Empress Signs, [1/25/2022 1:07 PM]
[In reply to @intheMatrixxx ⭐️⭐️⭐️]
For years at www.WeTheNegro.com I have been trying to warn my fellow Americans that HARVARD is Ground Zero for Sir Ronald Cohen and the Zionist Fake Jews’ ongoing SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION.
While our hands are still tied by (((their))) Nasty Woman and Useful Idiots, alike, thanks to telling Men, Like Klaus Schaub and Bill Gates, WE THE PEOPLE are Getting Closer and Closer to one of the Most Important REVELATIONS that GOD Wanted Us to have.
Sadly, my warnings have fallen on death ears, particularly, after being systematically removed from EVERY SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM OWNED BY THE ENEMIES WITHIN.
For nearly a decade I have been working to tell my fellow Americans that there is a disturbing Pact among the Satanic Cabal of Deep State Zionist Jews who are the Nation Meddling Oligarchs who hoped to “TOPPLE THE WORLD”. by now.
George Soros etal hoped to have their Race War, Civil War, or American Spring underway by the 100 year anniversary of the Communist Cabal’s Bolshevik revolution, but at last, President Donald J. Trump rose to victory, not the Oligarchs’ hoped for Democrat Shill, Hillary Clinton, who just so happens to be Jeffery Epteine and Ghilslaine Maxwell’s (Mossad) most honored and special guest.
The Satanic Pact is made with ALL ZIONIST Fake Jews, as per Rev 2:9 and 3:9, and they have even signed up Pope Francis to forward (((their))) Satanic cause.
After the Medici styled Catholic Church was outed for it’s penchant for Pedophilia, Pope Francis gladly signed on with Sir Ronald Cohen via Cohen’s APEX Partners group.
I know so much because of the Clinton sycophant and trained Jesuit Mayor(s) from Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia, Michael Nutter. After researching disturbing matters taking place in my own home town, Philadelphia, I realized that Nutter was the key to opening up American Cities to Colluding and evermore Dangerous (desperate) Zionist Oligarchs’ , like, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros and Goldman Sachs.

As the Chairman to the Oligarch Usurped Conference of Mayors, the Clinton sycophant, Michael Nutter, helped to deliver the hidden handed Oligarch’s, so called, Took Kits containing the Oligarch’s so called, Social Impact Bond FRAMEWORK developed primarily at the Oligarch Usurped Harvard University, where the braggadocios, Klause Schwab presented his bold tell in 2017 .
The hidden handed Oligarchs’ SOCIAL IMPACT BOND Revolution paradigms include EVERY FOUL LESSON LEARNED SINCE THE TIME OF MACHIAVELLI.
Using lessons learned in the (Zionist Usurped Britt’s) first attempt to topple the Ancient Chinese Empire using Opioids, Free Needles were distributed by, so called, NGOs, just in time for the Zionist Oligarch’s Open Borders Fenytnol Serge.
See (((their))) HBO shows, “The Wire” (Compstat episode) and their follow up HBO Special, “Drug Ink” (Kensington) as their CIA developed Ploys are helped along by the University of Pennsylvania’s Martin Orne the master of Mind Control, Project Mocking Bird, etc etc.
Likewise, Philadelphia’s UPEN’s Wistar Institute principal , Dr. Fouci, is now delivering bi- time for his hidden handed Zionist task-Masters who are now using his Covid19 concoctions and quasi-Government mandates as pretense for Schwab’s so called, Great Reset.
Their Zionist run Deep State ploys dictates the use of the Zionist Owned MEDIA Monopolies which are all tooled for the purpose of Predictive Programing, Mind Control, and Propaganda.
Whole channels and Networks, along with (((their))) heavily censored Social Media Platforms are all engaged in the Oligarch Usurped MIT developed paradigms, or the SOCIAL IMPACT paradigms that are developed at the Oligarch Usurped Harvard University. Deep state Shills, like Barack Obama have helped the Oligarch Develop ploys like NUDGE Science, and Weather Underground strategies which were developed by Bill Ayers, one of Obama’s closest friends and mentor who took Obama in durring his formative years as a second generation CIA shill.
With their Manhattan Project like strategies, Every Foul lesson learned is being now employed in America and thereby, EVERY SATANIC LEANING TOOL is being used to Divide our Nation from within.
