As per Rev 2:9 and 3:9 the Cabal of jewISH OLIGARCHS are all cosigned to Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION Paradigms, ie “Toppling the World”. #NWO
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Yes, it’s true, Run DMC spoke of their Adidas as if they all had stock in the company, however, like so many well known brands before Adidas, the Adidas’ owners know that they would still be unrecognized nothings without Blacks.
In need of Yeezy, not the other way around, Adidas announces a scheme to save $$ and face with concerned shareholders in a convoluted methodology that reminds me of the Mob “donating” Turkeys to the ravaged communities under siege.
If Blacks would take the time to stop and think beyond trends and fashion long enough, we may collectively come to many of my own conclusions, particularly, when Bible prophecy, history and hard-cold reality is factored into every foul equation, making targeted Blacks the most profitable assets on earth.
It’s time targeted and exploited Blacks in America begin contemplating our fashion decisions and buying habits Wich are sadly imparted into us by so many of our Black parents who set the bar by our very first Christmas.
Blacks must wake up and realize our own agency once again wich was actually attempted by creatives like YE who has the understanding that we need to rebuild industrially goes well beyond St Nicholas’s spawned Enslavement of Captured Blacks while Black Piet is left holding the empty Bag.
To fully realize the important dichotomy spelled out in Rev 2:9 and 3:9, Blacks would only need modicum of faith, eyes to see and ears to hear.
Blacks must come to realize, bureaucratic fashioned NGO’s are now situated to offload taxpayer dollars in complex triple profit modalities aligned with dubious “financial instruments” conjured up with the help of compromised political profiteers.
The sickest of these, so called, NGO’s are tied to the nation-toppling, George Soros at the helm, and they also constitute the backbone of the “free-needle programs” in Soros facilitated “Open Cities” where Permissive D.A.s now ALLOW deadly, open-border Fentanyl to pour into purposefully situated Open-Air Drug Use locations, as seen on HBO’s “The Wire” in their Deep State staged trial ballon which was followed up on HBO’s “Drug Inc” for good measure.
Prior to Joe Biden codifying Crack Pipes and Free Needles Soros funded NGO’s were the ones who initiated such Abuse in places like Philadelphia’s, so called, “Kensington Beach” which can now be observed daily by way of diligent publishers who are likely profiteering off of every view.
No doubt, hard working, taxpayer fleecing NGO’s are also the ones who are diligently tracking and broadcast the results of the hidden handed Oligarchs’ modern-day Opioid War in America.
The public beat-down of the Oligarchs’ Run Away is asset, Ye, serves as a warning for the rest of us.
Much like their other signed artists in America, Ye’s only purpose was to serve as a corporate front-man and a Bread and Circus caliber distraction for the rest of us, just like his, otherwise, untalented ex-wife and the rest of the advantageous Kardashians, famous for nothing more than prostituting themselves out to famous and consequentially infamous Black men.
From the most talented Black Americans to the voiceless Black babies first targeted by Margret Sanger and her Black weeds eating planned Parenthood, one would only have to tune into certain YouTube channels, daily, to see the Systematized Results of taxpayer funded, NGO spending of Other People’s Money, and the results of the so called, “Charities” that are built on the Backs of unsuspecting Blacks.
Much like the Merchant of Venice, Adidas is quick to tear the heart out of it’s own golden goose, as the storied fake Jews are well known for cutting their own crooked noses poked deeply into every nation they’ve been even if it spites their own grotesque faces over and over and over again.
GOD BLESS YOU SIR!!!! Your Voice of Reason is just what is needed in our purposefully troubled nation.
I am a Black woman from Oligarch Philadelphia and as such I realized, since the making of the first Black Boule in the Oligarch Usurped University of Pennsylvania, targeted, SOCIALIZED Blacks have been Systematically BRAINWASHED to Deliver All we collectively complain about and suffer from today.
We have no idea how we are being used, specifically, by those who are mentioned in Rev 2:9 and 3:9, and most Blacks have no idea, whatsoever, that we have been purposefully Brainwashed to be TRIGGERED and RADICALIZED since the jewISH Bolsheviks came to these shores .
