwashed Black constituents , is exactly how Joe Biden’s Three Strikes and Other Crime Bills played out, al in behalf of the Wall Street conspirators who built far more prison facilities than in any other nation on earth, thereby, completely F’ing up the Entire Black Community for Generations to come!!!!
If you do not know why the last Dixicrat, Biden, was chosen to help fill up all of the For Profit Prisons exactly like Kamalah Harris did, then please do yourselves a favor and read Rev 2:9 and 3:9 now.
By realizing how Bible prophecy is being manifest, today, you will also begin to realize why targeted Blacks were slated for utter Captivity for 400 years in America, from 1619 until President Trump’s 2019 First Step Act, which was just one of Trump’s important moves devised to help my fellow Blacks, directly.
Trump’s First Step Act is also the same Act that was forwarded by the Oligarch owned, Van Jones, and it is the exact same act that Obama refused to sign into law before trump Won the election over the Obama Administration hag, Hillary Clinton. President Trump’s first step act essentially reversed the affects of Biden and Bill Clinton’s Three Strikes act and other dubious Crime Bill laws Biden loved to brag about so much in public.
By understanding the Biblical implications of Blacks in Captivity for 400 years, as per Genesis 15:13 or understanding the Rev 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned Satanists who are now working overtime to Openly Depopulate Targeted Blacks and White Christians, alike, you may also come to know GOD as it is all edification.
Thanks to all of the turmoil at the hands of the evermore blatant Satanists, you may now realize all of the Prophesies being Revealed along with GOD’s promised intentions for our world.
You my come to understand how GOD fearing Putin was able to free his nation of Drunken Debauchery at the hands of the same wicked Cabal of hidden handed Oligarchs now Troubling the entire earth in concert with Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION and George Soros’ Open Borders fiasco perpetuated in each nation Pope Francis’ evermore satanic Western Catholic Churches has its grips.
Indeed, Putin knows our GODLESS America, oh so well and so much so as to call out Biden’s Bluff by letting him know this Nation, among others set upon by the hidden handed Satanists are also the ones with a One Way Ticket strait Hell, no matter what assurances Pope Francis provided Biden during his curious visit to the Jesuit perverse Vatican City.
Pope Benedict’s Allegorical Black Moors as per Pope Nicholas (aka Sinter Claus’ Dum Diversas)
Much like Biden’s Corn-Pop Story told just after saying how much he loved Black children rubbing his wet hairy legs and having the Black kids sitting on his lap in the swimming pool he worked at in his youth is as cryptic and Racist as Biden’s reference to the venerable Black trailblazer, Satchel Paige at the Vatican.
While Allegory is hard to read without the proper Biblical Keys, do wake up saints, and know for certain that our nation is now under siege by the exact same Cabal of Satanic hacks that blatantly overthrew Ukraine’s Government on Obiden’s watch!
Please understand that it is the Same Cabal of Satanic Hacks who were dogging President Trump out on their Saturday Night Live Stage just for kicks and giggles are the same Satanic Hacks who elevated and featured their latest Owned Black Shills, such as their Trained Marxist freak, Patrice Colliers, who’s only mission in life was to front woman for the Soros funded BLM.
In order to destroy the last bastions of Nuclear Black Families and our youth, in general, nationwide they roll out Black freaks like Travis Scott who thrives on Kayos, or Lil Naz X the “Pregnant” boy/man freak tasked to hump an effigy of Christ on Easter when SNL’s Alec Baldwin was not busy murdering unsuspecting victims on his Post Donald Trump era movie set.
using False Flag tactics in America , ie, the Planned January 6th Siege that got Ashley Bobbitt, an American Patriot, Murdered in Cold Blood, thanks in part to the American FBI.
If the majority of Americans believe all of the well timed Rhetoric Spewing from the Predictable War Hawks, RINO’s and our Empty Shell PUPPET LEADERS who actually helped the Deep State Oligarchs Steal our own Nation from within then, it’s already settled: WE ALL DESERVE TO DIE! JUST KNOW THIS SHEEPLE… FEWER HERE WILL GO TO HEAVEN AND ON THAT NOTE, VLADIMIR PUTIN IS RIGHT!!!!
Empress Signs, [1/25/2022 1:07 PM]
[In reply to @intheMatrixxx ⭐️⭐️⭐️]
For years at I have been trying to warn my fellow Americans that HARVARD is Ground Zero for Sir Ronald Cohen and the Zionist Fake Jews’ ongoing SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION.
While our hands are still tied by (((their))) Nasty Woman and Useful Idiots, alike, thanks to telling Men, Like Klaus Schaub and Bill Gates, WE THE PEOPLE are Getting Closer and Closer to one of the Most Important REVELATIONS that GOD Wanted Us to have.
Sadly, my warnings have fallen on death ears, particularly, after being systematically removed from EVERY SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM OWNED BY THE ENEMIES WITHIN.
For nearly a decade I have been working to tell my fellow Americans that there is a disturbing Pact among the Satanic Cabal of Deep State Zionist Jews who are the Nation Meddling Oligarchs who hoped to “TOPPLE THE WORLD”. by now.