The hidden handed Zionist Oligarchs’ Media assets are all tooled and used to SOCIALLY INCITE, so called, Social Justice Warriors and unsuspecting Americans, alike, who have no clue they are being systematically BRAINWASHED.
The systematic Brainwashing of our entire nation is started inside of the Oligarch (The Waltons of Walmart) Usurped Public School Systems that are now managed by the Zionist Hedge Funder, Eli Brode.
Eli Brode TRAINED Superintendent Minions have been dispersed in key cities across our troubled nation.
Everywhere there is a Soros installed District Attorney, there are Eli Brode TRAINED Superintendents installed for the soul purpose of fomenting Useful Idiots tooled to join up the Rear of ANTIFA. ANTIFA was given the entire city of PORTLAND where they can practice unfettered and they are Bused anywhere in our nation by George Soros and used to foment Utter Kayos and Social Disruptions powerful enough to serve as a pretense for the hidden handed Oligarchs; planned UN-NATO TAKEOVER of our, once, Sovereign nation from within.
The entire Deep State set-up (Justice System Usurpation with the help of the Bloomberg Associated Center for Court Innovation) is reflected in Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia, where the Mossad Trained Police Commissioner from Portland is now installed to help the George Soros installed D.A. Larry Krasner deliver as many dead bodies as humanly possible.
Besides Utter Lawlessness, Opening up Opioid Dens and proposing Legal Prostitution, Larry Krazner’s primary goal is to deliver as many Dead Planned Parenthood Survivors as Possible in the shadow of Bill Gates’ Microsoft School of the “future”.
In Oligarch Usurped Democrat Cities, Targeted Blacks are being systematically culled in record numbers’ just like in Obama’s Chicago now called CHIRAQ since Obama (The African Hamite Hybrid) rose to power.
Note also, the first Deep State owned POLICE COMMISSIONER SHILL, Raymond Ramsey, was also from Chicago and he was tooled to forward Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform ploys from Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia. The Second Police Commissioner tooled to help run FALSE FLAG Events in Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia, now known as Killadelphia, was the Harvard School of Business TRAINED, Richard Ross. After a Botched False Flag failed to deliver Bloomberg’s hoped for national Gun Grabs, Commissioner Ross was effectively honey- potted exactly like the Philadelphia D.A. , Seth Williams.
DA Williams, was effectively honey-potted by the Deep State Oligarchs, in part, because it was he who brought the break-through Indictment against the Pennsylvania/Philadelphia based Catholic Archdioceses PEDOPHILES. Williams was practically Tarred and Feathered much like the fallen DA Kathlen Kane who was effectively pitted against him within his embattled and compromise office.
Kane was practically relegated to work in the Oligarch Usurped Philly D.A. office, after helping to out the notorious “Kids For Cash” judicial scandal in Luzerne County PA. Kayne was effectively disbarred and stripped of her duties before the Soros chosen DA , Larry Krazner, was installed.
With the help of Compromised Police Commissioners in Oligarch usrped Philly the Deep State’s so called AI gods were able to spearhead the infamous Philly Flash Mobs FALSE FLAG Events, as a precursor to Eli Brode School Takeover and the consequent making of BLM inside of our nations targeted schools.
Likewise, ANTIFA was developed from whole cloth using the Occupy Wall-street hopefuls soon after Nutter helped George Soros etal infiltrate the movement in Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia.
The hidden handed oligarch’s emerging Critical Race Theory was, otherwise, known as Starbucks #RaceTogether ploy, complete with Eric Holder waiting in the wings to deliver the Oligarch’s test run Nationwide.
Just before Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz stepped down to announce his run for the office of President, he oversaw one of the hidden handed Oligarchs’ Philadelphia based False Flag events which was just one in a series of False Flag events used to forward the Oligarchs SOCIAL IMPACT BOND Plans.
The Fake News of the highly orchestrated Starbucks Event was was titled “Two Black Men Arrested in Starbucks” and the Race Bate Story was spread far and wide by the hidden handed Oligarchs’ newly installed AI News AGGREGATORS.
As a SOCIAL IMPACT Styled NUDGE, the hidden handed Oligarchs began using their, so called, AI BOTS. The New Agragating AI bots managed to amplified the Race Bate Story of “Two Black Men Arrested in Starbucks” and the story was forwarded so profoundly in order to suggest that Starbucks Stock Price plummeting was due to the racially profiled Black Men.
