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Can Someone please tell the Rev 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned OLIGARCH Hacks working overtime to topple our nation from within to STOP TRIGGERING AND RACE-BATING exacerbated White Men, like my good friend, Mark Dice!

(((They))) the Race Bating fake jews haven’t even rolled out their Black Communist Shills for February, which is the Race Bating fake jews’, so called, BLACK HISTORY MONTH, as if we wont be subjected to the same damned Socialist Shills who killed the Marcus Garvey Plan or the Booker T. Washington Plan in behalf of the Rothchilds etc!


Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION is well under way and George Soros etal will not Stop using My Fellow Blacks for Race-Bate, and they wont stop Troubling Our Nation from within until they have their hoped for Civil War, Race War or AMERICAN SPRING… whatever comes first!

Soros’ hope for Divided Nation is Triggered, thanks to Fed Up American’s like Mark Dice and the TRAINED MARXIST Shills, alike, who are systematically misled by the hidden handed jewISH Oligarch’s China funded BLM!!!




The biblically mentioned fake jews are now TARGETING White Christians, as profoundly as, they have TARGETED PLANNED PARENTHOOD SURVIVING BLACKS and finally there is something so profound that will be ultimately realized according to the book of Revelations, as WE THE PEOPLE of all stripes and races are FINALLY WAKING UP in each an every nation (((they))) the unmentionable fake jews as per Rev 2:9 are waging the same kind of asymmetrical war!

Then, and only then will your fellow Whites be returned to the Oligarch Usurped Airwaves, sooner than later Sir!!!


The Protestants inspired by the true Martin Luther were all attuned to GOD’s Chosen People and like the Mighty Quakers, they all had a Certain affinity with the Captive Israelite SINCE THEIR DECISIVE VICTORY IN PA, LEADING TO THE CONSEQUENT ESTABLISHMENT OF OUR NATION IN MY HOME TOWN, PHILADELPHIA, all with the help of Richard Allen during a Pandemic, no less.

Please Google, Richard Allen’s Eulogy for George Washington our Nation’s first president

In spite of the fake jew’s complete buyout, and consequent Usurpation of BET programing and every major TV Outlet in America, now WEAPONIZED to Divide and Propagandize Our Troubled Nation, Let’s pray Mr. Dice and EVERY AMERICAN will soon realize, Together, WE ARE ONE NATION UNDER GOD!

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Congressman, Vernon Jones, has Left the Democrat Plantation to Address Negro Controlling CNN!

Indeed, somebody had to do it, but, unlike the allegorical Phoenix rising out of the ashes into an epic netherworld, CNN rode into existence by being tied to the tailpipe of a White Bronco carrying OJ Simpson away from the “scene” that would ultimately become a staging ground for Beyonce’s FemiNazi version of the Black Panthers and Colin Kaepernick’s pig socks, alike, ie, a decimated shell of the former NFL.

It is, indeed, good to have a political insider who was close enough to smell the Bullshit which emanates so freely from compromised Democrats within the God Damned Congressional Black Caucus.

Blacks in America must come to realize that our problems in America are due to Black Democrat political hacks who have occupied congress for decades. It is they who have been working on the front lines of our systematic demise in every fallen “Chocolate City” nationwide.

Members of the Democratic Black Caucus have been in office since their Nancy Pelosi taskmaster worked side by side with Jim Jones.

The notorious Jim Jones was just two degrees of separation away from Vice President* Kamala Harris, who slept her way into political office as a bottom bitch to Willie Brown, the close associate of Jones who was established as a CIA tied, mass murdering, Cult leader of gullible, Kool-Aid riddled blacks.

Congressman Jones got to look the infamous Congressman, nicknamed Good-trouble, directly into his beady lying eyes all while his celebrated district gave way to abandoned houses, rats, roaches and the spilt blood of countless black constituents. 