George Soros etal hoped to have their Race War, Civil War, or American Spring underway by the 100 year anniversary of the Communist Cabal’s Bolshevik revolution, but at last, President Donald J. Trump rose to victory, not the Oligarchs’ hoped for Democrat Shill, Hillary Clinton, who just so happens to be Jeffery Epteine and Ghilslaine Maxwell’s (Mossad) most honored and special guest.
The Satanic Pact is made with ALL ZIONIST Fake Jews, as per Rev 2:9 and 3:9, and they have even signed up Pope Francis to forward (((their))) Satanic cause.
After the Medici styled Catholic Church was outed for it’s penchant for Pedophilia, Pope Francis gladly signed on with Sir Ronald Cohen via Cohen’s APEX Partners group.
I know so much because of the Clinton sycophant and trained Jesuit Mayor(s) from Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia, Michael Nutter. After researching disturbing matters taking place in my own home town, Philadelphia, I realized that Nutter was the key to opening up American Cities to Colluding and evermore Dangerous (desperate) Zionist Oligarchs’ , like, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros and Goldman Sachs.
Philly Former Mayor, Michael Nutter, Begs the Question… What Won’t a Nasty Negro Shill for America’s Deep State Oligarchs Do for CNN?
As the Chairman to the Oligarch Usurped Conference of Mayors, the Clinton sycophant, Michael Nutter, helped to deliver the hidden handed Oligarch’s, so called, Took Kits containing the Oligarch’s so called, Social Impact Bond FRAMEWORK developed primarily at the Oligarch Usurped Harvard University, where the braggadocios, Klause Schwab presented his bold tell in 2017 .
The hidden handed Oligarchs’ SOCIAL IMPACT BOND Revolution paradigms include EVERY FOUL LESSON LEARNED SINCE THE TIME OF MACHIAVELLI.
Using lessons learned in the (Zionist Usurped Britt’s) first attempt to topple the Ancient Chinese Empire using Opioids, Free Needles were distributed by, so called, NGOs, just in time for the Zionist Oligarch’s Open Borders Fenytnol Serge.
See (((their))) HBO shows, “The Wire” (Compstat episode) and their follow up HBO Special, “Drug Ink” (Kensington) as their CIA developed Ploys are helped along by the University of Pennsylvania’s Martin Orne the master of Mind Control, Project Mocking Bird, etc etc.
Likewise, Philadelphia’s UPEN’s Wistar Institute principal , Dr. Fouci, is now delivering bi- time for his hidden handed Zionist task-Masters who are now using his Covid19 concoctions and quasi-Government mandates as pretense for Schwab’s so called, Great Reset.
Their Zionist run Deep State ploys dictates the use of the Zionist Owned MEDIA Monopolies which are all tooled for the purpose of Predictive Programing, Mind Control, and Propaganda.
Whole channels and Networks, along with (((their))) heavily censored Social Media Platforms are all engaged in the Oligarch Usurped MIT developed paradigms, or the SOCIAL IMPACT paradigms that are developed at the Oligarch Usurped Harvard University. Deep state Shills, like Barack Obama have helped the Oligarch Develop ploys like NUDGE Science, and Weather Underground strategies which were developed by Bill Ayers, one of Obama’s closest friends and mentor who took Obama in durring his formative years as a second generation CIA shill.
With their Manhattan Project like strategies, Every Foul lesson learned is being now employed in America and thereby, EVERY SATANIC LEANING TOOL is being used to Divide our Nation from within.
The hidden handed Zionist Oligarchs’ Media assets are all tooled and used to SOCIALLY INCITE, so called, Social Justice Warriors and unsuspecting Americans, alike, who have no clue they are being systematically BRAINWASHED.
The systematic Brainwashing of our entire nation is started inside of the Oligarch (The Waltons of Walmart) Usurped Public School Systems that are now managed by the Zionist Hedge Funder, Eli Brode.
Eli Brode TRAINED Superintendent Minions have been dispersed in key cities across our troubled nation.
Everywhere there is a Soros installed District Attorney, there are Eli Brode TRAINED Superintendents installed for the soul purpose of fomenting Useful Idiots tooled to join up the Rear of ANTIFA. ANTIFA was given the entire city of PORTLAND where they can practice unfettered and they are Bused anywhere in our nation by George Soros and used to foment Utter Kayos and Social Disruptions powerful enough to serve as a pretense for the hidden handed Oligarchs; planned UN-NATO TAKEOVER of our, once, Sovereign nation from within.
The entire Deep State set-up (Justice System Usurpation with the help of the Bloomberg Associated Center for Court Innovation) is reflected in Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia, where the Mossad Trained Police Commissioner from Portland is now installed to help the George Soros installed D.A. Larry Krasner deliver as many dead bodies as humanly possible.
Besides Utter Lawlessness, Opening up Opioid Dens and proposing Legal Prostitution, Larry Krazner’s primary goal is to deliver as many Dead Planned Parenthood Survivors as Possible in the shadow of Bill Gates’ Microsoft School of the “future”.
In Oligarch Usurped Democrat Cities, Targeted Blacks are being systematically culled in record numbers’ just like in Obama’s Chicago now called CHIRAQ since Obama (The African Hamite Hybrid) rose to power.
