Watch “Latinos HECKLE AOC After She Calls Her Voters ‘Homophobes’ As She Gets HUMILIATED In New Poll!” on YouTube
Month: October 2022
NO, KINSINGTON IS NOT FORGOTTEN, Like the social media profiteers say, but rather, the highly scrutinized and studied Kensington Philadelphia Drug Zone is a PURPOSEFULLY Developed, Modern-day Opioid WAR, foretold as a DEEPSTATE “trial balloon” and “instructional playbook” on HBO’s “The Wire” , Season 3, Episode 11, entitled “Comstat”.
After bringing key members of the Philadelphia city council members on a Baltimore MD field trip to the set of “The Wire”, The NGO supplied #FreeNeedle PROGRAM was, then, established by the star stricken Nutter Administration.
After Nutter and Co. helped to establish Philadelphia’s Cop Free Drug Zone to order, the purposefully arrayed, Deepstate devised, Project was FEATURED on HBO’s “Drug Inc” , Kensington edition, FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE.
Fast forward to the Communist China COMPROMISED Biden Administration, the Hightly Acclaimed and Social media Scrutinized, Kensington PROJECT, has been effectively Codified by the George Soros funded, D.A., Larry Krazner with the help of the highly Compromised, Ed Rendell, and then after 2019’s Stolen Election, UPSCALED in behalf of the Deepstate Usurpers, by hightly compromised Joe Biden, who now used his Executive Order privileges to supply addicts and future addicts ALL OF THE FREE NEEDLES and CRACK PIPES pending Fentynal fiends and Hunter Biden could ever “hope” for.
#FollowTheMoney #WakeUpKilladelphia
Please read more on America’s Open Borders aided Opioid War or other Deepstate Oligarchs schems by typing “Kensington” or “George Soros” into the search bar at
For some, math is simple, but, for Democrats working overtime to dumb down more Black useful idiots, math is racist.
The truth is, you need not be a rocket scientist nor a mathematician to realize the valuable lesson a Black, mighty, man of valor tried to teach us, being, that Blacks have been bamboozled. – Malcolm X.
Since the powers that be murdered Malcolm X, they have counted on willing Black Boule gatekeepers to murder and keep us down and out and since bamboozled Blacks were convinced the party of Lincoln were the racist ones and not long-standing Dixicrats like Joe Biden, Blacks have been slaughtered in record number on Democrat Plantations from coast to coast.
Sadly, Bamboozled, Brainwashed Blacks have yet to get the Democrat formula which is far more deadly than Willie Brown’s besty, Jim Jones, the Murderous, CIA owned Mind F’ker who led Blacks from HUD strait into the Deep State Satanist’s infamous Guyana Tragedy.
Warning! “311 and 988 Cordially Invited Us All to Snitch, SS Style
As per Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION, #311 and #988 is self Doxing and Red Flag Gun Control, respectively.
SS Styled Bernie Bros and Jerry Nadler’s ANTIFA hoes waiting to take your calls!

Soros Trolls and AI Bots are on the job and they are busy Gaslighting Brainwashed Americans, like clockwork, on Google’s Youtube.
I know responding to Satanists, Trolls, and Bots is an exercise in futility, yet, I hold out hope that SAINTS and Normies around the world are Waking up to unadulterated Truth!
If one is abreast of what is actually happening in our purposefully toppled nation, in general, then we can also read between the lines to find out what actually happened on January 6th.… Of course, too many Americans haven’t the slightest clue,
With that said, this particular comment submitted below a video of the resumed Select committee hearing posted on Youtube definitely stood out.
Keep in mind, I’ve been trying to warn my fellow American’s about Clinton’s 21ST Century Justice “Reform” farce, as well as, the Michael Bloomberg tied Center for Court “Innovation” Infiltration of our entire Justice System and the Oligarch usurpation of our Criminal Court Systems in key states nationwide for nearly a decade!
Unsuspecting American’s haven’t a clue that the makers of Communist China and their Communist Hack Mau (Henry Kissinger etal) have also developed China’s infamous Open Aired Prison inside of America.