It’s no accident that the home of the jew’s NAACP, in Baltimore MD, was also considered the Murder Capital of of the world for targeted Blacks. Based on empirically evidenced results (as seen on “The Wire”) in Baltimore  Maryland it is clear and apparent that hand-select black Boule, like Elijah Cummings, serve only their hidden handed taskmasters, much like every character that was developed as a result of the Oligarch’s staged Selma campaign for which Dick Gregory says he financed himself.
In the telling video posted below, a high-level black BOULE agent, Dick Gregory, explains how he was called up on the phone by Sheriff Jim Clark directly. He explains that Clark needed to lock up a high profile Negro like him to help with the staging of a series of False Flag events that seeded men like John Lewis. In true form, Gregory stated he was unable to go, so he sent his 9 month [sic] pregnant wife to be jailed in his stead.

Since the “making” of W.E.B. DuBois, one of the first Black BOULEs, Democrats have routinely sold-out black constituents who manage to escape our intended fate at the hands of the congressionally funded, urban situated Planned Parenthood clinics nationwide.
After undergoing a major epiphany during the Donald Trump era, the noble congressman Jones no longer wanted to be tied among the political harvesters of late term aborted babies.

To add insult to Black injury the disgusting Democrat ghouls in congress all celebrated right along with Chuck Schumer ,who’s ilk lobbied hard as hell in behalf of facilitating late term abortions.  The Democrat senator, John Rogers’ launched a cold-blooded diatribe that should tell us all we need to know about the God damned black Democrats!

Thanks, in part, to the Congressional Black Caucus, targeted Black Baby body parts, alone,  are  now far more valuable than the cost of a black slaves.

Jones understands what I have known for some time; targeted Blacks Americans are practically cultivated as victims by fake “News” outlets like CNN.

As indicated by Rodgers who indicated non aborted Blacks would die sooner or later Black Planned Parenthood survivors are practically curated into wards of the Deep State.

Hidden handed bureaucrats  who rely on the Democrat party are following Saul Alinky’s Free Lunch plan to the letter . They have effectively have rendered surviving blacks into a perpetual victim class who can then be harness

The black BOULE were happy to help Joe Biden fill up the Oligarch’s  for profit Prisons systems, and they simply stand by as we are hunted down in their streets by Corporate Mercenaries  who are now working overtime to deliver record numbers of Black murder victims on the Democrat run Plantations nationwide.

Few, Black BOULE shills, are worse than the Blood and Crypt loving, Maxine Waters, who’d happily stand by to allow no new thing to happen for ravaged blacks trapped on the democrat plantations, including her  notorious Los Angeles district.

Below Waters is seen working closely with a leader of Jerry Nadler’s ANTIFA “myth”, the same mythological creatures who converged on a fellow former Democrat, Candace Owens’, who dared come to speak to Blacks who are under siege in the Democrat run “KILLADELPHIA”,  and just blocks away from our disregarded Constitution.

Maxine Waters’ favorite ANTIFA goon set up shop behind my old High School  in order to commandeer our Eli Brode usurped school system. With Democrat help, ANTIFA has worked, unfettered, for nearly a decade to systematically radicalize the next generation of expendable Blacks who can now be used to Riot and Burn down America’s high value urban communities on demand.  

After the failed Edison Schools experiment first launched in Killadelphia, ANTIFA is now the ones forwarding Bill Ayers fever-dreams which were developed with the help of his Democrat underling, Barack Obama.

All American Blacks must realize the formula that is fully manifest in Barack Obama’s evermore deadly

For the hidden handed powers that be brilliant Planned Parenthood Survivors, like Stacie Abrams, remain nothing more than cultivated and systematically radicalized Cash Cows.

Blacks are politically branded with the help of Race bating CNN hacks via daily propaganda ploys and we are practically trained to become hypersensitive, victimized Faberge eggs delivering others far more in return than Bamboozled Black constituents will ever come to realize.

For each delivered Democrat district where Blacks are mowed down in record numbers unfettered inside of America’s most  notorious Gun Free Zones, Murderous Democrats, like Barack Obama, the man who killed the president of the African Union, are elevated and/or deified by CNN.

Much like George Floyd, the most base characters in the, so called, Black community, serve CNN as beacons for utter kayos and control. 

This week the Chicago Mayor, Lori Lightfoot was ushered out before the CNN cameras to answer spoon-fed questions about being a victimized Black Woman, rather than an incompetent Mayor placed there to oversee the unfettered Murders of her corporate mercenary targeted constituents. I have no doubt, whatsoever, that it is the jewISH Cabal’s way to justify all of the Black bloodshed that is occurring in CHIRAQ on her watch!