Note also, the first Deep State owned POLICE COMMISSIONER SHILL, Raymond Ramsey, was also from Chicago and he was tooled to forward Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform ploys from Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia. The Second Police Commissioner tooled to help run FALSE FLAG Events in Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia, now known as Killadelphia, was the Harvard School of Business TRAINED, Richard Ross. After a Botched False Flag failed to deliver Bloomberg’s hoped for national Gun Grabs, Commissioner Ross was effectively honey- potted exactly like the Philadelphia D.A. , Seth Williams.
DA Williams, was effectively honey-potted by the Deep State Oligarchs, in part, because it was he who brought the break-through Indictment against the Pennsylvania/Philadelphia based Catholic Archdioceses PEDOPHILES. Williams was practically Tarred and Feathered much like the fallen DA Kathlen Kane who was effectively pitted against him within his embattled and compromise office.
Kane was practically relegated to work in the Oligarch Usurped Philly D.A. office, after helping to out the notorious “Kids For Cash” judicial scandal in Luzerne County PA. Kayne was effectively disbarred and stripped of her duties before the Soros chosen DA , Larry Krazner, was installed.
With the help of Compromised Police Commissioners in Oligarch usrped Philly the Deep State’s so called AI gods were able to spearhead the infamous Philly Flash Mobs FALSE FLAG Events, as a precursor to Eli Brode School Takeover and the consequent making of BLM inside of our nations targeted schools.
Likewise, ANTIFA was developed from whole cloth using the Occupy Wall-street hopefuls soon after Nutter helped George Soros etal infiltrate the movement in Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia.
The hidden handed oligarch’s emerging Critical Race Theory was, otherwise, known as Starbucks #RaceTogether ploy, complete with Eric Holder waiting in the wings to deliver the Oligarch’s test run Nationwide.
Just before Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz stepped down to announce his run for the office of President, he oversaw one of the hidden handed Oligarchs’ Philadelphia based False Flag events which was just one in a series of False Flag events used to forward the Oligarchs SOCIAL IMPACT BOND Plans.
The Fake News of the highly orchestrated Starbucks Event was was titled “Two Black Men Arrested in Starbucks” and the Race Bate Story was spread far and wide by the hidden handed Oligarchs’ newly installed AI News AGGREGATORS.
As a SOCIAL IMPACT Styled NUDGE, the hidden handed Oligarchs began using their, so called, AI BOTS. The New Agragating AI bots managed to amplified the Race Bate Story of “Two Black Men Arrested in Starbucks” and the story was forwarded so profoundly in order to suggest that Starbucks Stock Price plummeting was due to the racially profiled Black Men.
The Hagalian Dialectic styled False Flag event spearheaded in Oligarch usurped Philadelphia was also used as justification to spread the Oligarchs’ early version of CRT under the auspice of Starbucks Racial Sensitivity Training. Starbucks CTR was spread far and wide with the help of Mr. Kick em Low, Holder, himself at the helm, thus, the CTR paradigm was effectively delivered into each state where a Oligarch Owned Starbucks was located.
Again, using Bloomberg’s practically owned Black Shill, turned Bloomberg’s Presidential Campaign Manager as a reward for his dirty deeds, Philly’s former Mayor ,Michael Nutter, and the Oligarch Usurped city of Philadelphia has served as a primary vector for delivering, not only Martin Orne’s deeply entrenched Pedophile/Political Strategies, forwarded by Maxwell and Epstein, but also Dr. Fouci’s A.I.D.S based developments, and consequent Government Mandates now spread widely across our systematically troubled globe.
Likewise, many of Bill and Melinda Gates’ Orchestrated Stratagems are hatched out of Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia, where Nutter helped Hillary Clinton rig the DNC when he wasn’t busy helping to deliver the hidden handed Oligarchs our entire Usurped Government , starting in Cohen’s Harvard School of Business and effectively spread into every Soros “Owned” City and State, once on the verge of Bankruptcy, thanks to Sir Ronald Cohen’s Venture Capital based, Pension Ploys.
With the help of Philadelphia based School Experiments and Brain studies, among other things, such as MIT Developed NUDGE SCIENCE (((They))) realized (((they))) can, indeed, GET AWAY WITH MURDER, as seen with Bill Gates and Dr. Fouci’s brazen moves to systematically Depopulate the Entire Earth.
Partnered together with NIKE and Henry Kissinger’s Communist China Cohorts the hidden handed Cabal of Rev 2:9 mentioned Satanists otherwise known as the ZIONIST FAKE JEWS, are making their greatest strides to date using their heavily invested Gain of Function and Vaccine Depopulation strategies as a result of the greatest hoax on earth.
The Cabal of dedicated ZIONIST Jews realize they are able to Get Away with their Murderous Plans due to our relative COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.
While great men throughout history could recognize their pertinent for poisoning wells and financially ravaging whole nations, the cabal of fake jews are busy cashing in on every nation toppling ploy.
As they put a strangle hold on America’s Constitution they realize their Harvard Orchestrated Predictive Programing strategies can effectively dictate how each and every one of us thinks about them, including us Thinking and Believing that they are actually GOD’s chosen people.
This one fact alone is why the Emaciating Britt’s were ravished by way of Balfor and now Sir Ronald Cohen and it’s why America, under the Dictates of Hidden Handed Jews have practically Abandon the Bible there one Place where everything there is that needed to be known about the Biblical foretold SATANIST could be, otherwise, known by us.
The evermore Brazen Satanists, as seen on Saturday Night Live and in a Child’s Oligarch Usurped School Near You, feel Free and Easy to Do as they Wilt to us and with us.
