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After writing about Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Farce and the Oligarch usurpation of Philly for nearly a decade, it’s pretty much PREDICTABLE at this point, yet, it’s our relative cognitive dissonance that is costing us copious lives.

Watch “Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner defends his policies, says he will not resign” on YouTube

It’s what Larry Krazner and his Biblically foretold ilk is depending on, as (((they))) continue to deliver Record Deaths of Countless Black Planned Parenthood Survivors in every, so called. Gun-free zone on every Democrat Plantation, nationwide with the help of, do-nothing, I Black democrats. 

With just a modicum of thought and research into Donald Trump’s illustrious past, compared to the Dixicrat now Occupying our Oligarch Usurped Whitehouse, President Trump is practically a modern day ‘Nigger lover.

I hate to break it to all of the Brainwashed Useful Idiots in America, but President Donald J Trump was NEVER our problem!

Take a hard look in the mirror Black Democrats!!! basically you were TRAINED, like docile pets, to Vote Blue No matter Who and In lies the PROBLEM!

Don’t believe me??? Then open your eyes and ears this time and watch/listen to the attached  video again! 

Besides realizing why the Democrat Jim Comey, the former head of the FBI used his Deepstate Weaponized agency  to entrap Philly’s first Black D.A, Seth Williams, particularly after he scored critical indictments against the Pennsylvania Archdiocese, the George Soros choice D.A. is in Philly, turned Killadelphia with a Vengeance. 

Trust Larry Krazner when he tells you, “IT’S WORKING”! Then ask yourself, based on Empirical EVIDENCE, what does he mean, “it’s” working???

Bottom Line, Black Philly, as per Rev 2:9 and 3:9, the jewISH Cabal who Usurped  our free-Black cities nationwide wanted Planned Parenthood Survivors dead and gone by yesterday, hence the Record numbers of death each year on (((their))) watch while you and most hapless Blacks stay wondering why!!!

Here’s a takeaway lesson equating to a life or death decision…

Author: ecofer