The Hagalian Dialectic styled False Flag event spearheaded in Oligarch usurped Philadelphia was also used as justification to spread the Oligarchs’ early version of CRT under the auspice of Starbucks Racial Sensitivity Training. Starbucks CTR was spread far and wide with the help of Mr. Kick em Low, Holder, himself at the helm, thus, the CTR paradigm was effectively delivered into each state where a Oligarch Owned Starbucks was located.
Again, using Bloomberg’s practically owned Black Shill, turned Bloomberg’s Presidential Campaign Manager as a reward for his dirty deeds, Philly’s former Mayor ,Michael Nutter, and the Oligarch Usurped city of Philadelphia has served as a primary vector for delivering, not only Martin Orne’s deeply entrenched Pedophile/Political Strategies, forwarded by Maxwell and Epstein, but also Dr. Fouci’s A.I.D.S based developments, and consequent Government Mandates now spread widely across our systematically troubled globe.
Likewise, many of Bill and Melinda Gates’ Orchestrated Stratagems are hatched out of Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia, where Nutter helped Hillary Clinton rig the DNC when he wasn’t busy helping to deliver the hidden handed Oligarchs our entire Usurped Government , starting in Cohen’s Harvard School of Business and effectively spread into every Soros “Owned” City and State, once on the verge of Bankruptcy, thanks to Sir Ronald Cohen’s Venture Capital based, Pension Ploys.
With the help of Philadelphia based School Experiments and Brain studies, among other things, such as MIT Developed NUDGE SCIENCE (((They))) realized (((they))) can, indeed, GET AWAY WITH MURDER, as seen with Bill Gates and Dr. Fouci’s brazen moves to systematically Depopulate the Entire Earth.
Partnered together with NIKE and Henry Kissinger’s Communist China Cohorts the hidden handed Cabal of Rev 2:9 mentioned Satanists otherwise known as the ZIONIST FAKE JEWS, are making their greatest strides to date using their heavily invested Gain of Function and Vaccine Depopulation strategies as a result of the greatest hoax on earth.
The Cabal of dedicated ZIONIST Jews realize they are able to Get Away with their Murderous Plans due to our relative COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.
While great men throughout history could recognize their pertinent for poisoning wells and financially ravaging whole nations, the cabal of fake jews are busy cashing in on every nation toppling ploy.
As they put a strangle hold on America’s Constitution they realize their Harvard Orchestrated Predictive Programing strategies can effectively dictate how each and every one of us thinks about them, including us Thinking and Believing that they are actually GOD’s chosen people.
This one fact alone is why the Emaciating Britt’s were ravished by way of Balfor and now Sir Ronald Cohen and it’s why America, under the Dictates of Hidden Handed Jews have practically Abandon the Bible there one Place where everything there is that needed to be known about the Biblical foretold SATANIST could be, otherwise, known by us.
The evermore Brazen Satanists, as seen on Saturday Night Live and in a Child’s Oligarch Usurped School Near You, feel Free and Easy to Do as they Wilt to us and with us.
FREAKS LIKE CLAUS SCHWAB ARE MAKING GREAT STRIDES, simply, because WE THE PEOPLE HAVE PRACTICALLY REMOVED OUR ARMOR. Our armor against the openly revealed Satanists is the Word of GOD spelled out for all with eyes to see in our, relatively, misunderstood Bibles.
The FACT is, WE WERE Already Warned by earlier Saints like MARTIN LUTHER or America’s Henry Ford, and more importantly WE WERE ALREADY WARNED in our, relatively, disregarded Bible in the Book of Revelations Chapter 2 Verse 9 and Chapter 3 Verse 9.
The Harvard Usurping “Keystone” for the next generation of Vicious Satanists is Sir Ronald Cohen, the so called, Father of Venture Capitalism who is stationed in Oligarch Usurped in London.
Cohen’s Venture Capital Ploys were first instituted by George Bush Sr. known to many as the son of a Krypto Jew who helped finance Hitler.
It was the ambitious Harvard alum, Cohen who invented the Bush employed Venture Capital “financial instrument” used to systematically BANKRUPT America’s State and City Pension Coffers from coast to coast.
The fleeced pension dollars funneled out of City and State coffers through our Nation were not only used to enrich the so-called 1%, the proceeds were also used to build up the jewISH Cabal’s Silicon Valley “AI gods”.