FREAKS LIKE CLAUS SCHWAB ARE MAKING GREAT STRIDES, simply, because WE THE PEOPLE HAVE PRACTICALLY REMOVED OUR ARMOR. Our armor against the openly revealed Satanists is the Word of GOD spelled out for all with eyes to see in our, relatively, misunderstood Bibles.
The FACT is, WE WERE Already Warned by earlier Saints like MARTIN LUTHER or America’s Henry Ford, and more importantly WE WERE ALREADY WARNED in our, relatively, disregarded Bible in the Book of Revelations Chapter 2 Verse 9 and Chapter 3 Verse 9.
The Harvard Usurping “Keystone” for the next generation of Vicious Satanists is Sir Ronald Cohen, the so called, Father of Venture Capitalism who is stationed in Oligarch Usurped in London.
It was the ambitious Harvard alum, Cohen who invented the Bush employed Venture Capital “financial instrument” used to systematically BANKRUPT America’s State and City Pension Coffers from coast to coast.
The fleeced pension dollars funneled out of City and State coffers through our Nation were not only used to enrich the so-called 1%, the proceeds were also used to build up the jewISH Cabal’s Silicon Valley “AI gods”.
Tax payer fleecing frauds like, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Jeff Basos, the Twitter Twit, etc, etc, etc were all MADE MEN developed from Whole Cloth using Americas stolen pensions.
With the help of their, so called, AI gods, robbing us of our Votes and our voices, alike, the Cabal of fake jews are poised and positioned to thrive off of America’s fleeced Tax Payer dollars, forevermore.
Under the auspices of SIR RONALD COHEN’S SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION spearheaded out of Harvard University, the hidden handed jews have effectively shoehorned their way into every American institution, as per Klaus Schwab’s braggadocios speech above.
Cohen is also the former Chairman of the G8 (reduced to G6) and a close associate of Tony Blair, the man who allowed Cohen to rob the unsuspecting Britts of all of their Unclaimed Assets just in time for the making of his latest, financial instrument” ploy, otherwise known as Cohen’s “Second Bounce of the Ball”.
The Zionists have Colluded to Take Over our nations and to so so they have tooled every asset they own and control. Every entity, both, Government and Corporate is being used by the hidden handed fake jews to forward Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION spearheaded in Oligarch usurped Harvard University.
The hidden handed fake jews’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND Revolution is rolled out in the same way the Manhattan Project was rolled out and therefore they are all of their OLIGARHC Usurped Universities and they are all being Coordinated with the help of Fellow Harvard Alum, such as Bill Ayers’ best student, Barack Obama.
Cohen’s Harvard school of business Cohorts, include the New England Patriot owner, Robert Kraft, the man tasked to help to TOOL our American Sports teams, hence, the NFL, NBA, NASCAR, ESPN, alike are now used to help the hidden handed Zionists forward their dubious SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR Paradigms targeting expendable Blacks.
With George Soros at the helm, Undermining Big Cities with his Open Cities/Open Society/Open Borders Ploys, The SOCIAL IMPACT Bond ZIONISTS , including, MICHEAL BLOOMBERG are all Funding Social DISRUPTION Paradigms nationwide, and the Colluding Zionist assets include the NIKE and Disney Sponsored Colin Kaepernick.
Thanks to Kraft and his hidden handed Cabal’s concerted measures to infiltrate the NFL, the high profile mixed-race Shill Colin Kaepenic was afforded a Global Stage. Kapernik was effectively used to kick off the hidden handed fake jews BLM group.
From Kapernick’s NFL platform Soros’ most profound Race Bate tool was effectively thrust into the spotlight and therefore into consciousness of every set upon American. Thanks to Kraft, the cabal of Satanic fake jews are also responsible for each of the evermore Satanic NFL Half-Time Shows, particularly, Beyonce’s the day she and hand her hand-select Black Panther Minion performed tracks from her album, FORMATION.
Certainly ,the depraved display by Beyonce was not nearly as discussing as the Zionist tool, Cardi B’ or Megan the Stallion’s but it too served the hidden handed Zionists on may fronts. Beyonce’s NFL “performance” was actually an Allegorical homage to the ZIONIST’S BLACK PANTHERS group and her Allegorical performance also served as a Recruiting tool for the Zionist funded BLM shills along with their new generation of Useful Idiots who’d happily call themselves Black Panthers without a single clue pertaining to its jewISH Marxist leadership structure and fake jew source.
Beyonce’s self professed Satanic performance also served as an homage to Bill Gates, the dork who has a shout-out in Beyonce’s accompanying lyrics embedded in her FORMATION release.
Beyonce’s NFL Recruiting of More CIA Controlled Useful Idiots, eg. Black Panthers
Contrary to popular belief, The Black Panther’s were not begun by the fake jew’s MAO Inspired Black Cult in Sanfransisco or Oakland California. The Black Shills’ Black Panther Group were begun from whole cloth with the help of the bad boy Huey Newton and the Lucifer loving Bobby Seale who were both placed at the helm by their hidden handed jew handlers.