While nothing is certain about the infamous OJ trial that was first highlighted on the emerging CNN, certainly, America was flushed with the aims of resulting reality stars with the power to deliver a CardiB caliber ass kicking to all gullible Blacks and snowflake white Americans alike.

The OJ built CNN (a project Mockingbird asset) proves just how gullible  Americans are and how easily Blacks can be brainwashed too, and thereby we all can be systematically Triggered, Incited and/ or Instituted as profoundly as Lamar Odum, Kanye West or the former Olympian, Bruce Jenner, turned Kaytlin for the malicious cover of Vanity fair.

Gloria Vanderbilt’s wealth was poured into her CIA tied son, Anderson Cooper, leaving one to wonder why a man of such wealth and status would toil among the other CNN anchors to lie to us all.

We must also understand why the 1st thru 3rd Estate would need to utterly consume the mislead minds of the masses via their monopolized fourth estate.

Truth be told, the conspiring cabal of jewISH Oligarchs are using their Media assets, including, CNN as a primary tool in the reconstitution of a wicked Empire.

Now, every American Corporation controlled by hidden handed jews is retooled and used in behalf of the emerging jewISH Oligarchs to divide and socially incite our nation from within. 


Evermore brazon fellows are given free reign on CNN while the voices of American truth tellers are being aggressively suppressed.

Few could realize the abject danger CNN posed until President Donald Trump pointed it out.

Thankfully, Trump called CNN out before the world stage that he managed to commandeer in spite of CNN’s weak kneed shackles being placed on ill informed Americans who are trained by CNN hacks to loath Trump’s stellar leadership.

After paying a hefty fine for their MEGA hat lies, CNN anchors openly advocate for more attacks against republicans and Trump supporters of every race.

Using their Communist China spawned COVID-19 bioweapons, the coordinated Cabal using CNN is hell bent on telling us more lies.

Furthermore, the propaganda delivered on CNN is expressly designed to garner the hidden handed Cabal more unsuspecting “stakeholders” who will simply go along with their plans.

CNN is also there to give the Oligarchs’ ANTIFA goons all the cover they need to continue the practice of falling whole American cities, particularly, after Mossad tied False Flag murders of targeted Black men are orchestrated. (ie, Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform farce that began on Barack Obama’s watch)


While great American Patriots, like James O’Keefe at Project Veritas, reveals there’s an entire contingency of Bernie Bros waiting in the wings to “reeducate us” the mind F’ing hacks at CNN suggest, on a daily basis, that umbiquitious White Christians are the only threat in America.

We the People must set our cognitive dissonance aside long enough to come to terms with the hard facts.

Hidden handed Oligarchs’ are the enemies within, and they are now fully engaged in assymmetrical warfare.

The hightly coordinated Cabal of fake jewISH Oligarchs are busy plying Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION paradigms in America, and they are using their monopolized media assets, like CNN, to confuse us and to soften up the minds of Race Bated Americans before forcing everything in the world go their way in a more overt manor, as planned.

While I am happy to bequeath the term “Fake News” to President Trump, a most worthy statesman, before Trump announced his canidacy I was busy researching the dirty politics manifest inside of my Oligarch Usurped hometown, Philadelphia where False Flags and Fake News abounded.

My research into my own cousin’s political carreer led me to develop my own False Flags and Fake News group page on Mark Zuckerburg’s, taxpayer subsidized, Facebook in 2014.

On my False Flag and Fake News group page I worked tirelessly to warn Americans, particularly, my fellow Black Philadelphians of all I had gleaned, including, Bill Ayers’ inroads into Philly with the help of the Republican Governor, Tom Ridge.

I realized, before 911, a fix was in when Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground outfitted every classroom in his Weather Underground inspired schools with a CNN tied TV based corriculum.

Governor Ridge could not get Ayers’ Edison Schools desired traction before being assigned as America’s first, Homeland security Czar, yet, Ayers would get his long-time besty, Barack Obama elected for far worse to come.

