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ESPN’s Steven A. Hole Keeps Getting Wider and Wider with Kwame Brown’s “Momma’s Cooking”

#TeamKwameBrown here bringing the hard facts about the Black BOULE…

Of course, the usual suspects are all being called up to defend “Big Daddy”.

It is “Daddy” who puts the, so called, “Talented Tenth” , “Vanguard” on to virtually “kill” fellow blacks slow, when one is found to be a competent, self-made millionair who thinks and thinks for himself.

Kwame Brown, the first teen recruited directly into the Deep State Cabal’s weaponized NBA, reminds us, there are plenty of videos and recipes available to analyze the, so called, analysts who work for the same hidden handed Oligarchs that champion us all Dead and Gone by yesterday.

We know all Brow is saying to be true by watching who the hidden handed overlords have turned into their cream of the crop.

These are the Talented Tenth “players” embedded within every Usurped Areana culminating into evermore Satanic Red Carpet Award Shows highlighting the Bread and Circus Acts for which Ricky Gervais so poignantly called out in 2020!

The so called “BOULE” are Puppets for the Deep State who Use them as Race Bate and Evil Role Models for our unsuspecting youth who are never taught the efficacy of subsistence living and land ownership.

Kwame Brown exemplifies Black Manhood, so in contrast we can clearly  see the machine at work.

The Black BOULE had been deployed and now they must work tirelessly to take him down and out, just like they did to Kanye West for “suggesting” CHIRAQ be returned to it’s Manufacturing Glory.

The Black BOULE was deployed to take Kanye West Out, not just for doing what Steve Harvey for a used and accosted for doing, West was stompped for taking out DeBeers, the Company that routinely hired Black militia to shoot diaomond keeping children between the eyes should they dare keep a Gem to themselves.

West’s last straw was suggesting to an  American president, We The People should be Breaking Ground to make Manufacturing Hubs worthy of reproducing West’s genius.

Kwame Brown is now being dealt with by the same BOULE takes to put Steve Harvey or Candace Owens “back in place”.

They sound and do much like Charlemagne that god,  who simply smiled with Joe Biden’s jizz on his face after being reminded who is there to determine who is black.

It’s the Black BOULE who are paid to remind Blacks the implausible notion that all who are Black ain’t Black.

These are the ones who are tooled to beg, grovel and march to get into places unhinged Blacks are not wanted (See Chris Rock’s clear distinction).

Since the NAACP’s first Black, Socialist Shill, W.E.B. DuBois was used to Deliver Booker T Washington’s Tuskegee Institute into the grips of the scheming Rothschilds, a formula abounds and is manifest by the likes of Mark Lamont Hill.

Sadly, Saul Alinsky perfected the grift which is carried forward by Democrats like, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden who love to define Planned Parenthood Surviving Blacks with the help of their full stable of Black BOULE spycopants.  

The Democrat wing of Alinskites have been enjoying a free lunch had off of the backs of intrinsically talented Blacks, and this includes the ones tasked to flip CIA harvested Crack brought up through Bill and Hillary’s Arkansas ports and the ones who are tooled with a bottle of hot sauce to help regulate and/or take out our Best.

With Kwame Brown’s help had by way of his momma’s recipe, we can clearly see the stable of, so called, “Talented Tenth”.

With the Kwame Brown recipe sprinkled about we can see how the Black BOULE  have been lending their talents to hidden handed taskmasters who use them to keep blacks in a certain place forevermore.

We can see, no matter how talented, the hand-select Black BOULE’s only real contribution in life is making more profits for jewISH Owned multi-corporations who have been Profiting off of the backs of Black Greats, all along.

Sadly, the exploited Black Boule, includes Michael Jordan, Brown’s first incite into a NIKE Slave who may or may not have Sold His soul to the same hidden handed Satanists who have perfected keeping the Best of our Black Men Down.

In an age where trained Marxests are tasked to show Blacks, at large, the recipes, less the obvious come-up made by Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, alike, who BENEFITED the most in the wake of the Urban Spoils garnered by wayward BLM Goons led by Biden’s ANTIFA “Idea”, we will come to realize just how much of our Black talent is harnessed and Kept by hidden handed (white/jewISH) “Daddies” for far greater Profit than the entire, used, black Community will ever know.