The Original Black Panther’s were started by Angela Davis’ jewISH Task Masters and they were actuly the first Occupying Zionists who set upon Palestine in the holy land all while waiting for their Zionist Lord Balfor to deliver the spoils had by way of the forever exasperated Britts. (See how Queen Elizabeth is at her wits end trying to mitigate further damages to her own tainted crown, thanks to her Epstein and Mossad-Maxwell loving son, Prince Andrew).
Trained Marxist shills at BLM much like like Social Justice Warrior Snowflakes BRAINWASHED in Oligarch Usurped Schools and Universities nationwide are all being trained to follow up the rear of JERRY NADDLER’s ANTIFA myth.
The modern day BOLSHEVIKS such as Bernie Sanders and his waiting Bernie Bro’s, along with the NAZI SS holdout, Geroge Soros, etal are using the same ZIONIST playbooks of old, but this time they are using them all at once.
The CABAL of Hidden Handed Zionists have completely Usurped Harvard and whole American Cities, like Minneapolis, New York and PHILADELPHIA and they have also managed to Usurp entire States and Nations with the help of Fouci’s Covid ploys. Sadly, the Britt’s truly thought they were well on the the Road to BREXIT until Boris Johnson, the Zionist Owned Goofball, showed his Deceptive hand.
Klaus Schwab is busy gloating at Harvard about the ZIONISTs systematic Ascent into the bowels of once great nations, like Canada, Venezuela, France, Australia, etc etc etc.
After Completely Hijacking our Troubled Nation from Within, starting at Oligarch Usurped HARVARD, the Zionist were able to Upscale their Satanic plans now effecting the entire glob. The Zionosts hope to move in against every targeted Black Planned Parenthood Survivor and Every Christian of the Promise, alike, using Gates openly stated Depopulation plans and their planned Open Borders Kayos, Fouci’s Covid 19, etc.
While WE THE PEOPLE Remain mere reactionaries by not reading Rev 2:9 and 3:9 in our Bibles (((they))) have effectively set upon every “Democratic” Nation in LOCK-STEP, and (((they))) are now USING OLIGARCH USURPED AMERICA and hoping to get back into Vladimir Putin’s Orthodox Christian nation, by force.
The hidden handed Oligarchs loath Putin much like they loath President Trump… They hate Putin simply because the strong Russian leader managed to oust their fellow Oligarchs, thus, effectively rendering Russia back to the Orthodox Christian Nation where the people are, relatively, solvent and sober again.
After you read Rev 2:9 and 3:9 with eyes that can see, it is important that you realize all proceeds gleaned by Sir Ronald Cohen’s latest “financial instrument” also known as his Second Bounce of the Ball or his SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION, are going into the complete TAKEOVER of Palestine, as (((they))), the hidden handed Cabal of SATANISTS mentioned in Rev 2:9 and 3:9 are hell-bent on taking the entire Promised Land from Sea to Sea and just as our Bibles did prophesy.
After their rollout of SOCIAL IMPACT ploys like S.T.E.M. and C.O.R.E. learning experiments, the evermore brazen Cabal realizes that (((they))) can now CONTROL the MINDS of the Masses, so much so, that MANY unsuspecting Useful Idiots are WILLING to Kill.
So called Social Justice Warriors are now Tooled to Murder their own Babies in the Womb on the steps of America’s Supreme Court on que, let alone themselves while following the Satanists’ brazen DO AS THOU WILT mantras, including, Covid 19 dictates preceding an Adele or Travis Scott Concert.
Even while the world is slowly waking up, Dr. Fouci and Bill Gates’, Eyes of Darkness foretold PLANDEMIC rolled out with the help of Kissinger’s Communist China Cohorts is still underway unfettered.
Just like the hapless victims who got the first cases of the Fouci funded of Covid 19 Virus in China’s Millitary Games American athletes are still preparing themselves for the Beijing Sponsored Olympic games, as if nothing at all is wrong.
Due to our own cognitive dissonance the hidden handed Satanists Ploys are still being forwarded and mainly unchallenged in Compromised States and, namely, by highly Compromi$ed Democrats, nationwide.
While the data is in and the Scientifically reviewed facts can be had by all , including the murderous hospital outcomes thanks to the Dr. Fouci;s preferred Remdesivir, there is relatively nothing being done to change our collective fate.
The unfettered Satanists are now given all of the cover they need thanks to their highly COMPROMISED Jesuit Shill, Joe Biden, the Mentally Impaired Puppet President placed at the helm of our OLIGARCH USURPED Nation, unconstitutionally.
Read my earlier reports on the hidden handed Satanist’s Nation Toppling ploys at by searching “Sir Ronald Cohen” in the search box and be sure to leave a Donation and or your Critical Feedback in the Comment Section below.
Can Someone please tell the Rev 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned OLIGARCH Hacks working overtime to topple our nation from within to STOP TRIGGERING AND RACE-BATING exacerbated White Men, like my good friend, Mark Dice!
(((They))) the Race Bating fake jews haven’t even rolled out their Black Communist Shills for February, which is the Race Bating fake jews’, so called, BLACK HISTORY MONTH, as if we wont be subjected to the same damned Socialist Shills who killed the Marcus Garvey Plan or the Booker T. Washington Plan in behalf of the Rothchilds etc!
Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION is well under way and George Soros etal will not Stop using My Fellow Blacks for Race-Bate, and they wont stop Troubling Our Nation from within until they have their hoped for Civil War, Race War or AMERICAN SPRING… whatever comes first!