After the toppling of Russia, the biblically mentioned Synagogue of Satan players have determined to ORGANIZE returning Black GIs against the Northern Captains of Industry who had the balls to Gainfully Employ former Slaves along with talented, free Black Americans after the Republicans won the CIVIL WAR with the help of the mighty Buffalo Soldiers.
The Satanic Marxists, who are mentioned in our relatively disregarded Bibles vehemently loath us, and they hate their targeted Black Planned Parenthood Survivors just as much as they loath their, so called , Goyim, who are now the openly persecuted Christians who are, indeed, the Gentiles of the Promise spelled out in our forgotten bibles.
Even the self loathing Catholic ass-wipe, Joe Biden, who has sacrificed his only remaining son is in on the blame the Ubiquitous White Man game, even though it is the depraved content of own his foul character and the outright racist actions of he and his associated Administrations for so long that makes Biden one of the most unworthy authorities on White Supremacy on earth.
Of course, Biden was a huge public fan of the KKK and it was his own Supremacy as a true-to-form Dixicrat Democrat that is responsible for the justice system persecution and systematic disenfranchisement of targeted Blacks from coast to coast.
It was Biden who developed some of the most distructive and deadly paradigm against the deep state Oligarch’s targeted Black community, particularly, those who are mercilessly trapped on every damned Democrat Planation in America.
The same hidden handed Oligarchs who used Biden to fill up their Wall Street Traded Prisons are the same ones who are USEING Blacks, to kick off their hoped for Race War in America, specifically, because it is us who are actually God’s Chosen People who still do suffer from the biblically foretold, Confusion of Face.
For those who think us all to be nothing more than HACKABLE ANIMALS, targeted Blacks are nothing more than their personally Owned RACE BATE for as long as we simply go along.
It is they, the Marxist progenitors of every foul thing in history who are pros at Triggering weak-minded Blacks daily.
It is they, the biblically mentioned Fake Jews, who are hoping we, at less than 12% of the American population, go on the attack against the One Race On Earth who proved that they were Willing to FIGHT With Us and for our EMANCIPATION just like the rest of the storied Quakers and Biblically literate White Protestants who became the determined white abolitionists who worked with us from the onset of this great Nation.
I solute, sound minded Black Men like Greg Forman who have the Balls, Independence and Fortitude to stand up to God damned Boule Blacks and the rest of their Mind F’ed Black Victims who cannot stay away from the Democrat Koolaid to save their own lives.
Hint: The Ubiquitous “White” Republican from the Party of Lincoln AIN’T IT!!
The Brazen Dixicrat holdout and his Brainwashed Black Boule Gatekeepers are the MOST DEADLY Grouping in America, DELIVERING Record Murders of targeted Black Planned Parenthood Survivors who are nothing more than sitting ducks on EVERY Biden Crafted DEMOCRAT PLANTATION in America!!!
But for the realization of Rev 2:9 and 3:9, WHEN WILL WE THE GULLIBLE NEGRO FINALLY WAKE UP?
First, a disclaimer.. I am a long-time, card carrying BJ’s Wholesale Club Member.
Second, I am, frankly, already sick and tired of shit like this!!!!
Triggered, is what this post is all about, and what is not lost on me is the fact that BOTH SIDES are Triggered, both me and a total stranger, as this is the whole point of the dubiously fluid term, Racism, in my not so humble opinion.
Americans, as a whole, realize our nation has been through a lot, and therefore, our nation can feel like a powder-keg for most.
From BioWeapons related lockdowns, Covid19 mRNA tied deaths (I’ve been to three cousin burials in less than a year), to a God damned fake ass President telling us that We Ain’t Black or that there’s an angry mob of White people right outside of our homes who are waiting to lynch us at every turn.
Collectively, our nation is psychologically drained, to say the least.
Relative to our mind f’ing, fake ass president, the City of Philadelphia is ground zero for systematic Mind Control and the hidden handed Oligarchs’s systematic take-down of our entire nation from within. Benjamin Franklin’s University of Pennsylvania is currently a prime vector for much of what has gone wrong in a once Great and Prosperous Black Community that was spied on by the first Black Socialist Boule who had no idea how much he was being used, until it was far to late for him.