We must come to accept the hard to believe Fact that Wuhan China based Gain of Function research and Dr. Fouci’s consequent Covid19 Pandemic is not the only Nation Toppling paradigm spearheaded by the hidden handed Cabal of Nation Toppling Oligarchs now imbedded deeply within our Government.
While our Congress is paid handsomely to IGNORE every Imputes and Deadly Outcome orchestrated by Dr. Fouci and Big Pharma, the same hidden handed Oligarchs are busy Undermining our Justice Departments and Replacing (((their))) Wall Street Traded For Profit Prison Systems which first filled to the brim by Mr. Three Strikes crime bill writing, Joe Biden, and the prolyphic California Prosecutor, Kamala Harris, all in favor of their newly established OPEN AIRED PRION SYSTEMS being built in Americas Democrat Plantations as I type.
The Fascist Oligarchs’ dubious new Open Aired Prisons are now being built in Philadelphia and other Democrat run cities in America under the umbrella of Clinton’s dubious reform, turned into Meek Mill and Jay-Z’s #Reform Alliance soon after President Donald J. Trump’s surprise election.
Trump’s presence in the Whitehouse as well as his overriding First Step Act, practically scuttled the deep state Fascists’ Open Aired prisons plan.
We must come to terms with the fact that the OWNED BLACK BOULE SHILLS in the Democrat Party, along with the hidden handed Oligarchs’ Auditioned Useful Idiots, like Jay-Z and Meek Mill, are the only way targeted Blacks trapped on every Democrat Plantation continue getting screwed.
Black shills like Jay Z and Meek Mill are now serving as FRONT MEN for the hidden handed fake jews who Wanted Planned Parenthood Survivors dead and gone by yesterday.
As the mortal Enemies manage to Cull our population the targeted Black demographic, men aged 15-35 will be Placed into the Oligarchs’ newly minted form of CAPTIVITY, long after our Biblically promised 400 years worth of Captivity and relative Hardships are over.
Please note 1619 is when Blacks were brought onto the English colony, well before Richard Allen and General George Washington’s hard-fought Revolution securing a Free Black Philadelphia and North. 2019, ie, 400 years later, is when President Trump’s First Step Act promised to Reverse Massa Joe Biden’s Three Strike Act and other nefarious Crime Bills written expressly for the Racist Dixicrat’s TARGETED Blacks who were sentenced to life in for profit prisons for as little as one joint ie, Harris’ favorite joke of all.
Here is the Youtube comment I felt warranted my response, and it also lead to this consequent blog exposing the utter hypocrisy committed in Congress and on the backs of BOULE Blacks who harm their fellow Black Americans the most…
George B : 17 hours ago…
I give my respect to all the members of the committee as well as those who buy video I saw stand for our country on January 6th the leaders of our Congress the vice president and the different law enforcement agencies that were asked to come to the aid of our government as well as those governors who sent them God bless them all
George B hints at law enforcement principals who were sent from various states and imbedded among the January 6th attendees.
Now A new video has emerged showing all that Nancy Pelosi had anticipated, as her own daughter was commissioned to shoot a Documentary on January 6th.
CNN footage reveals the scene where Nasty Nancy is hoping for President Trump’s “trespass” into Pelosi’s trap, where FBI informants, like the mysterious Mike Epps, and the Sergeant at Arms, under Pelosi’s control, had the proverbial keys to Pelosi’s lair.
All of the National Guard Troops that were Authorized by the Trump Administration, in anticipation of large crowds, were rejected outright by, both, Pelosi’s and the Mayor of D.C. Democrat, Marion Bowser.
It was also noted that John Sullivan a BLM agitator was on the scene with Epps, breaking into Pelosi’s lair, well before Trump’s Speech concluded at the Whitehouse.
Epps and Sullivan’s obvious break-in happened with the help of someone inside of Pelosi’s lair. The Sergeant in arms and Congressional officials already inside who were waiting for President Trump, no less, are the only ones able to activate the electronic lock system in Congress.