Soros’ hope for Divided Nation is Triggered, thanks to Fed Up American’s like Mark Dice and the TRAINED MARXIST Shills, alike, who are systematically misled by the hidden handed jewISH Oligarch’s China funded BLM!!!
The biblically mentioned fake jews are now TARGETING White Christians, as profoundly as, they have TARGETED PLANNED PARENTHOOD SURVIVING BLACKS and finally there is something so profound that will be ultimately realized according to the book of Revelations, as WE THE PEOPLE of all stripes and races are FINALLY WAKING UP in each an every nation (((they))) the unmentionable fake jews as per Rev 2:9 are waging the same kind of asymmetrical war!
Then, and only then will your fellow Whites be returned to the Oligarch Usurped Airwaves, sooner than later Sir!!!
The Protestants inspired by the true Martin Luther were all attuned to GOD’s Chosen People and like the Mighty Quakers, they all had a Certain affinity with the Captive Israelite SINCE THEIR DECISIVE VICTORY IN PA, LEADING TO THE CONSEQUENT ESTABLISHMENT OF OUR NATION IN MY HOME TOWN, PHILADELPHIA, all with the help of Richard Allen during a Pandemic, no less.
In spite of the fake jew’s complete buyout, and consequent Usurpation of BET programing and every major TV Outlet in America, now WEAPONIZED to Divide and Propagandize Our Troubled Nation, Let’s pray Mr. Dice and EVERY AMERICAN will soon realize, Together, WE ARE ONE NATION UNDER GOD!
Indeed, it was Mark Zukerberg who invited “us” to say that our RELATIONSHIPS were “Complicated”.
When considering George Soros funded D.A. permissive stance on record Murders could Oligarch’s like Zuckerberg be responsible for this young man’s murder in Chicago?Sadly, Zuckerberg is now making many determinations in behalf of targeted Blacks, and this fact is made evident with the amount of money Zukerberg bestowed upon the lap of hungry Blacks like, Stacey Abrams, the Bilderberg darling who definitely delivered!
We can thank hungry Black Shills for helping to deliver the hidden handed Oligarchs behind Biden and Harris too. Key Blacks are responsible for all of the fake and phony votes in Georgia and they delivered like no other American group, forcing the rest of us to suffer all of the devastating results emanating from the most incompetent President’s America has every known.
Another hungry Black shill doing heavy lifting for her hidden handed Deep State task-masters proves that she is still willing to swallow Jim row Joe, even thought it was Kamala Harris, herself, who argued that Biden was a Racist piece of shit on the national stage when she stood toe to toe to confront Biden.
Like a two dollar hoe, Harris chomped at the bit to become Biden’s, loathed, bottom Bitch in the most COMPLICATED relationship in American Presidential history.
As one who is only two degrees Separated from the CIA Cult hack, Jim Jones, Harris illustrates all of the complexities of the dubious Biden / Harris’ relationship for all the world to see. Everyone knows that Harris would not be anything in Politics without Willie Brown and neither would Jim Jones.
With just a modicum of analysis a certain dichotomy between Corn-Pop (Charlemagne Da god types) and Candidate Joe Biden, who told Charlemagne We are Not Black unless we vote for Massa Joe, becomes clearer by the day. Understandably, Biden is racist as F’, yet Blacks are slow to realize this is the true nature of the Democrat Party too and it’s thanks , in part to all of the Blacks who serve Biden’s needs with the moral fortitude of two dollar hoes.
With the Biden presidency we are witness to the full arc of the Dixiecrat party politics and it’s clear Boule Blacks are willing to help cover up all of the perversions, therein, such as Bill Clinton’s deviant ties to the Black Prostitute from Arkansas and worse. Boule Blacks said nothing when we all learned about the sick, drug idled woman from Arkansas who was exploited by the former Governor to the degree that she would become pregnant with Bill’s, Hillary Clinton bastardized son, Danney Williams.
Black Democrats are willing to ignore certain facts in favor of their Democrat Masters but we the people can no longer ignore Clinton’s penchant for partaking in Pedophilia, even if we are willing to forgive him and Biden for their Black family devastating Three Strikes Crime Bill, etc.
Sadly, hungry Blacks on the DEMOCRAT PLANTATION may never realize it’s the Democrat Party that employed the KKK just like Ralph Newsom and Dan Burros did. Burros was the hidden handed, Rev 2:9 mentioned fake jew from NYC who systematically recruited, so called, white supremacists the same way Democrat Party did in an effort to stop the Virginia Republican, Glenn Youngkin and his Black Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears from Defeating the Black-face / KKK adorning fraud , Ralph Northam, the racist piece of shit Black Democrats are apparently trained to love and want.
A week after feigning direct action during the Civil Rights era before a gullible Black audience in Atlanta, Biden visited Philabundance in Oliarch Usurped Philly, no doubt, for a photo op and a PR stunt just in time for MLK Day. Sadly, in targeted, free Black, Philadelphia Blacks are all WELCOMED to partake in “free” food programs with MONSANTO (Now BAYER) as a major Underwriter and targeted Blacks are ENCOURAGED to use GMO Crops as a Primary Source after the “Produce Dessert” lie.