Long before W.E.B. Dubois came to free Black Philadelphia, America began at its very onset with the help of free Black Philadelphians’ like the, relatively, forgotten Richard Allen.
After DuBois submitted his detailed, “Seventh Ward” report on every, relatively, well to do Free Black Philadelphian from river to river but, somehow and someway our, so-called, leaders in the Democrat Party would like to have us all thinking and believing the false 1619 primace, which is t we are all Slaves and that we will always be nothing more than Black slaves.
By having us forget that Blacks are as FREE as we have been since the onset of this great nation, the hidden handed curators of 1619 Project truly want us all to hate our Great Nation and our daily lives as Free Black People.
Because of my age and being born to older (great depression era) parents just after the darkest hours in post civil rights era America, according to all recorded accounts, I recognize a certain pattern that has culminated into a invariable shit-show for Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood Surviving Blacks. I have watched every Black Wall-street squandered as the so called Revolutionary Black Activists achieved every damned thing, they portended to march and rage for. Clearly, Blacks still do not realize the “free lunch” that we got was Bureaucratic derived and maintained Socialism while our hidden handed jewISH “leaders” sop up all of the Bread and Butter they can digest off of our bowed and bended Backs!
As a Native of Free Black Philadelphia I have come to realize how and why Black People were Dupped and I know exactly why Free Black Philadelphia has become one of many Black Murder Capitals for Targeted and easily Triggered Blacks!!
Sadly, you’re shopping in free Black Philly crying racism just as you are trained to do.
I’ve been a Black BJ Member, voluntarily, since 1990. This I know for certain… No! You can’t use an expired coupon, because, no one can, but you!
Yes, I am a Black woman born in Philly and now gone from Oligarch Usurped Philly, and I truly appreciate being treated like a Norman Person, not a criminal thief trying to get over in a store all while being followed and automatically distrusted the whole damn time, just minutes outside of Philly.
Perhaps you have no idea targeted Blacks are being Brainwashed daily to think and believe we can not leave our homes without a Racist on the other side of the door waiting to string us up with a noose, but please recognize the fact that mentally triggered Blacks made subject to ANTIFA leadership and BLM curriculums in Oligarch Usurped schools are given just enough rope to hang us all.
Wanting and demanding a Black privilege from a White worker after being accommodated so many times before is, indeed, petty and you being Racist!
I can’t blame Brainwashed Blacks but rather, I blame your Eli Brode managed Schools, Your Oligarch usurped radio and media monopolies constantly b’ching and moaning about DL Hugly’s fake racism, and your Soros installed DA ‘letting yall be slaughtered and surrounded daily by criminal minded and criminally insane no longer held in jail while Police and every Professional Worker and or authority is degraded and demoralized via Forced CTR BS etc.
Frankly as your free Blacks city is turned into a Democrat Plantation by those who are Brainwashing you all you are clearly focused on the wrong damn thing! Let a hard working woman simply do her job at BJ’s without you jumping down her throat because you can’t get less than two dollars off your WHOLESALE item!
While you are trained to be triggered on the daily for petty coupon savings in a wholesale store where you volunteer to be a card carrying member or not, the brainwashing oligarchs hope to deliver their hoped-for race war through you! Next comes ANTIFA telling what stores to burn down again and their UN Martial Law and Open Aired Prison systems for TARGETED Blacks with no white Republican emancipators with the stomach to fight for us again left because of you and your petty grievances labeled wrongly as racism.
Please wake up sis… Please don’t be so triggered and save yourself a conniption and a dollar or two by keeping your FREE monthly coupon book in your $10 purse.
Watch, (((Their))) “Media Blackout 📺” on YouTube
Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION is well underway!
The Unmentionable jewISH CABAL of American Oligarchs’ have launched (((their))) Asymmetrical Warfare, that includes a spysycological means of paralyzing and demoralizing us into being sitting ducks that can be Purposefully DEPOPULATED by systematically desensitizing us via preemptive illustrations of our foretold fait on their Media networks, like NETFLIX, DISNEY or HBO.