Today we can compare and contrast how deep state deeds and utter lies are effectively filtered through the jaded lense of men like Brian Stelter, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo who run cover for murderers working on the business end off all things bad in our troubled nations.

Weather it be falsifying a Chemical Gas Attack in Syria in order to Perpetuate the Zionists’ Ongoing Wars or standing in front of Inner-city Business District fires all while telling us their ANTIFA Riots are Peaceful Protests, CNN and it’s minions have proven time and time again to be a, primary, part of it all.

I’ve no doubt, the hidden handed hacks built CNN on the back of False Flag Events that may well have included OJ Simpson’s murdered wife, as no man on earth has been convicted of the crimes.

Likewise, due to the biblical nature that is, indeed, spelled out in Rev 2:9 and 3:9, CNN and Every Fake Jew Owned Propaganda Machine will be taken out by a Truth Telling Mighty Man of Valor, such as, the noble Vernon Jones. ~Selah

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Quiet As Kept, The jewISH Cabal Knows Triggered Blacks are Far More Effective Than Bombs to Enemies of The UNITED States

So many of us have been Brainwashed Since Birth & thereby, easily Triggered for life by the few that are uniquely poised to set us a usll off!

The Hidden handed powers that be learned, long ago, Allegory & Symbolism is a Powerful Weapon against those who are mentioned in the bible, as suffering “Confusion of Face”.

Without biblical keys and a complete understanding of history, both, ancient and recent times, few understand the emerging trifecta between Barack Obama’s Vice President, Joe Biden, Pope Francis & George Soros.

It is as profound as the Unspoken Dichodomy between Blacks Released from Prison via President Trump’s #FirstStepAct, in contrast to Biden/Bill Clinton’s Three Strikes Crime Bill passed in 1994.

There is indeed hidden irony embedded in all things, since George Bush Jr signaled his last crusade.

Likewise, the Rev 3:9 Cabal’s misleading 1619 Project, bookended by Trump’s FirstStepAct in 2019 signifies Gen 15:13-18 & Acts 7:6.

Just like the first Crusade, the bible passages apply to one Group who is now being harnessed to beg others to conside that we actually matter as if we don’t matter at all to those who pretend to be us!

For as long as conspiring jewISH agents are the ones who audition our most “Talented Tenth” #BOULE they will continue to model, for us, Grown Men that are easlily Hurt by Far Less than Sticks & Stones.

Since hopeful Socialists studied targeted blacks ad nauseum in the University of Pennsylvania’s seventh Ward project, my people remain, practically, (NAACP) owned by Joe Biden types who have managed to lock up & lay metaphorical chains upon the minds of ideological Corn Pop/s their entire career!

It’s no accident whatsoever, that it was Prescott Bush’s grandson who reminded us of the Pretenders’ First Crusade.

Much like Bush’s last Crusade announced shortly after the CABAL’s 9/11 False Flag, the first Crusade reduced the Moor and Northern Africa/Rome’s Negus Kings to Kaffir SLAVES.

Likewise, we the negro were hunted down by Obamas’ kinfolk and delivered to the newly minted Spanish Merchants who shiped Negus Kings and his Captured Black families to the Shores of Columbus’ new land to be joined in as Slaves with our Native half, just as profoundly as Muramar Qudaffi was taken off his throne in Libya once he dared to Join us as one across the diaspora.

Lost on the Triggered Blacks in America is the Fact that Donald Trump provided Refuge to Qudaffi who was treated like less than a King in New York.

If we ever hope to be healed, it’s high time we learn every biblical clue just as our Lord and savior implored.

We’ll, then have the keys to decern every historical tell, and more importantly, we’ll realize the Rev 3:9 mentioned fake jew’s propensity for Unspoken NUDGES, alike.

Indeed, the entire world can see that Joe Biden is a Corrupt, empty shell of a man, yet, the hidden handed cabal bending backwards to get him in office can rely on the fact that Stokholm Sydrom is real!

It’s why Mitt Romney and a modern day muslim kaffir from Philly Sound, Kenny Gamble, were both tasked by the Walton’s of Walmart to help spread their Eli Brode managed Curriculum called C.O.R.E. along with the CABAL’s Black Lives Matter agenda imparted inside of the oligarchs’ usurped school systems.