Go #TeamKwameBrown

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Getting Your Mind Arround Black Lives Matter is Cognitive Dissonance on Steroids & As Deadly as Dr. Fouci’s Life-Work

Ironically, Mark Zuckerburg said it best with his Facebook page moniker, “it’s complicated”. So too is his jewISH Corporate ilk and all they do behind the scenes in the areana of utter Kayos.

One is a Corporate Oligarch, One is a Compromised Politician who Called for a unprecedented, UN-NATO based “Martial Law” in behalf of Nation Toppling Oligarchs, and One is a Sacrificed (murdered) Chicago Youth used to forward Mark Zuckerburg’s “cause”. Can you guess who is who? #ItsComplicated

THINK! The Chicago based DeBeers Company was well known for Using CORPORATE MERCINARIES to handle their “business” on African based Diamond Mines.

Africans with guns were paid and poised to murder any exploited mine worker (often child laborers) who’d dare pocket a diamond rock for themselves.

Likewise, Corporations like Sunoco routinely used African Mercinary forces to Protect it’s mining interests in Africa.

Think how the Chicago native, Kanye West was persecuted for wearing his Maga Hat not long after he single handedly murdered DeBeers’ Diamond industry. 

DeBeers was directly affected by way of West’s world renowned hit, “Dimonds from Sierra Leone” song.

Fast forward, Nigerian’s much like the ones being trained by Israel’s MOSSAD were caught helping the Kamala Harris tied Jussie Smollett stage the infamous Maga Hat lynching. We can follow the money all of the way up the Chicago chain of command to find George Soros at the helm of the dubious, False Flag event.

The fact is, it was Chicago’s own, Barack Obama, who is Lolo Soetoro’s stepson and the son of an Indonesia based CIA hack who was USED to murder the president of the African Union.

Guddafi was likely targeted because he wanted to return the entire African diaspora to a Gold Standard, directly challenging the Deep State’s, so called, “Petro Dollars”.

Mu’amar Gaddafi was busy working to institute old Trade Routs all of the way into the Clinton ravaged Haitian “playground” when Donald Trump stepped up to lend Guddafi and his delicates dignified quarters on his own NYC estate.

Conversely, Obama’s Secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, was one of the Political hacks from New York City who treated Guddafi worse than a homeless dog roaming in Central Park where Gaddafi was forbidden to pitch his traditional Bedouin Tents!

Clinton’s infamous “we came, we saw, he died” statement is indicative of the contemptuous feelings, complex nature, and sheer evil underlying Obama’s, ongoing and deadly administration.

Obama’s administration is now being relived and revived by his former VP, Joe Biden, who’s election was an utter fraud delivered and sustained by the same hidden handed Corporate Oligarch’s who Orchestrated Guddafi’s demise.

Few realize the full scope of the consequent Slave Trade developed inside of systematically toppled Libya or the Open Aired Prison Systems being built inside of targeted American cities where Michael Bloomberg sponsored “laws” , implemented by his associated, Center for Court Innovation, work exactly like post slavery Black Code Laws.

Now, the Bloomberg associate, Greg Berman of the Center for Court Innovation can be found at the nexus of the Oligarchs’ ongoing medical tyranny which is also manifest in our Nation’s Oligarch Usurped first capital, Philadelphia, home to Gates’ Microsoft School of the Future, UPENN’s Polio Studies turned into AIDS and Ongoing Experiments paid for by the Chairman of Planned Parenthood, himself, under the Auspice of Bill and Melinda Gates’ philanthropy.

It’s no accident that Guddafi’s African based initiatives gave way to China’s Belt and Road Initiatives, all while Obama’s Vice President and son, Hunter Biden, was dealing directly with the Henry Kissinger (Yale skull and crossbones) installed/aided Communitst China in secret.