Our consequent Cognitive Dissonance and Stockholm Syndrome is effectively achieved when the hidden handed ENEMIES of our nation Show Us, then Do Deadly Attacks, then Get Away with them time and time again.
We are no longer surprised, so our Fight and/or Flight instinct is effectively Dismantled psychologically.
This fact and method is illustrated in Dean Koontz’s “Eyes of Darkness” written about the hidden handed Oligarchs’ manufactured (Gain of Function) and A.I.D.S.basrd Bioweapon in 1982 and (((their))) highly Accurate “Contagion” movie was followed by Wistar-Fouchi’s “Wuhan 400” Pandemic in 2019, as indicated years prior to the “predictively PROGRAMED” , FALSE FLAG attacks and consequent Deadly Events in the form of Deadly Pharmaceuticals that are yet to be Recalled or Challenged beyond the highly persecuted strawman and Deep State whipping boy, James O’Keefe.
We are left to realize how we are Attacked and Destroyed Daily by Busy Enemies who OVERTHREW OUR GOVERNMENT Algebraically!
Due to the psychological aspect of (((their))) MIT Game Theoried Asymmetrical war, it takes the critical mass of our systematically ravaged population and nation, days, weeks, months, years, or decades to fill in the blanks.
As Noah Harari’s Hackable Animals WE do not need Mark Zuckerberg’s hoped for VR Goggles as WE THE PEOPLE are still easily SOCIALLY IMPACTED via Satanic GRAMMYS, UFOS & NFL Based Bread and Circus Events so much that WE THE PEOPLE can’t see who (((they))) are Deadly Enemies Within are more beyond our collective, psychological blinders.
Having attended three Funerals of, relatively, young family members in less than a year serves as my own psychological blinder, while knowing the unfettered, American purveyors of the plandemic and consequent, January 6th, Usurpation of my Nation from within are responsible!
Bottom Line, Rev 2:9 and 3:9 is as REAL as Bill Gates and George Soros among the hidden handed Cabal of jewISH Oligarchs who indicated, publically, (((They))) wanted US dead, eating bugs not meat, and/or Utterly Destroyed (DEPOPULATED) by yesterday!!!
It’s been a while since I’ve been able to Confront the powers that be and (((their))) many lies on Social Media, but, at last, the true meaning of the founding framers’ Public Square can be realized beyond my, Oligarch usurped, hometown Philadelphia.
While Philadelphia was borne of Armed Revolutionaries who gave us the 2nd Amendment, there are now Game-Theory peddling Oligarchs who have effectively Usurped our Bankrupt Cities with the help of Michael Nutter who may or may not be clueless to the fact that he was working not only for Oligarchs like Michael Bloomberg but also under the banner of Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION.





Now our Our Oligarch Usurped cities are replete with Sanctuary City MERCENARIES, who look like us and they are part and parcel to high crimes which are now being treated like simple misdemeanors.
The Philly Police force has been systematically culled of good guys who were internally demoralized and ravaged starting with the Chicago sourced police Commissioner Raymond Ramsey and now we all suffer from one of many, George Soros’ hand select D.A.s. Much like the rest, Larry Krazner is “working” tirelessly to beat his own annual record deaths by murder all while overseeing a planned fallouts precipitated from Joe Biden supplied Free Needles and Crack-pipes.

More insult will be added to America’s injuries with the repeal of Donald Trump’s, Title 42 Border policy, and the Communist China Supplied Fentanyl will be met with little to no resistance as cartels in Mexico and the U.S. become richer by the day.
In the shadow of the Bill Gates’ Microsoft School of the future, Killadelphia braces itself for more promises made by Gates and his cadre of busy jewISH Oligarchs who continue meeting to discuss what’s next for us .



For the sitting ducks in Killadelphia, try as they might, nothing will be done about Larry Krazner, the crime permissive anti cop Crime czar.
Until the clarion calls for his impeachment are realized, Krazner will continue overseeing record crime, meaning Bill Gates’ Planned Parenthood Survivors will continue Ducking Bullets well into the holidays in the city where Police were purposefully demoralized and Defunded.