You were all TRAINED to think, hapless Blacks were void of Vegetables and unable to find or purchase them for miles within the TARGETED Black Communities arrayed as per Agenda 2020 and Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND paradigms with George Soros’ at the helm in the USA, but what you may not know is the hidden handed Oligarchs who are allowed to encroach into the lives of Blacks deemed hapless victims are also allowed to tool our entire society in order to target you with the same deadly paradigms too.
Now, life, death, and how my fellow Blacks Behave is determined, in part, by the Diet they are on and the Water they drink so TARGETED BLACKS are being made subject to every deadly paradigm paid for by hidden handed Oligarchs who are leveraging Blacks for your hard earned tax dollars using Saul Alinsky principles guaranteeing them a “free lunch”. The Democrat controlling Oligarchs have effectively privatized most of Philadelphia’s government run assets, including the Philadelphia Water Works and hospitals too.
In Philadelphia Dr. Fouci and the Wistar Institute (UPEN) worked tirelessly to FORMULATED A.I.D.S and or distribute the Virus which was developed from whole cloth. Then, the novel Virus developed under the auspice of Polio research was released it into the CONGO were (((they))) could TARGET Blacks first and foremost.
Today, Fouci’s Communist China designed BioWeapon was developed with the help of the Second Generation Chairman of Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood, Bill Gates‘.
The man who openly announced his desire for DEPOPULATION and Fouci have effectively developed their GAIN OF FUNCTION derived Virus and Consequent, DEPOPULATION Vaccine, to be Race Specific, among other things…
BOTTOM LINE SAINTS, Rev 2:9 and 3:9 isREAL and the Colluding Satanist know that our relative Cognitive Dissonance Surrounding Certain FACTS will be the Death of Us, both, TARGETED WHITE CHRISTIANS and GOD’S CHOSEN People said to suffer “Confusion of Face”, hence, Joe Biden truly thinks he is the one who can, indeed, Define who is Black based on us voting for him or not.
Indeed, as a free borne Black woman from the city of Philadelphia, home of Richard Allen and the Mother Bethel Church, I relish the First Amendment and thereby, I loath blatant censorship that goes hand and hand with Fascism and the emerging Communistic leaning regime of colluding jewISH Oligarchs that have set upon our Nations “first” Capital with a vengeance.
I see (((their))) ascent as metaphorical and my ability to see through (((their))) devious ploys as Biblical, and thereby I attribute my findings to the same holy spirit that moved Martin Luther the Original OG, the Quakers, Nat Turner and descendants of early Protestants (ala Martin Luther) who fight so valiantly in our behalf.
Our children must learn and remember what happened with the Emancipating Buffalo Solgiers of old, as well as the sympathetic Whigs turned Republicans, least we stay stuck on stupid on every Democrat Plantation now delivering the copious slaughter of Black Planned Parenthood Survivors from coast to coast.
Be sure to bookmark for further Revelations on the innerworkings of the Fouci Cabal and Solutions for Set-upon Survivors of Margret Sanger’s fever-dreams now forwarded unfettered by it’s Second Generation chairman, Bill Gates etal.
If you are WITH, AGREED, DOWN, ALIGNED, CONDONE, INSPIRED, or SYMPATHETIC with This God Damned #J@nuary6th CULT of SATANIC MURDERING HACKS in Charge of Your DEMOCRAT PLANTATION, Wonder No More why Targeted Planned Parenthood Survivors of #MargaretSanger’s EUTHANASIA Fever-dreams are falling like flies!!!
While President Trump Did so Much FOR BLACKS he worked tirelessly to appease the Damned Democrats Still managed to Keep our Black Population Falling Below 11% of the American Population, when we were nearly 20% of the, so called, melting pot WHEN THE DEMOCRATS INSISTED ON KEEPING BLACK SLAVES!!!
When President Donald J. Trump proposed solution and Federal help to STOP the copious murders of planned Parenthood Survivors in America’s, so called, Gun Free zones in “chocolate cities” from coast to coast, ghoulish Democrats, like Lory Lightfoot took great pleasure in turning help for targeted Blacks away, only to grovel to Black’s worst nightmare, three Strikes Joe Biden, the man who spent his entire working life putting Black Corn-pops in their place with chains, no less.
Based on the Barak Obama era conversion of Chicago into CHIRAQ, alone, it should be quite clear to all Blacks (((they)))Want TARGETED BLACKS Dead and Gone by Yesterday!
While President Trump abolished federal funding for Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood, thanks to DEMONIC DEMOCRATS today Black baby body parts, much like HARVESTED BLACK ORGANS, are selling for far more money than the cost of Black slaves!!!!
Blacks who Keep Voting the Same Way Each Time While Expecting Different Results are the Same Ones Hidden Handed Burrocrats are Convincing All Need Therapy, while Recognizing and Profiting on the Relative Insanity!
IF RECORD MURDERS OF BLACKS IN DEMOCRAT RUN CITIES LIKE #KILLADELPHIA and #CHIRAC don’t Bother YOU more than President TRUMP, then Wonder no more What is Wrong in the #JoeBiden #ThreeStrikes TARGETED #BlackCommunity!!!
Apparently, Love for you is hard to come by, because you are A-ok FOLLOWING #jimjones’ Best Pal and Colleague, #NastyWoman #NancyPelosi & the drunken ghouls now Overseeing Our Systematic Deaths & Demise.