But for the “Justice” officials caught on camera waving and inviting January 6th attendees inside of Congress and Pelosi’s refusing our National Guard troops, there would be no protesters breaching Congress.
Furthermore, the known FBI associated “informant” , Epps giving the order to topple Bike Racks placed along the perimeter of Congress and Sullivan’s arrival inside of the congressional stairway preceded Ashli Babbitt’s foolish attempt to climb through an, already, broken window.
Both, Sullivan and Epps had done the jobs they came there to do in Washington D.C.
Sullivan had already trained Countless ANTIA Goons about insurgency tactics and Black Block great used in D.C. after the George Floyd provocations, and the day before January 6th, Epps was captured on film loudly urging attendees to join him for his premeditated breech of the Capital building.
The Patriots who came there to join President Donald J Trump can be heard calling Epps the FBI, as they were not at all happy with his plan the day before the event.
Sullivan and Epps schemed to enter Pelosi’s lair long before Babbit was murdered in cold blood by Pelosi’s most compromised, Black Sergeant in arms shill, Lt. Michael Byrd, the same man who was earlier reprimanded for leaving his service gun inside of a public restroom.
Unlike Nancy’s January 6th political prisoners still toiling in Jail to this day, Epps was dismissed from any consequent investigation and John Sullivan, much like David Hogg from the Parkland Highschool false flag mass shooting event, was brought onto the set of CNN to speak (deceptively) of his own, personal, involvement.
Please note, as made evident with the treatment of Kanye West, such truth can get any one of us Institutionalized, Imprisoned, Raided and/or Canceled by the Satanic Powers that be.
As you read my published response to George B realize it’s for all of the rest of America who may not be reading in between the lines like me.
We must read between the lines in the era of fake news owned by the sane hidden handed Oligarchs’ that hope you and I will NEVER LEARN Or CONSIDER THE TRUTH!
AMERICA, I’m a Black Woman from OLIGARCH USURPED Philadelphia and what we have here is, yet, Another Dog Whistle and Tell regarding Clinton’s 21ST Century Justice “Reform” farce , ie, America’s M0SSAD INFILTRATED Justice System.
Besides Mike Pence’s Award SHECKLE, handed to him in the Midst of Henry Kissinger etal’s SECOND COUP, here’s yet ANOTHER CLUE!!!!
George B is here alluding to the (Michael Bloomberg tied) CENTER FOR COURT “INNOVATION “INFILTRATED Justice Systems, now established in Systematically BANKRUPTED Cities and States Nationwide!!!
John Sullivan and Mike Epps was NOT ALONE!!! (see George Soros & Sir Ronald Cohen’s Work, also, including his SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION, now underway).
Besides the MIND F’ING SOROS TROLLS Commenting on EVERY ITERATION OF THIS FARCICAL POLITICAL SHOW-TRIAL, RUN BY COMPROMISED AMERICANS WITH BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS, OUR NATION IS BEING SYSTEMATICALLY UNDERMINED BY Rouge DA.s and the Alphabet Soup Agencies, practically owned and Operated by the REV 2:9 AND 3:9 MENTIONED SATANIST CABAL, which includes this SUBVERSIVE, UN AMERICAN Youtube Platform, still Purging Great American Truth-Tellers on the daily!!!!
As (((they))) Roll out their Church of Satan incitements in the same said States this freak is alluding to, AMERICAN SAINTS Must Come to Know them by their Works as if our Lives Depend on this Truth…
You will know them all by way of their PROPAGANDA and ongoing, Concerted, Efforts to TOPPLE THIS ONE NATION UNDER GOD FROM WITHIN!!!!
Bottom Line, Rev 2:9 and 3:9 isREAL fellow Americans! Please take the time to #GoogleIt
Watch… “This Video Is Why I Don’t Open Carry” on YouTube
BE A WELL REGULATED BLACK MILITIA, like the mighty Richard Allen, and his AME Church revolutionaries who helped General George Washington secure our nation, along with free Black Philadelphia now turned, Killadelphia on Democrat watch.