To make matters worse Prisons are being emptied of the most egregious criminals our nation and South American nations could ever supply.

In short , there are CRIMINALS working from top to bottom in our Oligarch Usurped Nation, yet, most Americans are slow to wake up!
Unbeknownst to many in our nation , Philadelphia, our nations first capital is now serving as the hidden handed Oligarchs’ Ground Zero and from there, (((They))) are fully engaged with the systematic unbuckling of our US Constitution and nation from within.

Besides murdering victims of Covid-19 in John Hopkins guided hospitals, the hidden handed Oligarchs are busy building out the infrastructure of their Communist China Styled Open Aired Prison systems, and this feat could not be done without Jay-z led Bread and Circus acts, featuring their Philadelphia cause-celeb Meek Mill.
Mill is their pro criminal poster child and special butt buddy to Sir Ronald Cohen’s Harvard alumni, Robert Kraft, the owner of the New England parrots.






After Sir Ronald Cohen’s notorious Venture Capitalism ploys systematically Bankrupted American Pension coffers nationwide, the ambitious cabal of jewISH hacks, determined to topple the world.
With the help of Cohen’s fellow Jews, including George Soros and Michael Bloomberg, the hidden handed cabal is determined to do all they can to help Cohen finish his openly stated goal of toppling the world and thereby, toppling America from within!
Cohen is now leading his SIB charge from his seat in London and he is doing the most to our purposefully troubled nation from his Oligarch usurped stronghold, Harvard University. Most of the deadliest paradigms, including Barack Obama, Weaponized Police forces and CCP tied Virologists have been spearheaded out of Harvard.
Since Cohen’s homogeneous cabal’s making of the American Deep State, the CIA and Henry Kissinger’s first American Coup it is the , so called, father of Venture Capitalism and former chairman of the G8 who has done the most to topple America in my lifetime.
In partnership with America’s jewISH Oligarchs, including the usual suspects – the Rothschild family, the devious cabal of unmentionable “Jews” are now going for broke as illustrated by their efforts to procure Big Israel/Ukraine.
They no longer hide their attempts to DEPOPULATE and manage the Entire Global Population under (((their))) openly stated New World Order, Globalization and Great Reset paradigms.
After the Bolshevik Revolution, Henry Ford and Boris Brasol worked tirelessly to warn us all of the jewISH Bolsheviks’ post Marxist plans.
We have all but forgotten all that men liked Martin Luther, William Shakespeare and George Orwell laid out for us.
Thanks to oligarch usurped schools and universities important history has been practically forgotten and the reduction Social Justice warriors are being mentally dwarfed by the Mind F’ing cabal who rightly characterized their targeted victims as HACKABLE Animals.

With the help of CCP and Silicone Valley developments the hidden handed jewISH Cabal realizes we are far easier to Control than the mind f’ed and compromised shills trapped on Orwells Animal Farm.
After Eli Brode the hedge funder, and the Waltons of Walmart financed the Usurpation of America’s Public Schools, the most Basic Lessons for the benefit of saving our hard fought Republic have effectively been lost and supplanted by Social Justice warriors and Black lives matters curriculum.



The jewISH CABAL’s VC Funded “AI gods” have also ascended from lowly IBM espionage into Merchants of Death, aka, Bill Gates.
Fitting is the Gates’ Microsoft School of the “Future” in Philly, positioned just blocks away from the Wistar Institute the place where Dr. Fouchi first cut his I tooth on A.I.D.S.
There ‘s a direct through-line from Bill Gates Sr’s chairmanship of Margret Sangers’ celebrated Planned Parenthood and his Son’s openly Stated depopulation plans. UPEN’s Wistar is key to (((their))) man-made Virus Asset first delivered into the heart of the Congo long before Fouchi targeted his Lowest Hanging Fruits inside of NYC Bathhouses.
After falling short of Gates’ depopulation goals, Bill and Melinda funded Hospitals and Institutions are more than willing to help drum up more of Gates’ game m-theoried vaccine protocols in a Myocarditis heartbeat.