It’s why Bill Ayers’ besty, Obama, was tasked to turn the hometown of well to do blacks, Chicago, into CHIRAQ and it’s why Govenor Tom Ridge worked so hard to build Ayers’ Edison Schools in Free Black Philly before being named Bush’s post crusade, NSA/Homeland Security CZAR..

In the memory of Richard Allen, the God Fearing black Patriot who secured Free Black Philadelpha and a Nation named America that supplied God given freedom to all, we must now put on the full armor of God in order to stop being so used by the, so called Jews mentioned in Rev 3:9.

Instead of being Triggered Useful Idiots, we’d all have the courage to say George Soros’ name, let alone the name of the hidden handed ilk now working to destabilize our nation on the backs of hapless, triggered, blacks and Whites that are known as Snowflakes.

Just like we all quickly realized that Soros is the man behind D.A., Kim Foxx in Chicago, we also know those who masterminded Jussie Smollett, Cory Booker and Kamalah Harris’ Failed Maga Noose themed False Flag Event in Chicago are one and the same. There’s but one overall paradigm at play.

While there is no epidemic of Blacks being lynched in America, the orchestrators of Smollett’s false flag wanted to level the power of allegory.

The Democrats roll out their KKK adventures every four years.

At this point, the Megar Evert pic and Sunday Whites at the lynch mob party are only good for one thing; Triggering Blacks! It’s RaceBating 101.

Instead of being Triggered by Watemellons and Trained Marxest Shills being used as the jews’ favored BLM breggade, we must reunite with the (quaking) Gentiles and Christian Republican Whites who are filled with the holy spirit.

Even allegorically, it is made evident that we have an innate affinity for the emancipating, Northern White Republicans. They are moved by and afforded God’s promise, much like Martin Luther of old.

Considering Michael King Sr’s namesake, we must loosen the convoluted & Allegorical ties that bound Martin Luther King Jr. Prior to Assassination for insubordination King was harnessed along with DuBois’ NAACP to deliver the hidden handed jew’s Communist Fever-dream “for” blacks.

With the help of President Trump and religiously persecuted appointees we can finally upend the Cabal’s deadly results.

It was Trump’s Opporation Legend that promised to end all of the Mercinary Murders of Planned Parenthood Survivors manifest in key Urban Strongholds, turned Democrat Plantations.

On the contrary, BOULE Blacks like Maxine Waters’ only job is to perpetuate the deadly works of the CIA developed assets such as Black Radical Groups and there more effective Bloods & Cripts.

The BOULE members of the Black Congressional Caucus served only their handlers all while maintaning America’s Hell-Scapes for Traphouse blacks tasked to push CIA Crack, Weapons, or the signed Gangsta Rappers Award Winning Lifestyles!

The principles allegorically symbolized in George Bush Jr’s telling, I Pet Goat, charade on 9/11 are the core principles doled out across America for the making of Social Justice Warrior whites and beguled BLM blacks.

By way of rote learning our children were Primed for the hidden handed Cabal’s technocratic Overlords.

Through Soros’ 4am memos, the Oligarchs’ AI News Agragators and the Pro-Publica tooled NABJ’s poison pens, an entire army of human automotons were raised who could be Triggered instantaneously after each and every False Flag.

Now, an entire generation of “woke” youth can be led astray by the cabals’ Army of jewISH ANTIFA goons, as if they were paid Mercinaries on call.

Should we dare coalesce under the leadership of a God Fearing, principled President, like Donald J Trump, the army of modern day Brownshirts are keen and determined to make their lists.

Hungry BOULE, like Don Lemon and Roland Martin are checking Independent minded blacks on social media and via their patrons’ mainstream news like happy black overseers of old, and they are as hyped as Bernie Bros and AOC hoes (Ilhan Omar & the Jihad Squad) who wait for the appointed time to pounce should we the people fail to prevail.

There’s but one way to stop the Globalists and their Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION in its tracks!

The decendants of slave owners, Biden and Harris are part and parcel to the Oligarchs’ latest attempt to enslave and/or end us all.

Having sacrificed members of their own immediate families, they are looking forward to slaying the Oligarchs’ targeted Christians of the Promise, and God’s Chosen People, alike!