With a modicum of research, direct ties between Henry Kissenger, George Bush and Bush’s CIA cohort, the Soetoro family, can be gleaned outside of the telling Bush funeral where the long-standing “friendships” between the Bush family and the Obama family were dramatically illustrated .

It is no accident that Chicago was cerimoniously renamed CHIRAQ after Obama’s rise to one of the most powerful posts on earth. Ask yourself, why?

Think! As intended , Planned Parenthood Murders far more targeted black babies than Black Planned Parenthood Survivors who get gunned down inside of America’s, so called, Gun Free Zones on the regular in Key cities nationwide, where No Person is ever Identified or Arrested for murder.

Likewise, places like Chicago are now home to Corporate Mercinary firms ( one with direct ties to Barack Obama) who Pay Men to Murder in Places where Corporate Interests prevail, ie, Diamond and Oil mines/reserves.

Think! Corporate Interests include All Things Bill Gates etal… that is, Population Reduction and Planned Parenthood, as Gates is a second generation chairman of Planned Parenthood and he openly stated his Plandemic Plans ahead of his Predicted Desires to significantly reduce the world’s and events that particularly targeting “black and brown” people throughout the world.

Think! NIKE’s rize depended on a slave-like workforce known for being “worked” to death, so much that nets were positioned below the top stories of China based Nike factories where Sacrificed Uyghus are Used to supply cotton for NIKE Shoes, the Shoes targeted Blacks were Murdered for in the United States of America where no Umbiquitious White man could be blamed for our deaths.

Think! Who stood at the Nexus of Funding of Every war since WW1, the preservation and funding if Project Paperclip assets and the dubious Syphilis studies????

Think! Who was in the shadows behind dubious Polio Research that covered for the Systematic DEVELOPMENT of A.I.D.S., a condition rarely Spoken Of now that the INTENDED, Black and Brown people are INFECTED the most???

Could it be, Dr Fouci who works tirelessly to get his patented, Genetically Modified “Vacinnes” into the arms of Targeted Black Americans, first and foremost all while giving blacks a Green Light to attend well timed, Maskless, Gatherings in the name of the Corporate Sponsored, George Soros funded Black Lives Matter Events?

Ever wonder why the Deadly BLM events are taking place, BOTH, in America and the UK, where Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION was first launched using the Britts’ Unclaimed Assets, gifted to Cohen by Gordon Brown, yet, another clandestine associate of Jeffery Epstein!???

Ever wonder why Sir Ronald Cohen’s Usurped Harvard School of Business serves as the primary hub for Barack Obama, a Bill Ayers’ acolyte who helped design Ayers’ Edison Schools model give way to Eli Brode managed American schools where Black Lives Matter curriculum systematically surplanted academics, particularly in our Nation’s first capital Philadelphia during Obama’s watch???

Likewise, Harvard university is directly involved with the Wuhan China lab where Dr Fouci funded the emerging Coronavirus strain noted to have been peddled by Harvard based Chemistry professor, Charles Lieber???

Bottom Line, Blacks are Under Siege in a Full Court Press with Direct ties to Corporate Oligarch’s on Every Front indicating Black Lives Matter the Most for as long as it amounts to Us Being Targeted, Unfettered for Death and Systematic Distruction as per Rev 2:9 and 3:9.


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Kwame Brown Chronicles: A Gift from God as Fierce and True as Christ Himself?

This week, Kwame Brown reminded us all … “So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.”

Not since, Muhammad Ali have we witnessed such a profound and mighty man of valor from the athletic world who could speak truth to power, which cannot be denied.

Like a tall cup of ice cold water at the end of a parched day in post Mu’ammar Al-Qadhdhāfī’s Africa, Kwame Brown hits the troubled grounds running. Now, Brown is running proverbial circles around the, so called, “Talented Tenth”, and I am not ashamed to say it…  I am in love with this man!

After a year of getting smacked down by Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey for posting much needed commentary designed to counter black shills like Colin Kaepernic, Meek Mill or Labron James, it is certainly refreshing to see a sleeping dog rise up like the highly effective Mr. Brown.