Our nation and others around the Globalist troubled world do not stand a chance for long as our Oligarch usurped city, where this nation first began remains under siege.
Mark Dice wants us all to Watch “The Craziest College Professor in America!” on YouTube, but, he’s not alone. In fact, his “participation” hals already been Game Theoried by the George Soros ilk who want to foment an American Spring on the backs of Black Freaks who are essentially following up the rear of Jerry Nadler’s ANTIFA myth.
I’m a Black woman from Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia , yet, I am so sick of fake Jew TRAINED Black Shills and the TRAINED Black Marxists TOKENS who get Paid Six Figures, or more to Trigger White Protestant Gentiles who’d otherwise Emancipate us all, all over again!

Have you knoticed how the dumbest Black BITCHES are set up in strategic positions to systematically help their Hidden Handed Fake Jew HANDLERS DESTROY Us all, particularly the mere 12% of the Black population, now under Siege in every Democrat stronghold!?


Simply, find the white jewISH hand that Signs All of their I’ll gotten income checks to learn how they all are working in Behalf of the FAKE JEW Depopulation Mongers AS PER REV 2:9 AND 3:9.
You’ll find these same two dollar hoes fighting on the front lines to keep Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood euthanasia clinics delivering dead Black babies now being sold for far more than the price of Black Slaves! It’s clear they can’t give two F’ks about any Black person besides themselves!!
They all run cover for all of the Black carnage rendered on every Democrat Plantation “Murder Capital”!
While they are TRAINED to Blame everyone but themselves for Deadly Paradigms like Abortion and Obesity, they also portend to H∆TE the fake jews’ Targeted White Christians as much as their hiden handed Fake Jew Taskmasters Hate GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE and Christ himself!!!
Bottom Line: Blame Russia for EVERYTHING, Blame Fake Jews for NOTHING, Leave Targeted Blacks holding the Body Bags.
The greatest gift my ravaged Mother left me were empirical lessons learned outside of the block box.
While my Mother and I struggled under certain burdens perpetuated with the help of the Deepstate and CIA, no less, it was her ardent prayer that my Brother and I learned the will of God through the word of God.
One of my earliest memories is of our many nights listening to our Mother reading the Bible to us and teaching us to pray before we went to sleep.
What a blessed foundation my Mother gifted to me as there would be many trials and tribulations thereafter, yet, that universally known poem called, “Footsteps” would indeed apply to my life.
At the age of 55, much is being revealed, including the utterly vicious state of being a DEmocrat, weather you are the, so called, “Risk” / Cash Cow, or the highly rewarded Gatekeepers, all are Satanically compromised, as much as any Republican RINO.
Like Kanye West, the American Black artist and entrepreneur who made, “Jesus Walks” a top of the charts hit, against all odds, the Book of Revelations prophecy is now smacking all of the world out of a deep deep slumber, no matter who has read the Bible or not.
Each and every day amounts to a shoe drop for the nervous fake Jews who sense that their princeling caliber, installed emperors are no longer adorning clothes as the necked truth lays them all bare.
Their intersectional bread and circus acts are all falling down, at once, like a stack of cards and every conflicted relationship is being brought center stage inside of the NYC Nets Arena, otherwise, recognized as New Babylon and well beyond the Cradle of Civilization.
As the babbling hacks drone on about Depopulation, Hackable Animals and us Eating Bugs and liking it, they also scramble to raise up the most forthright Blacks as Walstreet whipping boys and a precautionary tale as much as they are persecuting the Sons and Daughters of Protestant Gentiles for whom (((they))) deem Goyim.
(((They))) are utterly confounded by an American president who is compared to Abraham Lincoln more profoundly than (((they))), the fake jews were able to get the Useful Idiots inside of Patrice Collier’s Black Lives Matter group to topple the hard earned Lincoln statute down.
That is, a God blessed white Christian, Jack Pisobiek and a God Blessed Black guide, , and owner of www.Black stood toe to to at the base of Washington DC monument that was raised up by American Blacks, one hard earned penny at a time.