Tax payer fleecing frauds like, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Jeff Basos, the Twitter Twit, etc, etc, etc were all MADE MEN developed from Whole Cloth using Americas stolen pensions.
With the help of their, so called, AI gods, robbing us of our Votes and our voices, alike, the Cabal of fake jews are poised and positioned to thrive off of America’s fleeced Tax Payer dollars, forevermore.
Under the auspices of SIR RONALD COHEN’S SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION spearheaded out of Harvard University, the hidden handed jews have effectively shoehorned their way into every American institution, as per Klaus Schwab’s braggadocios speech above.
Cohen is also the former Chairman of the G8 (reduced to G6) and a close associate of Tony Blair, the man who allowed Cohen to rob the unsuspecting Britts of all of their Unclaimed Assets just in time for the making of his latest, financial instrument” ploy, otherwise known as Cohen’s “Second Bounce of the Ball”.
The Zionists have Colluded to Take Over our nations and to so so they have tooled every asset they own and control. Every entity, both, Government and Corporate is being used by the hidden handed fake jews to forward Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION spearheaded in Oligarch usurped Harvard University.
The hidden handed fake jews’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND Revolution is rolled out in the same way the Manhattan Project was rolled out and therefore they are all of their OLIGARHC Usurped Universities and they are all being Coordinated with the help of Fellow Harvard Alum, such as Bill Ayers’ best student, Barack Obama.
Obama is the CIA shill who’s Mom and Stepdad worked directly under George Bush Sr. who devised a way to OVERTHROW Indonesia , thus making it into, yet another, Muslim run / OPEC Asset to be wholy exploited by the hidden handed Zionists.
Cohen’s Harvard school of business Cohorts, include the New England Patriot owner, Robert Kraft, the man tasked to help to TOOL our American Sports teams, hence, the NFL, NBA, NASCAR, ESPN, alike are now used to help the hidden handed Zionists forward their dubious SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR Paradigms targeting expendable Blacks.
With George Soros at the helm, Undermining Big Cities with his Open Cities/Open Society/Open Borders Ploys, The SOCIAL IMPACT Bond ZIONISTS , including, MICHEAL BLOOMBERG are all Funding Social DISRUPTION Paradigms nationwide, and the Colluding Zionist assets include the NIKE and Disney Sponsored Colin Kaepernick.
Thanks to Kraft and his hidden handed Cabal’s concerted measures to infiltrate the NFL, the high profile mixed-race Shill Colin Kaepenic was afforded a Global Stage. Kapernik was effectively used to kick off the hidden handed fake jews BLM group.
From Kapernick’s NFL platform Soros’ most profound Race Bate tool was effectively thrust into the spotlight and therefore into consciousness of every set upon American. Thanks to Kraft, the cabal of Satanic fake jews are also responsible for each of the evermore Satanic NFL Half-Time Shows, particularly, Beyonce’s the day she and hand her hand-select Black Panther Minion performed tracks from her album, FORMATION.
Certainly ,the depraved display by Beyonce was not nearly as discussing as the Zionist tool, Cardi B’ or Megan the Stallion’s but it too served the hidden handed Zionists on may fronts. Beyonce’s NFL “performance” was actually an Allegorical homage to the ZIONIST’S BLACK PANTHERS group and her Allegorical performance also served as a Recruiting tool for the Zionist funded BLM shills along with their new generation of Useful Idiots who’d happily call themselves Black Panthers without a single clue pertaining to its jewISH Marxist leadership structure and fake jew source.
Beyonce’s self professed Satanic performance also served as an homage to Bill Gates, the dork who has a shout-out in Beyonce’s accompanying lyrics embedded in her FORMATION release.
Contrary to popular belief, The Black Panther’s were not begun by the fake jew’s MAO Inspired Black Cult in Sanfransisco or Oakland California. The Black Shills’ Black Panther Group were begun from whole cloth with the help of the bad boy Huey Newton and the Lucifer loving Bobby Seale who were both placed at the helm by their hidden handed jew handlers.
The Original Black Panther’s were started by Angela Davis’ jewISH Task Masters and they were actuly the first Occupying Zionists who set upon Palestine in the holy land all while waiting for their Zionist Lord Balfor to deliver the spoils had by way of the forever exasperated Britts. (See how Queen Elizabeth is at her wits end trying to mitigate further damages to her own tainted crown, thanks to her Epstein and Mossad-Maxwell loving son, Prince Andrew).