After the, so called, Talented Tenth helped the nation toppling Oligarchs turn business assets and networks, alike, into Propaganda Machines (ie, ESPN, NIKE, etc.), Brown was awakened just in time to confront the chosen ones among us for whom the powers that be have elevated to speak for all blacks in America, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Single-handedly, Brown is slaying all of the JewISH Oligarch narratives orchestrated by dumb ass athletes, like Kaepernic and James who were expressly position into leadership roles and defacto spokes-people for the rapidly dismantled BLM.

Sadly, the dumbest jocks in America are so damned and out of touch that they can hardly fathom that they are being used by hidden handed jewISH handlers and managers to helping to finish the black race.

Brown is calling out the , so called, Talented Tenth for the sloppy race-bate that they are.

Brown is illustrating for us all, that well positioned black hacks have no true ownership of any of the foul ass words or deeds they say or do for show, but rather,  famous black hacks are serving as good money for the Rev 2:9 & 3:9 fake jews who need them to forward their nation toppling plans.

Brown has characterized the hidden handed managers and handlers of the so called ‘Talented Tenth” as Daddies. There is no other way to explain how each and every one of them are always on the same page and on the wrong side of history as manifest in their timely talking points and dastardly deeds outside of their public platforms.

Folks are finally beginning to realize the most well-known black hacks are being positioned and paid to serve as mere mouthpieces, black shills, and public examples for our gullible black youth.

As made evident by hacks like Al Sharption, the jew’s stable of bad actors includes, controlled opposition, as well.

Entertainers used to forward the objectives of  foul politicians are just as important as the “entertaining” distractions which characterize the very first Arenas built within the world’s very first Republic.

The most depraved Emperors needed their Bread and Circus Acts of old to prevail. It’s how they managed to throw the most Saintly followers of Christ to the lions all while enchanted onlookers stood by! Of course, the public spectacle back-fired as onlookers also turned to Christ in droves thereafter.

Beyonce’s NFL Recruiting of More CIA Controlled Useful Idiots, eg. Black Panthers

Much like Jeffery Epstein, and every Useful Idiot favorite amongst the elites, the most perverse members of the Black BOULE are given a free-pass.  There are none more brazen than Harvey Weinstein’s associates, such as, Oprah Winfrey and Michele Obama or the one who chose the leader of the Holy Roman Empire, “Charlemagne”, as his namesake, all while he openly admits to raping an underage girl he drugged while proclaiming to be “tha God”.

Few realize the hidden handed cabal who uses the, so called, Talented Tenth Boule and how they are working to reconstitute the Holy Roman Empire (New World Order) at the full expense of the United States of America.

Thanks to a Mighty Man of Valor, Kwame Brown, suddenly the entire world is focused on the fact that Charlemagne “tha god” admitted to raping the underage girl, his own wife, and lord knows how many other Spanish fly poisoned woman for his own personal pleasure and the pleasure of his close associates.

Certainly, the hidden handed overlords of  such world renown black “idols” could not have seen the Brown cloud emerging over the horizon just in time to douse every elevated black liar who work tirelessly to deceive us all in their oligarch usurped sports and radio station arenas.

Not only is Brown defending himself and his own family a mightily as King David, he is also revealing how Young Blacks are being scouted, elevated and used to enrich billionaires.

The billionaire class includes greedy college institutions that routinely pimped black athletes for all of the millions that each one of them are intrinsically worth. Now, college administrators are paid handsomely to systematically tool every unsuspecting youth who are becoming, so called, Social Warriors in a Social Impact Scheme orchestrated from the bowels of Sir Ronald Cohen’s usurped Harvard School of Business.

Our kids are now being systematically brainwashed with the help of Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn’s besties, Barack and Michelle Obama, respectively. It’s the Obama’s and Obama’s former Vice President who are busy helping the hidden handed oligarchs set American blacks back at least 400 years, as per their dubious and misleading 1619 project, BLM, and Critical Race Theory,alike, all with real world consequences that do not preserve or promote black life.