This video gives practical advice on how NOT to become a Sitting Duck on the Democrat Plantations where Brainwashed Youth have been, effectively, Socialized by Monopolized Media full of jewISH HANDLERS who tell, so called, Gangsta Rappers what to say and “think”, for far more than Trump hate, record label profits, kicks and giggles
Watch “First Time Watching | Former President Trump speaks at NC campaign rally Reaction” on YouTube
Hamite, Joy Ried and her jewISH Climate Change-Masters clearly take great pleasure over Weaponized Weather on MSNBC.
Watch “Joy Reid Claims Ron DeSantis’ Warning To Looters Is Racist As She Celebrates Hurricane Ian” on YouTube
Their aim is not to inform our help in any way, but to add insult to injury while working overtime at mind F’ing us all.
Sadly , so called, Globalists who Usurped our Nation, as well as, Biden’s high paying financers in Communist China are all abreast of Manipulating the Weather as a weapon or on a good day, such as, when Communist China wanted to assure optimal weather conditions in time for their last Olympics.
If you had not noticed the Satanic leaning tells imbedded within China’s opening ceremonies, perhaps, you should check it out here.
From the US Governments Harpe program to Bill Gates’ foretold cloud seeding desires, NOTHING IS OFF LIMITS as a possible way to FINISH the systematic OVERTHROW of our troubled nation from within! 🙁
The hidden handed jewISH Oligarch’s are now using their fake news and their evil Black puppet-shill to add insults to Florida’s widespread injuries, and as they work overtime to maximize our nation’s pain and suffering, they also hope we will all get onboard, as they pretend it is only to hurt Governor Ron DeSantis’ feelings.
Joy Ried and her puppet masters clearly wanted us all dead by yesterday, when you consider their direct role in denying us all a proven Ivermectin cure and they certainly don’t mind scoffing over the dead bodies lost to the storm in Florida now.
Ried, like the Biden bootlicker, Joan Pierre, is evil as hell and she don’t even care who knows it!
and go hand in hand.
After writing about Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Farce and the Oligarch usurpation of Philly for nearly a decade, it’s pretty much PREDICTABLE at this point, yet, it’s our relative cognitive dissonance that is costing us copious lives.
Watch “Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner defends his policies, says he will not resign” on YouTube
It’s what Larry Krazner and his Biblically foretold ilk is depending on, as (((they))) continue to deliver Record Deaths of Countless Black Planned Parenthood Survivors in every, so called. Gun-free zone on every Democrat Plantation, nationwide with the help of, do-nothing, I Black democrats.
With just a modicum of thought and research into Donald Trump’s illustrious past, compared to the Dixicrat now Occupying our Oligarch Usurped Whitehouse, President Trump is practically a modern day ‘Nigger lover.
I hate to break it to all of the Brainwashed Useful Idiots in America, but President Donald J Trump was NEVER our problem!
Take a hard look in the mirror Black Democrats!!! basically you were TRAINED, like docile pets, to Vote Blue No matter Who and In lies the PROBLEM!
Don’t believe me??? Then open your eyes and ears this time and watch/listen to the attached video again!
Besides realizing why the Democrat Jim Comey, the former head of the FBI used his Deepstate Weaponized agency to entrap Philly’s first Black D.A, Seth Williams, particularly after he scored critical indictments against the Pennsylvania Archdiocese, the George Soros choice D.A. is in Philly, turned Killadelphia with a Vengeance.
Trust Larry Krazner when he tells you, “IT’S WORKING”! Then ask yourself, based on Empirical EVIDENCE, what does he mean, “it’s” working???
Bottom Line, Black Philly, as per Rev 2:9 and 3:9, the jewISH Cabal who Usurped our free-Black cities nationwide wanted Planned Parenthood Survivors dead and gone by yesterday, hence the Record numbers of death each year on (((their))) watch while you and most hapless Blacks stay wondering why!!!
Here’s a takeaway lesson equating to a life or death decision…