Not only did deceptive, mind F’ing Democrats aligned with the Deep State’s Jim Jones EXPERIMENT convince weak-minded Blacks to seethe over the ambiguous OK symbol after training them it is somehow racist, they have also conditioned most Blacks to completely ignore what is actually happening to us on the Democrat Plantations in our ONLY HOME for whom we are Trained to Hate, #America!!!
Wake Up Sheeple!!! OPEN YOUR EYES!!!! (((THEY))) been Lying to US on the daily DAILY to Keep (((their))) TARGETED Blacks Slaughtered in the Damned Democrat Run Streets Nationwide!!!
Rev 2:9 isREAL Fam, GoogleIt!!! TRAINED Marxest at #BLM are FAKE as F’ck Fam, BelieveIt!! #FollowTheMoney!!!!
When will my fellow Blacks wake up???? Of course I will be called a Hater because I am a Black Woman who is sick and tired of the RESULTS delivered by Professional Race Hacks great Black men like Booker T. Washington warned us all about nearly a decade ago!
It is all thanks to Owned Black Shills like Maxine Waters and Al Sharpton that BLACKS have EVERYTHING To Complain About, including the Throngs of Useful Idiots organized in behalf of Sharpton’s and Waters’ hidden handed jewISH Task-Masters who Use them to deliver EVERYTHING Blacks have suffered since they have been placed in their, respective, political positions.
I credit Maxine Waters for the Cultivation of Bloods and Crips even thought it was the hidden handed fake jews who Mastered the Making of Blacks Radicals of every foul title since Dian Feinstien and Nancy Peloci’s besty Jim Jones’ managed to ORGANIZE his Black Death Cult successfully lured down to Guyana, S. America, a CIA owned territory, just because they could!
What most of my fellow Blacks do not realize is the FACT that fake jews as per Rev 2:9 could never get away with our copious MURDERS without the help of hungry Negro’s like Al Sharpton and Maxine Waters.
My fellow Blacks do not realize Vice President Kamala Harris is just two degrees separated from the Cult Killer Jim Jones because it was her Pimp like lover, Willie Brown who helped to deliver the hapless Blacks to their systematic demise!
The racist ass Democrat party that fought tooth and nails to keep our Southern Black families as enslaved as the Blacks who are now being sold on the open markets in Barack Obama’s Bombed out Libya, discovered they could simply keep Black Overseers fully employed in the party that developed the deadly Ku Klux Klan for strictly political reasons.
Of course, the two elder ball sack looking Democrat pets are older than me at 54 years of age, and therefore, both have been in the political spot-light since the time of my birth. Fully realizing what they have done to targeted Blacks in America is much like a frog realizing he was being boiled in a pot of tepid water that had not yet reached the critical boiling point.
In short, these God damned Democrat hacks were paid millions to get Blacks where we are collectively, albeit, many Blacks have managed, in spite of them. One such Black man is my own father, James N. Thompkins of the Thompkins funeral home built with his own two hands on Girard Avenune in free-Black Philadelphia where Black greats like Richard Allen, the founder of the AME Church who helped to deliver this nation out of the hands of enslaving tyrants, like King George of England.
While my Republican father was Busy making the best of his life by building upon the shoulders of Proud and Powerful Black Men before him, Black shills like Al Sharpton were being used by crafty Socialist who set upon the illustrious Methodist church that helped to deliver Nat Turner into the Revolutionary Man moved by the holy spirit to treat his masters just like the Pharaohs who gave us such grief in the beginning of our journey as God’s chosen people.
Unlike Al Sharpton, the Mighty Black Men represented on Seti’s tomb were not beholden to the hidden handed Canaanites who ensured Blacks would never again fit in among the Pyramids we built with our own genius and hands. Sharpton and Waters are the reason why our most prized possession from KMT is emblazoned on the all mighty dollar they worship the most.
These political freaks might have been the ones to say the, so called,
in America spent an entire Decade plus to Captivate Blacks and keep us
Test! After 2023 January 6th post was Obliterated on WordPress Blog product in concert with Oligarchs’ ongoing efforts to CANCEL AMERICANS who are now Under Siege!
Much like the term “Fake News“, I worked to warn my fellow Blacks about an emerging #Formation years ago…
Like my warning about the emerging Formation, I made my False Flags and Fake News group page in 2014, well before President Trump made the term Fake News, news.
My False Flags and Fake News Group page on Facebook is where the following meme about the pending #Formation first appeared before I was removed from FaceBook. Consequently, my group pages, including False Flag and Fake News were serendipitous claimed by other Face Book users who were named Administrators of the group pages I developed.
Now, Dr. Peter McCullough is bringing the, otherwise, obvious FORMATION phenomenon to our attention on shows like the Joe Rogan experience with an audience far bigger than I could ever hope for.
At last, “White Men” are speaking of the same FORMATION, as it relates to Covid19 tied Mass psychosis, therefore, my fellow Blacks will now “realize” what I have been trying to say to them for years… Indeed, this is a sad, but true dichotomy unique to Blacks who do suffer Confusion of Face as our, relatively, disregarded bibles foretold.
Let’s see how #FORMATION and Dr. McCullough’s Mass Formation news gets spun by the hidden handed fake Jews as per Rev 2:9 and 3:9, as their hated White Goyim is already loathed for helping targeted Blacks wake up, as is.