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Bottom Line: Blame Russia for EVERYTHING, Blame Fake Jews for NOTHING, Leave Targeted Blacks holding the Body Bags.

The greatest gift my ravaged Mother left me were empirical lessons learned outside of the block box.

While my Mother and I struggled under certain burdens perpetuated with the help of the Deepstate and CIA, no less, it was her ardent prayer that my Brother and I learned the will of God through the word of God. 

One of my earliest memories is of our many nights listening to our Mother reading the Bible to us and teaching us to pray before we went to sleep.

What a blessed foundation my Mother gifted to me as there would be many trials and tribulations thereafter, yet, that universally known poem called, “Footsteps” would indeed apply to my life.

At the age of 55, much is being revealed, including the utterly vicious state of being a DEmocrat, weather you are the, so called, “Risk” / Cash Cow, or the highly rewarded Gatekeepers, all are Satanically compromised, as much as any Republican RINO.

Like Kanye West, the American Black artist and entrepreneur who made, “Jesus Walks” a top of the charts hit, against all odds, the Book of Revelations prophecy is now smacking all of the world out of a deep deep slumber, no matter who has read the Bible or not.

Each and every day amounts to a shoe drop for the nervous fake Jews who sense that their princeling caliber, installed  emperors are no longer adorning clothes as the necked truth lays them all bare.

Their intersectional bread and circus acts are all falling down, at once, like a stack of cards and every conflicted relationship is being brought center stage inside of the NYC Nets Arena, otherwise, recognized as New Babylon and well beyond the Cradle of Civilization. 

As the babbling hacks drone on about Depopulation, Hackable Animals and us Eating Bugs and liking it, they also scramble to raise up the most forthright Blacks as Walstreet whipping boys and a precautionary tale as much as they are persecuting the Sons and  Daughters of Protestant Gentiles for whom (((they))) deem Goyim.

(((They))) are utterly confounded by an American president who is compared to Abraham Lincoln more profoundly than (((they))), the fake jews were able to get the Useful Idiots inside of Patrice Collier’s Black Lives Matter group to topple the hard earned Lincoln statute down.

That is, a God blessed white Christian, Jack Pisobiek and a God Blessed Black guide, , and owner of www.Black stood toe to to at the base of Washington DC monument that was raised up by American Blacks, one hard earned penny at a time.

Author: ecofer