Conversely, the talented tenth stable of black boule shills are being used to teach gullible blacks to beg others to believe that we matter , as if we truly don’t. There’s nothing more telling of this sick dichotomy than the spectacular, yet, under reported shooting of the UK branch BLM Leader, Sasha Johnson. The 4am memo going to hacks like CNN’s Don Lemon or the Daily Show’s Trevor Noah probably forbids them doing a feature story on Sasha Johnson. Much like saying George Soros’ name, the algebraic, 500 ton guerilla in the midst of the Trained Marxist shills must never be called out by the black Boule in any way shape or form.

I’ve no doubt other BOULE black hacks, such as, Tariq Nasheed, Joy Reid, Roland Martin,  Juan Williams,  Woopie Goldberg and/or Al Sharpton will be summoned, as always, to handle the fake jew’s latest “Black Problem”, yet, I’ve not doubt, also, that they too will be no match of the truth telling Kwame Brown… This just in, Dr. Boyce Watkins’ is it!

Just like Constantine realized torturing Christians only led to the recruitment of more Christians, the powers that be may realize a true Geni has been let of of their allegorical lamp, forevermore. As the powers that be go through their predictable motions they are sure to learn that Brown has already amassed his own winning team.

After witnessing Black greats like, Ben Carson, Candace Owens, Steve Harvey and Kanye West getting smacked down one by one by a stable of Black Boule, the silent majority has been waiting for another black champion, like Kwame Brown to step up.

Much like Donald J. Trump’s good friends, Herchal Walker, Jim Brown and George Forman, Brown is another Great Black Hope for whom the silent majority of blacks can and should rally behind.

It’s no accident WE THE PEOPLE of this nation are gravitating to hear Brown’s every word, including his liberally used N’ word.

For as long as Brown is selling wolf tickets in his fight against the Black BOULE, I’ll be buying them up. Furthermore, if Brown recruits his own Truth Team, Ill be among the first to try out, considering he’s in S. Jersey just miles away from me!!!

Brown has opened up his lines of communications, as well as, ways that we too can help him forward his own good deeds in behalf of young men and women who can grow up and out of, relative, poverty just like us, the hard working black folks who realize America is one of the greatest nations on earth!


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MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross is a Mind F’ing Black BOULE Just like Tariq Nashied, Joy Reid and All CONTROLLED “Opposition” in America

Meet the Black BOULE ankle biters tasked to attack Black Republicans on que.

It’s their  job to help the #jewSplainers like Joy Behard, keep dumb & gullible blacks stuck on stupid on the Democrats’ Plantation where Planned Parenthood Survivors are being Gunned down by Paid Mercinaries Unfettered!!!

Without them, there would be no CHIRAQ or , so-called” Murder Capitals, like their NAACP Headquarters in “War-torn” Baltimore MD!


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Joe Biden Could Wear a KKK Mask 😷 & Hungry Blacks Like Kamala Harris & Maxine Waters Would Not Even Blink an Eye By De$ign!

This snapshot just proves, algebraically, that Joe Biden is the only world “leader” being pupeteered by an entire Deep State contengentcy sitting just off camera!

The hidden handed jewISH Oligarchs’ now orchestrating Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION and George Soros’ American Spring with the help of Henry Kissenger’s Communitst China cohorts need their Faberge Egg, Biden, in tact for plausible deniability until their cracking siren of a hoe, Kamala Harris, is elevated onto the front line in our Stollen Whitehouse!!!!!

Meanwhile, WE THE PEOPLE are being tracked by way of our AI Gd Supplied Cell Phones/Computers/Cars/Satilite Devices, etc, etc, daily.

The jewISH Deep State Technocrats know that we are homebound eating popcorn over the Bodies of Targeted, Dead Blacks used, since the OBiden Administration, as Race-bate for Fake News Outlets and well-timed False Flag fodder.

Besides murdering grandma and Pop Pops in purposefully infected nursing homes, they who are troubling our nation from within are left free to up the murder count of Planned Parenthood Survivors on ravaged Democrat Plantations nationwide (See also, Bill Gates’, the chairman of Planned Parenthood, “Microsoft School of the Future” and “BMe”).