Trained Marxist shills at BLM much like like Social Justice Warrior Snowflakes BRAINWASHED in Oligarch Usurped Schools and Universities nationwide are all being trained to follow up the rear of JERRY NADDLER’s ANTIFA myth.
The modern day BOLSHEVIKS such as Bernie Sanders and his waiting Bernie Bro’s, along with the NAZI SS holdout, Geroge Soros, etal are using the same ZIONIST playbooks of old, but this time they are using them all at once.
The CABAL of Hidden Handed Zionists have completely Usurped Harvard and whole American Cities, like Minneapolis, New York and PHILADELPHIA and they have also managed to Usurp entire States and Nations with the help of Fouci’s Covid ploys. Sadly, the Britt’s truly thought they were well on the the Road to BREXIT until Boris Johnson, the Zionist Owned Goofball, showed his Deceptive hand.
Klaus Schwab is busy gloating at Harvard about the ZIONISTs systematic Ascent into the bowels of once great nations, like Canada, Venezuela, France, Australia, etc etc etc.
After Completely Hijacking our Troubled Nation from Within, starting at Oligarch Usurped HARVARD, the Zionist were able to Upscale their Satanic plans now effecting the entire glob. The Zionosts hope to move in against every targeted Black Planned Parenthood Survivor and Every Christian of the Promise, alike, using Gates openly stated Depopulation plans and their planned Open Borders Kayos, Fouci’s Covid 19, etc.
While WE THE PEOPLE Remain mere reactionaries by not reading Rev 2:9 and 3:9 in our Bibles (((they))) have effectively set upon every “Democratic” Nation in LOCK-STEP, and (((they))) are now USING OLIGARCH USURPED AMERICA and hoping to get back into Vladimir Putin’s Orthodox Christian nation, by force.
The hidden handed Oligarchs loath Putin much like they loath President Trump… They hate Putin simply because the strong Russian leader managed to oust their fellow Oligarchs, thus, effectively rendering Russia back to the Orthodox Christian Nation where the people are, relatively, solvent and sober again.
After you read Rev 2:9 and 3:9 with eyes that can see, it is important that you realize all proceeds gleaned by Sir Ronald Cohen’s latest “financial instrument” also known as his Second Bounce of the Ball or his SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION, are going into the complete TAKEOVER of Palestine, as (((they))), the hidden handed Cabal of SATANISTS mentioned in Rev 2:9 and 3:9 are hell-bent on taking the entire Promised Land from Sea to Sea and just as our Bibles did prophesy.
After their rollout of SOCIAL IMPACT ploys like S.T.E.M. and C.O.R.E. learning experiments, the evermore brazen Cabal realizes that (((they))) can now CONTROL the MINDS of the Masses, so much so, that MANY unsuspecting Useful Idiots are WILLING to Kill.
So called Social Justice Warriors are now Tooled to Murder their own Babies in the Womb on the steps of America’s Supreme Court on que, let alone themselves while following the Satanists’ brazen DO AS THOU WILT mantras, including, Covid 19 dictates preceding an Adele or Travis Scott Concert.
Even while the world is slowly waking up, Dr. Fouci and Bill Gates’, Eyes of Darkness foretold PLANDEMIC rolled out with the help of Kissinger’s Communist China Cohorts is still underway unfettered.
Just like the hapless victims who got the first cases of the Fouci funded of Covid 19 Virus in China’s Millitary Games American athletes are still preparing themselves for the Beijing Sponsored Olympic games, as if nothing at all is wrong.
Due to our own cognitive dissonance the hidden handed Satanists Ploys are still being forwarded and mainly unchallenged in Compromised States and, namely, by highly Compromi$ed Democrats, nationwide.
While the data is in and the Scientifically reviewed facts can be had by all , including the murderous hospital outcomes thanks to the Dr. Fouci;s preferred Remdesivir, there is relatively nothing being done to change our collective fate.
The unfettered Satanists are now given all of the cover they need thanks to their highly COMPROMISED Jesuit Shill, Joe Biden, the Mentally Impaired Puppet President placed at the helm of our OLIGARCH USURPED Nation, unconstitutionally.
Read my earlier reports on the hidden handed Satanist’s Nation Toppling ploys at www.WeTheNegro.com by searching “Sir Ronald Cohen” in the search box and be sure to leave a Donation and or your Critical Feedback in the Comment Section below.