The Rev 3:9 mentioned hacks working OT behind the scenes know we’ve become monitored sitting ducks left to Police Useful Idiots, Rabid Vaccinated Zombies, and Eli Brode Schooled Revolutionaries Trained to Follow Up the Rear of Oligarchs’ ANTIFA Shock-Troops.

That Biden is sitting among world leaders as our representative, proves to the hidden handed Oligarchs’ that they have won their assyemetrical war, as by default we’ve bought into Biden’s “IDEA” & Jerry Nadler’s “MYTH” who are not being met by a well organized militia in our ravaged cities.

Furthermore, authors of emerging Vaccine Passports imbedded in your cellphone, realize we’re surrounded by All of their CNN Brainwashed minds and Genetically Inoculated shills within our own damned families!

They know MOST of our, so called, leaders are afraid to say George Soros’ name, less we be called Anti-Semitic.

It’s as if the hidden handed Satanists tied to SNL are truly God’s Chosen People in the minds of apathetic Americans, when Nothing can be further from the truth!!!

WAKE UP SAINTS!!! Rev 3:9 isREAL!!! #GoogleIt

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Maxine Waters or Dead Black Men on the Regular??? … What Came First?

If we hope to be honest with ourselves, and if we ever hope to heal, whatsoever, we must realize the following hard truths first and foremost.

No, we can’t bring back ALL of the Murdered Blacks who perished in Maxine Waters’ district, however, we can hold her accountable, for once, and as a start in the right direction!

Pearl Clutching and failed Leadership by Maxine Waters & Damned, Dirty Democrats, in General = Record Black Body Counts on a Good Day in Cities like Compton / LA, etc.,etc., etc.!!!

We must face the Fact that it is “Aunt Maxine’s” mislead Blacks who ultimately suffer the most , before and well after George Floyd and for as long as Money Grubbing Hacks like Waters are left in Office!

The basic and quantifiable FACT about the copious amounts of Murdered Blacks is true no matter how much Maxine’s benefactors tell you the Record Murder of Blacks in Democrat hell-scapes is Donald Trump’s fault!

Democrats like Waters are why Annual Death Counts of Murdered Blacks aren’t even counted anymore!!!

It was discovered long ago that Democrat hacks like Waters are a win-win situation for Planned Parenthood proponents who wanted us dead by yesterday!

Waters can care less, and thereby, the Gangs for whom she manages to Leads to their Death by default simply Follow her Lead!

Ironically, Waters is why large swaths of Blacks NEVER Vote, due to Zero confidence, & now the wicked Corrupt hacks like Waters are Delivering the Corporate Oligarch Overlords and Enemies of our Nation Everything a Nation Toppling Enemies could ever hope for!!!

Truth be told, Sir Ronald Cohen, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates and their Colluding, Rev 3:9 mentioned MOSSAD agents, are in Complete Control of America’s compromised Democrats as well as America’s Usurped Justice System.

The Colluding Cabal who pays the Waters’ family Millions in a place where her constituents toil also owns the Media, our Nation’s Capital after rigging our elections and worst of all they practically own all of the Brainwashed minds of Useful Idiots being Invited and ORGANIZED by Maxine Waters’ hidden handed ANTIFA Cohorts!!!!

Not only are their FALSE FLAG and FAKE NEWS events Pretext to the Oligarchs’ PLANNED UN-NATO takeover, should Soros’ American Spring Plans succeed with Maxine Waters’help, the Chairmen of Planned Parenthood now working OT to forward his Covid19 spawned Tyranny  knows MURDERED Black Men are worth more than Nukes in the hands of Muslim (Controlled Opposition), Blood Diamonds, Oil, & Gold combined!!!

Indeed, every incited black American can follow up the rear of Waters thanks to her annual Bread and Circus Acts for naught while she gets paid or we can wake up!!!

If we were all attuned to TRUTH, we’d simply, say George Soros etal’s jewISH Names Without Fear! We’d know ,for certain, Rev 3:9 isREAL.

Bottom line; we’ll have to Accept the truth about the Democrats and Maxine Waters now if WE THE PEOPLE WANT THIS MADNESS TO END!!